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<br /> periods Ihut I.endcr rcquirea. Thc iarurance carricr providing�ha insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subJect ta l.ender'r �
<br /> approval which rhall not be unrea�atably withheld. If Borrowcr foils Io maintain covcrugc described ubove.l.enda mwy.wt
<br /> -- txnder's option,obtain cavemgc to protect l.ender's rightx in�he Pmpeny in occordance with pzuagraph 7. __
<br /> All insurence policieK and re�walx stwll t+e ucceptwblc to l.ender w►d shull include e xla�daN manguge cluuse. Lender
<br /> '� shall hnve the right ta hald Ute policie�wnd rcnewols. If Lender r+a�uires,Borrower shull promptly give to l.cnder ah receiptx _
<br /> — of paid prcmiums and rcn�wAl ao�ices. In�he evenl of losc,Barmwer Rhall�ive prompt nntice to the inaurwice carrier and
<br /> �
<br /> -- L.ender. Len�der may muke proaf of los.4 if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> --3 -- ----
<br /> - -- ---- --_' Unlrss Ix�xk:r and Rorrowcr othcrwise agrcc in writing,invuraoce praceeds shell be applied lo restoral on or repa r o —
<br /> - i�e prop�ny damnged, Ip the resicxatlan or repair is economiculiy fe�.viblc und Lcnder's sccurfry is not lexsened. If �he �, �
<br /> ` reatarution or repAir is not economically fea�ible or Lenderx xecuri�y would be lessened,the insurance praceeds ghall he
<br /> �'°�'°'�¢-t� upplied to the suma secured by this Securlry Instrument,whether or na then due,with nny excecs paid to Borrower. If ---
<br /> Barrower abandons the Property,or daes not nnawer within 30 dayx u natice from Lender�hAt Ihe insumnce currier has �Q`'`""
<br /> ..�.�..;���;�� ---
<br /> �„�i3�,�si„�_�;� offered Io eettle a clnim,then Lender muy collect the insurunce proceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> - - -- --_- the Property or to pay sums cecured by ihia Security Mslrutnent.whether or not then due. The 30-duy period will begin when
<br /> - =__—=_�'� the notice ia givcm. � T�
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, uny applicntion of proceeds to principul shall not extend or
<br /> "W°�••• postpone the due dute of the monthly payments referred to in parugruphs 1 und 2 or chAnge the amount of the puyments. If
<br /> ����:��
<br /> ------.�.----�_:- �nde�pArugruph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender,Borrowerg right tu ony insurnnce palicies und praceeJs resuldng .::
<br /> ==��*�s�riYt� fram dumuge to the Property prior�o�hc Acquisition xholl�wss to Lende�to the extent of 1he sums secured by thia Security �
<br /> ___- -�"�`'�� lnsuument immediu�ely pnor to the acquisition.
<br /> —=-_��.� 6. Occupancy, Preservation. MwintenAnce and Protectlon ot the Propeny= Borrower'a I.oan ApplicAtion; _�
<br /> - -" = Leaseholda Bortnwer sholl cecupy,estublish.and use the PropeAy as Borrowerk princips►I residence within sixty duys ufler
<br /> i_ ,,;,�;�� ���•� the eaecution of this Secudty Instrument and ahull cantinue ta occupy the Propeny as BoROwer R principal residence fur ut �_
<br /> "�"' `' least one year after the dute ot' accupancy, unlecc l.ender otherwise ugrees in writinR. which consent shall not he
<br /> :��:�`:�::-,�s �==-
<br /> „_,,..�..� _ ;.�+� unreasunabiy wiihheld,ar unless extenuuting circum�tunces exist which uoe beyond Borrowers control. Boirower ahall not
<br /> - -�—��s������. � destroy,damage or impair Ihe Praperty,ullow the Property to deteriorate,or commit wuste on�he f'�operty. Bartower shall �;,"_
<br /> �����'-' be in default if any forfeitune action or praceeding.whelher civil or criminal,is begun that in Leader�gaod faith judgment _.., _
<br /> " .•.a+":�';��� �� could result in forFeiwre of Ihe PropeAy or otherwise mater�Ally impuir the lien created by thia Security Ias�rument or _._.�
<br /> - " '��;� ��' ���g Lenderk security interest. Borrower may cure auch a default uad reinstute,us provided in parugrAph 18,by causi�g the uction ---_-
<br /> — _ .,•C�.''�i.�`�'i.�.." ,. �F,�
<br /> —,;�„�,,,��,�,;K�., ' or proceeding ta be dismissed wi�h a ruling Ihat,in Lender's gaoci faith determinution,precludes forFeilure of�he Borrower5� �„_�
<br /> --,�„��;:"x°��;,;�;^�`�•_ interest in the Propeny orother materiul impnirtnent af the lien creuted by t6is Security Instrument or Lenders secudty ___
<br /> � � ;;��+:�v�`; '. interest. Borrower shall also bc in default if Borrowcr, during the loan applicntion pracesa, gave macerinily fulse or �"a
<br /> -_ ��"��� " :� � inaccurnte infortnation or s�atemen4g to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with uny materiol inPormetion)in connection with '�
<br /> -�- ' x, :�'' thc lonn evidenced by �he Note, including, but nd limited to, representations conceming Borrower g occupuncy of 1he �_-
<br /> __-��a ---?.-=-._:_� ps.Q�rtY�a������e�idence. If this Securi�y Insttument is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with aU the provisions ___
<br /> �''''i`��'��'���'�''� of the lease. If Borrower acyuires fee�iUe to the Propeny,the leusehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Leoder agrees �_
<br /> ^j�'/4 ,. ,. __
<br /> -^''� , . � to the merger in wr�ting.
