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<br /> . ` .. .��e.�o,r ar_�r�a�x.p�oE me'poQacy►.. �1!rew�oemmrs ma sad�sht�it�SO be oc�aea by.m�s Se�s► ` .
<br /> � �f.,Ni o(d�e fa�oi�is t�femed tu ia diit�Sa�uitY�t ast��y. �
<br /> � . ` BpR�tQ�VkR�DO'�F1�tAt�rfs dnt saza�'�s 1zw%uy seised of tne Ggt�te heieb�►cunveyea aoa Nss"tlie tisbc to g�at �`
<br /> � and coao�7►tbe PtopaRY�od tl�u jhe YtaQarty is unar�limbend.eaixpt for ea�vmb�ances of tocad: 8aaowa wacriets ind
<br /> �rill ddad�n�[ally�e 6d`e m the Ptoperty a�unt�t all cta�ms�od dea�nds,subpct to any eocoinbrsKxs of mard. .
<br /> TI�S SE�[3R1PX INSRtUMFNI'cambines moifom�oovGamts fa,nuiooal ase and:non-uoifam oover�t.s �rlt)� ,
<br /> • . limiied vati�t bYl���to�onsbpne a�miform aecurity ins�ment eove�ir►S resl PmP�Y
<br /> — �--- - - - - - -
<br /> � UNg�pR1K OpYENAI�ITS. Barm�ra iad Lender�m►a��wd ag�ee ts foIIows: _
<br /> l. ra��■e�t d�riK�i�i ad Lteta�t:�ieM7a�e�t a�Lste C'iarie�. Hamwa sdi�P'a�tly WY wi�at due ti�
<br /> pr�c�l of aqd intaest on the debt evtda�ced DY d�e�Nar�d anY p�epiymau aod ta�e d�arS�s due uodertbe Nate. . �
<br /> .. Z. FiMs[ar'13�ia a�d Iia�raic� 5nbjoct tp appiicable taw or to a wriaca�aiva by I.eoder.Bacrower sball p�p to�
<br /> I.ender aa�the�►y mo�Mhly pRytoents a�e due uoder We Nde.tau�d�e Naoe u p�id ia fWi,s s�uu("E�t")far:(aT�Y .
<br /> � - putes�nd ss�aunaKS which may�tfain prioriry ovec this SeauitY�as s lien al the Ptope�tY:(b)�reuiY leasdald
<br /> �.rm�,a a�n�a�on a�r►�e�cy,�my; cc�y�y em�a or.�cy �e�eauun�: ca�r�r � .
<br /> ;m�praaums,if aay;(�)r�r�8��w'�aiums,if ury:aaa t�?�r�wr�bY E«roM►a w ,
<br /> I�eoder.in aocad�nce with tbe povisiaas of pa�agrapl�S.ia lieo of the payment of matg�ge insurance pcemuucos. Thes�
<br /> iums�ce r�ikd"F.semw Itar�." Ladar mry;at uty time,coUa�aod Mld Fuads m an amouat aot to excood t6e aw�na ,
<br /> � � amap��knder for a feda�lly relued mortaa�e W�n may rcquire fa Barrowa�s esemw accauk wder the fodaal�tea1 •
<br /> _ Fatate Seuiema�t P1�ocalmes Act of 1974 a�s snKOded fROm time ca time.12 U.S.0�Zb01�t stq.("RFSPA").�a�kss anoll�er
<br /> lriv d�u spplies to t6e F+�tids aets s lesser amaun�. If so,L�ender may,at anY time.collect and hold Fwds in an amount not.to .
<br /> escad the lessec amouat I.ender may�tbe awouat of Funds dae an.the ba�is of cum�nt dsta and n�soa�ble
<br /> �ot expeodiaue.s of futtae EscrnM Items a athawtse in axad�noe wiW a�cable law .
