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� , ,� � <br />1 <br />20110�0�� <br />EXHIBIT D <br />a �. <br />Le9a!_Descr�tion_1Parcel_ �91 - <br />A t�oct o/ land comprisinq o par' of <he Lots One (!) ond Two (1), Moin/and .rn tha Narthwest Ruorter (NWI/4) o/ Secfion rwerrty <br />One (21), Towrrship Nine (9} r�orih, Ronge Eteyen (J 1� Wesf of the 6ik�., rn Hal/ Counly, Nebroska, mo�e parficulorly desc�ibed as <br />follo wr. <br />Beginning ot ihe southwesf corner ot said Lol Two (Z} Moinlortd; thence runnrng norfirer/y on the wsst /ins af sQid Lot Two (2) <br />�1loin/Qnd, on an Assumed Baaring of rV00'08Z6"W, o drstonce o( Eighf oRd Sevenfy Fve Hund�edihs (8.T5� feet, 10 o poi�t ort the <br />northerlr rrgh! o' way line af P/atte River D: ive: thence running NSb'15 52 "E, on the northerly �ght of way line o/ P/ctfa Aivar Orive, � <br />drstonce ot One Thousvnd S;xfy Six and Twenty Seven Hundred'hs (1066.?7) /eet, io the AGTUAL poirri o( baginning; iltence runninga <br />N00'08'2b"W, c drstonce of Two Hundred Eighiy Nine and Frfty Srx Hund�edths'(289.56) feet, b o poini on the appfoximate originc! <br />meander line of said Lot Two (2) Main/and; lhence running N77'S! 34 E on !he opproximaie origino/ maartds� /rne ol scid Lots One <br />(/) ond two (Z) ,4lain/and, o disivnce of Five Hund�ed Twenly ond Erghly Two Xund�ed/hs (510.82) Iest, lo a paint on /he notTheriy <br />right_of war /ine a/ Piat�e River D�ive; the<<ce runni�g S6�'4/ 31 "W on the norther/y rrght of wQy line ot P/atte River Orivs, a dislonce <br />o! Two and Seventesn Hundredths (2.17) feet,• ihenca running S54'24't 9"W, on the rrorfher/y r+ghi of way line of PIaNe River Drrve, a <br />distonce of Four Hundred Eighty Six onC Seveniean Hundredths (486.17) feef; thence running S56'15 52 on lhe norlher/y nghf o! <br />wqy line o/ P/vfie Rirer D�ive, a distance of One Hund�ed Fiffy Eigl�f and Sirt}� Nine Hundrsdtrts (l58.69) /esl, to fhe ACTU'AL paini of <br />beginning and confaining l.7Bi acres more or /ess. <br />L ega/ �escri tion Parcel 'C' �- <br />A trac� of iond comprising a pari of the Lol One'(!), blarn/and in ihe Northwest Ouarter (NW//4J of Secliorr Twentr One (1/f, <br />Township Nine (9) Norlh, Rortge f/ever�ll') Wesi of ih� 6th. P.M., in Holt Coanfy, NebrQSko, more porticularly described as lo/lows: : <br />Beginning at the sou�hwasi corrte� of Lo/.•Two (Z) Main(and; ihence �unnirrg norther/r on the west line of Loi Twa (2,� Mornlond, on on <br />.assumed Bearing of N00'0626 v distonce ol Eight ond Sevsnfy Fivo Hund�ed�hs (8.75) leei, to a poinl on. the norther/y righi of <br />woy /ine of P/c�ie Rive� Orive; ihence running �N56'15'S1 "E, on the no(`her/y righl o/ sray line of Plbiie River Orive, a distance ol One <br />Thoose�d /wo Hundred Twenty Four ond Nineiy Six Hundredths (/224.96) faet,• ihence runniRg NSQ'24'19."E; on the norfFser/y right of <br />wor Irrte of P/alte River Orive, e drstance of Four kurrd�ad Erghfy Six vnd Sevenlaen Hundredths (466,.t7) (�eeh, thence runni�g <br />N60'4( 31 "E, on fhe norfherlr rrghi of way line ot F(qtle Rrver Orive, a drstance ol Ninetr fighi vnd Six7y Fire Hundredihs (98.65f feet, <br />to the ACTUAL poini of beginning, ond io a poirrt on ihe app�oximoie o�igino/ meonde� lin� of sard Loi One (t) Main/and; ihence <br />running N55'25'S.� E an the opprozimote arigina! meonder line of soid Lot One (1) Alcinland, a distonce ol TFtree HunB�ed •N/nety Faur <br />ond Ninelp rwo (394.92) teet, ta the opprroximole origrna/ Meonder Camer befween Sections Sixfeen (16) ond Twenly �ne (21); thenca ' <br />running N99'!4'll E on the north line of soid� Lo� One (1) Mainlond, a distartce ot £rghteen and Ten Hundredths (18.10) feei, fo 0 <br />Witness Maander Comer between Secfions Sixieen (16) artd rwen/y One (ZI}; �hence continurng N83'14'11 E on the north lins of seid <br />Lol One (tJ Mainland, o distonce o! Fifty Seven ond Sixty Six Nundredths (57. b6) feei, to o pofnt on iire northerly righf ot war kne <br />ot Platte RJYE/ Orive; fhence running S�0'41'31 "W, on ihe northerly right of woy line o� P�afle River Onre , v distvnce ol Foui <br />Hundisd Fifiy Nine vnd Eighfy One Hundredths (459.81) fee1, lo lhe ACrUAL pornl of begirtnrng on�~�onfoining 0.19t ecres more or <br />less. . :, �` <br />