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_.� __� _. _ �.a.. "L� <br /> " _ " _ ._�. '-��.�2� Y .�- ' ... .�c <br /> -. - ---- :'��L''.1. 't�' ��!.'r,, 4' '�- — <br /> �:ii.� ��I '��,�... . .....Y..+7i�__� <br /> . ; ,! �� <br /> ____��,...�.e:� 2_ i055S0 -- <br /> _ 9 <br /> � n ,und all cascmcnlx,aPpunenances, <br /> --- - Tp(yBTHp.It WITH�II the improvemen�e now A'��plocemcnt wx1 additi�a�shali�lro bs covctcd hy thir Securlty <br /> �nd fi�tures now ar hercaRor p p�rt of tha propenY• <br /> InWtumert. All of�hc forcgoing is rcferred tu in�hfs Security Inctrumcnt as thc"Pr�peKY•" <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thwt Borruwcr ix Inwfully sciced oi thc etitWc heneby wmcyed nnd hux Ihe riQh�ta grant <br /> """' �nd convey lhe Prop�y wid th�tt Ihc Propeny i�nst vl rfm�ind demandres bjectrto any encumbrnnccr ut'+recurd.�nts wid <br /> o,� will defend Qenernlly the title w�he Propeny� <br /> __—-----_� '1'NIS SECUR[TY IN5'fRUMENT combines uniform covenams for national uxc and non•uniform covawntx whh L _ <br /> �imited vui�Uonr by judcdiction to cona�iwte p unifom�secu�ity inswmem covcrMg reul property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'('S. Burmwer end Lcnder covennnt and agrea es fa��uwe: when due the <br /> -°::�•�i 1. prymepi of Prlaclp�l and latereali�'eP+�9�at aad L�te Ch�ea.d I��h�gC6�due unde'rihc Note. �. <br /> ;;� princi�of ond intercst on the debt evidenced by the Note anc�uny prePaY � <br /> —?� Fuads far'Ib�us�ad 1a�uroa�. SubJect ro applicablc law or to a written waiver by L.ender.Borrawcr shall puY to <br /> � ___-- <br /> W •�. l.ender an 1he day monthly paYments arc due under the Note,until the Note is puid in full.a sum l"Funds")f�o;: leasehold <br /> - - `"- '�::li Wxes and assesamcros whleh may attain pdotlty over this 5ecu�ity Instrument as A lien on the Prapeny:(b)Y Y ` <br /> if an (c) yearly hezard or property insurance premiumK: (d) yc�rly tlood <br /> payments or ground rents an 1he PropertY. Y� y aums payable by Borrower to <br /> -- insuranco premiums, if any:(e) yeuly mon�ugc inaurance premiums, if an ; and(�uny <br /> �--`�-,�� Lender,in accordance with Ihe provisiona of peragraph R,in lieu of Ihe yment of mortgage insurnnce premiums. These <br /> — items arc called"Escrow Items." Lender may.xt uny time,coll uire for�rro er's a cro�sccount under ihe� federa�mRcu� <br /> amount a lender for A federAlly related mongage loan may req ,_ <br /> ����� Estate Settlement F'rocedures Act of 1974 us wnended irom time to time.12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.l"R�PA��>.unless unolher ___ <br /> �—�`';°-�"� law that applies to the Wnds sets a lesser amaunt. If so.Lender any time.collect and hold Funds in un amount not ta __ - <br /> -"'�`��"••' eaceed the Iesser amount. l.ender may estimate 1he umount of Wnds due on the t+asis uf current d�ta and reasooable � <br /> --` --�r;, estirtwtes of expenditurcs of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accardance wfth applicuble law. ��, <br /> 'I1�� FLnds s1w11 be held fn an institutlon whose deposlta sue insured by a federal agency,inalrumentality,or eatity <br /> u�.,...:a.,R..-� : qncludin l.cnder.if I.ender is such an insdiwtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bnnk. Ixnder shall apply thc Flinds to pay <br /> ��"�,k�'�F• the Escrow Items. L.ender meY not�har6e Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,unnually anolyxing the escrow �u <br /> -----` account, or verifying the Fscrow ltems. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds end aPP�icable law permits —_ <br />_;-__��. - mre Bortower to pay a one-time chsuge for un independent reul _,. <br /> � Lender to make such a cherge. However.L.ender mny req �u <br /> "r`'=''�''�,�f �' eswte t�c reporting servke used by Lender in connection with this loan.unless applieab�le�aw P��dBorrower an nt Irest or - -_ <br /> i��;''�;_:�, , ogreement is mads or applicwble law requires intercst to be paid.Lender shnll not be re uired to y Y � <br /> •:� ��ga on the Funds. Sorrower und I.ender muy agrce in w�itinB.lwwever.that intecest shall be puid on the Funds. Lender �<�;,� <br /> - -�''"�� � shall give to Borrower,�vithout charge,un nnnual accounting of the Funds.showiog credits and debits to thc Funds and the ! <br />�-�rt . . ti.S�.. r_ <br /> ,���►��• p�rpose for which each deblt to the Funds wAC made. The Funda ere P��B��°dditional security for all sums secured by -- <br />��,�;,,.