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<br /> , � OwdofTnutpranbdbyLN�dnl��nyit�orinNiMMtdBoaow�r�iltwitopaabbniNw.irtanyetw�.9M1t�ANiry . ��
<br /> - <. athto�+pkMl9�o�i��na8o�ro�s«,co.MOraMN1Mi�.L�r�d�r�haNnotb�nqWr�db�on�m«�proa�d�a�i�t •
<br /> �udti�uccwwr o►rdt�b�ocMnd 11nN 1or p�ynNnt cr oUf rrwlw mo dify artioAitaf on M 11N wm�s�cand by Mis O��d d Trwt
<br /> : bp riMOn d rt�t d�rtrnd�n�by 11�oripiml8onowK u�d Borrow�r's aucc�ors trt(nM�at , •
<br /> (���'�l�ar�e�.Vllilhout alMctlrp fh�8ab(Aty of a��p�r�lon ti�1or ths p�yrnent o!any ciilqadoh Mtain,
<br /> m�nlion�d.andwiMoiitall�cBrp9isti�nacha►p�ol0�is0�olTtust�porifnYPaf��afihePropirlYnottiwno►itr�nfofar� : .
<br /> < `wtws�dasa�cwll��qr1h�tuN�mountWillunp�idobltpatlon�.f�nd�ma�t.iromtimebtlmqandwi�outnoUc�(i}iWNS�arry1
<br /> . -�pws6nsoNabiR[ii}�x1�ndlAemlMUrit�torslMru►YOttl�ete�msofanysuCh.a4ti�n�.pii)�rantotlNrindut�no�s.(i�r�MN
<br /> — a nconwy.or cau�s to ba riNatid ar nconwYb st any 1jm�st Larb�r';npwoo anY PareN.P��or all of ths P�op�ty�
<br /> (v)Wc�or rNs�M�ry aAMr a addHionsl secuciry tot�rry oblip�li�on tNnln m�nda�sd.a�v�►mke compa�itions ar otl� —
<br /> . S1faB�M11�f1fiYYHFId�lOf�lRf�i1�0i141iMiW.� � �
<br /> - , (c)for6MrMw by L�nOK pef a wMwr.dlny forhearamcs 6y Lender in exercisina aey ti�hlor�en�ly her�urbe►.cr . .
<br /> Olhs�wi�e�ilord�d bY�OM�M�Isw:ahldl not bs A waivsr of a proclude ths exacis�d#n1l wch r1yM or r�meQy.'�ha
<br /> procuronw�ttofi�suranCtorlM p1�yrtNntof taxes orotl�ertiens'orcAarpsa by Lendershall notbatwAiv�ru!L�nds�s rfyhitio
<br /> accMrnM�ttie mat�ufty W 1M IndibMdn�sscured by thls Deed ot Yrust -
<br /> (d)iNeeMMn anQ A�Mpn�oMwl;JoNt and�rual LI�biNy;CfpYar.The eovenants and s�reements herein con-
<br /> ` t�insd shall bind,and tbs rlphls her�under shs11 inure to.the ra�peativs successon and as�ipns ot lerxkr and Trwsoo,All
<br /> _ _��.. coyenanis and a�reernents MTrusla shal!6e joirrt and severa4 TAe cspdons and heWln�s ot tha Ptrapaphs W this Desd ot
<br /> Truft m br cahr�i�ncs onty ub are not to bs useQ�o interpree or deflne tha provtaions hereot
<br /> :(e}RpnwttorNolie�.7hspaRiesherebyreque�tft�atacopyotanYno6ceotdefaulthereurberaadacopyotanyaotice-:.;., ..
