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<br /> 13.1Kottc�.A�Y nnSse w�o�rower provldal for dn this��uriry►n�r4„�Ent s3�r,U��giwea lsy delivering at ar . 4f�;'-.,•'-
<br />. �-� �Y�S�hY�cl�ss mail naless apg]icable law res�uites wse off aaother methnA.Th€aarIoe�alI ba di�ect�d to - - ''.
<br /> �� th�pmp�rty A,d�resa or 2ay oiher address Bozmwer d�ignaces tiY nodce to L��. Auy ao2fa�t�Lead�s�ill be `` .
<br /> , ..�-�:.�,
<br /> � giv�by f�t cdas�m331 to Le�d�r's address stated hccein or aay ad�ess t.e�er desip,�eY by no8a to Borrower. � -��� .
<br /> ., ffi
<br /> ,:� /►ny n�'doe paovitlnd fos in this Ses�ry Insuument sh211 be dee�d w have bem givea w Borno�r�r or Lender�'�Sn '�%,..,:.
<br /> givea as provId�d in tbis pa:agragh. , ,.
<br /> • 14.G�v�aSnB I.ac�.SeveraLilitY.TLis Secnairy Ias�t�hal1 i�gov�tm�d by FeQesal taw aad the law of ,,_ _
<br />'�� t h e j�s d i t�i u a i�c v h i s h t h�P r o p�t y i s l a c�t e�d.t a t h e e v e n t t h a i a t ry pravfsion or cta�of this S�c m 3 e y Insa��eat �'�"°E-�"_:
<br /> or the Nois ooa�licds with applicsbI�law,s�h cantlia shsll aat affect other pmvis€ons of this Securit�►Insi�e�cnt ar �< •.. --
<br /> . the PIots whteh cw be givm effect vvithr�ut the oanflicting pmvision.'d'o this�nd ths gruvIsiaas of this Socurity
<br /> �_:
<br /> 1ast�umznt�t�:l�tot�sie deelared to be severab2e. ""''�_�,.�
<br /> . �.�:.�
<br /> 1�. B�pra��'s Copy. Borrower s2izll be giveu one oonformed capy of dte Note �d of this Se�ili3► -�-
<br /> �_�,.- .
<br /> Instir�erd. -- -6--
<br /> ;;.' Y6. H�ardous Subs't�acseg- Bormwer ahall aot canse or peimit the pirsenoe.nse�diEposal.storage„or�ease �. �,�
<br /> of aay Hazardous S'abstaa�s on or in the Praperty.Bomawer shall aot do.aor altaiv��e oLse w do.aaytLinB -.- -
<br /> affeaing tb�Paoperty that is ia violatian of azry Envimnmental Iaw. 'IIIe piaxd.�ng tcva�aBalt a�t apply to �` --
<br /> th� p�xas�, ,ure, or swrage on the Pmperty of small quanflties of HaztIIdnas Shbstaa� ��te g�suy E , s
<br /> _,. ..a n...�....., �;,:'�.�',
<br /> . itfllSgid7�(!W DC Bp,�IOpL2LC LO IIOIID3l resiIIenuui iaso auv w•�:••�.�=-.•,t�-•••i•••y. - ,,.,. ,-. .-.
<br /> t�urmwer shall PiompttY f�t'e I,ender writtea notic�0�aay iuv�cm.c�a�m.demaad,law�:iE�r�Yher acxian
<br /> � lry auq��avemmental or regul�ta�agencY or Prh'au P�Y involv2ng the Pmperty and�y H�rdaus Sabstaace ar
<br /> �s-°�`�
<br /> Fmvia�ssr�se�tai law of whir�Bormwer Las acmallmowledge. If Boimwer learas.or is�otiSed bY�Y 5��� . ��"'_��`�.
<br /> ar segala�Yy�a�►>ihat�}+remaval or other re�diasion of aqy Aa�arQous Sbbsmact�s affa�ing tLe PmpenY i� -''-',�.�
<br /> `'.�•,,�'`_ .