�. .�:�;:';'� ihis Stcurltp lnst+utnent, �_ <br /> . � , ,�, ,. It'the Funds held by I..ender exceed 1he amounts perm�tted to be 1�Id bY appficable lsw, L!�n�� shal� account to f� <br /> �"`°`����� ' ^� �'`.r Borrower for the excess Funda in accordunce with the requirementa of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by � <br /> ;��,. Lender at any time is nat sufficient to puy the Escrow ltems when due,Lender may so naify Borrower in writing.and. in <br /> �i,;�,., .�, ., euch case Bort�ower shall pay to Lender the umount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall malce up the �;'-�N <br />. l�.- •�--- - deficiency in no more thun twelve monthly payments,ut L.ender s sole discredon. �_^ <br /> Upon payment in full of ell sums secured by 1his Security Instrument,Lender sna���nde�r,'y nor tothe acqu siti a or _ <br /> ���'`'�'�'y "`-` Funds held by L.ender. If,under pAmgraph 2�.Lender shall acquire or scll the Prope Y• P — <br /> �"'"""'•`;r�'� � ' sule of the Property,shal�nPP�Y�Y �nds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale ae a credit ageinst the sums � <br /> Y��� ' ''� secured by this Securiry Instrument. <br /> �:�� 3. Appllcatlon o�Payments. Unless applicua 1ment chur Ves due under the�NoPe;second,�toeam unts paY ble under ��;,,. <br />. L�,� �� 111�.. <br /> .. • ��.,�� .."� parngraphs 1 and 2 shall be npplied:first,to uny Prep Y 8 <br /> ;,,�;,.. ;, Pazagraph 2;third,to interest due;founh,to pdncipal due;and lust,to ony late chiuges due under the Note. �_- <br /> »'�' 4. Ch�es: I.iena. Borrower shall pay all taxes,ussessments, cliarges, fines and imposidons uttributable to the —' <br />: t•��:t��.;:: ... — <br /> ..��,�,�� � property which may attain pdority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if siny. Borrower <br /> shall pay these obligations in the manncr provided in paragruph 2,or if nat paid in that mnnner,Bortower shall pay them on <br /> - `�•:-�:r ..::•, time directly ro the peBOn owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under �r,� <br /> o��af.v�.�•. �;�?4 .� c�.,�.- <br /> this puagraph• lf Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing - <br /> .,.,�:�::�. ..�:�:. the payments. �� <br /> '" • Borrower shall promptly dischnrge any lien which has priority over this Securily Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ugrees <br /> �_..�Y ,�;�o�� in writing to�h�payment of ihe obligation secured by the lien in m m�nner acceptuble to Lender,lb)contests in good faith the �-_ <br /> ^� , :^�:� . . i lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceed�nss which in the Lender's opinion operute to prevent the <br /> ,�_ o;.•,:ti4:,.:: enforcement of the Hen:or(c)secuder det rmines that uny pun of he Propeny s subject tota�ien which muy a tain pnodty �:� <br /> = • � � t o t h i s S e c u d t y I n s a u m e n t. I f L e n — <br /> ��.;+y�` � over this Security inswment,l.ender may give Borrower u not ice i den t i fying t h e l i e n. B o r ro w e r s h u l l s a t i s f y t h e l i e n or take �_ <br /> ,..�.;,�••, o n e o r more of the actbns set forth above within 10 dnys of the giving of notice. <br /> '° S. Hazard or Propeny InsurAnce. Borrowc r s h u l l k e c p t h e i m p ro v e m e n t s n o w e x i s tin g or hercafter erccted on�he <br /> � " " Piroperty insured ogainxt loss by fire,haxerds included within the terni"extcnded coveruge"nnd any other haznrds,inclu ding <br /> � " •• floads ur flooding, for which Lender requirex insurance. This insurance shall be muintained in the amounts and for Ihe <br /> �.�' . <br /> .�,��, . . �m 302M 9l90 r�xr 2 of e�wxrs► <br /> . , �. <br /> „ .. ( _ <br /> - ��� <br /> , � o <br /> ;, • ;'� , .. � ` . . .. . ..r-..._..._,�_....._-.__.��!.r��:-. <br /> Y_.._P-..�._ <br /> � � . ...��J:... .. . �A.� . .. <br /> - _.ii_._.�__.J.i...�' . . <br /> . _ . __"_ _ . __ ._-::.-.___-._�__� . <br /> . . ... _... ._ . . . _�L�. <br /> / ' . <br /> . .. . j . . .� .. .� . <br /> T <br /> . . f <br /> ;1t ' � . -- - . ._._ . <br /> . �. _. . . . ._-Z <br />