<br /> . . . _ �
<br /> . .._
<br /> , , _ . • . .
<br /> .
<br /> . • .. . �
<br /> , , ,. , ,.�. s : .
<br /> .
<br /> __ ---- —..`__. _._._._.._--------� _._----�-----�------------`_._. �, _ ,.�;_ �.,,:a,,
<br /> _�---� . .. 4 e��'l.,. � _ <,' ` -
<br /> :�� �v�� d .. • �-;
<br /> - • .(C3 ��:�e lavts and regutatiuns. indutTing.e�ithout Iinita�an.the Arnerteans wi'th Oisa�lities Act.42 U.S.C. Ssetlan�2�0� et cgq (and a!1 � F...�. . ;,---���-�
<br /> . r�gu[atians prarrr�gated theround�r)and a;!ianing an�i bu::dna I�vrs and ragialattons ralaling to ths Prapstry Cy vlmia of any teda�3,stata or rtvnfc�J •. ' • . -- -
<br /> autharity�with j�uissEcGOn aver th�Prep�rty.pra:,ernfy are snd shaSl bo ear..enred end oorr�sd with tn all rrratpdal ro>peets.and all ri�ns.f;oonsos. • < � -
<br /> � pr,3rrtits.'snd certiftaites at uauparuy(ifteSu6ng�ut e�at firnited to zanng varlances.spedai excep5ans fot nencontorming usas.and final ins�r�'on , ' � . ` �
<br /> p � ,.
<br /> approvats).whofher terr�orary or�erman�nt.wh;di em mai3rial to thc�uso and'eau�ancy ot tho Property.�xesam+y are and shall ha obtained. ��
<br /> ,�•R pntsanrad end whore neoessaty.renuwad: . '. .s�r,
<br /> (� Qrantor has tha r��et and ia�"iy eifJtorized to ox¢aite and pertortn its O��stons�md�r this Qeed ot Tnist and these actierrs do not and shali rrot ' :-
<br /> oonflia wGh the orovisians of afry staNe.reguation.at�nance.rule ot IaH.mntrA.d or othar agreemerrt wh(di rtsay ba bindurg on Gramor at any timo. . , < <
<br /> (Q) No actian er proc9e�ng fs m shall b�pendng ar threatened whtch rd�st materialty afieet the Property,and , , . .� J
<br /> (Q Grantor has nat via:a4ed and sAaD rot v[o�te any stan�to,regula�on,at+�nanse.rula cf lar�.ccntract or other agreemerrt(indudTg.Eul not lirtdtsd to. `:�Y� .� _ —
<br /> thoso goweming Hazatdous Mdte�'t21sl+�;d��flM��Y���e Pmperty or Lander's ri�hts or interest in Uie Property Wrsuam to this D�d of . ..
<br /> "a•
<br /> . Ttust. � < a ' .r.--
<br /> — 9. PAI�R 05ED8 GF TIdl�ST. Graritar re�esants snd wa►rants th�there are no prior de�ds of mut affeGing any pan o(the Proparlyr exoept as set tortn �
<br />� on Stha�:0 B 811aChCd io thls 088d Of Tr431.Ythl�GraNO�a�ees topay end perfortn in a timaly mannar. If there aie any pnnr�eds ot wst then � � -. - --�.-. -�-• W-
<br /> Crarrter agaos to pay aU amowts a�red and peRortn al!oDLgaitans requlred.�mder such deeds of trust and ihe Indebte�ess sewred thsreby and 4urlher �
<br /> agre¢s that a dc3fn�ili unc�r any priw daed o}trust sha0 tre a defauh undsr thls Oaed of Trus!and shall erttiite Lender to all riyhts and remedes eortained
<br /> hereln or(n tha Obli�t�ons to tivhteh Lender wauld 6e entitled in tha evarrt ot any ather defauh. "�'
<br /> 0. TRANSFEiiS OF 7HE PROPERTY OR BENORCiAL NiTERESTS H�1 GRAMTOtiS OA BORR0INERS. In the eveat ot a sate.comayas�w.lease. . _ .'. _...�_....•,�
<br /> oortratt for deed ar transfer fi any person of aU ar arry part of the reai properiy der�atbed in Sche�ls A,or arry irrterast thsre(n.or of alt or any benefiaal . . , .
