;.. . . fi� . . .. . . . � ,:
<br /> - ' . �,, � .". . � . : � . . . `. •-y-•� -_
<br /> j, ..��;, ,�.-, �....,�._.._.__ . -.----..-- ----� '�-�; �t =
<br /> ��' �,��,
<br /> �_- . �����'���'A� .:.__ _--= k`�=
<br /> �3 LESV�FA'9 RIQ4l4 TO C�t�iEti�E QA 0�'rE}ID tEtiAL.AL"4iQr�iB. (irai►tor slsaU trmic�ty proYtdf►Len�r with vmittan notl�o oi any cetual a �'`. . . a.:� .- _ -
<br /> ihraatflnad aatien.su.N.or othef�n9 afizdUtg Q►3�►ODePtY. firartta h��by e�a!rtts lcnd7r aa�ts mtaanay�n-(mU to cartmc+rro�.Irrtanren�in.erd � •'�* . � �
<br /> de�:rtA surJi acQons,sutts,ar otlt^r tcgal Froutc�ng�en9 to camprtanise a 6eiW mry dam er ccntravarsy pertontng thereto. Lcnder shal not bo li�o to ._..t:. •:,. . -=
<br /> (irantor br any acUcn,ertar.rtis4ako.amiss:on a de!ay pe�d�e ap:an9 desn�bed In th:s par�or erry d��s rasultfng tticrotrom IYa21!ng �. �� _
<br /> sn
<br />, , eanfalnad nsrc[n ur;�p r o v am i.en�r tmm tzlefngih3 atUons�� U this osra�apt�tn tts axn r�nm. � � �'�`' --
<br /> �
<br /> ' 10. IND�J�1(Fl�AYiON. landar aheA nai assurtm or bo respertsi�a br t�a pertarrrert�e o!ariy o!QrantaYs oh!?paicrts xiiU�raspeet Yo tho Rtoperry�mdcr �i:•. ., �•-
<br /> D '
<br />. any draurestanoes (irantw sha;l trtr►edatefy pravtda Lend�wiih wrHien mtioo oi Snd lnd:rrrdty 2nd had londsr and its thareho'�fars.�rectors,off:cera. •� �
<br /> � err�ayees ead agerts hamiass from e7 ciairru.�s.Gahi:,T�'es pndudng�tomays'te?s and lagal expansesl.nauses ot aclfon.sctiom�.c�s and � �
<br />. . ' o�her teg�i prooeea�n6s(curtttathrery'Cfaf��Pnrtain;ng to ihe ProPartf►ttnctu�ng.but nm Wrtted to.thoso im�aiv(ng Harerdous Msteriats) Gran!or.upon , �.--
<br /> ' thn requesi at l.ender,sha0 h;re legat counset to dei`er.d L.ende�trcro s+d�Galr�,and py tha artameys'hss.lagal expenses and o:hor costs inaitred(n . . .`.�g•--
<br /> ' wnneG:on thercxitb. in ths altamati��e,Lendar sY►z1 ba emit:tsd ro err�oy its c+m lag�l counsei to detend surJ� Ci�irrts 2t Qrama�s cost. Qrantc�a ,
<br /> �;. : , obCgaticn to indertnily Lendes�mder this paca�apli shaU survfm tfie teminai;an.rateasa w foroda:�re of Ws Deed of T►ust � , ,
<br /> f-
<br /> ^;. 18 TNiES AHD ASSESSi�t�1TS. GrarRar�aUpay a9 tazes ar�d�assr�ients 2iaUng to Rragany ats�n du�ar�d irrar�c�u;.y pra�r:d�Les�r evt�nQS -_-.-�-�-,- ---. .-
<br /> � � atpaymert ot same. Upan the requsst af Lendar,(irantor sha11 dsposit rrith l6r,dsr escA rrnmh on�sereitth(tn2)otihe esnmated artnual insuranea �, . '
<br /> premium taxes and asaessmerrts perta�drtg to the Property. So long as thefe is na de�uh.ihsso armmts sha7 be appL+sd ro tha paym�-::}taxes. . � . , .
