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._ .�._ ___ ___ ____ _ _ . , ,.� _ <br /> ri.��.....�;:,.�.. .. _ . +NfY <br /> ��� ���^ � <br /> �—+..-.-'+�{^ew��- ._—___' '��..�) ��.pC�. '• /{�" -• —_ <br /> ��� ..n�. .i�. �R=�.}, ., �+.�• .,. <br /> I �r '�"��'+r.�_ -_— --- ,�_ - - <br />. ��I _ � . �.._.�1 <br /> _ � 92-. sosss4 <br /> � ' .ipplicAble law m�y specify Por rcinatntament)6ePcxe r�le of the Propeny pu�xuant to any powcr of satc contalncd in U�is <br /> Sacurity Inswmenl;or(b)enqy of�judgment enforcing this Sdcur�ty Inatrument. Thoze condiUa�s nre Ilwt Bnmower: (a) <br /> p�ys Lender�II sums which �tiett wouid bc duc under Ihi� Securily Insl�umcnt and thc Note as ff na acceleralion had <br /> occurrod;(b)curcs any default of any other covenants ar agrcemcnts;(c)pays all expenses incumed in cnforcfng ihis Secu�ity <br /> �� Instrument, including, but not limited to, reasonable attomey�'fees:wW (d) takes such action as l.ender may rcascmably <br /> --- -- rcquire to assure U�at the lien af thia Security Msuumenl.Lenderk rlghta in thc Property and Borrowcrk obligution�u pay Ihc <br /> sums secuned by thia Sccurlty lnstrument ehall condnue unchonged. Upon reinslulemenl by Barrowcr. this Securily <br /> -�--: Inewment end the obligations eecurcd hereby shell remein fully effer�ive ns if no ncceleratior.had occurreel. Hawever,lhir <br /> _ _ _ -- -- <br /> - -� � _. <br /> --�—� tight to reinaU►te shali not Apply in the case af accelcratlon under puugraph 17. <br /> -� 19. Snk ot NMe;ChAn�e of L.ostn Servker. The Note or u partiul intcrcst in the Natc (�ogether with thls Security <br /> Instrumentl may be sold one or more times wlthout prior notice to Barrower. A snle mny result in u change ie the entity <br /> ---_�^_a� (knc►wn as the"Loan Servlcer")lhat coliects monlhly puyments due under the Nate and�hia Securily Inbtrun�ent. There also - <br />.._.��,,. may 6e one or more changes of�he l.oan Servicer unmlated to u sule of the Note. If therc is u chonge of�he Loan Servicer, <br /> Barrower will be given written nodce of the chunge in accordunce with paragruph IA above and upplicable law. The nWice <br /> - -�� v+•------_•� will�vtate thc name and address of thc new Loan Servicer and the addresa to which payments should be made. The notice will -- <br /> �..;.�.�.:r,d.;.. <br /> .� alco contein uny other informudon required by applicable law. <br /> -----�----_•��'` 20. Hazprdous$ubstpnces. Borrower chnll not cuuse or pc�mit Ilie presence,use,ditipowl,storuge,or reicuse oF uny <br /> �„A,;--- =z�_� Hazardoug Suba�ances on or in the PropeAy. Borrower shnll na do,nor nllow anyone else to do.uny�hing offecling the <br /> ��_--��-��-�+ Properly that is in violation of uny Envlronmentul Low. 7'he pncceding two scntences shull not opply to thc presencc,ure,or <br /> --"-'�'�as slomge on the Prapeny of cmull quantities of H+izardous Subswnces that are generally recognized to be uppropriute to normal <br /> resWcnNal uses and to maimenunce af the Propeny. <br /> -____---_�-;,� 8ortower shall prompdy give Lender wdtten naticc of any investigation.claim,demand,lawsuit or aher acNon by uny _ <br /> - .�-----�u� governn�entul ur rebulutury agency ur privut�purty involving the Property and any Hozardous Subslance or EnvironmentAl `-- <br /> - '.�- -- - Law of which BaroM�er has actual knowicdge. If Bortower lenrns, or is noti6ed by any govemmemul ar regulatory ��-. <br /> -�`�--�N3•.��' authorily.thut uny removal or dher remedintion of ony Humrdous Substance affecling the Propeny is neceswry,Bonower — <br /> ��- ���� sh�ll promptly tnke all necessury remedial action4 in uccordance with Emironmentul l.Aw. -- <br /> ,,..:..: . <br /> ., ,-,.,:�., :,. <br /> • •�•'-°^ �•�' As used in this paragrnph 20."Hazurdoua Substuncea"are those subs�ances defined As toaic or hazurduus xubstances by <br /> •_�.�;_ �•. '•, �nvlronmental Luw nnd�hc fallowing subtlunces: gasoline,kcrosenc,othcr flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic _ <br /> — pesticides and herbicides. volatile ,olvents, maleriuls contuining nsbeslos or fom�aldehyde,and radiouctive mu�crluls. As <br /> �'�+�-��?