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. .,a}tl .. , �-.� <br /> 1 1 `,y I . ....� _.__'�• __- __. . . <br />...._._ . .._� I .... <br /> 92—soss°�►2 <br /> NON-UNIFORirI COVENANTS. Barrawer ond l,ender further covenant and pgrce as iollowa: <br /> 17. Rorscla�ure Procedure• �f Lenderrequires immedlate puyment in full underp�a�raph 9.txnder may invake the <br /> powcr of s�le and�ny_ather remediea permi�A�bY�a17,�includin�.but not lirnited toen[fUed ble Anomc�iefe�xi�e�os� <br /> iq pur�uing the romediea prmvided in this Y <br /> aaa�Yie��. <br /> lf tbepoveer oi sak is Inaolced,7twke sh�ll record p aotice ot default In eACh awaty tn whkh aay part of Ihe <br /> Property Ls locahd aad sUall�il copks o�aucb notice ta the manner prescrl6ed by App1lrable law ta 8orrower and <br /> to the -other pereoas prescribed by Ap Ikabk Iww After Ihe time required by appltcable law,7Fustee siu�ll give <br /> �ublic nodce of sde ta t6e persone��(n!6e maaaer prascribed�ey Applknble law 7lrustee�w�it6out demsiad on <br /> -- - Borr�wver,s�aU sell the Propert st pubUc Auctbn/a the hiQhest bldder at the time and place pnd under tAe terms <br /> --- ---- _ � <br /> �, dest�uated iu 16e aotice ot eale oae or morep�rceIs aad in nny order 7lrueles determines. 7tuslee may post ne =_- <br /> u <br /> - ,�ale of a11 or nnY�rcel ot Ihe Praperty by publtc aanauacemeai at Ihe Ume�nd pince o�qny previously sch ukd <br /> mk. I.ender or Ita de�ignee awy purchase tde Property at pn sAle. <br /> propeui�ty�T�rait�fs in t�be�'l ru�e i dadb�slwll be�prlm�a fACie evtden ee�f irul h of I�he�sta�temen�madelhegelae <br /> --�.�_ 'IMustce shdl apply the proceeds of Ihe sale in the tdlowing orders (A) to all casts And expenses ot esercl�inQ the <br /> ____ puyver af sde�aad lbe aale,Includiag the payment ot Ihe 7lrustee's tees�tclually Incurred�not to exceed 3 0 Sb <br /> -°--° ----�-� of the pr�incipal amount of ihs note at the !!n'+e ot the declarANon ot det�ult, And reasonpble ptlnrneys' tees ys <br /> ted by l�awt(b)to all wms ucured by Ibis Securily Ia�trument=and(c)any e�to the penon or perQOnA -" - <br /> 11y eadtkd to i� L,ender shall tequcst 7ivstee to <br /> _.._ 18. Recooveypnce. Upon payment of all sume recured by this Secutity Ins�rument, <br /> --- reconvey iho Property+md shall surrender this Seeurlly Inapument and ull notex evidencing deM securcd by this Swu�ity <br /> Inxtrument ta 7tustae. 7iustee shal! rcconvey the Praperly witfiaut wartunty and without rhatQc lo the pe�son or perrwns <br /> IeQa11y entiqed to it. Such per�wn or pereons�hal1 puy any recordation cost4. <br /> 19. Su6slitute 7Yustee. Lendor.At ita optian.muy from�imc to�ime rcmovc 7tuatec und uppofnt u succex�or truetec <br /> to any'Ita�tee appointed hereunder by an in�tniment recorded in the county in which�hix Sceurity Inxlrumen�is recarded. <br /> _����`� Without conveyence of Ihe Rup�rty.�he succesr�or trustcc xhull�urceed to all the tide,powcr and dudex cnnfemed upon r <br /> -- '�ustee herein and by app�Iicuble law. <br />-- - 20. Request for Nuticea Borrower requeyts that copfea of Ihe notkua of defAUlt wnd wdo be cent to Oorrowerh �_ <br /> .