<br />`. N. 'ul of the follositl each stall be deeu4 a crest of defult Wender.°
<br />`' a Truiogs skill bt +t failed to sate ppeu of ui iutallont- of tritcioal or iaterest or tar other sw secured 1efo)l tike die:
<br />11. them he occerred a break of or lefult uder•uy ten. consist. greeveat, : oisitios. provisick, telreentatics or varnaty eoitaited is
<br />this k d_3f Treat. tit tote or say atilt toga iastrasent secured heteky: '
<br />C. There . has trees a defult' it the trutus is tit payaeat 'af asy,arior or nitegsen lies at escubratx is respect to all' Drill part of tilt
<br />prapetty;
<br />d. !tutors sull.'fite s valtttary petitisa is kuhraptct or stall P sd;sdi «ted butralt at istolvest. or stall sate a Wigmat for tke
<br />setefit of creditore is tempect to tie property; -or u actin to "farce sal tier' or eacuiruct or ldfeust stated tie lropety is
<br />-A t
<br />L
<br />`. N. 'ul of the follositl each stall be deeu4 a crest of defult Wender.°
<br />`' a Truiogs skill bt +t failed to sate ppeu of ui iutallont- of tritcioal or iaterest or tar other sw secured 1efo)l tike die:
<br />11. them he occerred a break of or lefult uder•uy ten. consist. greeveat, : oisitios. provisick, telreentatics or varnaty eoitaited is
<br />this k d_3f Treat. tit tote or say atilt toga iastrasent secured heteky: '
<br />C. There . has trees a defult' it the trutus is tit payaeat 'af asy,arior or nitegsen lies at escubratx is respect to all' Drill part of tilt
<br />`. N. 'ul of the follositl each stall be deeu4 a crest of defult Wender.°
<br />`' a Truiogs skill bt +t failed to sate ppeu of ui iutallont- of tritcioal or iaterest or tar other sw secured 1efo)l tike die:
<br />11. them he occerred a break of or lefult uder•uy ten. consist. greeveat, : oisitios. provisick, telreentatics or varnaty eoitaited is
<br />this k d_3f Treat. tit tote or say atilt toga iastrasent secured heteky: '
<br />C. There . has trees a defult' it the trutus is tit payaeat 'af asy,arior or nitegsen lies at escubratx is respect to all' Drill part of tilt
<br />prapetty;
<br />d. !tutors sull.'fite s valtttary petitisa is kuhraptct or stall P sd;sdi «ted butralt at istolvest. or stall sate a Wigmat for tke
<br />setefit of creditore is tempect to tie property; -or u actin to "farce sal tier' or eacuiruct or ldfeust stated tie lropety is
<br />� - --
<br />�:ous#aced. "
<br />11. is tie Best of ul defult.' the kseficiary coal declare all iadtbtedtess secured bereky to be he aid talmkle sad tke sale full tier"Pe
<br />Ocoee die std payable artiest say truutsat, deemed, tritest or totice of all tied. ? her#after, the betefieisty say:
<br />-
<br />a. titter to perns or by gat, sitk or wiliest brisgiay of acting or oroceeditg, - or by receiver yputed by a coat ad witbut regard to
<br />its on e or is tie sue of tk
<br />tie wdequel of W seeaity, eattr apt ad take potential of tke property. of say lift thereof, u eas
<br />Trugte. ud do sat sets odic! it deem Wellul coed desirable fijiezervo tie else, eartetability or reetaaility of the property, it pert
<br />P
<br />thereof. or littlest liberals. iscraie tie itcom therefres or pratect tie security kereof aid, sitbnt tekisg pmegist of tie tropetty,
<br />are for or otkenise collect de reats, totes ad profits thereof. imladit$ those Dist die aid u/aid. aid atilt t ili use: lea tmmty d
<br />- _
<br />expenses of operatic? coed colltetiot, iscldim# attoriel feet, spot all iedeltediees sec@red kereby. all it sub order as tk lemlielaty vay
<br />detenine. Tie eaterisg apt ud taking- postenios of tae ttut estate. the colle:tiot of secs rests. issues aid profits ad ytlieaties
<br />+•
<br />thereof IF aforesaid shall art cite or faire ul default or sotiee of default iereuder or inalidate of act ad is respme to arch default
<br />or parsuat to each entice of defult < aid aateitistudiag tie coatiuuce in ponenios of tie property or the collectiot, reeeilt id
<br />applicatios of rests,• imsaa or profit, trustee or the lonficiul oil be eititled to exercise every right provided for is ul of the loam
<br />iistruents or by law spot, accu rnee of all eseat of defult. iacidiag, the right to exercise tae pier of tale:
<br />`-
<br />k comesce as eetida to foreclaie this Deed of trait u a sortgage. "#aid a receiver, or specifically aiforce all of tke eouuats kraf;
<br />rc ... ,-
<br />F- deliver to ?mite* a "arittea declantios of default aid tested for, sale. art vritta utice of defult aid tlectiei to come fitters'
<br />-
<br />isterest is the property to be sold, vkicb ltotice Trutt skill ease to it dilly filed for record it the official reteth of tie coati is
<br />which tke jroperty is located.