<br /> � '• .�.Of!M�i1NMM1aM b/F Inliit�d to arCh party itf tlfis Deed of Trust at�address set farth abars in fh�mariner pretCrib�i:b�jf�_�_ ,; ::,_
<br /> --- .applicabls taw.Except Mr any athsr nofice raquired und$r appitcatilelaw�b¢piven irt another manne►.any naice provi�ed ' ---
<br /> — .,; .�ibr in lbis Deed of Trusta�a{i bs�ven M ma�7m�sucltina6ce by cer6fiedmait aifdrested to tha otAer WRies:atiheaQdrea set --- -
<br /> _ _ . �tlt aDOVt,My nodcs providqQ 1pr in this Deed ot Trust sbslt ba effecGve upoiE inailinp in ths m�nnsr deaiqnaled i�srein.H
<br /> _. ,`. Trupor ia�nara tl�an one�ersan,no�ce,aent to tl�e aQdress aet fa�fi abave shalE bs rlotlCe b e(i suCh perao►ts. —_
<br /> _ � (��fla�.L�ider may rtsake isr-ciwse to tie made reawnabte entries upon and i�#pec�ani o�the Property.p►ouidsd =-
<br />_-- lhat�enA6r shsll�tve Tivator nofics prfoR to any auch inspection apecitytrq reasonabte cause therafa ralated to LandM's =__
<br /> ,,� , inter�in!he Pmperty, =•;�. _-
<br /> � '' (s)R�eon�syane�.UponpaymentofallsumsaecuredbythisDeedofTrustLenCerahallrequestTrusteeWreconveythe �F:___
<br />':`�A Prapertyu�d shall sunender this Ossd of Trustand all notes evldencinp i�Aebtedne�aecu�ed by this Oesd ot Trust to Troste�. �-�=�
<br />=y��:- • Trusks stta(t recenvey the Proparty wiHwut warranty and without char�e to the person or per�ons le�a1ly entltled tl�erNO. = -- --
<br /> - Trustor ahall pay stt coats of recordetlort.if any. , . - . ----
<br /> (b)Rsraonsl PropMty;�wtty A�ts�nNnR 11s addlUonet eecur(ty tor ths psymeat ot the Mots,TrosWr her�r paMs — _-_
<br /> `'- . � � I.snda�under ths Nebraska Uniform Commercial Cade e secu�iry interest in a!(tlxtures,equipm�nt Ana otfNr pM�OMI propwry --
<br /> _�_:�. • w�!In conn�cNon wNh the rMt eu�1s or impiovements tocated 1hKeon,�nd not oth�rwlts cNclsred or dNmsd to 0�a p�K d
<br />- th�ral es1�N secured hereby.This tnstrumem shall be conatrued es a Security A�reement under aab Cods.an0 the LenAsr _
<br /> t;� shall haw all th�rbMs and rem�dias ol a secursd party under�aid Code in addition to th�rl�hb and r�mrdiq C�e�iW u�c
<br /> " and aGCOrded th�L�nder punwntto this Deed ot TruaX provfaed that LenQei's riphts and remediss undsNhis p��nph�hatt
<br />" b�cunwladw with,�nd in no way s Iimit�tlon on,LenOer's rtphts and romedies under sny other ascuNry a�resmsn!sipned by � �—--_-_
<br /> • . 8anow�►a Tru�tor. -�— .
<br /> ' (i}LNrN and EtleumWanCp.Tru3tor hereby warrants and represents that there ls no de/ault under the proviaiona ot any �y����"-
<br /> mort�ape,deed ot trust,tease or urchaae contract describin all or an aA o1 the Pro or other contracR inshument or _ }�'
<br /> 0 0 Y P Pefh. ...r�j�._
<br /> � . aprsemsnt consUtuUnp e Hen or eneumbrance against all or any pan of the Propenyr(collsctiv�ly."4tens'�,ex(sNny aa of the- '�'�='-
<br /> . dats o1 this Deed of Troat,and that any and atl existing Uens remaln unmodlfled exCept as disctosed to Lender in Truator's � .-
<br /> . wrlpsn dl�cloaure of Ilens end encumbrances provided for herein.Tiunor shall tlmely pertorm all ot Trusta a obllpaHons. �;�-�-<_ '
<br /> - . Coven�nb,repreaentstions and warranties under any and all exlsitinp and fuNre Uens,shall prompUy torward W lend�rcoples -,'��'�;;;�==`',=
<br /> ot all noflces of defauft sent in wnnection with any and aIl exiating or future Liens,and ahall not wlthout 1.endera prbr wr1lbn -°��°---
<br /> � con�ent in any manner modiy the provlalons ot or altow any future advances under any existln�or future Liens. �.-.•`I�' -
<br /> • Q)AppNeaYon W PsYm�nb.Unles�otherwise�equired by taw,sums paid to tender hereunder,ineluding without Nmita�on :;•, ��?'�:•�--,
<br /> payments of principel and interest,insurance proceeds,condemaatlon proceeQs artd rents and proflts,shati be applied by +,``•�r---:�.�`=
<br /> . . Lendertotheamountsduea�dowtn�iromTrustorandBonawerinsuchorderaslenderinitssoiediscretioodeemsdeairable. - _-
<br /> - (k)�Y�rabNflyl.M any proviaton ot this Deed oi Truat conflicts witb applicabte law or is declared irnatid or otherwis0 ••-.�_
<br /> - unenforceabte.euch conflict or lnvalidity shall not aflect the other provisons ot thi�Oeed ot Trust or the Note whieh can be ,�``�"``
<br /> `:M��-:i�-�=.
<br /> � . . yivMStfeCtwlthoutthetonfllctln�provlsion,andtothisendtheprovtsionsofthisDeedotTrustandlheNoteare0eclaredtobe ���a:`�'-�`�
<br /> ' sOVE/abb. . '.;. _:r��-
<br /> , , (q T�rnp.The terma"Truator"and"8orrower"ahall lnclude singutar and plural,an0 when tfie Trustor and Bonower �.�"F=1�!=::
<br /> are the aame peraon(a),thoae terms aa used in thia Oeed of Tru ntero te. � - '`r;+�'.
<br /> , - (m)Qor�r�kg Ls�a This Oeed ot Trust shall be govemed th aws of the te of a. - � "� .
<br /> Trua�tor ha�sxecu�d thla Oeed of Truss as of the date wrltten above.
<br /> .. , � •
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