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�- . . ... <br />20110302�. <br />EXHIBIT C <br />A tract of land comprising a part of tf►e Lot One (1) lsland in Fhe Northwest Quarter <br />(NWf/4), of Section Twenty One (21�, Township Nine (9) North, Ronge E/even (111 West of <br />the 6th. P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more porticularly described as fol%ws: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of soid Norfhwest Quarfer (NWf/41 ond said Lot One (1, <br />is/ond; thence running eosterly on the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NWf/4) and <br />said Lot One (11 /s/and, on an Assumed Bearing of N89'26'39 "E, o distance of Eight <br />Hundred Eighty One Qnd Sixty Dne Hundredths (881. 61� feet; thence running S00'O 1'11 �E, o <br />distonce of Thirty One ond Ninety One Hundredths (31.91) feet, to o point on tfre <br />approximate originol meander line; thence running S79'48'18"W, on the opproximate originol <br />meonder line, a distance of Eight Hund�ed Five ond Ninety Two Hund�edths (895.92) <br />feet, to the southwest corner of soid Lot One (11 /s/and and to the meander corner corner <br />between Seciions T►�enty (10) and Twenty One (21); thence running N00'03'SO�E on ihe west <br />line of soid North west Quorter (NW 1/4) ond said Lot One (11 /s/and, a distonce of One <br />Hundred Eigl�ty One ond Ninety Three Hundredths (181.93) feet, to the point oi beginning <br />ond containing 2.164 acres more or less. <br />