<br />f
<br />M Skosld the. Beneficiary elect to toreclose bl exercise of tke pier of site herein cottslaed. tke lesefidarl stall ratify Trustee kill still
<br />deposit site ?tutee tits fined of ?rut ud the tote aid sub receipt aid evidetee of etpesditern made aid geetret kereby u Trutee up require,
<br />`
<br />(.
<br />aid -spas request of tie Letef icisry, tke trustee skill cause to be recorded. pablifkes and delivered to truster nck /btire of fefult W totice of
<br />L .
<br />Site - u then required by Its red by this Deed of ?rut. Ttutee stall sittost densd os Traitor. after sick tine u may On be required by In tad
<br />=
<br />after recordstiom of reek totice of Default aid after totice of Sale built bees gives u required by tie, sell tke property at the tine aid place of
<br />_
<br />sale flied by it is sick lotice of Sale, either as a Wit, or it separate lots or panels -r iteis u Tristee stall dell expediett; ud it sick order
<br />. •, ; . ;f' _; ,
<br />U it say detersiae. at public uctiot tv tie highest aidderfor cask aid skill deliver to suck pmrciaier or purchasers thereof a deed to the property
<br />_:
<br />s., Id. nisisteit aith tie In ties is effect. fiecitals it the Trustee's deed skill to prize facie evidetce of the treti of the stalemate side
<br />E ';:'' . •:
<br />therein. Trestle skill apply tie proceeds of the sale ii the follovist order: (a) to ai reatsonble costs ud etpetees of tke isle, inlidiag bat sot
<br />4
<br />lisited to Trutee's fees cf Not sore tin :i of the gross sale price, reta:table attar-- fees aid costs of title evidtact; (b) to all rem seeard
<br />by tits Deed of Trait; ud (e) tie Men. if ail, to tke person or persons legilly essit ed thereto. Ail perti, iuclidiag the Ineficiary. as
<br />psrcktse said property at said ale. Ttutee say it the utter provided by ifs, postpcae sale of all or sty portion of the pfoltity.
<br />. .
<br />It. Trustee led tke leseficiary, aid eack of ties. stall be entitled to a force pame*_t aid perfortuce of up idebtedtas or obli$atiom secured
<br />i
<br />hereby ud to exercise all rights aid losers alder this Deed of Tait or seder ail Ion iutruest or otter mgreesest or all tau sor or hereafter
<br />enforced totsitkstudiag tote or all of the isdebtedieu .aid obligations stetted beteel stick say soy or hereafter be otlermis# seemed, eketker by
<br />softgage, deed of trot, pledge, lies, usipeest or otkef$iu. leitker the scceptux -.T tide teed of Trait tar its estereemst, wbetkpr by eoaft
<br />t
<br />acting or laaaut to the pour of sale or other lours kereis coatmited. skill prejudice :r is ail muter affect ?little's.or tie ktefiday'o right
<br />y
<br />to realise epos or eitorce all other security moo or kereafter held by Tratee or the Beneficiary. it bell$ agreed flat Ttsetee aid the lemetieiary,
<br />(:
<br />ad #act of tin. stall be entitled to esforce this Dee6 of Trait aid all other secoriti on or hereafter held by the teseficiul or trustee is lick
<br />order aid ouitt se thef ny is their absolute discretiaa detersite. to ready herr:e °Yofnred spot or reserved to Tratee or teeefieiary is
<br />isteided to rue et.lesive a all other reedy bereit or by lac provided at permitted, mgt Back skill be •:omlative led skill be is dditi :s to every
<br />?
