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i <br />This DMW OF TQIIST is made - this 23rd; day : of June, <1992, by and among HADM 4. ' <br />pLlfiJpW1P MW II.AIfIlB J•: PLBJDWIP, ' Mrmbmmd aid mire, hereinafter keferred to as "Trustors," <br />0bether one or more, whose sailing address is Route 1 Box 153, Csiito, Nebrasks-IN24: TBB, <br />STATS 11w OF CAIRd, a febrasks Banking Corporation, hereinafter referred to es` "Trustee," <br />whose sailing address is Boz 128, Cairim, Nebrastka 68824; and'THS STATE BAN: OF CAIRO,, a <br />»fslyeaika -RsakiiW - Corporstiivn, hereinafter referred to as "Beneficiary,". whose. mailing _ <br />Address is boil 678, .Cairo, Ikbraska 68824.< <br />.For valuable consideration, - Trustors irrevocably grant, - transfer, convey and assign to <br />Trustee* ist trust, with power of Bale; for`the benefit and security of Beneficiary, under_ <br />. :.and subject- to- the.terss and conditions of this Deed of Trust, the following described real <br />Property located in BALL County, Nebraska: <br />Mae Northweat Quarter (Nfi 1/0 of section t5, Township 12 North, Range 12, <br />West of the Gth p.M., mail,oxmty, Nebraska, <br />together with all buildings, improvements, -'fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, <br />easements, rights., privileges and appurtenances located thereon, and all personal-property <br />that may be or hereafter become an integral part of such buildings and.improvements, all <br />crops raised thereon, and all water rights, all of which, including replacements and <br />additions thereto, are hereby declared to be a part of the real estate conveyed in trust . <br />hereby, it being agreed that all of the foregoing $hall be hereinafter referred to-as the <br />pP'roperty.„ _ <br />MR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: <br />a. Payment of indebtedness evidenced by Trustors' notes of even date herewith, <br />together with interest at the rate or rates provided therein, and any and all renewals, <br />modifications and extensions of such note, _both principal and interest on the note being <br />payable in accordance with the terms set forth therein, which by this reference is hereby.. <br />made a. part hereof; <br />.-.'b. The verformance•of each agreement and covenant of Trustors herein contained; and <br />c. She payment of all sums advanced by Beneficiary under the terms of this peed of <br />Trust, together with interest thereon at the rate provided in the note. <br />d. The above amount is secured even though all or part of it say not yet be advance.' <br />Future advances under the agreement are contemplated and will he secured to the same extent <br />as if made on the date this deed of trust is executed. <br />TO pgn= THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, TRUSTOHS HEREBY COVENANT AND AGREE: <br />1. to pay rtes die, the princ :rZ r'., And the interest on. tt- Aebtedness evideeced ty the note. charges, feel aid all othr Eft al provided <br />` <br />in the loan isitraseats. <br />1. Trustors art the aviers of the property :Aid the right and authority to etecute this Geed of Trust in respect to the property. <br />; {� 4 <br />1, to pay. ekes dae, all tares. special arse ::rents rd All other charges agailst the property, bef4e tke sate become delit0est. Tfs /toll <br />shall pay all totes Ina issessients �r.,)'+ nay be levied upon Beneficiary's interest herein or uponthis Geed of Trait or tke debt secured hereby, <br />sitkout regard to my lay that say to ' >�cted isposing psyaent of the whole or any part thereof apon the Beneficiary. <br />a- <br />4. To keep the itprovesents ion c: hereafter !•: sled on the property nsrred agaian dange by fire aid each other bteards a! the Beneficiary <br />'- <br />say require, in atous's sea cDlpanies aaceptat:r : - ` -.e Beneficiary, Such insurnte policy shall contain a standard sottgage elasse is favor of • <br />Beneficiary. truster r.;:i prwptfy r -ia :r, a3 ct *siic wi replace the Dropertr or ry %art thereof. so that, except for ordiniry rear 4.14 tear. tt: <br />property shall not dei.riarate, <br />: <br />`; 'a the eveat tie property. `mil Dart thereof, shell be ­2 11 by esivat dotal!. the Beneficiary is entitie4 to roll,.,- aid receive all <br />^Xi <br />cor. �-,aanon dish III be paid for -t; ;-:Derty tai ^n or for Wages to property iot taten, am the ienehsi3ry shall apply sccb a- .7ensatioi, at its <br />' <br />optloa, either to a red.-tha of the hereby, or t^ tABSir 1111 r -1s?6ro !h- • : ^Q ►tP °� 'sip`• <br />! _ _ -- <br />i, the Beneficiary sly, tit shall ^ave r., r.::.: :n tc. ds tiiy 5:1 onr• irsstora cave a :re:d bit f3ii= : :. -A the Benpfieiary say also do <br />;. <br />any ant it dee15 nesegs3ty t'. prIter.' t! If lie: .... Trs3t)r� sr= 'i; r >t3y, .:•,n d�eisd. : °! :.e, . _ .......i ay the Be!pfioiary for the above <br />, <br />purposCs, aa9 aiy all so encj'.) s' F"%rr'd ^rrPty 1.,j is :t° : : °'; :} :'° l,on !ereo`, T'p kaPefirilry Pheli ap <br />isear any liability because of a:,yta -_ it fly do of 0811 to ao herej�aer. <br />i. The Beneficiary $bill hale the right, pAer Ili authority daring the r >e.!si3ire of this teed of tract t) collect tle rents, issues and <br />profits of the property and of any neraull property located thereon vith or witic:' sing possession of the prepert; affected hereby, ad Trnst-,ra <br />i <br />hereby absolutely and acconditionsHy assign all Aar`! rents, issues %!d profits t0 the teneficiary. The beaeficisry, hovever, hereby cosserts t: <br />Traitors' collection and reteation, :' ei;h rentB. isS449 and "vfits, s) lue 3s Trzst."s 3rp mt, at such tine. i" lefailt with re ; ;t to payse3t of <br />ail indebtedless seared hereby, cr in the perfirvir- of rl sgvese *t terel'jn. If aiy event of aefatlt &10014 h?rnf' °r i; respect to this <br />!feed of ?fast shall bile scarred lu: be conhaul% th, Be.efi:lify, as 3 litter A right a_4 witho it' notice t) Traitors of anyone claisill ander <br />TlCDI7rBr a!4 withcit regard v th° vai;p of i!r, tn9' oytve or ti? 1Ptovist 0 tt> instOr9 th cart. ?hall have tie rigtt to apply t0 aiy coact <br />h4Yisg Jarisdlstlan to opi ^t a re,eiver of t ". yr -ertr• <br />_ <br />1. the 0'.34161ry, or its a4eets, Are ast'.,ntrd t) >rer r )r+ tie- �-o ,r it acv part sf tie 01%ertr for the Darpose of <br />inepecth; the site aA f)r tie D,r;os of perfsMIN a ^y 0f the its th -Y ,: Vt r.sOd I..., petrt•rr ant'er th> tett? )f any+mn trstruelts 61en ed <br />by Trustors. <br />!. if 311 or ry ;art if It;, cra,etty :r v! Tait ,r3 is E -�A, tt3 -31ir , --t f,r.h'r : ;ihQr >i vith ;t 'he kritten consent 0! ',h- <br />Bencficiary tie in-fici3ry say heclar- 311 say 9e.,rtd t7 t`:f frig' :cd :? t '.eiPj13'ali iS° 3'd tit3rle a'd )t5 -p:4 t' W rgoi''3 sY3113h!P <br />t: it undar tie defailt Mki31)ni coat3ite9 !!lurid <br />i <br />