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.���� .�. .� �,d "� ,�. .. .�?:�,��— _._ <br /> � �. <br /> ♦1 �''i .'�liu � <br /> - ��.}luV�h'�-_fi: �.}�. <br /> 1 �� __ -_-__-__ - _ <br /> .. u_ l,IA�l� � •', -..._. <br /> —''�.�� , 92— so�2 <br /> --- -� <br /> --�_���:� <br /> "�----------�`�� pAyments.which oro rcferrcd to in Para�aPh 2,or chnnQe �he umount af such payments. Any excess praceedri over an <br /> unaunt uired to pay oll out�w�dinQ indebtcdne:s under tho Notc and thic Security Inxtrument rh�ll bo pald to the eauity <br /> � y ��a�y��d��a���a. <br /> ,.� ` a �� �' S. Fees. Lender may collat fees and ch�uQec authodzed by the Secrelary. <br /> �• �•t: . 9. Groundr for Acceleraqon of Debt. <br /> (a)Defaulb L.ender may,eacept as limited by regule�fona iasued by the Secre�ary in the case of payment defaults. <br /> ';��',�'� " requfr+e immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument if: � <br /> ...��•�..a�, <br /> :� F , (i)Borrower defaui�s by iailing to pay in full uny monthly puymenl rcyuired by this Sccurity Instrument pdot <br /> to or on the dua date of the next monthly payment,or <br /> � ;�, (ii)Borrower default�by feiling.for a pedod of thirty dsys,to perform any oiher obligations cantained in�his <br /> �y.=,�'�:�-;�_��, . Secudty Instrumern. -- <br /> ,�E „����°•`�� „ (b)Sale Withaut Credit Approval. Lender shall,if permitted by applicable law end with the prior appmval of the _Y_._ <br /> ,,,;j�. K��. Secrctary,require immeAiate peyment in full of alllhe suma secured by this Securiry Instrument iL• <br /> �° ' �:.�r• (i)All or paR of ihe Propeny,or a beneticial interevt in a truat awnin�nll or part of the PropeAy,is sold or <br /> - -;:"�";: ,�!,`�''�'� '��'''" ' atherwise trnnaterred(other than by devise or descent)by the Hotrower,and _--_._. <br /> _-�•'�'� `�' (ii)The Property ia not occupled by the purchaser or grcuuee ac his or her principal residence.or the purcheser --�- <br /> ..�,_,,. <br /> ",P`` --_-----�---.,... <br /> ,,,, u, �,� or gmntee daes so cecupy the Property but his or her c�dit has not been approved in accor c <br /> �- "�°�� with the requirementa of Ihe Secnetary. <br /> :�_.�`�.�_;;�. ._ <br /> ---�. ���K (c)No Wnlver. If circumstances nccur that would permit Lender to require immediate pnyment in fbll. but Lender <br /> ��•+�;w�.,( does not rcqui�such p�ymenta,I.ender dces not waive its rights with respect ta subsequent even�R. <br /> ---_�'��-� >". (d)Re�ulntiau of HUD Secretary. In many circuma�ancex regulntionR iRaued by the Secretary will lirni�l.ender's <br /> ��'•- � ;,_`",�; ,; `' "i �gh�s. in the case of a ment defuuUR, to rcquire immediate nyment in full and fomclo.r•t if not p�id. This <br /> �`�`"°~-� Sccurit Instrument daex nat autha�ize acreleratian or fureclosure if nut rmit�ed b re ule�innK nf Ihe Scrrct <br /> .� -�:.�;��''�.t,�;' y f� Y 8 �'. - <br /> _�_ ..:.��� � (e)Mo�e Not Incured. Hiim�wer ugrrex Ihut xhould Ihix Securily Inxtrumen�wKl the nute�ecurcd Ihereby n�it <br /> — t�c cl�gihle for insurancc u�akr Ihc Nutfunul H�Niaing Act wi�hin fn+m Ihc <br /> ' :'µ�-�*�'=�, dutc hcreof,Lcndcr mAy,u1 il���pliuu und o�Nwi�h�tunding uny�hing in Purugruph 9.rcyuim immcdiulc pnymcm in = <br /> � .:�+:�r . full nf All sum��cecund by�hi+►Sirxu�i�y Insuumem. A writlrn htulement of uny �uih�riicd ugent of thc Secre�ury <br /> F� <br /> _, dulcd KubxcNucn�la from thc dute hcrc�if,dcclining�a inxurc thia Sccurity <br /> .:+�p/ri�•��� .. InKuument and�he nute secured�hemhy,whall ix�decmed conclu�ive prcmf of Kuch ineligibili�y. Nutwiihxlanding ���-` <br /> ' :+�,� °' � ' the foregoing,this uptiun may n��t bc exerci«cd by Lendcr when the unwvoilabiliry of inrurunce ia solcly due to �` <br /> ----_ ' L.enderk failure lo remit u monguge ingurance premium ta the Secrelary. -- <br /> �� 10. Reinctatement. Bortawer hua a right 1a be reinxtnted if L.endcr ha4 required immediate payment in full becau�se <br /> -��; ° ,ti of BorrowerH feilure to puy un umount due under the•Note or thiK Secudry Instrument. Thix nght upplicg even after -. <br />_;.. <br /> ��-� forcclosuro raceedin s are instituted. 'Ib reinstate the Securit Insuument. Borrawer shall tendcr in n lurnp sum a <br /> � ...-tsta..,,:•.�Y, .�,•,: P. 8, y <br /> =��-:;---- ,� - . amoun[s requ�red to bnng Borrower w uccuuni wrrcut i�n:luJi��g,tu the e�:ieni thzy are abligatfans of SarroKCS uader this = <br /> "�°�'� �-«-�;- Security Instrument.furecbsure costs und r+easonnble und customnry attorneys'fee,und cxpenses roperly�xsociuted with -° <br /> as <br /> :::�:� the forcctosure proceeding. Upan reinstotement by Borrower,thiti Security Instrument and the o ligutiona ihat it secures <br /> ;�„ v shelf remain in effect as if I.ender had not required immedinle puyment in full. However,L.ender is not required to Fermil =- <br /> __ ' reinstatement if: (i) Lender hu5 accepted reinstutemont ofter the commencement of foreclosure praceedings withm�wo - - <br /> '.h'SC ~- ° " � years immedintely preced{ng the commencement of u current foreclosure proceeding, (if) reinstatement will preclude -• <br />-w�: � . � foreclasure on different groundv in the future,or(iii)rcinxtutcment wlll adver!�e�y nffect the prioriry af the lien created by <br /> " ' this Security Instrument. <br />- - :'?".�� 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance b� I.ender Not a Waiver. Ex�ensian of the time of payment or _ <br />:� <br /> "�_�r . - modification of wnonization of the sumx secureJ by�hix Security In�trument grunted by Lender to any successor in interest _ <br /> :. , <br /> _. ° • • of Burrower shull nat opemte to relea�c the liabiliry of the odginnl Borruwer or Borrower's xucce.r•sor in interest. Lender <br />�-•� . � ahall not be required to commence proceedings agamx[,u�y xuccetisor in inlercxt or refuxe to extend time fc►r puyment or � <br /> e <br />'�w� otherwise modif Amortixn�ion of the sumx tiecu�d b this Securi� Instrumen� b res+son of cu� dcmand mude b the <br />" ,:, , Y Y Y Y Y Y ��:' <br /> - , � • original Borrower or Borrower.l•succexsor.s in intere��, Any forbeurance by Lender m exercising uny right or remedy shsll <br />-�'°�' ' • • not be a waiver of or preclude the exercitie of any right or n:medy. -- <br /> '���� 12. Successora and Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and Several I.iabiUty:Co-Si�nerq. The cuvenunts und agreements af <br /> =,:��:� • this Security Inswment shull bind ond benefit Ihe successor.�and ussigns of Lender und Borrower,�ubject to the provisions �+ <br />_-�; ;. ° " . , of Pamgruph 9.b. Bortower i covenunts und ugrecmems shull 6c joint und several. Any Borrower who ca-signs tbic - <br /> - Secu�iry Instrument but ducs not cx�YWe thc Notc: (u) is co•signing thiti Security Instrument only to mortgugc,grant und __ <br /> _'�'`' ° convey that Borrowerk inlere�t in th�Praperty under�hc�crms of this Securi�y Instrument:(b)ix nol personally obligated to '� <br /> �' .� � pay the sums secured by this Security Ins�rumenr und(c►u�me�that Lendcr und un�ather Borrower muy agree to ex�end, <br /> 1.