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<br /> ot pk,nnJ the s�le.lacludtaR the pwymenl ot Ibe'I�ustee's ftee actu�I�Y Incurred,nW to exceed 3.0 �'�
<br /> IMe principal�mrwal ot tirc note N tbe Noie at the decl�ratbn d defrult,and roacon�bb attoraeyr•teer�1 a11tMd
<br /> by y�;lb)��a���by thi�Securlty Wstrumeat;�nd Icl aay exaw to the persoa a'penoas k�+�l i'
<br /> a�22, RernovtyAnce. Upon puymcm of all sums r�ecua:d by this Seruriry lo,r•trument,Lender shall reyues�7i�ustcc to
<br /> ����y Ihe pr�perty and sholl aumender th{s Secudty Inatrument and ull nWex evidencing debt Fecured by Ihi�Secu�ity
<br /> _----- :-,_.-, Inswment tu 7fustee. 'llus+loe ahnll reconvey the PrauertY wl�hout wartanty and witlx►ut cha►ge to tho persan or penons
<br /> k�ally entitled to it. Such perwm ur p��eunz nhall p:►y any recordation rost�. -
<br /> - ?,3. Substitute 7lrurlee. Lendcr,at its option.muy P�om dmc�a time removc 7tuatee and oppuint a xucceasor trustce w
<br /> - any 7tu�tee appointe�l hereunder by an insuument recarded in the ccwnty in which this S Wc��y'�1 du�x�conierred upon
<br /> Wilhout conveywue of tho Piroperty. 1he succewor trustce shall Rucceed to aD �he lilie,po
<br /> 7tuatee hereln and by npplicable Inw.
<br /> = 24. Request for NNices. Bomower requeats that copies of the notices of defoult and x�le be sent lo Borrower'a address
<br /> whlch is thc PropertY Addrcss.
<br /> - --- 2S. Itidere to this Secu�ity lastrumept. If une ar marc ddcra sue executed by Bormwcr and recorded together with _
<br /> � �his Security Inspvment.�he covenunts and agreements of each such rider shnll be incarporated imo nnd .r•hull amend and
<br /> --- supplement Ihe cavenanta and agreemenis of ihic Security lnswment as If�he rideKs)were a pun of this Securi�y Instrument.
<br /> — (Check applicable boa(es))
<br /> _ �Adjustable Rote ttider �Condominium Rider p 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> -__-� Pit+nned Unit Develo ent Rider �Biweelcly Payment Rider
<br /> .�".� �Graduated 1'ayment Rider � Pm _
<br /> -----_.�
<br /> � �Balloon Rider �Rate Impruvement Rider �Second Home Rider -
<br /> 1.�.,�_r,.a.ra1.:.;..
<br />—s�_�r �_ �Other(s)[SPec��Y) ACKNOWLEDG�IENT
<br /> —_=_.�.�.;., .
<br />___.�.,�,..�T_�
<br /> -- - BY SI(iNING BELOW,Borrower occepts and agrees to the tem�s and covenanis contained in ihis Security Ina�trument
<br /> _- _- �W��� ond in�ny rider(s)executed by Borrower end nxorded with it.
<br /> K
<br />_� � -----� Wilnessea: �
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<br /> —�`�'�-��`u— Seal)
<br />��"'''"��� F EN MEN ZA GRANA OS •�W�►
<br />:��cvrew�rr�.
<br />._.eA�rC."...-/Y-+ -:°F.
<br /> •,�,,�:�.�,.��•.k. 45?-99-1669
<br /> _�^��_jtY�A�. Socic�l Security Number
<br /> ��;��;�,-�c,�,:;n .0 �
<br /> �l os�t F u�E N'� a z a �s��i►
<br /> �3C�',t.(s�:�-': ROSA E. IrIENDOZA •Borrowcr
<br /> ,;;,_. .� , sn�_��_Q�17
<br /> `�-' °' • Social Securfty Number
<br /> ,.„;;�,:•�,�,=�...
<br /> ��.�:�.�rJ�.��;� County ss:
<br /> '�,+�e+��i%r%�-i:y:.� STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL
<br /> �;;���`,;,;:�.
<br /> �.:' ��•"' •• � � On this 25TH day of JUNE, 1992 ,before me,the undcrsigned,a Notary Public
<br /> s''ry'�"a'k'.4 duly commissioned and qualified for said county,personally cwne EFREN mENDOZA GRANADOS AND ROSA E.
<br /> ",y,•:,�.�,�,�, ,to me known to be che
<br /> .�1..� n�-_=E mENDOZA� H U S B A N D A N D W I F E
<br /> � "`'�� � identicel persons(s)whose name(s)are sub.cribed to�he Foregoing ins�rument and acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> '�°".-¢--�i�: � be THEIR volunu►ry ac�ond deed.
<br /> '` , '�''�;�`•'' gs my hand and nwarial scal ut GRAND ISLAND N in ss�id counry,the
<br /> ��t�::'� ....:�; Af is 4' /�� ��— Naary Publk
<br /> ��iz����` ��nr�FC,��,�►�y,� REQUESTFORRECONVEYANCE
<br /> _ ��:;�� • TOTRUSTEE: °dn �[ "�
<br /> ;� ,r..
<br /> �,-,,a_.;;; The undersigne '�i,AYcj�) r of the note or nntes scrurcd by this Decd of'llvs�. Suid notc or nutes,together with nll
<br /> .�"'"�"'�' ' other indebtedness seeurcd by s!)eed of'Itus1,have been paid in full. You are hereby dirccted to cuMel suid note or notes
<br />- ° . , cu�d this Deed of 7tust,which ure delivered hereby,nnd to reconvey. without wurrnnty.aU the estate now held by yau under
<br /> � this Deed of 7�ust to thc person or person�Icgully entidcd Ihereto.
<br /> ;r.. ..
<br /> `r'� 'J .
<br /> �v'" Date:
<br /> . : .. , Form 30b{ 9190 I�R�'h ufn�uxes►
<br /> . • ,
<br /> .. .. ._...__ _.�,. - , . -- . _. �.. .,.
<br /> . . .. ._ _._ _' ' . -r.•a.Mn.�.f.�...+r��� - �'O�,A�'"!^^
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