<br /> neeessuy.BQrc+�rdrn�P�mPtiy tatce all neoessary cemedial a�Ians in zeeorda�wlth Envitua�tst3 Tt.�w. —�G••a;;.•,�..,:
<br /> As used�n tbis paragrr�gta 16, 'Hazacdous Sbbs�' are those snbstaaces de�n� �.v t�r`�c� �xdou�s
<br /> �bs�o� by l�vimnmeut�! �.xar.aad tLe fullowing salsstaaees: gasalme, Icesas�. m`�et t7a�-�ab2e or wxtc �'' -'�=�_
<br /> =y, `• petmlaun pradaas,toxse P�ti�s"rcU�aa�ncD h�blcid�.s.vo2atite solve�s.maYe:tats canmini�8�oPs ur fosimaldebYde. ��
<br />-;:� and iadioacxive matesi.�is. As�in this p�b 16. 'Favironmental d,aw•means�I�vs�fl taws oY the
<br /> � �. Jur3sdicdoD rY�ns th�Prape�+is lc►cated t�idnt�w 1�altb,safety or��ntal pm'�cdua. �
<br /> n � .�
<br /> ,:� -�' -`
<br /> NON-UI�IFORM COVENAI�'i;�l�orzower and tcnder nudr� � .
<br /> ,'-� r�vena�mmd agree as foiiows: �,,.,,�� -•
<br /> 1 9.A�a a�c s�t o i T R e r�.�c r r c ower uneasdi@o n a l t y as�f�a aQd tr2asfers to I.ender all tLe nms as�d:ev�a � - ,
<br /> ���, of tht Pmperty.BozmRxr authorizzs Lender or Lender's age�ts w colla�irSe mats am3 revenues and hm�eby dire� . �'�'-;'
<br /> e�tavat of tbs Prapc�ty to pa�ttc�Yenta to Ixrder ar I.rades'a aga�. Hawever. Driar to L�dee's notice to --
<br /> ��. f. Bormwer oY Bo:roms'e b��..�any covenaat os ageement in the Sec+uity�as�t,B�rmwa eL�ll oollxt aud �'�'r"°,�
<br /> . :. - -
<br /> :-�,.:t� noeive all irats and t+eve�afs t�e Pr+operty as uustee for ttts�fit of I�de�r aad�rawrr. 'ILis s�ssigamaut of � =�""
<br /> ': nats ounsYitates an absotate assi�znt aafl nnt sa assigument foz addiflanal aa�rIty c�r.'�Y, ��
<br /> l ��_ _ If La�dtc gives norice of 6�w Bormwer.(a)all n�ts roceivai by Barrower s7�1 do held by Bamowa as _ -
<br /> '° ` uustee for bea�fit of L�ender oNy.to tse��xJsr,o tLe a�s aecuied by tI�Secuttry last�omt:N)imder�hall be - -_ --
<br /> �''. k: � eaStled to wltoet wd coatiive all af the rea'�s rs��i�e Pc+cs�rrty:�and(e)e�n�ut of the Pmgaty at�U psy�11 reats ;; �',;,`:..'� "
<br /> ;:.....i. :. �..--
<br />-��� � duo�a8 uc�id w Lender or Ie,udkjs�'s age.nt on Lmder's w��t�&demand to tLe ten�i. ��: �, , �--,
<br /> .� IIamawes�as not execute�tcy prios auigament of t�e c�aatl Ba�aot an�v�ill not gr.rform�ray�ct th4t e�m,tid: : �, ., ,-�,".'
<br /> � przveat lremdtt fzom�xercising its rights uader this paiagtaph 17. -_ -_
<br /> 0
<br /> ` L�Wer sball nflt be required to enter upon.taYe coatml of or malnta�n the P�ogerty Uefaie or after pving mtlse ---
<br /> " of Dneir'b to B�7mwes.However.I.ender or n judic3ally�inte4 raceiver may do so at any tt�e the�e is a bre��. �ry,�_.
<br /> . 1 _
<br /> .. . Any applicadon of rents sS�all ursc ruie or waive an}r defautt or invalidate any other a's�ht or�y of a.e�der.'Iflf� ,�,�_.
<br /> �,:; j . avignmcmt of nats of the Pmgc�nq�:9haU temunate whm the debi securea iry the Secc�v.�3L�tsttument 3s paid in fNl.
<br /> :i �j:,z.,:.
<br /> � --
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