. . � ;� . . .. . . .. .6.. .. - . . . . . . . . t•.
<br /> • . • � ' . � i . ` �� h �a.•
<br /> �� < � _ . ..� ��'-.-���:�"6�y�; _.
<br /> . � � , , - �,a�
<br /> 7.Errt�esnt Domsin.lcndcr is horohy a��nU comppwaiten,swards,damapt��nd othe�ente or relief iheroinafter 'Froeecda'1 „,.�� •' � ",�t„,:.A •-��
<br /> (,h� m coanection�vith eondemnadon er othar}c'.cinp of th�PtopcRy or�tart thereuf.or fo�convayanco m li�u of condemnotion.LenAer shall , ; ,
<br /> � takan or damagod,Lra�det ehnll have the opuon m ite sale end ebsoWte dtscretian,to appty eli sucfi Proeeads,aftet deductinfl tharofram '.:.._: _ � � � '�
<br /> ?�R eU croats ertd ottQonsos incurcod by i!in eonnaation�eith sucfi Prota¢ds,upan eny indobtedne�s seeured horoby and in such ordar as �;:-'�,'�;-- ��t`;,��-���_
<br /> � Latdar raay detartnine,or to eDD�Y a���+��oceads,after sudt @eduetions,to We►estotCQlOn of t�0 P�operty upon$ueh condrtion9 es ;l��,�•
<br /> � � Le�nde�may datartnine.My npDGeetion ot Proceads to etQebtadness shall not axtend o►postpone the due date ot eny paYmente unda� ;,;` - , . ,:..
<br />._ � the Note,ar ture eny dofauSt thoraund�r or hareunder.Any un9gpfied funds shal!be peEd to Trustor. .`�t�,% ' . �,�` �```
<br /> 8. FNlormmer by Lando�. Upon the accurrence ot an Event ot Oetauk herwnder, or i4 eny act ia tnkrn or togat �roceadinq • <;:, ;,,M,,;�
<br /> �eommencad which matedally eHects lender's intereat o�the PropeRy,Lender mey m ite ovrn diseretien,but without obiipation to da so, , � -
<br /> ' • ' and�vitti4out notice to or demand upon Trustor at�d withcut ra'aasm0 Tntator from eny ohtepation,do eny ac4 whieh Trusto�hes apreed "¢:�!"r"k� �
<br /> . � �ut tails to do end may elso do eny other act ii deeme necassary to protuat tho sewrity hare�f.Truator chaH,immaQeatoly upon d�nend , -
<br /> thetefor by Lander, D8Y to Lender eil eoste and expensea inaurrud and sum�axpended by Landar o�connoction with the exereiss by ,',�,.
<br /> Lersder of the foraffoiny riahts,topethar with intefaet thero�+t at the defsuE4 rete providad in tho Noto, which afia;l bo addad to tho - � __ �°
<br />� indebtedness socvred hareby.lendar ehaA not'aicur any lieb�ity Dccausa of trnythmd it may do or oasit to do hwoundar. ' � �� � �t
<br /> , - 9.d�Itrsdaus Matxtata.Ycus4ar ehafl keop the Property en compGsncri r�ith all epplicaSto taws,ord's�ancae and rapuiations retatinp to ,'t;'
<br /> •.:i.;. b�dustrial hy9iane or environmaatal protoctian ScoRactivc'!y roferrod to hera�es'6►�monn:Entel lowe').Tru�tor aha11 keep the PropertY .;`'�:;'�. *t�.�_+'°:`.
<br /> fteo from eU auhateacos deemed to be hesardaua or toxio ur►�e�eny Enviranmentai lanra leoUsetivaiy referrad to hamin aa'HatarQous •�•..__. ,�;-•,��iL'��-% -
<br /> �- :-=_�-� - .
<br /> �� Materiat9'1.Tnmtot hereby werrante end raproaait9 to Lasdar tfiat thero are no Hazerdoua Mateeial on or under the Property.Trustor � . , *
<br /> ' hereby eprnos to irtdmnrtify end hold haimiRSS Lertder, ita directors,officers,�ployee:s and ayentc,m�d�►Y succassors to lertdas's =� ' �:�:�f,-�'.�.
<br /> � interest,trom and apeinat eny end:0 ctc'rna, dmnaasu.Iasarss md fiab�Titia�eri�usy o�connectian with tho prasence.use.disposal or !d!n�"'==-��-�..�—,
<br /> transport of any H�xardous Matntia3 on,under,from or abaut tho Properiy.THE FOREtiOtNO WARRANTIES AND RERRESENTATtONS, �0="�:.�K"`�,T
<br /> . �������---
<br /> ' TRU3T.