<br /> imerest in Borraxer or Grantor{if Borravrer or Gtaritcr is nm a n�IIUal Qerson or persons hut is a carpora�on,limited liabiliry oortpariy,partriershiR Vus4 er .{ ' ,•,.,�,,;i,,:...
<br /> other legd!en►i1Y).LendFir may,at its oplion dedate tha outstanding prmt�pal balanes of ihe Ob@gat3ons�ius accrued irtterest ihereon irtmedalety due and �r• . , r*.a�:.,;��°:a;`�
<br /> � paya�.�. a��a�s��.c,,emo►or eo���me�se may u�.shall tumish a oortptete statemerrt setting farth all of its stoddio;dars.rtemb�ers.or _ -
<br /> partriers.as a�saPrtaie.and ihe extertt of iheh res�aiva avmerstiip hrterests. '-�l:,'-m,.�—"—.
<br /> ;°.
<br /> - 5� ASSIfiNlir�lY OF REHTS. tn wnstdoradon ot Yns O�iga1lans.whid�are seanad by this�eed of Trost.Granter absolutelY as:i�s to Lender alf - i tu�,:.,
<br /> � Granw�s es�tafe.ri Utfe.intewst,claM and d2mand naN a+nmed er hereafter ae�ired in aU a�dsting artd tutiue leases of the Preperty{inGudng ' y °- {: .
<br /> • e�aensions,renewals�and su6�ases),aD a�eertertts tar use and oaa�pancy of the Properiy(aU sudi leases and a�eements whe�er written or aral.2re i: . ����`•.
<br /> sud
<br /> �.,_
<br /> t�ereafter refertad to as the'4eases�.and all�arant� of lassees'pedarmanw under the Lea�a�ge!her with the irmne�ate and ear�tinuing ri�t to - .� r�,-., �,f�'3 ,
<br /> caRest and receiva ail of the rems.(nearre.mostpts,ravesmies.issues.taofits and oU�er fncome cf c�r.�ute rtaw or hereafter�e{inrludng any inoorte of : . :: .•.` '"•' ,
<br /> U� N
<br /> �,�.i enY rtausre wrreng dua�uing arry redertptian perEorq�mder ihe Leases w from ar ar(sing out¢f t+�e Frc�rty trtducEng minimsn rertts.addtianal rents, �,�f�,,�.'�:;;: .��+�!�?��; .;`.
<br /> per�eniage rerrts,Paridn9 ar comron area mairrtenance carmihu�ons.tau and ins�uance cor�fasrs.deSck�rtc}t rents.UquldaLAd darrBges falTowing ,`.:�;'' ' +�*-.�'n��` ,
<br /> • � default in arry Lease.aU prooeads payabPe under anY P��Y af insurance eavaring loss ot reMS ms�.._�g frctirc ur.tenarrla6T eaused by destrucdon or ;� 4s�.�•. �;,r�,,� `.,.
<br /> '�� � d/��k 4.'. ' , k ?.'_:
<br /> • ; darte�ga to the Pm rry.�1 praoeeds papabte as a rewfl of a lesseas exerdse af an optian to p.m�se S�r�roperry.aU proeeeds derlved imm the � ,��,z,' '
<br /> -->_'`�=,.'
<br /> taminaSon a ra�on ot arry Leass in a bantcuptay ar ather frr-.;.lrsney ptoceedng,and all ptoa�s Irest�2r/ .'rr'yns ar�d dahrs of any Idttd whieh Ci►etrto� ,y 1 .
