- , � - ��,�` _ - _ .. _ ` . '. , . t ' _
<br /> . _t . . ' 1`��� .
<br /> ' C . ' .- �' 2. _ - _.'. _ �_ _
<br /> �� .. . .. _ . '-
<br /> -_ - f � ' ( _ . �
<br /> i -'_ _ c`}. l. .� � . ` _ � _ . < ' ., . ' " ' � . . � �� ` . � ` .
<br /> - . . -- _ — �oss�o �
<br /> : •�Proprrly M aa�a d�mpi��L�ntMr sh�q fiava 1M opfJoa.tn ib sGM M+d�bwluls di�endon.b sppy aN wcN ProcMd� " �
<br /> � ' MMrd�¢uelin�tlwntrOm W ep�b and sxpsne�a Irtcumd by R In c�nriectlon wdth wch ProcNd�.upa�.�r����xrd
<br /> t�nb�r and irt s�r o►d�.al�ndu mar+l�mtns.«a appy aU wcn Praeaeds.an�r suct+o.aucuon�tn ui.r�1or.Yon a tn. ,
<br /> p�pp�rlyupOtlLuCb e0ndifions as Lendeo maY d�Mrmlr�MyaPP�iqtlonot P►ocMdsto btdebOrQnlsssltfll notslderld orP�D�
<br /> � th�due dati of any payrtse�ts under)he Hoe�.or curo any defautt Thereunder or heriunder.My u�apptied fur�ds�11 b�p�ld 10 . '
<br /> . r�Pwbrw�ne�by LMdM Upon tAe occurtenc�of an E�ent M QefauRl�ereFunder or N amr act is tsken or tepf!procNdinp .
<br /> �ortxn�nc�d whicb matsrt�Ny aM�cla L�b�s inNroq tn the Propsrty,lender may in tts oxm discreHOn,�utwitlwutob8g�4ton b do _
<br /> so.anQ wl�haA nottcs to a�sm�aQ upon Trustor and wNhout raleesicp Truftor irqm any oblisition.Qo any a4'�whtct�Trusbr t�as� =
<br /> prMd but hits to do and may also do sny othe�act it dsema neceaeary to RratscHhe securtty hereof.Trustor ahatl.imrn�diiWy <
<br /> . upon d�mand tl�srslor by`Lander.WY to Le�ider all cosb and expsnaps incurred and w�ns expended by tender in cannsctlon wtth
<br /> lheexercf�sbyLenda►ottl�stors�oinpr�.yhta.toDetherWitl}in0�reatthereonatthe`defaultralspravidde0inlhsNWS.whkhsha116s �
<br /> -- ad0�0 b ths indebledness s6curod hersby. Lender shall not incur any lisbfliry because oi anylhirp tt may tlo or omit to do
<br /> -- - ' � hM's�eids►• �
<br /> _- �.lt�sa[dow MM�tYM.7rua�or ahall k�ep ihe Prq�eAy in compliance witli all appticAbls t�ws.ordinancas and re�ulatbns
<br /> - -= nbitltp to induaQial tryplene ar envlronmsnW prolectlon(coltectivsty re7ened to herein as"Environmental iiws'�.Trustor shall
<br /> ---- kNplhe Prq�erlyfreshom aIF wbslsnwsdesm�d tobef�azardausorto�tc nrt4er anY Environmentsl lawa(callecHvslyrNMedfo
<br /> Mrsin as,"tiaardou�MatKials'�.Tru�tor herehy vrarrants artd ropresents to Lender that d�ere are no Hwrdous Ma�sriats on a
<br /> uaderfhe Propsrry.Trustorhsrebya�'eesto indemnHy and fiold hartnteaa Lender.Itsdirectora,oficen,employeesandapents.and
<br /> - -= any auc�ssors W L.ead��s intefest,lram and aysinat a�t and alt claims,damages.losaes and liabilittes arisiny tn connecHan+�rith ,
<br /> _ _ the presence,uas,dispo�at`or tranapoR of any Hazerdous Materiala on.under.from or about the Properry.THE FOREGOINt(3 -
<br /> � 1Q.A�Mn�nt d R�nU.fastor3tereby a�t9�t�Lendet the rerte.issues and profita ot the PropeRy;P�aviQed ehat�cc�
<br /> � ahall,umif theoccurtencs of sr�Evento'fDefault hereunder,havethed�htto co0ectand�etain suFh�enb.issuesand pro5tsas�ey
<br />= --- , . bacortfe d�s snd payab[e.Upon tRe occurrersae of aA Event of Defau(i,Lender may.either in peraon or by a$e�with ar without
<br /> pdnpirp arry scdore o�pracesding,or by s receiverappn"siited 6y a couR and withaut reyard to the adequac�+pa�ts aecur�tY.+�ater •
<br /> uppnAn¢�possessionottheFrctipeRy,�ras►ypait�ereof,initsawnnameoririlhenameoftheTrustes.aitrlttaamractswf►fichit .
