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<br /> � : � , - � - �ciao�ooa�s oF o�o oF� �:�92"�1� - � �
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<br /> � rru.afw�wnes`r+rir�.docum�w�a+Tn�a.�s.�ou�a.�cw.asa..eaTru�.�+d�an�o�po.�a+�n.e�.00w«� ,
<br /> - dMNi��M��kNIu�ON�iaTn�tprvvldw�Ydilh�wit�dsandabN�iioe�aZiuNOrtl+�namat�p�inlM�wnt ,
<br /> ot a��It a b[�ch W obN�Nion�w�c t!N O�d of 7aut Includinp.6utnot Nn�I1�b.1Mr I.M�d�'�N�M 10 f�w Nfr PropNy� .
<br /> -��1r w.Truir.wanoue any►tu4+cw prccNd+na.tnator na.�.nb ara,wanaMS tl+�e tM:ackno+�Mdqn�nt w..�b�r •
<br /> TiruMot pMot�fh��eulfon of 1M�.OMd,olTnuL .
<br /> ` . ` _" C . . •_la���" G ���-- � _
<br /> � . . ` ,. Robert C. Chisho aa► � Husban� ,
<br /> ; . �� � ���`� � � . .
<br /> __._ � � � . � - tCaro1 A. Chisholw)T"'� � Mife:
<br /> ° .�Tii1S OEED OF TRIIST.is made a�of the�$th Oay oi ��ne ..19��bY and�n�g
<br /> - tha Trus�or.-�c - - " rhf�ti.+�: anii Carrt1 L i`J� 1�,,...HUSbt1A� anri Yi fa < , .
<br /> �- who�s nu�i��q aadre��s Z�A7 Y_ DhnaniY �v�,� 6rand Island_ ItE 6���i,swr.^wt,ea�er ons a�aor.).
<br /> ,3=• c
<br /> �1CT�!!�. �+--- .._a_r_ es�.��.. � Y..1...�wb.. r..M��..�fien � � ,
<br />-;;�,:- w�wa�tin�addross�s,p.�Q Box t�n?._ Grand Island. NE 68802 �tientn°rruw�'?.ane
<br /> --��'�, thsg�flciary. ��D_eint4 �ntc . —.
<br /> ,.
<br />- WhO�e R1fil1[1�eddrdBS is�.1 •• n_.. �rni'- r...._.� r.. � 6 9 �(116fein"LMdEr?.
<br />- r-i�v�w�Co�t��►t►oN,tncfudin�LendePs extensicn of credR'ldesgfled herefn to Robert C. 6hi shalat and __
<br />: x
<br /> '� •" ��,���,�m,����.+.1 nA rt fa (herel�"Borrowsr".whef.her ona or�nore)and ihe trust herein creetad,
<br /> . . -;�' m
<br />�° '�,''� tlte i�eceipf M which.is hereby ackncwtedyed.Trustor hereby irrevocabty grants,�tranatera.comay�and essi��s to Trustee.IN
<br /> - =;, TRUST;WRHpOWEROFSALE,torlt�ebenefitandsecurityoflender,und�r ndsubjectto�ete aandcond nsherei
<br /> �or�,a,eres��r nbe��ag�o�lowx Prt of Lots Ni ae 9 and T n �0�, Block E�eve �}�,'°�arkhi]1
<br /> 3rd Suddfixision�g on�n at'� point �.08 feet.+�est of�t�e�nort�ieast corner of �ot � Mesterly�a�ong
<br /> � , and upon the northerly t�ne af Lots g and 10 to a po3nt 21 feet �est of the northeast carne
<br /> sai� Lot Ten t10� southerly to a pofnt 21 feet west of the seutheast'corner of lot. The.n easterly �
<br /> � along and upon ti�e southerly line of safd Lots 9 and 10 to a point 6.68 feet west of the southeast =_�__;_
<br />� • �- corner gf�s id �.�t 9 �r��d tt�En northerly to a paint of beginniqg, Hall County, Nebraska. —.;=��_,
<br /> +�, sr w all bu ngs, rtnprovements,fixtures,streeU,alleys,passa9ewaya,easemenq,rtghts,privite�es and appune- ,::_,,=_-_.
<br /> .. nances laceted thereon or in anywlse pertatning thereto,and the rents,lssuea and profits,reversions artd remalndera thereof,and ' '�'��-';
<br />• • , such peroonal propeRy thal is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a fixture,inctudinp,bu!not limited to,heatinp and .-,
<br /> coo8np equipmenX and t0�ether w(!t►the homestead or marital interests,i}any,which interests are heraby�eteased and waivsd;all __ ., ., _
<br />• t^ � at which,inctudlnp reptacements and aAdltionathereto,is hereby dectared to be a part af the real estate secu�ed by the tien of this . . . -_
<br /> � • �f s� Deed ot Truat and all of the fOrepoing beinQ reterred to hereln as the"PropeAy". , . -
<br /> �� �" _
<br /> � This Oeed of Trust ahall secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and interest eviQenced by a promissory note or credit � ` �
<br />- ;�, ' . "
<br /> �
<br /> ' a�reement dated •����e 1$. 1aQ� � ,haJing a maturlty date oi December 15�1992 , - __
<br /> _ ; . -
<br /> ' � . ln the o�i�inal principal amount of S-14,��?.i� .and any and all modiftcations,exteneions and renewats , � �' --:
<br /> � . �:= thersof or theretv en0 any and a0 future advances anQ readvances to Borrower(or any ot them i1 moie than one)hereunder ° �; �;
<br />..' ', pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credlt agreements(herein catted"Note"};(b)the payment ot other sums edvanced by • -•
<br /> __ "� LdnQerta protect the securlry of the Note:(c)the peAOrmance of all covenants and agreements o1 Trustar set toAh hereln;and(d)all _ �;' �
<br />_ preseM and tuture indebtedness and obli�atians of Borrower(or any of them i}more than one)to Lender whethe►direct,indirect, -ti�� ;a
<br /> �� 86so1ute or continqent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.7he Note,thls Oeed of Trost and any end all � , - --
<br /> � 'a. • otherd0euentstHalseCUrethelVoteototherwiseexecutedinconnectiontherewifb,lncludingw(thoutllmitationguarantees.securlty [ .• . _
<br />, : % ;. � ayreements and a�llqnments of tqsee and rents,shall be referreQ to herein as the"Loan InstrumeMs". tt �� : .
