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<br /> ' �pa;od�t�.c�.+mder�qn�e�• 'il�e�anca�rie�p►�ri�oa:the�e s�l�be cbasen ey abrtower wt►jecc�a r�eoaa'� � �
<br /> - aPpr{�'ai�6 ehdl mt 6e umea�anabiy�ritN�eld. If Barrnwe�fails w m�in[�in caversge desc�i6od abave,i.ender may,at - _ -
<br /> , < 1�entkrY option,obtain cover�e w.p�otrtK L�xlerl�riglqs ut d�e P�oFe�ey in�acaEd�nee vrith pairagn�h 7.•' � ,
<br /> All is�rance poUcies and�enewais s6n11 be acceptahk to Lender ud shalt iactude a stiutidsrd mat8age rtatue. Z.eda
<br /> s1ta12 have tbe right to hold the,poi'�cies aad renewals. If l.ender ialuins•Botm►ver shal{pminP�Y 8�vc to Lender ail�oeipt+
<br /> . �'P�P�u�d ienew�}not�ces. tn tl�e event of loss.Bo�oWra shat!give p�atnpt notice to the insur�nce carrie�aad -
<br /> ixnder I.ender may m�ice p[oof uf lass if not m�de promptly by Barrowtr. �6e to�estaation ar�+epair of
<br /> �Unkss Lender and Bu�mwer aherwise agnee u�writing.insurance Proaeods a�ppl�1 ,
<br /> - ��Y�8��We_mtaatinn ar_teplir is.ec000micall9 fea5ible and I.ender� security is not tessened. if tl�e ,
<br /> mstoration at�epair is not economicalty feas►ble or Lea�ler's sa�rity wouT�be lessened.the insurmnx praoads slnll be
<br /> applied co the soms secured by this Securiry tasirumen�`}vhether ar nat then dut.with any axcess paid to Borrowet. ff
<br /> Boimwer ab�ndot�s the Properey.or dnes na�swer,within 34 days a natice ffom Lenaer thn the insurance c�rder I�s�s.
<br /> offe�ed W settle s claiin,thea Lender may calkct the insurance prncads., L•ender may use the proceeds to neptir or ceswne
<br /> the Ptopetlg ot w pay sums savted by this Security lnstiument,whetlxt or not tha►due. '['f�e 30�day�penod wil}begin wha� _
<br /> -= We mttcc is given. _ .
<br /> Elnk.�s Ltijder and Bamnwer otfktwise agioe.in writing,any applisa6on of proceeds to principi!s6aII not extead or
<br /> � po�pone the due dale of the maoth3Y PaY�i�us retE-med to ia paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the anwtu�t of t6e payments. tf
<br /> wder pa�agtiph 21 tlw Property is acqui�ed 6y Leitder.Eo�mwer's nght to any insnrance policies and procads�esulring —
<br /> fcam d�mage to the Piaperty prior w tbe acquis�aon shall pass to Lender w tbe-extent of the smns securcd by tlris Sccuriry .
<br /> Insuument imniedia[eTy Fria to the acquisttIan. .
<br />-_-- - f. Ooapa�cy,,Praavatio4 11+[�totenaoce and Protection of the Pe+optrty, Barroeec� l.a�n Appik�tbs, ---
<br /> Leaul�oids. Bamwer shaU occupy,establisi�.and use'the ProPerty as Bomoaer's principal residence within sixty days aftor __
<br /> -- ' the racecution of this Savriry lnstrument and sh�ll saatiaoe to occupy the Pio[xnl►as Bofmwer's principel cesidence for at ---
<br /> - - tea�t aie year aRer the date of occupanc.y, unkss Lender otherwise agtxs in wriang. whidi cansent shail not.be
<br /> -_ �m�abty.w�thl�ld,ar umless extenuatfig circutnstances exist wl�icb a�+e 6eyand Borrower�s coau+ni. Horm�orrawer sl�ali � ----
<br /> - — destrny.dunage or impair the Pioperty.`allow the Pmpcity to deterionte.or cammit wasce on the Piroperty.