<br /> Pg
<br /> - ,�� deertis�ieces�aryordesiiabietopres��+!e�+evatue.markefabilityoetentabilirya�ftfiePraPerh►.oranypartthereofa�intereattt�ereirt. , . -_.
<br /> ... .
<br /> ,. ..
<br /> , ....
<br /> . E Increase fha income therefrom or prot�t the aecu6ty hareof arsd,witl►or without taking possession ot the Property.suetar or
<br /> � �� ;�' othecwise catlect the��nts,issues ada protNs thereol,lncluding those past Que and u�paid,and apply the same,leaa costs and °=��,-
<br />° -- k expen�eb W operatiwe and co(lection inGuding attomeys'tees.upon any inde6tedness secuied he�eby.all tn auch qrder as!@nder_ �'.�'�-�:�n••_-
<br /> may determine.The enterinp upon and taking posseasion of tha Property,the colfection oi such�ents,lasues and profits and the �.�':•'--�:=
<br /> ,��",,� apptication thereot as afore.taid,shall not aure or waive any default or nodce ot default hereunQer or imatidate any act done in �.= � _'#•->`
<br /> � �espodaeWauchdelaultorpursuaMto.suchnoNceof�efauttand,notwithstandingthecon�nuancetr.possessionotlttePropertyor �`��:;��w'-K�-
<br /> .° � �" -�..- ` the wlfectlon,receipt and application of rents,lasues or profits,ancl Troatee and lender shali be eMitted to exercise every righi -'." '���':�-' �
<br /> -_ M: provided for in any oitha Loan tnatruments cr by taw upon occurrence of a�y Eventof OefauN,inotuding wNhout iimitation the rlght �-' Y'•�
<br /> , , `'� toexercisethepowerotaate.Further,Lende►'srlghtsandremediesunderMispara�raphahatlbecumutattvewitb,andinnowaya �-=�•. ;••��-•`
<br /> t'imitatlon on,Lsnds►'s rl�hts and remedies under any assi�nmeM ot teaaes and rents recorded againatthe Property.l.ender,Tru�tes ,-;�- _���_
<br /> . �� and the recetver sBa►t be 8able to account onty tor those rents actualty cecetYed. � --
<br /> , �{,. tt.Ewnla al Mhulf.The followinp shatl constitute an Event ol Qefault under this Deed ot Trust _ ` -
<br /> �� � . ���-�` . (a) Faifure to pay any inataQment of principal or intere�t of any sther aum 6ecurod�ereby when due; - . °.�—
<br />_ �.�•�.a (b j A brsach ot or aefault under an y provlaion contained in the Note,this Oeed of Trusf,any of the Loan tnstruments.0/any ' '?� —
<br /> • r�-,; _ , � . other tien or enaumbrsnOe upon Me PropeRy; '"'�-�:
<br /> (C} A writ ot execution or ettaChment or any almilar process shall be entered against Tru�to►whfcb shall become a uen on �� � __
<br /> ��—�v ��.':�:Y . . . -��
<br /> . ' • • Me Property o�eny poR fon t hereo f or In teres t t here fn; � � '�
<br /> � •^�. �l�.r_ _
<br /> '-,._ � (d)Thpre sAatl be filed by or against Trustor or Borrower art action urtder any preaent o�luture federal,atate or other
<br /> •.r:,: • 'a , � .�_
<br /> � Wtuts,law a reputatlon��latinp to bankruptcy,insotvency oi other reliel tor debtors;or there shall Oe appointed any trustee, . ;.
<br /> "�='�"'°"` � ��ecelvu or 11 uldator otTrustor or Borrower or of a11 orany panof the Property.a Ihe rents,isaue�or profit�thereol,o►Trustor ` :`
<br /> - .,+�'•+��-,"f.� Q
<br /> or 9brrower ehall make any�eneral assignment for Me benelit of credlto% ���`'_
<br /> 'A�: �
<br /> (s)The sate,transiei,lase,aseignment,conveyance or turther encumbrence ot all or any paA o1 or any interest In the , ___
<br /> • ,� .y :;�,'_ Property,either votunterily br invotuntarity,without the express wr�tten conseni ot Lender,provtded that Trustor ehatl be , _ `-�
<br /> � �� �,= �• permttted to exeCUte a lea�e of the Property that cfoes not contaln an option to purchase and the term of which does not exceed . '"�=�:�._
<br /> '�.�'%-•.f-::,::�: onsyear, ' . ,.-
<br /> • (Q Abandonment of the PropeAy;or � . ,
<br /> . . �°�-� � ��� � (p) It Trustor is notan indivtdual,the issuance,sale,t►ansfer,asslgnmeM,conveyance or encumbrance oi more than a total ��=�''
<br /> �rF��i � • �, .H:';°�.