-_:_'�s'�s�.�1��� oddroas which i:lhe Property AddreRS. <br /> —'��a�► <br /> y„�,��,. �j Riders to thia Securlty Insirument. If one or mcxe riders ure eaecuted by Borrower and recorded togelher with this <br /> - --- ;_sr:l� Security Instrumenl, the covenunte of each auch rider shall be incorporAted into And shall amend und supplement the <br /> - covenants end agreements of thiR Security Instrument as if 1he rider(s)were in a pwt of thia Security Insuument. <br /> --„�'� [Check applicable box(es)]. <br /> �"��.u'"''�:�+.-.-�� �(3raduwted Payment Rider �(3rowing Pquity Rider <br /> �Condomfnium Rider <br /> tY,__ <br />--=---_-'� �Planned Unit Development Rider Q Other(Spccify� ACKNOWL�DGMLNT <br /> ��»�� <br /> •..:s6: �;�• - BY SI(fNIN(3 BELOW, Borrower aceepis and agrees to the terms contained in pages 1 through 4 of thia Security <br /> "'��,�'��r •° inctrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br /> ;��:.�:ry�t Wltnesse9: � <br />,�ru..�.S�Y?� •- � / _ <br /> _.o.�irc•rs�y�j�qe••z._� (.SCB�) <br /> v:{��+:_+��s.�i. A. K NG eonower --_ <br />.�:��,+}�, -- <br /> "��i�, ,: �� (5ea1) bf;�. <br /> .����7 p.� Botrowcr <br /> r�,�;;,t�,111e,,,,�, ANGE A M. MA6 NfNG ___._. <br /> i Lu:A:.t�.�.�_a._._ —__ <br /> ._�–; �— ($C&�) _� <br /> ' Bomuwer <br /> '�"�%�„�„ ;` (Senl) <br /> ' �""n"'.' Bo�mwcr <br /> ;C;ai���;:.._. <br /> ,�W:, <br /> ,r r._..- � ;_-l. �t <br /> "}"'" STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County.r•x: <br /> : -;��<.r, y . <br /> -,Lfll�+..�..� `.Y:-! <br /> �� '-3:`• � On Ihis 24TH duy��f JUNE, 1992 . ixtirre mc,ihc undcrsigncd,u Natury <br /> _.�...� ' ... <br /> Public duly commissioneJ und yuuliticd for xuid counly,personally cumc 'PODD A. KING, A SINGLE PERSON AND � <br /> : .;, �_ ANGELA M. MANNING� A SINGLE PERSON �, <br /> . . . �o mc known to be Ihc F.•"` <br /> ' identical person(s)whose nume(s)urc wbscrilxd lo tlx 1'uregoin�inrtnimem unJ ucknowledged the execution thereot'to be � <br /> TH�IR voluntary art und dred. <br /> ' �" ' � GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA In suid ruunt thc <br /> < o'�'..•';��_ Wi�ness my h �� 'sd srul ut Y� - <br /> . s'., � . .. date oforcwid. �iEtiMl�TAAr,Sqlt N yr� _ <br /> ��b � .. ., ANDR6N1 W.MCCUMBHR �:, <br /> Mr Oa�.E�p Apt15,1996 �, rn c � <br /> � � :.;:,�;�q-`.=„ My Commission expires: a S� /99�a - - '!-! - <br /> 'Nntury I'uhllc �,- <br /> :��v"'� ����a � �-- <br /> �._.' <br /> '° ' •,:O'•�e RF.QUEST FOR ItHC'UNVEYANCh � <br /> . a �'-�� <br /> � TO TRUSTEE: <br /> ° The undcrsign�:d is thc huldcr of Ihc nute or n��tc.xecurcJ hy thi�Dccd uf'itus�. Said nutc or notc+.�ogrthrr wuh ull <br /> �� other indcbtedness xecured by this [hcd of'lh��t, h�vc Ixrn puid in 1'ull. Ycw arc hrrcfiy clircrtcJ to cunccl saiJ nutc ar <br /> . .. .. notcs unJ this Dced of'(Yu,t.which uro dclivrrrJ hcnby.unJ tu rrconvey.µithaut w�irranty.all thr r��atr nuw� hcld hy you � <br /> ° " '� . under this Cked u171v.t w the perwn ur{xr,un+Icgully cntitkd thcrctu. <br /> , � Dntc: --------- - -------— <br /> . ' 1 puRd J o/"a�wxc�� <br /> �• <br /> � J J <br /> 1: • �� <br />