<br /> hava aAainsl arry lessee under ths le�s�es or arry ocaparns at ths�roparry(ail of the ahoYe�se F�e�cs:.'�euvely referred to as the'RerAs7. This . :_ ;;' �" ,� "° r.
<br /> a.�merti ls subject m tha d�t,paever end aulhorttyr ghren to tAe Lendar to caUect and appiy the Rertts. Th?s�i�smertt is reoorded in auordanoe wi11► = .
<br /> � ;.:.•-• ... �.. �,
<br /> ' appUeabte statn law:the I'sen aaated by this esst�merA is irrtended to be speea�c.perteoted and ehoafeII�tl�e reoortGng of this Deed of Trust,all as • `�• •�:.�._
<br /> ' �f pravtded by aRplicade s��aw as amended Uom tlrre to Urt�. As tonD as there ts no defauB�mder the��rons or iMs Deed of Tmst,Lender gants ' '
<br /> . �or a revo�ahs Iicense to eol►ect sU Rerrts hem the Leases wfien due and to�se such prooeeds in Cirarttots buslness aparattons. Hexever,tander M,'s�x�
<br /> �. .-
<br /> rray ai any tirte raquira Grarrtor to deposit 2fl Rems iMo an axourrt rt e fi t a i n e d b y C i r a n tar or L en d er a t L en d e s's i n s t i t u t i n n. U p o n d e t a u i t t n i he p a y m ert _ '""°'�"`^' r.; . �
<br /> �; of.or in Ihe per[ormance ot.any of the Obtigatlons.Lender may at its opUon take possession of the Proporty and have.hotd,managa.le�se and operafe the '�r� �
<br /> •• � Propsrry on tertns and tor a perfod of tUre that Lendet dearre proper. Lender may prooeed to o��ec1 and rewiva all Rerts ham the properly,and Lender '.����. ,'.lf;
<br /> ��� shaD ha►a futl pmver to make atteratlons,rer►wadons,repafrs or repiaeerreats to the PropeRy�isnder may deem praper. Lender rrey apply all Rerrts tn -
<br /> fu
<br /> ' � Lendars soSe dssaetiUCn to paymerit ot the Oi�gations ar to the paymerri of the cost of sud�alteraUOns,renovaUons.repalrs and repiaoerreMS and azry
<br /> ae
<br /> expen�in�derA to fatdng and retalntngposrasstcn of ihe Praperty pedo�.M1f��the rtec�gertem and opor�stion of the Properly. lander may k�spths ,:�': �
<br /> :.,� RrepaAY�a,:'.)'insicad and rrey disdlarg�etry faxes.eharges.dafms.as�*azrtts and other liens rviild�rtra}r aoaue. The expense and eoM oi these v, �i:f.; :., a ;
<br /> au'rans may�a patd(rom ths Ret�is received,a�d any unyaid artoimts sha9 Lz a.ided to tha Fr(ndqal af tt.e Q�ffaations. Theso amourrts,togethsr►vith ��CU� . .�'�' . t- .
<br />�.`'';�` ather costs.�rdi beooms part ot ihe Obtgattons sewred by ths Qeed of Trust ` +` _��kr" �}�-,
<br />. 4; .�;�!` •4w::���,;,;-_-
<br /> .�;.
<br /> �: ,�� : �.;td�fi;,�;,:,�.