<br /> . be�n defauit if any forfeittue actinn or p�ocoeding,whether civil or crimural,is beg�m that in Lendtr s good faitt�judgment
<br /> ° `= cpuld Tesult in forfeiturie of the Ptupeny or ot}xrwise materially impair the lien created by this Savnty Imhument or . _�_-
<br />___ _ I.ender's secucity inbsres� Borrower may cure such a default and reinstau.as provided in paragraph 18.hY causing the action . �
<br /> or prvcading to be dismissed with a ruling that,in lxnder�s gaod faitb determ'snation.ptecludes forPeinme of the Bocmwer's
<br /> - iaie�st in the Rope�ty or ather materia!impaim�ent of the lien cre�ted by tbis Secunty lnsmmneat or�.ender's sccwity _ � ��-�`-
<br /> m en
<br /> n�teRS� Borro�ver s�a93 atso be in default if Bamuwer, during the toan application process, gave matedalty fiilse ar . +.�����=
<br /> ilse
<br /> . inacct�rate infrnma�as os s�tertients to Lender�or failed to provide Lender with aay materiai information)in conrKCtion with ��-
<br /> . the toan evidenced by the'Note, inctnding.but not limited to. representatior�s coaceming Borcowet's occupancy of the --`:�_--
<br /> property as a principat residence. If this Security insirument is on a leasehold,Boaower shal�camply with all the provisioas �=-. '"'-
<br />-°- , � of the�ease. If Barrawer acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehold and the fee titte shatl not merge unless l.ender a _ -`' -�
<br /> S�S ��____.�_-
<br />_= wtbe sinwrifs�g. ==_— -
<br />� . 7�otectio�uf I.�nder's RiShts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform thc coven�nts and agreements �
<br />- contained in this Secarity Iasuument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the ��-�'-
<br /> � ' Prnpert�r(sueh as a proceeding in bankn�ptcy,probate,for coademnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regalations),thcn d;;.____
<br /> i,ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary w protect the value of the Property and l.eader's ri ts in the Pmperty. '�`• �-
<br /> �� �► ��.-.�:=���
<br /> Lender's actions may iaclude payiag any sams secured by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Inswment�appr�in8 �;`'
<br /> Y'�t�..s:;..
<br /> in court,paying reasodable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.AIthough Lender may take action � . s _
<br /> � = under this paragrnph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. •.��'''�� _
<br /> ,: - Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph? shall become additional delst of BvrroAer secured by this
<br /> Security Instrumen� Unless Borrower and L.ender agree to other terms af payment.these amounts shatl be�interest from the • ��* •;,
<br /> date of disbursement at�he hote rate and shafl be payable,with interest.upon notice from Lender to Botrower reqaesting �•_-�:__:__.
<br /> , _= P3Y��_ �>--: -
<br /> • '��L S. Mortgage Insarance. If Lender required martgage insurance as a condition af making the toan secu�by ihis �, f•
<br /> � Secudty Instiument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mort�e�nsurance in effect. If.fos any .':.�;�;-`_
<br /> ' ,, �`'� roason, the mortgage insurance toverage requ�red by Lender lapses or ceases ta be m effec� 8orrower shafl pay the � _ _
<br /> �• premiums required to obtain caverage substantially equivatent to the martgagc insurancc previously in effect. at a cost X �"�= "._
<br /> . substantialJy equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previousty in effect.fram an aitemate mortgage ;- _i;_�;
<br /> � ..� insucerapproved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance covcrage is nat availablo.Borrower shall pay to - •=;;k%;;?;
<br />' . �� Lender each month a sum equal ta ane-twelflh of thc yearly moRgage inturance premium being paid hy Bonower when the ��-.-li �
<br /> .. , insurance coverage tapsed or cea5ed to be in ef��ct. Lender will Accept,ase and retain these payetsen�v asti a loss reserve in lieu - • . ;'�+�.�
<br /> of rtwrtgagc lnsurance. Loss reserve payments muy no longer bc required.at the option of Lend�r.if mortgage insurnnce :-w;;s��
<br /> , coverage(in the amount and far thc period that l.ender reqaires)provided by an insurer a�proved by l.end�r again hecomes . ..
<br /> availabte and is o6tained.Borrower shaA pay ihe premiums required to maintain mortga�e insurance in effett.or to provide a •
<br /> ' loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any w•nt�en ngrcement between Borrower
<br /> . and Lender ar applicable law. • .
<br /> • 9 lnspecdon. l.ender or its agent mny makc reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Pmperty. Lender shall •
<br /> • • �� ���: give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection�pecifying reasonabte cuuse for the inspection. _ •
<br /> , — -- -_ - - =IO. G;ndemnaiiun. 'Fhe pr�ceeds of ur�y aw.ud ur claim Sir,damage;.disect ar con.�equential.ir.�s�:�s�s:cic;�►with aay —_
<br /> .3 � • 5ingte Famiiy--Fannie MyelFredAk�iac IJ�IFI/p�f I\STRI;NF.1T-�n�larm Covcnanro 9/40 r�n��a,fh�+,eP.�� . . .
<br /> a. caeat lotrd BuaNtae Yatab.tae.■
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