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<br /> .-. �`: �g,Bo�xd�r�e Pca�i�sre.ji LeBder�ri�tires tmme�tate�td1 ta�I�II uud�par$pa�9.��m�3� ;��•<_-'
<br /> t �� te G►�r.�.tnder sba11 be s�I?te�9 to� _':`� .
<br /> I-�,- inoolce tEte po�rr af sate�d s�ri:c�'��-�° ��°�h 1 but uot iimited to, - -�;��-�'
<br />. ' a}] e�gmSes i� in Pu�su1a8 tI�e r�,se� andQr thSs �p� � ���� _ �
<br /> reas�nabS�aita�9s'fees aad oosts o8ti3�:evidcace. � ia which ar�,j►p�t af �=��-r.�
<br /> . Iilhe powar ot sale Is i�vo§e�,�ee s�aII rr�o�d a aotioe oi dtirnit in e�cb �'9 fle I�w to ---`-,�'°�
<br /> t� iocated aud shaII mnII ca�oi suca na+�e in the mQnns��bY�a�r�t Isw, � �}�";>;'
<br /> �. t�e�cop�ty s�CIe iaw.Aiter R�a ttt�sFq"���Y � �- �,_,,.
<br /> •. �t.x Son+��tr�d 4o tl�e other PQSOU�pr�k��9 aFP� � � te In�.�Il,�a.."ie� _ ��",_
<br /> ., �`. Tcastee s�aII gtve pab![c nntics aS sate¢o t�e�asons und in 4�mann�prescrt� � P� — ,
<br /> : '��,� at 1k aactian W t6e hig�st bWBe�at We tiate and __�__
<br /> vritho�t d�an��Bormwa�,sBaII seli!�Propetiy I� ���y�r�2r 14�
<br /> �" �Pace snd aader tha t�rms d��t�e�e of sai�e tn ane Qr�oce porarls ��,,.;`
<br /> ' ae sa'e oY sIQ or aHy�s�!a�t�,2 Rra�rat9 bY Publi���at t�tia�e _
<br /> „�. ddecmttu�v.TrasIIee m�p� the P�pe�►�t any saie.
<br /> i9.
<br /> ��CC p��YII��'%pd0�5�'1Ed11YCt�ta��'a'U��Or I�.4 dLS�$IaE�.'i��P� �'�s=s:
<br /> °p T�rome�d ts 6dd by the Se�ataa9�t�e S�e4ar9�
<br />• �� u the I.mde�a inteast in 4;;�TTu�' ���"'�
<br /> 4 D �y �t tLe uo�j�dicta9 Wws oF s�e
<br /> . , imm��nte poym�at in taII aader &�,� 9+ � � �dicta9 �'�_�_--_
<br /> • . , �vfd�in tbe Sla�le F�mifY M��S�fie 1�c�iosare Act oi 1994("Ac2"D(12 U.S.C.3?51 u uq.)by�1��8 !_��Y.
<br /> amil
<br /> a�omi�a� ��c��ter�e ac� to oomm�ce e�iasm� s�1 t�o seD t6e� � �
<br /> s[�+edowrt oi aaY ��� """<�,:�.
<br /> _-- �.�3::c�. Z`*^*..,r.--r=e in tee ��s�at�dep�ve t6e S�9 �_ :
<br /> a�afiabie to a Y�ndcr as�der t��8���if$�r agp�k�ble law. f�'-.�
<br /> Up��pt oi p�ymenc ac s�x @�:te trtd,Tir�tee s5an e3eliv�to tl�p�a'�'s aeed c�tveyfrzis --::_
<br /> r°�-: ..,
<br /> . 4he R+np�ty.T�e r e dt�In the Ti�is;22e's deed a�ail be patra�[csie evIa!euct aY Ctf�s sirutb of the statsn�a4s ��—==�
<br /> �ai
<br /> ! mr�e t�ia.Z�ee�1!nppiy 4�c��oY ahe ssie ta iha tal���rder:ts�D tn sdl aosts an��� . .
<br /> h
<br /> � . acer�8���o�sale.Aad tae safe,f.�r�8�P��of the'�tee's re�adually i�e�r� .
<br /> � . �� f i ve (5) ?n o8�+s gr",aoaL�l�muIIU3 ai the note a8 t�e 4tme of tl�e dx[ar�ot ddadt,
<br /> . and t�auable atW�n�Y�'fecv av�ermt�ted�►f�v+'(b)to aD sa�.s seecu�bY tLis�9��+���� , `
<br /> „�•. �ny es,.^ess to t6e pasan or p����to[t. .'��.,- ;� .
<br /> , ,}: a:•:xl,�•
<br /> . . 19.�'��U�n p��i 44£1�i�BCCQIt��}I th38$�f 1�'`�'Y''�!5$3j1 ISI�,UESZ�0� �•"
<br />. jnS1�II1,@pt 3�LY�`EA�C9 C{►1�$dL..'T''L a'.�� � ,..�,�!�1"�
<br /> (p IETODYESf 1�I6�3�8�-5ut+�(f�:n�1[lty W1tbCIIt W�LY '�Wit��%•�LO 1ZA _V_..
<br /> -_ =-- ��� j�r'�.a.+.=r� 'i't^c�ts+�'" "fjYARW�ShSIl iCPADVC}I t�i$PCCQEIij/ `�R_
<br /> pei�an ar gersom kg�Y enti��a�:r,��c.Such pesson oz peYaons at�ali PzY�Y��°�� �-
<br /> � Z4.b�l'lc�te Te�tee.Icnder,at itsf uptton,maY from time W time temava Tcustee and agpoinE a sueoes�or
<br /> `� ' � tmstee to auy Tzostee sppointed bereuudet by aa insuuatient�eoo�ded in the conaty ia whir�this Sec�ity lnstpument --
<br /> ent
<br /> . is r+�►.�dod.�IRthaut conveyanoe of the Pmperty.the suceess�g tsustee sbalt succeM to all the dt�e,Power md Quila �r
<br /> .� t��¢�.3+ugon'ItuEtce harein and bY$PP�te laar. -----
<br /> . . ' . � �1.Reqocst[or Notkea.Bortower re��:�r�at oopies of the natices of defmtlt IInd aale be c�t w Boriower'� `
<br /> ' ` . . � . a�'dtea�aBish i�the ProPertY Add�. , � �`.
<br /> Y..r
<br />. • �'j,.��ZO�4����C�•�ODG 0!mOIE f1dEI8 SIE�I���+���LC00I�LO$G`�1CT -
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<br /> � , s�ppltmcnt the oavenant�and agceementn of thi�Socurlry Ia�ume�as is'��e rider(s)wero a put o�tLis Secariry �.
<br /> men
<br /> � . � Instrume�t.[� �eboxtes)1• GrowLng�.Izy Rider � OQier[�S9 � �—_
<br /> . . . � Pianued Unit Deve2opmcnt Rider � Grdduat�ll U��mena Ltid�r MORT�GE A4Df NDlls� �.;
<br /> . � � .. .�
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