<br /> � I,EJ�SES 6i.�70 OTHER AtiREBdEMS. Gs.^tar shatl not ta:�cr fail to take ar�y acitan xrhifi.rr�+cause ar pemiil the temination or the wffhhal�ng ot ��r�.'�ri-_._
<br /> = �Y PaY�r.t�cnnnecdon wflh erry Lease or�'�a�eemerA('A9►eemem�Pertainfi9 to tfie Ft�Ay. In add�tton.Grarttor,without l.endars prlar writien ''�� '!" ,�:;.�.,_-
<br /> - �r aonsem.strali not:(a)ooReG erry motsiss pay-�}�under arry Afpeert�ent more than orre rtpmh in advartce:(b�modfy arry A�eernem,(e)ass�g�a allow a �
<br /> � Gen,sewrfty irrterest or other enamibranoe to he plaeed upon Qtarrtors rigttts,tiUe and irtnriast in and to atly ageerttBrrt or ihe amoutrts payabie ,`:?��t_��
<br /> �t ihereunder;a(d)tertnlnate or canoei arry Agreemerrt exoept for the nan p a y rr�n t oi arry sum or c�.�er matetia!breach by the other pany thereto. B C3ran:or +� ,.• . ,
<br /> ' reoatves at any t imo any wrfttan coammicatlon assening a detauit by Qrar�tor u n d er en A�r-:�nt or purpo rt t ng to t a m in a te or eanee 1 arry A g r e e m�rt t, ����•
<br /> Grmrtar sfia:t�o rtpUY fotward a copy of such comrunleaUon(and any su6sequertt carrmmi�t`r.rts reTaOng ihereto)to Lender. All such Ageerterrts and 7 •-•-,
<br /> . ;he arrourts c8�e to tiraruor thereunde►are hereby ass(�ad to Lender as eddllonal sewriry tar��Obligatlons. • � �'y��,' ;•3:''
<br /> �.;, .•:�. �r..--_-
<br /> 7. COLLECFb�t1 OF(t�1DEBTEDNESB F5�tJ9ETi41RD PAFITY. Lendsr shaJ t�estUUed to notity or requite C�-:or to notify eny thhd party(irtrludtsg,6trt ��.:_::�:.:
<br />! nm Omited 2s.�i�sseas.Ikensces.gov�mm=��thwities and insurance oa.�ni2s)to pay Lender any m��esa or abligation owirtg to Crsc�rwith z , ;•_.,,��,�,:, ...;_
<br /> �?. '_
<br /> respacl to fi,a Pmperty (eurtNatively 9nde4�i�noss�whether a nm a�:�"s exists imder ttils Deed d Trr:u1. Grantor shall dligently oolteq U�e �,W��± `: �' .
<br /> I:iQebfe�ess owing to Qranta fram tt�ese Mird parties untl4�s giving at su�:-hlf:eatlon. in tt��+recR Ur�C�a.-t::r possesses or reoehras possesaion of _ ; :f,;� .
<br /> arry(nstrurt�erAS or mhet reiHttances wil�respect to tha Ind¢�'�dness fc.".crr�rg the�ving at�:c«�.notiP.c�aa cr U tha insburnartts ar ather rertttianoes ,-�'�F.F.'
<br /> oonsUniie ihe prepaymertt of mry(ndabtedness a the paymerrt ot anyr fnsur.��cr wndenn�.tv.r I:r:eaeds.G-�:r ahall hold sueh Instrumertts and oiher ��;;:•,:.
<br /> remittarroes In trust fw Lender apart fram fts othsr property.endorso�ho tns�-r�tts and o�her r�J°anaes to L�¢er�and(rm�ely provide Lender w(U� ,.�.......__,. �4'.
<br /> passessian of the Instruments and other rarr�.L�oes. Lender shail be erriR�.Ls not re�hed.to wlted(t�"�-�Prooeedngs w Wwrwise).extend tAB •�n:••. v ��
<br /> �# tirtn for p a y rt artl.oo r r p t arrdse.exchan g 9 ar comass erry obUgor nr oollateraf.w�t'grwisa settle any of ihe In�rrr�ess whc+iher ar not an event af ckta►�tt . ,�a,.� .. .
<br /> ox(Ks undar th(s Ageertertt Lender sha9 r.r�r;t�llaWo to Qranta f or any actia�,�g^or,rt i s t a t c e,a rt iu ton ar�Gy;�r t a i n ing t o t ha a e�lons d e s a r i b e d in th ts " .�, ..