<br /> �r '� �;,-� ot percent of pf a corporation)its issued and outstanding stock or(if a partnership)a total of percent ol . �� ,. " �
<br /> � �`` • paRnership Interesb during the perlod this Oeed o}Trust remafns a lien on the Property. �' �. �K' -
<br /> ._
<br /> ���-•�r.=�=•�.� 12, RMn�diM;AeeNKatlon Upon OMauH.ln the event ol any Event of Oefault lender may,without notice exceplas requlred by
<br /> . ' , ra ,.p' �
<br /> ' ;.;�"'""'t��,-`.'.'•, taw,dectare atl Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte and the same sha11 thereupon became due and payable . � � • � . .
<br /> .d4d�-�:"�i7i,'., .,.. . , .
<br /> , .,�;�� �;,�. _ :r: �wlthout any presentment demand,prctest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> ,,.j�.: -_;;�., �. .., (a) 08mand that Tru�tee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted.herein,and Trustee shall thereafter cause T�ustor's �
<br /> °":�� � i n t e r e s t i n t h e Pro p e r ry t o be sotd en0 the proceeds to be distributed,atl in the manner provided in!he Nebrasha Trust Oeeds �
<br /> i•
<br /> - , Itct � .
<br /> ' � ' (b� Exercise any and a0 rtghts provided tor in any o1 the Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrence ot any Event of s
<br /> - -„ _ :� - _-- 0�1auI�and :—_- , -
<br />�%% ''' �'.' � (c) Commence an 8ctlon to toreClose this Oeed of Truatas a mortgage.appoint a receiver,or speci}ically entorce any ot the � . �
<br /> :.�:= :-.:.:.;..• ,.. ,
<br /> .�:y.�s : covenants hereot. � • �
<br /> _ . No remedy herein conterred upon or reserYed to Trustee or Lender Is intended to he exctusive ot any other remedy herein,ln the t . .
<br /> � '�J � � Loan Inatrument�or by taw provided or permltteA.but each shalt be cumutative,shalt be in addition to eve�y other remedy given i •
<br /> • : hereunder,in the Loan Inatruments or now or hereatter existing at law or in equity or by atatute,and may be exercised concurrently, ( ,
<br /> � � independenUy cr successivety. . '
<br /> � • �� .: 13.Truslw.The Truatee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may ai any time and without cause appolnt a • • • •
<br /> .� � auccessor or subatituteTrustee.Trustee8fiap not be liabte to any party,inctuding wlthout limitation Lende�.8orrower.Trustor or any •
<br /> purchaser ot the PropeRy,tor any los9 or damage unless due to reckless or willtul misconduct,and ahall not be required to take any
<br /> �• • action 1n connectlon with the entorcement ot this Deed of Trust 4n1e99 indemnifled,in wrlting,tor all costs,compensatlon or ,
<br /> • expense�whiCh may be essoClated therewith,ln additlon,Trustee mey beCOme a purchaser at any sate ot the Property Qudlcial or , . •
<br /> • � � under the power o1 sate granteA hereiny;postpane the sate ot atl or any portion ot the Property,as provlded by law;or se�l the �
<br /> � ' ' '"`" �PrOperty es a whOte,ar in sepatate p�rcels or lots et Tru9tee's discretion. • ; '
<br /> . _ . . . _ -- 14.F�asand F,�enus.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise o}power ot sate.Trustee shall be entlited to apply
<br /> • any aate praceeda flrst to payment ot all costs and expenses of exercising power o}sate.Inctuding all Trustee's feea,and Lender'8
<br /> � .• endTruatee's attorney'staes,aCtu8lty inCUrred to extent permltted by applicable law.In the event 9orrower or Tiustor exercise�any ,
<br /> ' rlght prevlded by(awto cure an Event ot QefauN,6ender ehali be entitted to recaver irom Tr„stor atl costs and expertses actually �
<br /> ' ` '` ' � � incuneQ as a resuft ot Trustor's Qe`autt,inctuding without Umital;on a11 Trustes's and attor:�_�'s tees,ta the exten!pevrr�Ked by '
<br /> appl;�a7`s law.
<br /> , . , � �i 15.Friturf AQvytCq.Upon request of Borrower.Lender may,at its optlon,make additiol�al ana tu{.re advartees and re- .
<br /> �` advar.r,e!to Bonower<Sucfi advancea and reaQva��s.with interestthereon,s"a116esecured bylhis OEe6 o`Tru�t At no time shall
<br /> .,::. � .: _ •.. .
<br /> _._�=_,�. __:-..—;—�..�_. --- � • -
<br /> ` th9���CfpetBm�us:'bftheirtdebtedrtesss8caredsssythisEfee�Fof�►us�n . . di n nrr��e�ra��Qtaprc�:eclth�seewn'�ofthis �------_--�--- -
<br /> � � • Oeed cf Tirust,exceed the oflglna�prncipal amount stated hare�n,or a ��0e•$�--w��cnever is greater. � •
<br /> . ; . �, �� _ • . ' , , . .
<br /> . . ; .,. .. . _; _ . . _ . . . . _ ' ' " ' _ ' " ' _ ___ ' "_'" ' ' F� ' .. . _" ` "
<br /> _ . . . . . . ._ ;S .- : .
<br />