<br /> assessrterts and tnsurance as raquired an Uie Pra�ty. in tha event af defauit,Lender sha9 have the ri�t.a]its sota oydon.to ap�ay Usa f�ds so hatd to . ._
<br /> . . RaY�►Y taxes or agalnst ihs 06Qgat[ons. AnY fimds appGed may.at Lertders a�Ucn.tre applied in reverse order of the�a daze theteof. .. s _ . �..
<br /> ,,'X�C:.. Y.
<br /> t8. IhtSPECfiON OF 9R0?EIiYY.BOOKS.RECOADS AlID REPC�iTS. Qrantar shall aL'ow LenQer ar its agerrts to examuie and Ins�p�ttie Rrapatty . . '�"�"'"�-=+'
<br /> ECO ..n,.��,:,.t.�,,.�,t
<br /> and exartine.inspect and rt�Ca oaptss of C,rantar s hoo�and reoord�s penafiir:9 to the Praperty iram tino to tlme Qrartor sha7 prmr:de any assistanoa ,.�-�-,_ -..-�•?�::
<br /> `�._ :a.;.A:�a�.�a,._
<br /> req�red by lsnder fw these piuposea Ail of the signhses and infametlon camak�ed v�trantars boofcs and reoords shaQ be genutne.W B.<^.Cau&fe a►ld -%�Fy�13(6GS'.--'y�=---:�:.
<br /> cortQfete In ail respects. arantor shaD nate the e�ustertes ot lendefs hertefidal[rrterest(n its bno.ls snd remrds parta;n,ng ta ths Prop3rty. AddnIena�y. �
<br /> �u `�: .
<br /> Gr.�tnr shall repott.in a fortn sa0stactery to lend4T.suth intormation es Lender�y r�est►e�rdin9 Qr�tcVs f.nandai oondtion or ihe Properly. ihe .-.T-. -�--.;-,•-_ .---
<br /> iniortr�e6on�116e for surh perto�is.sliall refteet C�rantoYs recot+ls ffi sud�time.e n d sha7 be rertdarad�vith such irequetwy as Lender may d9si{�a:a AU � :: .
<br /> i�ometion Uunisttsd bY Ciraistar to Len�r shali be Vu9,aAairata aru!aanptete tn 2U respeCs,and cig�ed bY Otarnar it Landar requests_ ��;�ct=-.:�..�
<br /> 17. i�'[OPAEL C�HflFfCA1ES. Witltn ten(t0)d�ys efter enY req�flst hy Lender.Cir�to►shaii de9var m Lender,or arry mtended transterce ot l.ertders �`',. •�.'
<br /> .. rt�us�respect to the 06Ggatians.a si�ted an�Fd*imwled�ad smmneM spedfyEng(a)iha outstant�ng baiartoa on ihs s:and(b)wt►eiher ' �
<br /> C,�:�r possasses mry�lafrrts.defenses.set-ofls oT mu�ridatms with tes�ect to ths 06GgatJons an0.ff so.tha nahue af�tth�daur�is�de!anses.wt�fts or `��:
<br /> ee�mtardahrs. Granwr vnU 6e condushrely�aund by�f repwsertattoo U�at Lender rmy make to tl�a irttend.d tran�etes w�h wspeei to tfiese rmttere in ''.'�i:,•.�T- �=
<br /> �, the¢vertl thad Grantar fads to provida Uw requssted sl�emartl in a ltrt�ely rt6mer. ,.
<br /> .� ��'•.v��.
<br /> 18. IIi�AULT. Gtantar shaD he in defa�undsr tfiis Deed at Tnist attd tfie Trustsa's pawer ahaD hcoams nperatGta in ihe eveM ffiat C3rantor.Borrawer w .,':.,.a:.�.'�.�;�„vi�'
<br />. anN�aantar of tPts Q61tgaSons: ' __-
<br /> .�o�,
<br /> (a)laaits to pay anY Ob�gation tu LES�r when cLe: -_-__-.