�"`" • , modify,forbear or make uny uccommodution�with ngard tei ihc termti of this Srcunty Inslrument or the Note without that �r <br />_`���-•4 Borrower'sconxnt. <br /> r=°�' � 13. Notieea. Any nutice�,. Borrowcr provideJ ti►r in thi�Sccurily In+trumrnt zhall be given by delivering it or by --- <br /> '����� � � " ' mailing it by fir�t clusx mail unless upplicuble law rcyuircs u.r��f unother meth�xl. The n�iiice .hall be directed ro the ��`: <br /> ' � ` PropeAy Addresx or uny other udJrcsti Borrower dr,ignutc�by noticc to Lender. Any n�Nicr�o l.ender shnll be given by �___ <br /> ;� firvt cluss mnil tn Lendcr;uddnrss stuted herein ur imy addrex� l.cnder dcsi�nutcti hy notirr to Burrowcr. Any na�ice �• <br /> i � � Qrovided for in thi+Sccuriry Instrumrnt.hull Ix�deemed to huve txrn givc:n�o Horrowcr or I.endcr whrn Fivcn u�provided �_._�: <br /> m this puruRrrph. �'`�' <br /> ;: 14. (iUVernfng I.uw;Severa6iiity. Thi, Srcurity Instnimrm �hall lx govrmrd hy Frdcr+d luw und thc law of thc <br /> jurisdiction in whirh�hr Pro�xrty i+kxulcd. In Ihc cvrnt th�u+m}�provi+ian or rluu�r uf this Securi�y Ins�rumem nr thc <br /> Note contlicts with npplicnhle luw..uch c�mtlicl ,hull n�n iiffcct uthrr pr�wi.i�m. ui thi.Sr�urily Inrtrument nr thr Nole <br /> which cun 6e given rffect withnut�he��mtlictin�;pnwi�ion. Tii Ihi.cnd the pr��vi�inns uf Ihi�Srcurity In�trwtxnl unJ the <br /> . Note un�declurcd to Ix xevcrublr. . <br /> : , IS. Bnrrower's Copy. Harcuwcr.hull Ix givrn„nc ronliinnrd cupy ol'Ihi+Scrurity In.�rwncnt. <br /> .� S ' 16. Aqsisnment nP Rents. Harruw�r unrcmdiiionally:u.ign.and tran.l'rr.�u I.rndrr,dl ihr rcnt�und rev�nuc.ut thc ' <br /> ., Propeny. Borrnwrr uuthiKiic.Lrndrr ar Lrndcr'.a�ent.l��rulkrt thr rcnl�and rrvrnuc�and hrnhy dircct,eurh tenwd uf r <br /> � � the 1'roprny to pay thc rciu. lo I.cnJrr or Lrndrr',agrnl,. Ilu��cver.prior t�i Lrndrr� nntirc ti�Humxvcr ut'Horrowrr�: � <br /> .. . bmach�►t'imy covrn:mt ur ngrrrmrnl in�hr tirrurit� In.lrumrni.Borruacr.rhall coUrrl:ind r�r�iv�nll rciu�nnd n venuc+uf i <br /> thc Pm�xny us In��ICC f�x Ihr Mnrtit uf Lrndrr cmd Nnrn��a�c l hi�i�,.ignnum af rcnt�ran,titutc.i�n ub.�►lutr n��i�;nnu nt f <br /> '�,� •. �nd not:m u�xignment titt addi�ion+d xcurity unl�•. <br />' - .- '� --��-"��Y�wl' .�� �..• � • .• .��. � . �• . . 11. .... .:. .I L. �)._... ._ t_.11 L.L.1.1 L_.U._�._.....�... •�...�.... <br /> -----� � . 1� Lruuc��t�vc�mnnc�n u�cu�u a�nin�uwc�. uu uu�cn�.ic�c�.c����� uann..,u .��au�.. u�w�.. .,...n,...� o.. .,,.,.►. : <br /> _ , titt benctil��f LcnJcr��nly.t�i hc ��rni�«i����n� .um� ticrurcd hy ihr tirrurit�• In.iromrnr Ih► Lendcr.h:ill Ix rntiUcd w � <br /> collcct und reccivc all ut'ihr rrnt�uf thc{'ru�un}•: and ir►cueh Irn:mt ul ihr 1'ropcny.hall p:►y nll rrms�luc unJ unpaid ��� ' <br /> • Lcn�r�ir Lrndcr:aEcnt un l.cixkr:wriucn d.nuu�J tu�he tcn:ml. <br /> '� � ,� Biirrowcr hu+ m�� rxcrutcd ��n� priur u.,i�nmcnl of thr rrnt�unJ ha�niil anJ will nut �xrlimn iu�y art Ihat a•oulJ ; <br /> . ' preven�Lendcr from exrrcising it�ri�h��w�Jrr thi.I'ara�r,y,h Ih. <br /> • . . Lrndcr shull nul Ix rcyuireJ lu cnlcr u�wn. tatic r�,nlrol nf or maintain thc I'rupr��y Ixt'un ar�tirr Eiving n�►tirc al <br /> � , breuch tu Hcttrnwrr. Huwevcr. I.rndrr or t�judiciull; ap�+ointcd recrivrr may Jo w a� am• lintr�hrrc i,a hnnrh. Am <br /> • ' . iippliculiun of rcnts�hull not curr or waivc amy dc1;�uU��r invalidalc i�ny�,dxr ri�h�ur rrmeih•uf Lcndcr. 'fhi.a.,i�nmrm <br /> „ of rentx ol'thc Pruperty shaU trnninu�r w•hrn�hc dcht ururcd hy�hr Scruriiy In�irumrm i+paiJ in lull. <br /> . <br /> t <br /> q,aer r.�!J�q,eru I <br /> � , <br /> . � <br /> .i <br /> a <br />