� used in this rn h 20,"Environmentul Luw"mcuns fedcrnl laws und luws oP ihe u�sdiction where Ihe <br /> ..,���._ parug p J Property is located <br /> �,.� ;?.� Uwt relate to henllh.sufery or environmen�nl protc�ction. <br /> i'�'��� � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.cnder fuAher covcnunt nnd agree us follows: --- <br /> '""""`"h°��''" 21. Accelemtion; ltemedles. l.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration fallowing Rorrower's _ <br /> : ��. .��,',•;.�., 6reach oP any covenant or agreement in this Secu�ity Instrument Ibut nat prior to Acceleratbn under paragraph 17 - <br /> ��,�,:�.��; unless AppllcAble IAw pravides otherwise). The notke shall epecify: (a11he Action reqaired to cure the � _ <br /> ��� � �e= •� ,k defwulh(c)a dale,not les.9 thon 39 days f'rom the date Ihe�otice Ia given to Borrower,by whfch the det'ault must be <br /> -� •�s"• '""" cured;and(d1 thol failure lo cure Ihe defaull on or before Ihe date specifled in Ihe notice may result in accelemHon of <br /> �- .••.�-• '�••. �t> .. the sums secured by this Security InRtrument And�le of the Property. The nodce Rhall fuMher inform Borrower oP <br />-- - , ' �• :` � the right M relnstate afler acceleratton and!he righ!to bring a eourt aedon to asse�f fhe non•ex(9tence of a default or - <br /> _ ' . any ather dePense oP Borrower to acceleraUon And sale. If the dePault is not cured on or before the dAte speci8ed in - <br /> the notice�I.ender at I�v opt(on may requi�e immediute paymen!in full oi all sums secu�ed by fhlg Security Inslrument <br /> �_ ° . •.�,,,:• wlthout further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by appHcable low <br /> - .;��.;°;. l.ender shall be entitled b cullecl all expenses Mcurred in pursuin� the remedles provided In this parpg�Aph 21. - <br />-"''°� � ``':"' Includinq,but not limited to,reASans�ble altorneys'tees and casts of tiNe evidence. -�__ <br /> --� ` , 1P the power of sale is invoked.'I�ustee shall record o notice oP defi�ult in each county in which any pprt oP the __ <br /> o:� Property is located and shall mail copirs of such nodce in the manner prescribed by appUcable law to Borrower and to - <br />°--_- - '� !he other persons prescribed by applicablc law. Ader Ihe time required by s�pplicable law�Trustee shall�ive public <br /> -_ , ..,,,i notice of sale to the persons and in lhe monner prescribed by applicablc law. '11�uatee,without demand on Borrower. <br /> _=��..••��•-���•.• shall sell the Property at public auction to the hiahest bidder at lhe lime and place and under t6e terms designated in � <br /> �``` ° ° the notke oP sele in one or more porccls and in any order'Ibustee determine�. 7lrngtee muy postpnne sale of oll or any <br /> ����� parcel of!he Property by public apnouncement�t the Nme And place oP Any prevfausly scheduled sale. l.ender or itq �" <br /> --.� s:s:c�;�.,a��.�.. <br /> '- ^ desiQnee mAy the Properly at uny w�lc. �,. •; <br /> _ ' Upon receipt oi payment oP the prfce bid.7'rustee shall deliver to the purcha.ser 71�ustee's deed conveyinp Ihe r`��;!" <br /> ,`-r��,� :� ;.:,�; Property. The recitals in tMe 7Yustee's deed shall be prima Pucie evidence of the Iruth of the atatements made therein. �'_- <br /> �� : 'i�ustee ahAll apply!he proceeds of the Aale In the PoNowing arder: (a►to all costs And expenses of exercising the power � <br /> ,.�`''� --- <br />-��;�. 'Mi r.. - _ <br /> -.a`��i :i��+::.:'a+3v...1. <br /> �.�r o a. <br /> , � - <br /> . a• <br /> � �':' <br /> � � N7:r <br /> Fbrm J02tl 9P10 qwke t n)'n/wRrs1 — <br /> t .. .. . . <br /> . ��.�•� ♦ � <br /> }� t ! + r <br /> . � O'''�y� , <br /> �� . .-. � . n _*: . _.___...-._. y .. �.. • . ' ' aa��wl�nNY�47iYMI�.N • •�..iN-._ rf-�I'.�RI�MAA '���!{�y� <br /> ` . .. . . . � � "`!Y7: <br /> ___!�...�anf:_u�-_7 " ' • <br /> � • U <br /> .. � # . . <br /> 1 . . . �.�' � - � <br /> i <br /> . � <br /> / _._.. —_._._ _._ . . _. . _ ___.____ _ . " _ _._._ J .._. _. .. <br />