<br /> its , °°"=
<br /> • (b) faits to pert�cm arry ObUgauon ar taead�-s ay r+arrarrry or cavanaz�t to L-a�r eorria3rted In th(s Deed at Trust os arry other(ssserrt or tuUas - ,., --
<br />. � •� Sg29[11CIA� ��•,:�,.
<br /> <:�:�" i!1 .�..' �� _"
<br /> .:,�„ (�)destroYs•loses or Qarrages the Property a�myer(al res,�ect a suhjects ttv�CCsvperiy ta seiziue.canflsc�ien.��rtderr�[an: " � ..: . .
<br /> per
<br /> � (eDj seeks to ravoke.teminate or othemtse'W:��s�frds6'ry�mde►�r+Y 9�TE'mY ro Lender, 4 . ,. •� ,; ��;
<br /> .� '.' .
<br /> f�.��es,6ecomes tegaUy tneortpeterft.ts c6sse:�5 or tsimfr�Jr�ct.t3neornes trwciverrt.malass an�,�unertt for�*.e i�enefit of ac�srs.fa0s to PaY '� ,ftk`.Y!
<br /> .:•F ��ms�as they Y�cearte duo.fik-:s a�iitian im�rt.s;a�raf E�.-�ar�icv haws.has an(rnohm'tary�in banfQU�t�Y filed m vohi�t WatROr.Bartaxar (�.�`•;"q, ,�•. .
<br /> aws �•
<br />..7�s'•�',. �r.:xr�r�arantor is named.or h::��errytaS�n u-e_ar arry whL cr&r�ss of omst: • '• ' :.c' ;4
<br /> :_s.!(• ; aUaws goads to 6e used.tr�.'�c.s'.ed or sc�cr�se Prop�c;!�e possesaian.rt�rsport�ion.or use of whtd�.is�legal: �•. i•• ;.. _
<br /> ;f4,.,,:� ��sQaws 8r►y pazty a4te►thatf C�'Scr a Barr-�ra�>'r�auttm�m L�[t�artalaa arry GiS(�Ion wlthoN ihe wdtten wnserA ot lendar,ar '�
<br /> _�)eauses Lender to deem fiss��-sar�re due to a si�ifieant d�.�a En the vaS�d�a Properry:or if Lender.In gaod faith,far er.y caason.befiaves ^,""'.' .�_�
<br /> � 4n�.the praspeA of Rayrnetrt tr�ct�rRmnee is hrpafred. . , ;�� �
<br /> - �..• 4.�:: -
<br /> 19 �GFifS A�LBiflEH ON OEFR,�.T. 8 U�ere b a deiauit under x7.�Deed af Tmst,Lender sh�I�entiried to exerdse one or res�n af tlte foffaKtng ." �:� � „�=-
<br /> . remedias vrithaut�ar dertHnd(euneW as required bf►law). � ___.
<br /> :i�;a
<br />: (a)tO dadaiB th0 Cts➢gat[Dns itrrrseBa2etyd7a e11d pHya6te itl fu'J: .";. '�+i: ?;,r-�.
<br /> (b)to co0ec!the nutstandng ObAgatfons wilt�orwithoui rearUngto Nd�cial praaess: .K�;;, .;:,-,.-
<br /> (c)to requtre Qrantor w dellver end make avaBabte to Lender�ry persartal property or Chatteis eonstihNng ihe PropeAy at a p�zee reawnafi�y __-
<br /> onrrmniant to Grartar and lender. --`--"'-='"--_.
<br /> ,. (�to enter upon and�possasstan of the Properry withou�upR;�ng for ar obtatnfng UEe apRa:'�rretn ot a raaalver end,el Lc��fs op8an.ta .;. ,�,,;.�-�-�_
<br /> : appoirit a reoeiver without 6ond.xrithoul ffrst bMging suit an i:m Qbligaztons and wifhout atherwise meeUnB anY sia�►or1►eondnio»s ragar6ng • . � -
<br /> recetvers,it6otngintendedihatLendersha9�tave�lscortGractt�al�t�ttoappo(mar�mivar, �.-.,��:i� '::-;:
<br /> . (e)to er►FN1 a rra'a�8 eger�t ot the Proporcja��t the same.eHher in Truata��.cs2m narre.In the narre of Lcr�cc in�e narre at(�rania,a.aS ��' .,�.� -•-;-.--.
