.fi. . „i- ._ . �`ti _ ' _' . ' ' . . . �. =_
<br /> ` t - t. —
<br /> ,-�__' .- _ _ "_t.' __ _ ' . -., C' _ -fi_ . _ _....-
<br /> = s . _�' ` - s—�._ - . --..—� - - � " .
<br /> "��_ _�,�6'`_'-�� ��+_ '. .,..- c r . _— . -�, -. . . _ , ,. . _ -. . _� � . . .. � _ ` - ' � . .. �.
<br /> — ' .. . , t . . . _ _ . i - ' •���� ��� . . - . .
<br /> • � . . � � . c� .
<br /> • << . . 4 � � � . . . . ' ` �
<br /> ' � �PropMy f�fa 11kln 0►d�n�pb,l�tldM�InM hew tl�!opUon:Nt ilr folrand ib�WuM d1�C►f1101b b appy ar audl tlOCa�d1► ,
<br /> . �,iNOucynp tMhh'an��ItaoM�ir�Q sxOM�jncurt�d b1t K ki conn�cYoe Mri1N wah`P�oc«0�.uoon�rrf►Md�QNdi�M�ew�d�
<br /> f��by and b�ordlr�s LN�dM n�Y OM��EN.or lo apply alt wcA Procstd�.MYr wctt d�duClbrN.b 11M iMlotal�ort W fh� .
<br /> : � � Prop�l�►upoft�uC11 ConditloM as LM10M mMy dtl�mic�AAy�ppiiCatfOn of ProeNdrb(nddlYd(NM MtNI nat�xbnd o�p0�p1N. ,
<br /> ri�dri�daN A!a�Y D�Y�+d�nQN tlt�t�a cur��ny dM�ult fMnun�Nr ar Mnun�lN.My urnpplMd tunOs NMi1 bi p�id b •
<br /> T�/��o�M���n/�r.Upon Ih�occurnnc�ot�n Ewnt W ON�uleh�rwn�r.or N a�►y�Ct ii Wc�n or NpN proGNdk�p �.
<br /> ' _f canen�nc�d�wf+ich mNKWy NNcr��nd�t's InfKw!tn tM Propwty.LM�d�r may injb own di�crNion.buf wiM�oul oON�Yon b da
<br /> - �:ana_�iMiout tioMct fo or drn�d upnn TruNOr snd.wNhOUt rNN�inp 7ru�br Bom any obl�giNan.do��1►aC!whkA TrwAO�hN
<br /> aprNd but hHs iD ao an0 rtN�y also do any otlt�F aet it dMrtls n�eMSUY to pra�t flf�NCU�iij/hft�T��hail.irmp�di�Utl► ;
<br /> : upon d�n�nd tl�M�or bl►��.W!I b�ali costsart�expen�es incuRSQ es�wms axpend�dbfl��In conn�ctlon wilh
<br /> th��xKCi�bf►I.M�ds�ofttNforepotn�ri�b.fo�eiherwlthtrHrradfhenonattlMdMwltraMprnvid�dirrlh�NoMi.wAieAaf�allb� -
<br /> add�d b 1lw�tndi�bledness seeured henb�r-Lendsr ahall ewt ineur any liabitity b�cauM ol any�i��rtiay do or omN�o do
<br /> - � �
<br /> � �tiWrdo�Mdltld�.Tru�fOr Ntall kep 1MS Rroparly In canD�iatice with all sPp�icabN law�;ordirianc�s and repuiWons
<br /> rNWrq to intW�trW hYDisM a�nvironm�nhl prolecBon lcolkcttvatY rstened ta he�ein as"Emironm�nW Laws�Trwlor sAall
<br /> k�Iht Prop�rty tn�kom all w6s�ca d�Mnsd Eo b�hasudout or tnxic under any EnvironnNnfai Laws(cotl�ct+veiy►nNrr�d to
<br /> h�ni�as,"Hazardous Malerfats'q.Trus�cr Bereby warranb and rspre�ents to LsnOsr tAat tAere an no Husrdous MaMriais on or
<br /> und�rlh�Propaly.Tiu�herobY s�reesto IndemnHy and,hOfd hsrmtass LanQsr.ds directors.oiflcers.amPiolroesand s�nb►and
<br /> - arry su�ccd�wrs 10 leeders iriMrt�t NOm and againat anY and ali claims.dama�e�,losaes and Ilabilitks arisin�In ConnecHon wifh '
<br />_- ' th�prqencs,we disposst or traniport of any Huardous Materla(s on.undd►.hom or about!he Property.TF1E FQAE(iOING
