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<br /> WB ���V�� �` .
<br />- c[ � L L` ;�.
<br /> 1 b.!1!�asL�aneous Proviatona
<br /> t��cnavrs�l:at RQttaas�.6RCnaicn of th9 tirt►e tot Qaymc►�t or e�cdifiwti4n o4 tho nums aeeurad by th+s Dcad af 7ruet prrsited �-:_
<br /> ��,,
<br /> Ey Lende�io�ny T�censsor 6+in4era�t of Borrowe*shell no4 ovemte to rc;oa�.a►enY manner,tho tiabi�ity of the o�iSine!Borco�ver �-
<br /> and Bos�oYVe�'e sueeesioro in ieeteraet.Lendar shsD not bo ecquired to eommene�proaeedinas apaa�st such cuec�:sso►or refuse to o_
<br /> oxt�d tims fct payment or othatwias mod'+ty 6rreortizetier�of t?t9 sume seoared by thts�e:d of Ttust by reoson of rry demande �;
<br /> meAe by tho ori�inaR Boaowei anQ Borcowar'e auccanor�in intera9t. ----
<br /> (b}Lcade'�Powss.WitAout affactin9 tha liabiGty of sny other penon LaDis for tfie payment ot anY abiipation harein mentioned, �_-_
<br /> end wiehout aNtctinp t�e ti�►o*chorQe ot thie n�ad of Taat upan any Do��+of the PrapsrtY no!thEn o:theretofare rotea:ad es �.,=
<br /> � �;r � oeourity fo�tha 4u0 arnaunt ot ell unpe'sd obBpattono,Lender may,hom time to tone amd withaut natico(d raiease any pereon so _-
<br /> IinDto,(ii1 oxtutd the mututit}I or e.`tet eny ot the terma o4 eny such oblisatiaru,G�a�+t oth•��"�'�a'"C°'•;"'�t°��e or teconvey,
<br /> ot c,2us�to bo ealased or�coavayad n!anV taae at Lender'a opticn eny DaYCe�•P°��n°t eil of the proparty.Ivf toko or rolenna eny ,.��:-
<br /> .. i ton h¢ra:n mantianad. or tv�matce e�npaait�ns os otleer enengsmcr►ts with dobtors in �.-:...
<br /> vther ndQitton¢I eseuritY fo:any obi Oat
<br /> <.�:
<br /> retetion therata.
<br /> � �� f�)Fas6tQC�nco b*/Landat�04 a VYatvu.Ar�y forbeerence by L4mdar in mcarcialnp any tisht or remedY hereunder.or othsrvrise �';:
<br /> m
<br /> a4forded dy sp�lieabte Inv►,efiep not bo s watver of or prechide the exerd:.o of a�Y Buch ripht or romedy. TRe proeurensnt of �_._.
<br /> '` �.c• 'aisume�or ths ptymeM of taxes or ott�er 6ms or efitr�ee by Laider�hall not be a waiv�t of tandar's risht to eeceterate ths
<br /> .�.=.
<br /> �.�� meturily of the tndebtadnass secured by this Oeed of Tntst. �_ir_`
<br /> �dl Suxasara rsd W�ispe�Bourtd:Joint�nd�vea1 Lt��ity:CiDitaa�.Tho covanu+ts end eprsanente herein centa:nsd afi�ii �`'T
<br /> bind.mnd ih�a�ts hera+nder ehell inure to,th�s respeotive sueeersoia end assiQna of I.aider of th Desd o T nist�aro toa —�,_--
<br /> t asreamrnto of Tru4tor ehal! be joint and aovamt. Tho eap4ions end head'an0� of th� panqwph _
<br /> ;_ �;., eanvanianee onty and aro not to be used to interprat or defne the provisiona heraof.
<br /> (el Ra�wt for Rotieaa.Tha parties hereby requmst that e copy of anY notica of dufault hereunder and e copy of any nottee of
<br /> sata hetesu+der be ma�ed to ead�partY te�v��of Ttust at the eddress aeC fortfi above be the mnnner prascribed by aPP<i�bie i��`
<br /> lavy.F�ccept tor anV ethat notiae tequirad imde�applicab�e low to�*qhrm 4 enother.�an�ar,any�otiee provided tor in tfiis Deed ef ,•!
<br /> Trust sAsit bo piven by me�'np auch notico by eartified rt+a�addr�sed to the other parues,et U•�eddress set forth ahove.Any
<br /> ' notic�prov'r9ed for u+thia Daed of Tntst shcll 6e sHaciive uyon ma�Tnp�the manner desiQstated here'sn.lf Tnutor ie more than one _
<br /> � pecsan,nottce aent to the address aat farth above shaD bo nottce to aD euch perrsona.
<br /> �',' (f{inspsettoa�.Lendor muy maSce or caus�to tis mede reasonabb entrias upe+►end�spacu°na o!the Property,provided thnt ` _,
<br /> I,s�dar shaD gwe Trustor twtice ptior to any aucfi insAeation apec�?yin�reasonab4e ceuse thsnEor rettts�to lander's inter�t in the '{,..:
<br /> �' PtoperiY• (f��`a=
<br /> «",;�;,, (p�R�convsyanc�. Upon peYmant af ell sum9 seanred by this Qeed of Trust. Laidet sl�all raqusst Tnrstm to reconveY the
<br /> ,.;,_fT !''�
<br />'>� �" p�aDeny anQ sl�a11 aut�tder this Deed of TruQt end oU note9 evidcneing Indebtednass sxured by thi�Deed of Tnrat to rustaa
<br /> =:;��::'" T�ustes ahefl roconvey the PrapaM wtthaut warranty end w'�thout char6a to the person o�penom leqatly enti2tnd thereto.Ttustas
<br /> • , ihall psy e1!eoste of rocordetion,it u►Y. �:'."-'
<br /> (y)Prsanr praAuty:Seevrity A�Nmrit•R9 add'rtional aeaurinr to�ths payment of the Note,Tnutos hetnby prents la�dar wr.drtir,- �:�._.