<br /> feCelYe ihC r6rt`s.4r,.Ort198.ISSUCS a(td Ro(rts otQ'm Ir�^...�eAy tDtd 8pply�ih9 88rt6.��aaYrt6nl Ot ell tloCessary ChB+girri�Id e7�011509,a1800DUt;.�} r�s�.r,��-
<br /> U:r»C61'�tiart�" .��,':
<br /> . 4'i.'�s 4�Y ar.��:�s tn arry t�xrr:evr.�eru�er deerred e�dern Ey i:�r<.der to protea the seaulry ot tNs�oad ot 7rust or to aue arry detautt other than y . - ,Y. � ,,
<br /> � p�r:�ent ot L��t or prUicipal c�L`.e�bOg�bnr ''' `�:�'�.'`,-
<br /> .i:�:, (g)to tored�1�iis Oaed af Trust ju6da0y a ncry::�ta1ty and to Brea U�e sate ai the prape►ry throu�exerdse of Uie pawer of sa(e as reterertc�d ir.r `,+�- - � __
<br /> .. 5;;' para�gph 20 h�+e�f in acccotd3nce with appi'[�tlo�aw: � ,•� . :
<br /> '1���:'� (h)to set�off Grarrtars Ohit s ag�lnst a;�r.raums awed Grantar tEn6er tndu�n8.but noi Ilrrtted to,rtontes.Instnus�nts>and de ��5, ��"�'.` `<,.
<br /> � ,r�� aoaairrts rteintatned willt Le�or arry am�rYd7¢:;.�ting or(uwre afl3ate W I�nder;and � -". `� i,. �l
<br /> �,i)to oxerdse aU otha►rtgtus availab:e to lsndsr under atry otharvrrttten a�cem:m or ap�cab!s lar�. ��.�s,��,�r,:`;:f� _�_: •�,.
<br /> l�r.ls/e ri�s are curr�af;v9 and may be ezrreised togathar.separa4ely.arxf in mry order. In 8�e everri that 4ondar instidrtas an actlan EeeWWng the 'w',��r�r+T�r,,,..
<br /> � � py ot a re in an actlon egainst Qrantar.Grarttar waMes the stbt at bond whkh ,•.�"".,�`.-.,�-� . .';.:_,'�
<br /> �,�,�• Bco+rery o arry o!tt�e PrapartY �Y Pre�M �Y p° 9 �►Y . . ;.,•.i;t��y
<br /> .,,,,,�' athe�wise be reyuUed. Lender ar Londefs desl�r�y ourdiase Q�e ProRErny m 5819. RfGOBBdS 018T1y TNSt908 5819 h8f81ll1d3i Shell bB s� i
<br /> ;ti�;�;�+ fus1.to ih�costs and e�en ot exereistng Vie�'r of sate and of tha sate.tr��tt� of the Trusten's(eas atluaUy inwrred artd rtoe�r . r-:=+��, a,;.� - -
<br /> ,r..r,�Y�'
<br /> �:�,,e,r exeeed fia amowt whi�m y be provlded tar(n t`^�s IToed ot Tnrst.eeeond.to pa/:r�ant ot 4re��l�aigatlons seaued heratry.Udrd,eo the paymem of p'.�e : �c o,:�;,':�+'���4���.,. --
<br /> wst deeds.aKxtgagas.ar ather II�n.�,lCers.and the E;aJance.it erty.to the person orp s tagally eniltfed Shereto. Thep�pe►ty a arry part tfiereo!may '� . . '+tt`, '. �
<br /> � be ae(din one paraal.w in sucA p3c��.mar�ner as order as Lertder Us fts sole�saed n rt�ay o�ec1.artd ons m mnre onetdsc+s ot th3 pvt�ot hart3in granted �`�'."'„�q:,;;r;'!:=` . .�
<br /> � sha7 not e�tlkrgutsh a o�d�aust gto��r uniess tha emlre properry is�..-id or the cbtlgations are patd in fufl.