<br /> 1 O.Ascisrana�:t of R�nta.Tru�tor heroby assiyrw to L¢nder,and Qrrrta I.�dar e sewrity interest tn,ell present,tuturo ar►6 aftar ��
<br /> �vs�.�+��.�_:•..';_._
<br /> .. rts�p ronto,issuoa and pmfitu of tho Property:Orovided U��at Tastor afiall,unt�7 ths oawaancs of en Event of Dafauft hsraurtdar,have , •'-.'-"3,,:'$"
<br /> ;, �.�-,. tfie ris!►t to eoUeet and retnm auah ru�ts,issue�raid profitp ea thay become due and payatle. Upon tho occurtenco af �Ev�t o! ;•';':�1�° • •` -
<br /> Defautt.I.e�edet may,eitho4 in pmson or by apent,with or n�iifiout brfiQc�p enY action or proceedinp.or Gy e receiver appa3�tad by a -��' • � .�-.,
<br /> court and v�ithaut�eptud to tho adeqauay of its necurity, entot uyan end take possessian of tAe Proparty,or eny part thereof,in its avin '�'��`T�r.'r�, .�;,
<br /> ..'j��' name ot in the na.TO of tho Tcuateo,end Ho eny acte wfii�it deema necessaey or desirabio to prasarve the vatue,marketab�'ity ot '--+�►�'!r�
<br /> ,'���. :'�T.,,�:
<br /> ����i�f rentabTRy of¢ho Fkovorty,or eny ptut thamaf cr interea4 tfimon,or to incrr�a the e�corae thereftom or ptncaat tho sacurity hereof ettd, ; � ,. „, . __
<br /> . n, with o�witltout YaF�p po�es�m of ttso Pra�nrsr:ty.sue for w otherwiso cRUmct tha rents,issuea end pro�thereaf.indudinp thase psst ..-{ , .�~<, •.,`<r...
<br /> due aad unpoid,by notifyinp tmr�sb w ma�r c�timents to Lander. Lertdar�uY�PPM rmts.iasu�end g¢efitn.tess oosta ffitd axPanaes .�•-�;%��'���.�• ;,';
<br /> rs
<br /> _ of ope:ation aad cotlection i!s�'?:rd*r.Tr�attorne;re'teas.to ety I!ssi€�sieL+ncs�sr.zured h=re6y.aJ'v�auGt+ardev aa Lmider ms,�detetm&�a The � ""�`;:F . .,,:.�;�•.
<br /> e+ '�`` �:•• : . .
<br /> entarinp upon and tekinp �c��rlsn af the Property, tho cnl►rtction af e¢c.h r�ts,is¢�usu rasd profite,end tha app6catiaT thereof as '•..:,,�',����j."��F, �
<br /> eforosaid,shsU not cure or wai�any default or notico of rlef�:�hereundcr ct'u�vaGdato cz:y ec4 dor.¢in rasyonsa to sush dctfault c► �- •n �t�r�'�.�.'�,, �
<br /> � pursuant to suah notice of dafautt r�d,notwithstandie�p the ccntmuersca icr.�sossession of the Prop�stY,cr the coIleotion, recelpt�tt _".' 'u " _"—'-
<br /> - - eppiieation oi rents. issuea or profrte, Tastee and Lendar sh„a.7 be entitica�f to axarcise every ripht pmgidod for in anv of thv LamT �';�,_�.:� T? � .