<br /> . ths Nelarc�e ltnitom►Cammarciel Code a seiairitY interest b ell fbRuce�,e4��►ant,and othar pereonnl PreDarty usad'as canne�ctscn �:,::.
<br /> �"y-.�:.'� with the raal estete or im9ravamante lacated thereora,a�d not othamiss Qeciarad or deemad to ba a Part ot the rast�tete secured �: .
<br /> ' ��'�t;�'S'�, hese6y.Thi�instnimant sfis0 6e conattued t�o Securi4y Apreement ttrtder asFd Codr�.and ths Ls�der sh�ll hrre atl the ri�hte and
<br /> , N �et�a�9ias ai m cecured psrty und�r eaid Cadm in eddition to tho dahta end ramedks uesied undet e►d eccarded the LenQer purau�►t � "
<br /> to thb Oead ot Trust:pravided that Lm�fm."�s riIIhts end nmedies under thb p�nDraph shai!Os c�msulative witfi.end In no wey a [,_-`.
<br /> . .y Iirritetion on,Landefa�iph2o and remedtw u.n.dat any other aecudty apreement eiyned by Borrawar ar Trustor.
<br /> � p Wn��nd Enpimbrmca�. Trustor hareby wantt�snd raD�e��+ta 4hat thero i�no dafruli under tho pra�en'sns of any �`:'°
<br /> nsortpape,deed of tast.leaae o►OuTChu� co�Nect des�eribirsp sIl or sny p�rt of tfis PropeRy, a�oths►cantrw-R,ms�t�rtur�c�►t ot
<br /> ��'� 'tr,.,' aqram�nt conatitutmp e�an or a.iwmbrs.�t:a aa:.�at e11 or a�y port of the Propaty icollectevo`Uen99,eafst'"o cs`M��e dste oi_ �
<br />' �{ �� tfii9 D6ed of Tnirt, er�A that a�r and e61 e�dstin9 1ia^s•�smairt un^'°�°YE� °° diictosed to Lendar in Tcustor'o cvrittan �'�
<br /> disefosuro of tiens and encumbrance9 Orovidad tor hare�n.Trustor sAali tim�tY Perform e!1 of Tnistov's obPpattana, covansato, �
<br /> coyreaontatinna md wanenNa9 under eny and a0 existinp end futuro Lte�e,ehs0 pramptty forward to lender copias ot etl noticas o!
<br /> dafauM smt in connaction with anY ae►d all opsta�0°r futuro U�s, �nd�haU not without Lenders prior writtoe� consent in snY ___-
<br /> . manner modify ths provisions o1 or e4ow anY furi+ra advances undsr anY��or tuturo Li�9. --
<br /> � :-1... �� �pp�cation of Faqmw►tR Untesa otherwise reQuired by �aw,sums Datd to Landar here+mder, inclu3inp witfioui 1'unitation
<br /> ���`��� psym�nte of prir►cipal and interast,6laurec�cs procseda,condamnatfon qroeeeda end rants er+d profits,ahstl be applied by I.ander Ro —
<br /> � � th'�mopnts due and owtnp trom Trustor mni borrower in�uch order ts Lendsr in it�aoN diacrstton deans daoirebls.
<br /> �•.: (K) S�vrib3Gqr. If anY Droviatan oi N.his Deed oi Tmnt confOcts with epP{fa�hfo �aw oi is dselore� o►va!id ot otherv�?tm
<br /> � un�nforcee6le,wch conft'�ct or invdidity ofie0 not�ftsct ths othe�provatarts of thi�Oisd of Tneat or Bes Nata vvl�icA cen bo pn•vn �
<br />, • eff�ot w8hout ths conflictina Drov�stan,and to thia�d tho provi�ions of this Cead of Ttu9t end th�No4e eso deafarad Yo bb _
<br /> ' � ea+reabb. �
<br /> iD T�rtscL�Fts tertns'Tnistar•and'Qar•rower'eh�(1 incMcBe Dath a�;;�far�nd plurai,and whan ths Truswr end Borrowar me thta °
<br /> �• Q�m�px�rzi;t),thc�tertns aa uaed 1n shl��eed of Trust ehaq ba 6�terdsanpse6te.
<br /> ' (my 6c�carninp L,�w.This Oead of Tru..�C shall be povemad by tho Isrrm cf tha State of Nebreake. . �;,
<br /> . �_
<br /> . ,:,,.
<br /> Yrustor hes execut�d thia Doad ot Trust ae oi tho dato writtcm obovo. �•
<br /> '- � __.
<br /> • � �'[� Tru�tar
<br /> PItED�A BOSS �^��Q�
<br /> '��'. Trueto� TruaL•av _ .
<br /> '.i�l;ir
<br /> ' ' ��.L'�3t07 TNfltOf _
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<br /> � N3C 3457C INoneprtc�dtura�Occd)Rov.6l45 �
<br /> 1968 Nntionaf Bank of Commeree Tnist and SavinOe Asaoelatbn,Urteoin.NoDra:ko
<br /> . . . _.` _ ` . . _ • . . . .y' - _ + . .. _ � ,� . �, .. . , .�'� - �i .
<br /> .. � . . . _ ' .. , • � . .. � . ' �- . . � �, - , " ,. -. . � .'�� . . _ .. .�' ' ... . . _ .. � .
<br />