<br />other remedy given nereaider or sow or hereafter exiotitf at It or equity cr oy statute. Every poser c? remedy gives by say of the low ioansemt
<br />to Trustee :: the Beneficiary or to vtick either of ties fay be otkervise entitled sly ce ttercised, couarrestly or iadepedeatly, frail tame to tine
<br />aid it oftet n say be delved eipediett by Traitee or Beneficiary, aid titter of toes may prase iteossittest resediu. lotlitg little shall be
<br />:oastra#d u prokibitieg the teaeticisry grow seliimg a deficincy idgeset igaint Trot >rs to the eaten lick actioe is persitted by Ism.
<br />11. Tristan hereby regtat a call of sty totice of defsolt aid that ail totice,[ si,e hereafder be sailed to Trastors at the address set forth
<br />it th# first parognpi of tkis Deed of trot.
<br />15. The kaeftciary sty. by a arittea isstriseit executed aid icktoiiledged by Beneficiary, sailed to trestors aid recorded is tie Couty it stick
<br />the property is located aid by othervise cosplyia# Vitt the prarisiots of the spplicacie• ,iv of be State of Lebrun, smbstitste a neeessor to the
<br />Tiastee used Well or acting kereuder.
<br />to. Ttis Dell of Trost applies to aid stares to tke benefit of ud bitds all parties sere-to. their spite. personal represeititires, suceuors aid
<br />assizes ' *p ten ' Beneficiaty' skill mean tie otter aid holder of the Otte, rhether "t not cited as i+eaeficiary bFreta.
<br />it, a:ttiat affectit# tit litbility of a:y other pence liable for tee oayuat of say •oaHgstian herein settioeed, mad Vitiost affectug tie lies
<br />of risrge of this teed of Ttut apes sty portion of the property not ties or theretofore released- as opcarity for the tall payoeit of all tmpaid
<br />obligation. the ieteficiary oil, fro@ tine to tine aid vitkoat notice: (a) release sty r�fson so liable: (h) cheat the littrity of alter say of tke
<br />tent of say sick obliiitios; (e) $fast other indilgesces: (d) releue or reran +'y at tar beaeUcisil's option all parcel. yortios or all of the
<br />lrot#rty; (e) take or release ail other cr additional secartty for tat obligation aerate seftio@ed; or (f) like rosposition Pr other strugnett
<br />with debtors in reimcs taeret6
<br />Ile this Deed of trait skill be gneried or the lave of the State'of Wrists std, it the event key me or are of tke prooisiats cottsited
<br />retell. or the tote or all other security intraseat girls is coaiectios Vitb this tralsmstroe shall be for say retail held to be iarmlid, illegal or
<br />aeetforceeble. in say respect, sacs invalidity. illegality or unenfontability skill net affect dal btker provision of this Bted of trait, bit tae
<br />feed of trait still be catttned as if sae tayslid. illegal of Dal ¢ever errs eostaaed Bettie or therein.
<br />1!. All tofturesce by the Beneficiary of trustee is exercising may rigbt it reueiy nereasdtr, or otkereise afforded by apllicible In. shill tot
<br />be a Wipe if or preclude tip exercise if all sack risk? sr ready heren•,dpr. luesise. the river by tie heieficlary at Tratee of W defult of
<br />ale Tractors . der this Deed of Trost stall lot he dented to be a vaver of say other or anti? leftait sutsegt•etiy occiffn /•
<br />!1. act the written request of the hesetiruary $title# that III sees eecared heroy harp bepn Pill. aid apse aatfoader of tits Deed Of trot ai9
<br />i t:e tote tc -the ?notee for rtaceilitioe std retettiot aid span gyteit by Traitors :f ?ras,ep's 'eos. Trustee sbill rerotvey !o'rutors. or the
<br />T Erq;m or pefart ielaily entirlpi thtreta. withstt aerriaty. ry y rttoR of tttp orp erry + -ea We'id :errarder. iecttis i3 fare recatveyasce of sty
<br />matters or facts shill be cn6 aive proof ,f *.be ttatefsitess ttetnf. tirnttes it tie amtvey>_a-e ail it dejeriaei as eke 'urs:a or penca:
<br />lo-gslly eatltied tbereto.'
<br />