<br />=== 1p A�t al MnU�Troator hereby assiyns to Lender the rent�isaues and Profits of the PruPectY.Provided that TrwW[• --
<br /> J fhall.untll the aCCUrrencs ot sn Eventot Defauft hereundar.have the ripht to coltsct�nd relaft�auch reMs.is�ues and proflfs ssih�l ------
<br />=u, Wcoms dus and paYabb.Upon the occurrence ot an EveM of Oefault Lender maX either in persan or by apenx with a without - __.___
<br />-�• brin�in�ury acyon or procea�inp,or by�receiver appointed�y a court and withoat reQard to the aaequacy of its security.eMer _
<br /> upon and qks poaesssion o�€�s Properry.ac arry parc�renf in cts own name or in the name af tbeTrusbe,ar�do any acts which It
<br /> d�nsneeeaaryordesirabiee'topre�et�eB�svaluRmarPcatabiliryorrentabilityof�Praperty.oranypaRfhereo[c��.Tnterosttherein. ----
<br /> �, inerosae the fncome therefror»or proteet ttre secudty horeof e�d vrith er without taicing possession oi the P�perry,sus for or r�,�,�_ _
<br /> otheryvtsa rqllect ihe rent�,iasue�and profits thereof,inctuding thesa paat due and�npaid,and appty the aame.�ess costs aicad ���,-�'s _
<br /> ...expen�sspfap4ratio�►andcoitectionincicidinpaKomeys'fee9,upp�}.�?y.indebtednesssecuredhereby,a0insuchorderasLtw��r _ �''� � -
<br /> may determine�The eMering upon and taktny possessian of the PropeRy,tne collectien ot sucb rents,iasues and profits and�tie , • � �-_
<br />.. ,,_ ,applicatian tltereot as atorbsaid,aha0 not cure or waive any defautt or rtotice of Aetauit hereunde�or invalidate a�►y act ctona in s.+�ti�_-;`__--
<br /> Lr -'`_ �`1iY...
<br /> � responsemsuch0etauitorpurauanttosuchnaticeoidefaultand.�otwithstandingthecortinuanceinposaessionalthePropertyor •- -
<br /> �� � �'.The coltection.receipt and appiicaUon of renb,issues ar proflts,and Trustee and Lender shait 6e entiUed to exerc'ise every ripKt �;�,"����.
<br /> ` � � � provided ioi'sn anyatthe toan tnstrumertts or by law upon occuaenceaf aoy Event of 0etaui�inel��ing without timit8tionthe right ��r'rX'r;',:'_:
<br /> � �`; to exercise the powar of sate.Further,�ers3et's rights and�emedfies under this pa►asraph�hat!be c;ireutative wiih;and in rto waya __�!-��''k""-""
<br /> , `� Iimitatlon on,LendePs rlphta and romed"�s undet any assipnment of leases and rents�ecorded agaihsttlse Property.lenQer,Trustes =_-___-_-
<br /> .� `� • and the�eCeiver shall be ilable to accouM onty tor those rems actuaify recetved. ��`---�,�.__
<br /> �.s�rd�
<br /> tt. Ew�NS M Od�uN.1'hs topowinp ahall co�sUtute an Event oi Defau(t under thls Deed ot Truat ���•��_
<br /> � � (a)Faituro to pay amr insfaliment of principal or interest o!any ather aum secured heretsy when due; '�'. �� -
<br /> (b)A breacb ot or de1au11 under any proviaion contained in the Note,this�eed of Trwt,any of the Loan Inatruments.or aoy `�;;���:�_
<br /> .±�-,.