<br /> 9be Atncls staU be beld in aa institution whoae deposifs ace;issut+ed by�fedetal agencY,��v+a�n`
<br /> ('wcluc�g l.erder,if L�d�er is auch m i�titution)a in any Feder�l Hane Lo�t►Baatc. I�eader shaU appty ti�e T�c�w�y
<br /> .. tbe F.�x+nw Items. I�ender a�y aat charge Borrower foc 6olding�nd aPPlymg the Fu�ds•annuallY�rwTy�ffie escrow •
<br /> �.�' a000�mt,or vedfying tht Fscrow Itnns. uniess l.ender pays Boimwer intetest on the k�u�ds and ap�slicable hwT Petmits
<br /> ` ` I.erider w m�afce.auch a chuge. However,Lender may�Borrower w pay a onatime cliarge fa an ind�pendent real
<br />;:;� estau tax npoAing sfrvice used by Lender in connoclion witi�tlus 1oan.unless applicable Iaw pravides otixr�vis�.�Jnless an
<br />-- � �, �a�reemenc is m�ae orappticaale lavv t+equiies incaesc�oix paia,L.eader s6a11 rwc be roquinea oa pay s«rowe�aay incerrsc or_ _ _ -
<br /> `�. eamings on the Funds. BoRUwer and L.ender tnay agree in writing,haweva,that interesc shaD be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> _:.�- sdall give w Bormwer,without charge,an aaaaal sccounting of the Fiands.shawi»g cc�ed�u and debits to the Funds and the �
<br /> patpose for which esch debit Uo the Funds was tnade.•The Punds are ptedged as additional security far all sums secut+ed by ..
<br /> thia Seeuriry Instcument
<br />_;. If the punds beld by Lender excced the amouats permitted to be held by appllcable taw. Lenckr shall accoont to •
<br />�='�" Bonower far tl�e excess Fands in accordance with the roquirement�of appiicable law. If the anwunt of the Funds held by
<br /> - � l.ender at any iFme is not saffcient ta pay the Fsecow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bocrower in wricuig,and,in
<br /> �-` n
<br /> :.�� auch c�se Harrower shall pay to I.enGer the amount necessazy to make up the deficiency. BarrBwer st�l!snake up the
<br /> _.-_ dcficia�ey in no more than tweive monthlY PaY�nts.at Lenda's sole discretia�. �
<br /> - � LTpon payment in fiill of atl sums secured by ttus Securiry Insriument,Lender sha}1 prompdy nfund to Bcxrower any ��_-
<br /> I�nds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lendtr shall acquire or sell the Ptopercy.Lender.paor to the acquisitiai or °r�
<br /> sak of the Propetty.shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the wne of acquisitiore or sale as a credit against the sums � T�,.
<br /> ���;�--
<br /> •� secund by this Savrity Insuument. _• ;1" ��
<br /> � 3. Applicstion ot Paymeets. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. aU payitients receiveA by Lender undcr � -�"_
<br /> •��-.-
<br /> puagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,ta amounts payable under . .;-�y:,::
<br />'�_'' ' parxg�aph Z;�hird,to interest dne:fourth,to princPpal due:and t�1,to any late charges due undet the Note. _''-='_�__-
<br /> ,y�= 4. Cbu�e�; Lkn.9. Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments. charges. fines and imposirions attn'butabk ta the _;':�.��
<br /> Property which may attain priority ovcr this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or gmund nnts,if any. Bamwer •�. -
<br /> shaU Qay these obl3gallons in thc manner provided in paragraph 2.or iP not paid in that manner,Bmrower shall pay them on =. =
<br /> time dtrectly to the person owed paymen� Borrower shall prompqy fumish to Lender all noGces of amounts to be paid undet � `�::°f;;-f
<br /> , this paragraph. lf Borrower makes these payments directty.Borrower shail promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing . �...,..
<br />- �a WYmcnts. :. �,- -
<br /> Bo�rower shall prampUy discharge any lien which has prioriry aver this Securiay Instrument untess$orrower:(a)agrees •• ���'t;'_
<br /> _ r in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a maaner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faitA the ' _��.�"_
<br /> -��;I ; lien by,or defends.against enforcement of the lien in.tegal procecdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the - �_"�`:;'a
<br /> enforcentent of tJ�e lien;ar(c)secums from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Leader subordmating the lien � ���-:"`�
<br />= to this Securlty Insuument If Lsnder detertnines that 3ny part of the Property is subject to a tien which may attain priority �,.' �:�' :' �:
<br /> + over this Security Insscumens,Lender may give Bortower a notice identifying the liea. Horrower shall satisfy the lien or taJce .
<br /> = one a more of the actions set fmtl�above within 10 days of the giving o f not ice. �,, `�'
<br /> �; .,
<br /> ' S. Har�rd or Property lnsarance. Borrawer sha11 keep�he�mprovemenu now existing os hereafter erected on the . • .
<br /> �''' ' Property insmed against loss by fire.hazards incIuded within the term"extended coverage"and arry other hazands.inctuding :
<br /> �. • floods or f�oading,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintnined in the amounts and for the • .
<br /> - - - - `:_-.__.--
<br /> ' pora13b2d !l� IpaSe 2 nJ6 pdgeal •
<br /> � � � . ,
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