<br /> � 7rustor covenants and agreas with Lender as foltaws: � t �
<br />, . - � 1. PaymwM M IndM►NdMq.Alt InCebtedness secured hereby shall be pafd when due. ` - '.,��'�! �:• •-
<br /> '-:��' P an warrants that the lien �
<br /> ` �;; � 2. Tfll�.T�ustor 13 the owner of the P►operty,has the right and authority to convey the �operty, d
<br /> ��.�'� -'°�,�� ` ••� � created hereby is a tirst and prior lien on the Properry,except for liens and encumbrances set torth by Trustar in writing and � � ,
<br /> • � �;�=�:�`s '—•�i deiivered ta Lender befurd execution otthia Qaed af Trust,and the�sr:.utian aad d�tivery at fhis Oeed cf Trust dea:aotvtolate any � - ---_.-
<br /> .�.-, a . . i
<br /> �� �,;3r.�:.•�: ..��.� corttact or other obll�atlen to which Trustor is subject �—,
<br /> • i�"` r� 8. TaxM�AN�Nn�nb,To pay betore delinquency a�l tax�3,apecial assessments and all ofher charyes apalnat the PropeAy
<br /> ,. ..r• _
<br /> "$�'�� �:� t,, nt,w O�hereafter tevled. . , ,
<br /> �:�` I. /n�urane�.To keep the Properly insuredagainst damage by 11re,hazards included within the term"oMtended coverage",and �
<br /> • • ��:;:����• • euch ather hazatdg ea Lender may require,in amounts and wlth companies acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an additional
<br /> • - ;��i:<�; ��: • named insured,with toss payable to the Lend�r.In case of toss under auch paHcies,the Lender is authorized to adjual,col�ect and � , :
<br /> ����., _ :_ compromise,aliciafmathereunder and ehall hav�the optlon oi applying all or part of tho tnsuranco proceede(i)to any I�debtedness � `
<br /> . . aeaurad hereby and in auch orderas Lender may determine,(I►)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or re�toraUon olthe Properry
<br /> - �. or(il{)fdr any other purpoae or object satisfaetory to Lertder without a(tecting the lien of thia Oeed of Trusttorthe1u11 amount aecured .
<br /> . • -' ' hereby betore suCh payment ever t0ok ptace.Any application ot proceeds to indebteCness sha11 not extend or postpone the due �
<br /> -- : . dafe of any paymena under the Note,ot cure aRy detault thereunder or hereunder, �
<br /> .- - .j:� �• 5. Eaerow.Upon wtitten demand by Ler�:r.T�ustor shall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designate,suNtc)ent `
<br /> ' . _.__�..:.�:_.�.: wmatoenabteLendartopayssthey6ecome:::�anearmoreotthefottowing:�iyalltaxes.assessmentsand.otherchargesagainst , . �
<br /> ' tAe Property.(ii)the premiums on the proper^�::s�rance re�ulred hereunder,and(iii)the premlums�on eny martgage inaurancQ
<br /> - � : . requlred by Lender. . - . . . _
<br /> • � � 6. Msinrn�ne�.R�palrs arsQ Canpliar�u vr3!}�Laws.?rustor shatl keep the Pioperly in good condition and repalr;sha:� ;.
<br /> . ' : � prompUy repair,or replace any;mprover..enf.K.�;sh may be damaged or destroyed:ahall not commit or permit any waste or. � '. .
<br /> • ,. deterloraUon ot the Property;shall not rer,.c•:e.eemollsh or substanUatly atter any of the lmprovements on the Property;ahatt nat ! �
<br /> . � commtt�eutfer or permit any actta be done in or upon the PropeRy in vialaUon o}any taw,ordinance.or�egulaUon;and shall pay and .
<br /> promptly dlachatge at Truato►'s cost and expense all Ilens,encumbrances and charges tevled,lmposed or assessed against the • � y '.; - :
<br /> � , . � PropeAy or any paH thereoL • •
<br /> -"--_=--:--- ��';_-- •- Z.E�l1lemah�.lsader.ls here�yt assiflrted.ait corr►pensaNOrt,awards,damages and other nayment9ar relle}(hereinatter __-��__:_ :.-__.
<br /> � � , "Proceeds'7 tn conaectlon wlth condemnaUon or other takirtg of the PropeAy or part thereof,or for conveyance in fieu of condemna-
<br /> , • " Uon.Lender shalt Oe entiNed at its aptiorrtb eommenee,appear in and prosecute in Rs awn nameany ttetlon or proceedings,and � .
<br /> I� ° ' ahati atso be entlUed to make any compromise or setttement in conneCtion with SuCb taking or damage.tn the event any portion ot =�'- ,
<br /> : . . - -1�Yt�1S�Wa+�yrje�urd0ud1Aw.10iY - - - _: . �'. �__ -_ _ . _. - '
<br /> M
<br /> , • ' ' O/lMWBnr1U+YMCaenrrbTtwlMdS�v�n�ASfoeu�wn.�ebeln.N�Eruta ,
<br />