<br /> ,a: other tlen or Mcumbrance upan the Property; �' :�,�;��. _
<br /> (c)�AwriioiaxecutionorattachmentoranyaimllarprocessshailbeenteredagainstTruaWrwhichahallbecomealienon �.
<br /> �� ' the Properry or any poRion thereof or interest therein: � :' � �4
<br /> ..f r. -� .
<br /> ,� (d)There shatl be filed by or againat Trustor or Barrower an actton under any preaent or tulure tederal.state oi other ,4
<br /> . ..r atetute,law or repu►ation relating to bankruptcy,inSOlvency or other reliel tor debtors;o►there shati be appointed any trustee, ,
<br /> _ reeeiver or Nqeidator of Trustor or Borrower or ot atl or any part ot the Property.or the rents,issues or profits thereof,or Trustor _ '_�`
<br /> �= or Bonower ahatl make eny generai assignment tor the benetit o1 creditors; • ,
<br /> (e)The safe,banster.lease,aasignment,conveyance or turther encumbrance of all or any part ot or eny iaterest in fhe . , �
<br /> • M Property,either voluntar8y or invotuntarily,without the express written consent ot.lender.provided that Trustor shail be , � ._,;�
<br /> _�, - }..,' permitted to exeCUta a leasg o}the P�operty tha/da+a not cantain an option to purchase and the t�rm o1 whicb does not exceed - .
<br /> one year, � :=
<br /> '°�' -: � (Q Abandonment of the Property;or ' .. �'�-
<br /> � (q) HTru�tor is not an individual,the issuance,sate,transter,ass�gnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than atotal �
<br /> , , �.
<br /> °. of percent ot(it a corporatlon)its issued an4 ouistanding stock or(if a partnership)a total ot percent ot ,,: --.
<br /> � partnerahip interesf!during the period this Qeed of Truat remains a lien on the Property. � �'�;��
<br /> 12. R��;AccN�rNlon�poe OMauH.tn tha event ot any Event ot Default Lender may,without notice exceat as required by , _
<br /> . � `•*:; faw.dectare all indebtedness aecuced hereby to be due and payabte and 1he same shall thereupon become Cue and payabte ,
<br /> ' ' wtthout any pre�entment demand,protest ar notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: � •
<br /> /,=
<br /> � ,,. .;� :S (a) Demand that Tru�tee exercise the POWER OF 3ALE granted herel�,and Trustee shail thereatter cause Trustar� ., .
<br /> S-�T�.�r��-�' interest tn the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be dlstributed,ail in the manner provideC in ths Ne4�aska Truat Oeeds � -
<br /> . >a,,...•...,,. , .
<br /> ,.; .a.,....•.�, -:...: A� � •
<br /> �f'' . � •
<br />- < . _ ^�(b/)�Exerciae any and all rights provlded tor en any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence oi any Event of
<br />� _ .���Yi.�'��'S'M�'� Y018U�4 8� . F_-..-_ _"'. ..
<br /> � �s�����f (c) Cammenceanactiontoforecfosethis0eedofTrustasamortgage,appointareceiver.orspecificaltyenforceany4iUe � .
<br />. ' �y��°, covenants hereof.
<br /> h:,�,�,�,r � No�emedy herein conie►�ed upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender i9 intended to be exclusive of any other�emedy herein,in the � �
<br /> ' ��� :•;,-;�..>.���:••� Loen tnstruments or by law provided or permitted,�ut each shall be cumu►etive,shall be in addition to every other remedy given , _
<br /> � ��- � hereunder,in the Loan tnstrument9 or now or hereafter existing et lavi ar in equiry or by statute.and may be exercised concurrently,
<br /> � '-" � in0ependently or sucCessiveiy. ' '
<br /> : �:::{-".���:
<br /> . � � 13. TivatN.The Trustee may resign a1 any time without cause,and Lender may at any tima and without cause appolnt a � . .