<br /> w,.-"�. ,��
<br /> - - tn�trumonta or by{3w upon oaaurtrnaa of any Event of ba#m�Inolud%nfl withcut funitation the tipht to sxercise the powar of sab� �;.,*; �
<br />� i"n,utf-et,la+dar'e rtphtn and remediw under thie pareprayh clmib rte cumutotive witD►,artd'a�no wey a Iimitatlan on, Lm�de�s riyt►ta an+i ' , � ,P` __
<br /> '°, . +encr3diara urtdot m►y assisnmont of lensoa end rents►reeorde�¢�TOinat the Proporty. Lander,Trustee end tho reeaiver dia0 be liahte to �.f ������ ;"+�"
<br /> � ' eccount only fcr CS�ose rcnt�eotuul�y reoeived. > '
<br /> ;, ��. : :.�.5.�, . :::..-
<br /> _ .`.RS � 11.6vw►ta difGrafwt�Tho foitowiny ohelf aar�,;tute�n Evan4 of Qefrr�lP.�un3er thi�Qeed of Trust: �'.� --
<br /> � t�F�'zr�a+r:aay ruty instalimerrt of pri�+��:ar intorest ot mny oth�air•r.sacurcd heraby whe�dru�- :'• ` -
<br /> (b1 A �rt�of or detauit under m►y p;acmio:�aanteritrrod in the t�ie�,ti►is Oecd af Trust,any of�o Loan I�strumante,or eny '��s .��_��i __
<br /> ¢t'ior lion or encumbronco c+�qn tho Proporty; '�s f� ;
<br /> ic1 A writ ef execut:err�r ettechment or my sirn�n� (:caeose eho0 be enterect ergarnst 7rastor whieh sP►all bQ�omd o lion an the {�i;�:. �i�{• �
<br /> =:..,�a-tyare�partto�ihm:alarasLsre�tiherein: ^t . . �� . , ..= ••
<br /> . {:Z Tix2rar aira!►bo tiied by or apa�at Tystor or Barrower an flction tuscfrm a,r+y praent or futuro fadorol,atato oi othar stetue,tanr , ���;_ �• .' _.._
<br /> cr reQu!rl��mdlstinp to beniouptay, insolvanay or othoT relief tor da�t�ov thare ahall be appointed eny trustee, reeeiver or '* . ___
<br /> :"�� '
<br /> r��ridttor o7 Tnmtor or Borrower or of a0 or any part ot tfia Property,or the rento,issuas or profito theroof,or Trustor or 8onower �� .. . '-_:
<br /> xL;sH make any ym�ernl as�3Dnmant tor the benefit of creCi4om; ?��-�.�-�y -�--=:`?��='-
<br /> � (el The sal�,trenfftor,toaso,assipnmant,co�v�ysr.am�or furthsr encumbrenw of a!�oT sny paR ot or any interaat irt ti�e PropartY, x ,.s�—�=-
<br /> „, o"rtho�votuntarity or mvotuntarity,withaut the exatesa wtett�n consent af I.artder,provided tt�at Trustor ahall bo parm�°z6 to�cecute .��� ; '
<br />' a kats of the Proparty thot dcas not contain an optia�to purchnso end ths tertn of whi�doaa not exceed one ysar, , ,;,t���� ,. :
<br /> ' ff) Ab�donmant of the Property:or =���•y � � •
<br /> -� � (y)If Ttuator b not�n Rdividual,ths iuuaatm ea1�,tnnsfer,asaiQnm�t, conv�ance or esr�mbranee of maro than(if • , _ ���:•
<br /> caryorption)e totel oi peroent of its ie�uod ar+d�outrtrid'np rtock,m�'cf�partnerahip)a totffi c���_� peroant of .a'°:'__� '`;`�'�-"`':''�";
<br /> Rm�otafiip tnterocto,or a �mitod Gability eomparty?o t4tof ot q�A percmt ot the fmited liabil'rty camp�—�u�aits or votiny , •• �-�-___ _-_`-
<br />. rti,pG.^.s autlny the period thEa Deod of Trust remaina s Carn on ihe Proyerty. ����a ,
<br /> 12.RKnadiq;Acataratlon Ilpan Osf�uPt.In tho mvxst�of any Event of Dst�uft LmQas may,without notice axcept aa tequued by tew, --
<br /> doelara e0 indobtednass securod �enby to De dua enJ payabis and the eams ehe0 thetaupon beeome due and payabfe without a+�y .
<br /> pre�antmmit.�a�^nnd,protaot or nottae o!any kind.Tharaafte►Lander may: - '. _.`�
<br /> ia)Oarn�td that Truatoo oxaoisa U►e POW£�t 0��RtE pranted herain, and Truetse shsll thosnafts► cauao truator'e intato3! • "''`�"�`�R's�''
<br /> � ' in tho Prop�rty to be sofd end ffie proceeds to bo dntripricm�,dl in ths mannar provldad'af the Nebtaska Truet Reed9 Aot; - — ":;q;,,`�"--
<br /> .. ' . � (b)Eutxoi:e any and ell dyhta provided for �m�of the Loan Inatrumente or by lew upon oceurrmce of any Event o} �--��� "�,u._..