<br /> paragapt� or etry darnages resutthp lwrefrom Noiwithstan�ng the Ocregoing. nmhirg hereln sha(I eause lsnder to be deemed a - .r,-..;,. .
<br />_ rtnrtgagaedn•possesslon. ;� �ai::;`�_`
<br /> ,.. ,..
<br /> 8 I13E AND 61NHTENAI6C,=_aF PFtIIl7{F��lJY. Grantor shall taice all aWons and maise asrt na�ra neeC�:to rrahrtaln the Properry In good condNon. '" --
<br /> Cirantor rh�k�comNt or pamit any�er��ie to be wmdtted with respect to ihe Property. Grar+tar s(r�[��.La the Pmperty solety in oortpflanoe whh --��
<br /> appllcefie t�,+r a:d lnsurant+a polldas. �nr shall not rr�arry atteratlons.addNons a irrprovemerr'�tn 1t�.Propetry wNtout I�nders prsr wrltte� , ��"`° •'�
<br /> '� eonsent. IFG.1l;c�.a Grritfng tfie foregoln9.a}1 a7,eratlons.addNons ar►d Urproverr�csss::rade to ihe Property shs't,r�:��bjecl to the benofldal imam�l�,tanging i.�_ • "�'
<br /> e
<br /> ta Lender,snah not ba remored wlthout Lenders pda written eonsem,and sR�t fs�c:�ade m Ca�toPa sota e�ense.� • ° ��'°`
<br /> ' 96 LOSS OR DA`WGE Grarttor ahall bear the enUre dsk of any Ioss.thefl.de�rucL'on or d�s�(aunrtaUvely'Lass a Dart�agB7 to dte Praperry or eny �., �� .,:� .�:
<br /> • poNon Uwrcw!from srry rause whatsoevc�r. In tha evertl 01 arry Loss or Oama�p.Grantor eh�:at the opllon af Lender,repalr the atteeted Proparty to fts ,;� `"• '
<br /> soev
<br /> pre�;ous cort�t}on ot pay ot cause to be pald to Lond�nha�ease In the tzlr m�tcsl vatua ot ffie aBoctad Propotry. , - . . ��� �_�
<br /> _:.�.,_
<br /> . ,:�-
<br /> 10: (NS!!Rlii�llCE The P►oporty wfll bo keyl Inwred tor tts 1uU insura6le va.hu�(�ra.:aoemartt cotl)against all harards Indu�ng loss or d3rr�a�c�::sed -',�;.�,,�--.—...-::
<br /> d9 6y
<br /> � � ftood,ear6��ce.tomado and ftro,thofl or other casuatly to 1ho extem reqiGmx�by Lender. (3ranta trgy obtaln insurance on tha Properry�su�fi ,ri'r.;,%s �
<br /> r cartpan e as are aaeptable t�Lendor In its sole dsaeUon. Ttie Inswance po8aes shaU requlre thu Insurance cor�any to prevlda LanderwitA a1 ieast . ...tiss�j.;,,;;. . .
<br /> � �� dyys'K�n"en notiee hefore euch potidss aro attered or eanoelled In any rrc3nner. The Insuraneo pol:des st�J na�re tendar as a loss � �..�-.r�
<br /> r n
<br /> payree' an pro that ns crx o+orttsslon of Grantor a any other person shall aNect tho rt�n af Lander to ba patd tho insuran��.�cceeds pertalning to Ute ;+..-;.' _ ': :�.