<br /> . , . �r •.y�,�::
<br /> :`�,�4�� 20� TFtU97'EE'3�SE OF POWER OF BkB.£d+11 OEFAULT: It Lsnder etucl�.us sell Grantora Irrterest In th0 Prcperty by exendse of tAe pc�euu nt "' ''.,R,"•.�,�:.,• .-
<br /> :;;,y��� sa!�►teretn eontatnci�;.Lr,e.�r shall noti(y Tru�ea in fit�*-�.rmar then requlmd by tav. � ;��.i;�, .
<br />.•'�;�i.�,
<br /> Upon reoelpt of su�r.otice of I�ndor end ffi U:e���n o}Ler►der.Truste0 shall rauce to bo racordod.p�ilshed�cad Astivered s�eh moHcos ot defautt , . . .. •;�i�=
<br /> � � and rtatiaes af sale as may than be reqiAred by law�d ey th1�Oeed af Truri Trustee sha11.oNy�the 8rectlon ot Lenc:er ar.d wliheut dru�.nd on Gfantor. -- -
<br /> . �, aJtm r�.;ch Ume as may then he rer�i�d by Iaw ar;eE�°�r ra:oniadcn ct aueh notlw of detauft and aftar nntico ot aa!e having bean�v�n an:inqufred by law, '�,� � .._,
<br /> � �� scT�a Propnrry�thm ilrre and pta�¢c�sale faeJ Cry i:en sueh r,Whm ct sate.eithe►as whote a in'se rate tots a parcets or items�I.�;der shaD daem �
<br />�`��,"�`, In �aueUcn r.fie N¢�vst biddor bf e3sh in 1 rtnnoy of tho United Statess payahle at tha tirre of -' �_ .•
<br /> ',..�;;s,-, e ont,and surlt crder as fl may deurmine.a4 ,_--;�..._ �
<br />' �irr'+c�,yt: sa'�or as ou�oru�r�r�c!tnen�reyu�red tiy ta�r.rr�tse shaD dofnrar to c�ch purdiaser or purd�asera Ihereof its good and utti�em deed or daeds :� ; _ ._
<br /> `f;1��;{ eenvoytng the t���sold.but withoul erry c�:v.:ant a watranry,a�tess a U�Bed. 7tw reeital�in sudi deed oi srry metters a faets stw�7 be -.�:.�.r�++�+�r��..Lr
<br /> ' , conciusive praof a Q;rs 4L1h(utno:s lhereoL Mype raan.includn&wfthout Iirtitsdnn,Granta,Trustee or lender,maY Wrchase af&uch sale. Trustee rtaY . �' •� r�.�;
<br />� • �� in the rtenner provldEC by la���postpcne sae ai all ararry panlon af Iho PropoAy. �'��°-��-.µ,�
<br /> ..� '�::.,n�as�=:.x.�,-�;
<br /> �•:-'�-^;�a,+ •-. �:,
<br /> •:� 21. iiE0l0EST FOR N07ICE3:(irantor�equests 1ha1 a copy of any nolice o1 defautt and a copy ot arry notlee ot sate hereundar be rr-,�ed to each person .�
<br /> who Is a party hareto at iho ad�oss ot such pr�rsm set foAh herein at the same r,ine and in the same rtanrtor required as ihough a sep�rat�rcquesi ���:����•
<br /> thareof had been fifed by ead►sucfi persmi. �
<br /> ..:.�.�,.rw�+��N.r• `�
<br /> �:: '. �.._ � r__
<br /> � . . . . �.
<br /> . . . __.
<br /> _ ._ -__ �__;__ _ _: ...�
<br /> - -- - - -- - r �
<br /> NEDOTCR�.3,96 �3d6 .t . ����.
<br /> , • .., . . . _ .
<br /> .
<br /> , ._, .. . . - ,. . _ .- . , _ .
<br /> , f�. � ' . . • ..�. � j:- , ' �. . - . - � ' - ' - �' .
<br /> � . d- . . ' � . . , � , . .. ... _ � . . .. .. .. - . . • .. . .. ^ , .. � . � _ ,
<br />