<br /> Qeteulft�d _"��' -
<br />' '+'.:"s;'�y:• iol Commcr+ao on aotion to fomcloae tfiFs Outs of Trost es e morcdade, eppoint a receiver,or apoaifiaally enforce any o1 ttr.2 Wy�;,
<br />- .-,�i5�•' COVKI�TQfl h8100�. �:.�: �.�-•, +, �
<br /> ' Ro remo4y harein con}erred upon or reaerved to�rus:ee ot lender ta intendud to be axcWstvo of any cthar ramady horoin,in tho Loca '�;,,,. � • . . <<i=,�
<br /> • �;. ..��� _
<br /> In�trum�te or bY�w providnd or permitted,but aseh ahtlb tx�cumutative,ehtU be in addiLon to evory other remady piven hereunder,in �k=�^
<br /> tho Lo�Intrtrumonto or now or haroaitor exi�tinp+rt Iaw cr ir.r¢�uity or by etetute,and cr.ay be exercisod concurrentty,indaportdentty or ,tst rw�'^,.��'�"'.,.a,
<br /> auoeesotvatY• "�"' "-':'
<br /> 13.Truahe.The Truatee may rasipn et any tv�o iviYf:aut c�use,en3 I.re-.der may�t�ny tims end wrtimert oause�ppo�t�wecessor "�+��;•
<br /> . or�ub�thute T�ae.Truetee oholi not ba fiebt�to a�y paRy,tnr��:��arittsr.ut fimitdton Lsnda�.Bonaa�r�.Truator or any purohsac ntr '' � "����s`.�. .
<br /> the Prnparty, fcr. r�y loaa ot damepe unisas du�a to ce^.tfm�cr w7Ptui�r�conduat,ond eh�ll not ba requUed to teko ony nct[oZ hr . .,•-_'
<br /> c�ectton with the mfaraement of thts Deed o?Yms!ar,lmna indr�e^u:it;n�.h writtnp.for a0 eoste,camp�setion or mxycnaw crhtr.?n�� j•_ .. . , ����
<br /> . qca arsxociste�therewiffi.tn additton,Trusts�onas 6eco�a���ulydtaser st any saf�o}ths Propsrty(judtciel oi under the power of�n �.� ---
<br /> Gr.i:.��d heteirt);poatpone the eeis of eil or�y psnion o!ci^a rroperty,as provided by law;or sell the Proporty aa e whota,or in eoperarr� ��' "" �"
<br /> ,r;;,��' pmeats or lotv mTr-�oteo's discrotion. t. +•� �
<br /> '�',"�+� 14.F�and�en�m.In tho avant Tntairsn aolls tho Proparty by mcerciae ot power of sa►e,Trustee ahail bo ontitfad to epply en•f e+ilrs '
<br /> i,�.�' ��¢;":r:_
<br /> Groceodfl fitat to pnv.�ont of ell aosU and a�77us:�^er�of mtnrcistnp powor of anlo,inctudin4 nll Trustoo's fuas,and lcndor'n anE Tn,syrr�sv �.;,..,,,R;;,,,,�,,.�,..
<br /> - rt~omoy's feoa,eotual�y inourrod to exteni pr-^nittod by appl'�cabfe few.in the evont Borroviar or T�ustvr�zarci�e9 any riQht provided by - ° �
<br /> �..-�?p1i�r,•_'.:._:_ �.
<br />• . • iaw ta avto en Evant of Csteuft. Lendet�+sll bo cntittsd to raoovoT from Truator afl costa m�d o�cpcnsas actually incurtcd oa o to�tit o} �;i • —
<br /> � Truator'o Eolault,inaludinp without Cunitt'3cn ell trustee'e end attomey'�fees,to the�ctent parmittod by epplicable few. Y"•,���is�_,,i:;._:
<br /> . � 1 S.Future Rdvmces.Upon roquo�t ct @or►ower,La�der mey,et its option,make additional end(uture edvancea and rendvances to •.•.�.,.�.,�.�•.+-..,- �
<br /> Bottowsr.Sueti advenoo�and roadvcncerr,mitA intosest tharaon,�hett bo aecured by thi�Dosd of Trust.At no time sheti the princiyet .,,,,,, ' �
<br /> ,� emount o}tho indobtednoss eecured by Mit Deed of Ttust,not includfnp sums edvanced to proteat tho security of this Deed of Tmst, •=° -�.„ � .4�. �"
<br /> ' oxeoed tho oripinat pdnalpal nmount etatad Arr�:n,or� f0.00 ,whieAever is praeter. �� r-�F��:tr�.�:�:,. ��
<br /> ., �ii:.w•rta�6iwwn.�t. --..
<br /> • - . .. �'"'.
<br />_:-.:._.__.
<br /> ,--� � - - -- ' ��
<br /> •� NBC368T8 Cla+sylWtvM Dcdl fbv.8ld8 •, . . I� '
<br /> 1898 NaltecA 8�ri al Commnn Tw!W Smi�Ra�odayort Lb�-cyr,il�r�s _ �
<br /> � � .,
<br /> �'� , ., -,---•-r .,....__.___.......,_....,. ,.,�.,-... ,
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