<br /> Ioss or d�re3o 01 the P�c{:aty. In tha everrt tirarttor talts to ar,qulre or maU►taln insuranp,LErd2r(after pmvf�r►g notice as rtrsy be wcyulwd by law)rtray - ��' �°'`
<br /> In its�s�an�ro�vre s��crlate Insura:ra eovora�upon the Prope�and the insuranco evst shall 6e en advanco payrahlo and baar(ng Ir,toresl as :,.�:timeu-:,-�-a�-
<br /> Qestrib�d in Pnr�graph 23 and seared hmui.y. Qrsntor sfia0 fumish Lan r vr�ovldenoo ot Insuranco fi�caitnq tho roqulted covo►eg�. I�andar may act • .;,.�.- . � +�,
<br /> as�torrs�y�i7��c!far Gr�trto►In mahtr,g arrJ'cattling dalme under insurenco�csN�es,eanoelting arry poQcy or r_r.Corslrtg GrarRors nama on any�aft or • •.?�K'�'
<br /> negoGable s�vment drawn by arry ins�u3r. AO such InsuranoepoIicl�s sha11 Is4 irr+^a�ely assl�ed,pto6ger�and dcilivored to Londor as tunhnr�wn'ry ___��.,;;,,�,,:::."
<br /> far the Ob,l�tions. In the evorrt of Ioss.Grarrtor shall frmiedlately�ghre Ler.ds:-�written natice and Lander is aulhorized to mako proot c;�c�s. Each _ ' + �
<br />-. insurer�ce oortp2ny Is dnceted to m3Sce payrrorrts duacUy to Lsnder instead ot to Lendet 2nd rrarrtor. Lender shall have the rIAM,al its sole optlon,to •�.;n;••. . �,y4��;�--
<br /> a�1y such monles toward the ObligaUans ar taxard ihe cost o1 re6u�7i8ng and restodng Yre I�c�:erry. My amou�rts may at Lender's option be applled in •. • .,
<br /> ' �ho lrrverso order ot mo due d�tes thereof. , -y .. . �
<br /> 11.ZONiHG AlJD FANATE COVEt�fANTS.Orantw shall nat Initlate or cnnsant to any charigo in tho za�!n�}�smrlslons or privato covonants aNsWng the � �;. , �
<br />,. uso ot 4ie Propeny wilhout Lenders qlor vrti?ten wnsem. t1(irantor'e use o}ihe Property beeorras a n*��a-r:brmfng use under eny zoningprovlsia�. , • �
<br /> Giattta shall not eause or pemit such uw to he mscosttinued or abandoned tvlthoul the prier urnttan earssm:t uendor. drantor will irtmadiate y1 jrav�de • .
<br /> Lender with written rrotioo o}anY praposed ehang�s to thv zon',,fg provlslons er private oovsr�trtt:J.'ecting ths Proparty - .. --.
<br /> 12 COHDEA�IA7[OI�1. Grantor shall irm�ediately provlde Lert�r wilh vnittEn notice of:,np ach�at or threatened condemnatton or eminam dortsain _ • .• .. .
<br /> proceedng penalning to the Property. AII monies payah(e to Grar�tm trom such oondemiailon or tatdng are herehy assignetl to lenrter and sRall be apptiad ,'P�`- � �
<br /> � first to the payrtiant ot Lend�rs attomeys fees,legal expensas and other costs(tndudng appraisal(ass)in cannedion vrAh the condortmatlon or eminern . �-
<br />� domain proceodngs and then,at the optian of Lendar,to the paymarrt of tha Obtigations or th9 restoration or repalr of tha Properry. � • �
<br /> . ' . �:
<br /> � � • i� F
<br /> NEOO78RSV.t1R4 �7o2d6 � - .
<br /> --- --- �--- � ��
<br /> �va:
<br /> f. ':
<br /> .--..,.�....-�--•-•--•tr-....-.--,�,.-. _....r.._._' _ _- _ - . l, . ' .J . � ' ., . . , � . . . . .. , ' .
<br /> r ' � � , .. - . _ . �� ' � , t ' ' 3.. . . .. . `' ' • ' � ' .
<br /> _ . '.' . , � . . �_ . . . . - . .. � _ �t ;a�. ', � - . .. . . . . � . � � ' � � ' ... . �� .._ . _ . . .�. .. " • � .
<br />