<br /> �,�':�._- .
<br /> . . :_r.... , ,
<br /> ,_.�f�=-• '°� � auccessor or aubsUtute Trustee.Truatee ahal!not be iisbte toarry party,lnciuding without Iymitation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any f •
<br /> �:��.,�" . - purchaserof the property,tor any toss or damage uniess due to reckless or wiiitui misconduct,and shalt not be requlred to take any �
<br /> , ,�-:: . • action in connection wlth the entorcement of thfa Deed of Trust unless indemnifted.in writing,tor ali cost9,compenaation or °
<br /> �k�.:;:,-= ,�.`._, e�cpenses which may be assoeiated therewlth.In addition,Yrustee may become a purehaser at any sate of the Property Qudieial or f �
<br /> ' � ;,k-r.;;���.' under the power o!sa!s�ranted herein);postpone the safe of atl or any portlon o1 the Praperty,as provided by taw;or setl the i �
<br /> • • PropeRy aa e whole,o►��eparate p2ucef�or tots at 7rustee's discrbtton. � ..
<br /> ' � 14. FN�and E*pfna�r..tn the�e�i Trustee sells the Property by exerctse of power of sale.Trustee ahatl be eatltted to appty . .
<br /> � .,�.,�..'.'• �.•�_ any 881e prdCeeds tlrst to paymert o`a�:oost9 artd expenses oi exercising power ot sa►e,inctud`rg atl Trustee's fees,and LenQePa � - - -
<br /> • • � and Truatee s attorney's tees,actua:�y ircurred to extent permitted by applicabte law.!n the event Bcrrower or Trustor exercises any !
<br /> •• � � r1Dht provided by law tc a:re an Evdnt of Detautt,lender sna11 be entiUed to recover trom Trustcr all costs and enpenses actuaity � .
<br /> ' � Incurred as a result ot Trc;stor'�defau�,inctuding without limitatian all Trustee's an0 attorney's feea,to the_e�c'.ent permitted by ;
<br /> , . . apptiCable!aw. ;
<br />' ' � 15. fr�fua AdvaneN.Upon rectues4 ct 9brrower,Lender may.at itq optlon,make additlonal and tuture advanees anQ re-
<br /> ' � ' advtnce�to Bonower.S:Cn advances ai:s readvance�,with intereat thereon,shall be aecured by thl�Oeed ot Truat At netime ahall � . • .
<br /> - -_--_ �-^�`f""- theprintipsf8mountch'jtr�indebtednesss¢suraAbylhtsiT�dolTre�,9t.nellactudingsamsadvanceQtoDrotectthesecurityolthi� _ _ - ._�___ _
<br /> _ _ . . . _ ...�. .
<br /> �' • � 6eed ot Tru�t,exceed�a orlglnal principal amount atated herein,or S whichever is greater. �
<br /> • , _ ` - ._..; . . ' . • �" _. �a _ ' .
<br /> i
<br /> • i
<br /> ._ � L.��•'�. .,. '__ - _ . . _ ._ . .. ._. . . _ __ - . _ . _ - . .... . r_ _ . . _ .�. . _ . .. - . ii , -
<br /> Y. I�
<br /> - • .`a' . . . '_ _ _ ' _ ' . . .
<br /> . .
<br /> .. 1. . , , ."__'��.. _.._" " "' "_..__._"___-•-• ' ___ _
<br /> �._'". ..-_..-.-_�__.'
<br /> 1 . . . - .____ ,.___._._�. ._,...._.a._.__.�_..._..�_.�_.��.-+�. . .... ._�_ - �. . .. • _ .
<br />