<br /> :1`., • 7. ProtecNon of I.ender's Righta in fhe Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenunts and agreemenls �;,.
<br /> ' � :,� :::�:. �t ,: contained in this Securlty Instrumen�,or lhere ia a legal praceeding that mny significuntly affect l.enderk rights in �he
<br /> . ,,, propeny(such ns u proceeding in bunkniptcy,probate,for condemnulion or forfeiturc or to enforce laws or regulations),then ����
<br /> � L,ender moy do ond puy for whutever is nccessury la protect the vulue of the Propeny und Lendcr c rights in the Property.
<br />- . �',' "```�"" �� Lender�s Actions may include puying uny sums secured by u lien which hax priority over�his Secur�ty Instrument,appetuing
<br /> vi
<br /> i"� ." � '' � :� � in court,puying rensonable auomcys'feer und entering on�he Property�o muke repairs.Although Lender muy take ac�ian �.=^
<br /> � '�� � under ihis parngmph 7.Lender dce4 not hnvc to do so. ���
<br /> • � � .""`•"".'�'" Any umounts disbursed by Lender under this pnrugruph 7 shull become addition�l debt of Borrower.r•ecured by this �--�
<br /> � � . ,.� Secority inKtrument. Unless Burrower und Lender ugrce to other Icrtns nf puyment,thexe umounls shull bcar interest from the �_�_
<br /> ° ' dute of disbursement u�thc Note ratc and shull be puyuble,with intcres4 upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting �
<br /> . .�:�.�;� i':' �: •, payment. '
<br /> �''"'' •. 8. Mortgage Insurnnce. If Lcnder reyuired monguge insurnmc ns u condition of muking the loan secured by this _'.
<br /> . �� " Securiry Instrument, Botrower shull pay the premiumx required to moimpin thc monguge insurunce in effect. If, for eny �_
<br /> . � - � � � reason, Ihe modgage insurunce coverngc reyuired by Lender lupscs or ceases to be in effect, Bartower shall pay the
<br />` :'''� premiums requircd to ob�ein coveruge subs�nn�iully cyuivulrnt k� the mortguge inzurunce previously in effect, at a cost �-�
<br /> ��,:'%' � substantinUy eyuivulent to the cost to Burn►wrr of the monguge insurunce areviuusly in effec�,from un ultemure mortgege !=�
<br />� • " .. insurer approved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivalent monguge inxurunce coveruge i+nat uvnilable,Borrower shull pUy to -
<br /> Lender each month u aum eyual to one-twelRh of thc ycurly mortgagc insurunce premium being paid by Bortower when the -
<br /> ';�• •° ,,;.�_ � ' insuronce covernge lopsed or ceased to be in effect. Lrnder will uccep4 u�r und nti�in mese payments as u lasx reserve in lieu � -.
<br /> "° ,;�':+�'� of mortgoge insurunce. Los�reservr paymems muy nn longcr bc rcyuircd,nt thc option of Lendcr, if mortgage insurunce -__
<br />•. • `' coverage(in the nmount und for the pericxl thut Lender Ryuirc�l provided by un insurer upproved by l.ender ugain becomes =�
<br /> � " "`� • uvuilable und is obtnined.Born�wcr whull pay tln pnmium.rcquircd to m•rinmin mungugc insurnncc in effect,or to provide u
<br /> ' • losx reserve,until the reyuirement for mortguge insurunce endx in uccordunce with uny written a�tmement between Borrower �- -
<br /> ° � und Lender or applicable luw.
<br /> ' 9. lnspecNon. Lender or itx ngcnt muy ms�kc rcusonublr entric+u�xm anJ ins�xrtion.ol'Ihe Propeny. Lender�hull �4_
<br /> give Borrower notice�+t the time of ur prior lo un inx�x:ciion specifyinE rcusanuble r+�u.e t'or thr imFxction. ��r.
<br /> • 10. CondemnaUon. The pracecd�of uny e�wurJ or claim for Jamu�r..Jirect ur ronsrquen�ial,in connection with any
<br /> " . Singlc Frmily••6'unnk Stae/FYeddk;Noc l'NIP'(1RM INtiTRl�111ENT--l�ndorm covcnnm. 9l9D ipu,¢r?�/n�pi,�r�� � .
<br />. • sma�Nn twemnr►'.rnN.�nr ■ f
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