. . . '
<br /> . y�� '?•�'��T w�ri
<br /> 4' � Y'.,
<br /> �� . _ . � �tl�'YS�L_` �� �� � �s __
<br /> � '— _-�---
<br /> ,��r o vav --
<br /> a • i. '�d{ :"r ::-�.
<br /> 15. FerY�:ro Qdv;ry�e9-U°9A A��t o}Borrorie�,l.endsr may.at its oPUOn,make additional and tuture�dv$���d re- . ( ,+ q,._
<br /> " • EdYBllCQ3 t0 80ROYl�feSlYCh�1��a�d�����Qg•with intere�t thereon,shalt De secured by this Oead otln�tlAfp6 ti sha�� _ : T
<br />. t h 3 p r i rt ci p 3l amouat of the In�debtestness seCured by this Deed ot Trust nat�$�8 0 3.6 3 g a w h i c h e er�s greater.te Eecur3ty o4 this �^;,. ,`� �. . �, -
<br /> � Dc�ed o9 TrusR o�ceed th0 o�iginaf prtnc ipa 1 amou n t a f n t e d h e re i n,o r$ ,. _ t`' ,,�r -
<br /> 16. 111Esc��acieoaas Rrovisiom. � . .,z� `�
<br /> �ey ��B�y=�@��A����pd,Extansion ot We tim�tor payenent or moa9iticatien o1 amardzetion ot the sums seeured by tt►(s �
<br /> ' Reed ot Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borror►er shall not operete to retease,in any manner,tRe Ilabiliy , ;,� �=
<br /> . o f t i ie ori ginal Borrower an0�ottower's successors in interest Lender shaii not be required to commencQ proaeadtngs against ,
<br /> cuch successar or r�fuse to extond time for panmenorro eeartd Ba ro ear's su�c cessors n 8nt srest�6�b y th3g D2ad o1 Trust :°� :..w�
<br /> ' by reason ot any demands made by ttie orlgi a B "'}' ..:;��
<br /> (b) L�nda�'s Powas.lNithout aftecting the liability o!any other person I�abte to�tha payment ot any Abligation herein ., f <�� l
<br /> J mentloned,and without attecting the lien or charga of this Desd of Trust upon any pomon of tl�e Property notthen ortheretofore
<br /> "``� released as sscurtty br the tuit anau�°f a��unpasd°�igaUOna�end�sr may,from time to time and without npUce�reteass any i
<br /> , person so liabte,(ii)extend tha maturity or atter any ai the terms of any such obliga�iona(iii)grant other indulgencea,(1vI reteasa .;;•h.. , :. �;•�
<br /> ar reconvey,Or C8us9 to b8 reteases!or reconve��/ed at any time at Lender's option any parcel.poRion or 8tl nf the Pro�erty. •���f,,• -.;. ; �
<br /> � (v)�lce or retease any othar or addiaonai sacurity for any obtigation herein mes�ioned.u�r��}�make�posi�o►LS or ather �,,-_; ;,��_ �,.:;, -
<br /> srrengemen t s with deatora In retation thareto. - , :_-,:i�'�::"�-�,.;''��v_`.��-:_
<br /> - `:-� r� ` "'h.efeundBr,or ���-�-�-°_�`�
<br /> � �s,. (c) POti�xa�n=�bp!6 eable law.sha I�notbe a��raivernol oryp eGuds ther8 � ' � Ct.[t�S}edY•The ����._T'=�_.
<br /> •.
<br /> �` otherwkte BftoYd2d bY aPA .�,` -- �_,'""'"' _-
<br /> ..,+.�.1;'' _ ..{Y;��e -
<br /> � • procuremen4 of insuranco or the Daymsr►t of haxes or other tiens or charges bY Lender sh�ll not be a watver oi Lender's tightt0 '"�': y
<br /> , �,�,��___ -
<br /> � aeteterate Yn3 mstvrity►of the indebtedn2ss ssc�►red by tt►'ss Deed of Tru ���e�venants and agreemerrts hetetn aon- f"��ti=-"�;--"
<br /> (� Sueetisors and AstlQna L'aund;Jotnt and SsYSrat Liahility:Cap . . _
<br /> � - tained sh211 bind,and the rights hereunder shall inure to,the resQective successors and asslgns ot Lender and Truator.All �:���:�y___
<br /> covenants and egreemenfs of Trustor sfiatt be joint and saveral.The captions and AeadtRgs of tAe paragrephs ot this Deea!oi --
<br /> Trust are for convenlence oniy and are not to be used to interpret or define the pravisians hareot _ ...
<br /> ,�.';; (e� Rqus�llo�Notlns.The parties hereby request that a copy ot any notice of defautt he��:ar and e cQpyof any noUce : _� ._,, _�
<br /> o!sale hereunder ba m�iled to each paAy to this Deed ot Trust at the address set toRh ab��`hs��`�f p���ed by �.; ����-J
<br /> aPPlicable iaw.Except'�ar any other noUce required under applicable taw to be�ti�an in anoti^r�•'rs�nner.ssa�e�atice provfded ""'���-°�:
<br /> for in thts Deed o!o��s rovided tor in U�is�O�eed of Trusl hatl� ��tective uponmaie ng in the�^ae 8�d�`t�ted hereio.If �-;�_z��-,�,-.,.:.
<br /> toAh e3��Any P t'�. :
<br /> Trustor es cnore than one person,noUee seni to the addcess set tiacth above shall be no4ice to a`�such persona ' ��?:` �,
<br />� �� (tj O�a�cyen,Londer may make or cause to be made rea��ie entries upon and"+naQectfons of the Property.provtded •,:.;�., .'_f
<br /> ' that Lender shafl gfve Truator notice prior to any such inspec�er�'�Pecitying reasonabte cause thereto►reteted to Lender's `, :�:--,
<br /> � interest In 4he Properly. -
<br /> . (g) Reeonvs�ence.Upon payment of alt sums secured by this Deed of Trus�Lerder shall requestTrustr��sreconveythe � �•�,;�,
<br /> Property and shail sur�ender this Daed of Trust and all noles evidescing indebtedness secured bythls Deed td:�rust toT�ustee- _;�- ��'
<br /> �-.: � :. r. ,•��s;
<br /> � Trustea sAalt reconvey the Propert�Ku�hout wa►ranty and without charge to the person or persons leg�try en4tled thereto. ��'s`f�':`., ,�
<br /> rt•
<br /> Trustor shall pay aIl costs of recosl��ra�n,if any. � -
<br /> . �h�p�p���pro�;gkud�r��r�sm�nt As aQdiUonal security tor the RaYment o3 Ctre•Kqte,Trustoc hereby pr8tfts ' `�' ,. .:.:���e'-: '��•'.�;
<br /> Lender urtder the Netsr�hs Unlform Commercial Code a securlty interes4 in allfi�.v�3.eqafg�'na:ti and oth��rsr�onal praperry �`•�,,, �,: ,� .:.4: .�.�_
<br /> ,, � usodlnconnecHonv��'7't�r�reatestateor[mprovementalocatedthereon,andnae¢�n�vlsedectaredord�tv00aparto9 �. . •`�,;;`.'. j..:�
<br /> � � thg real estato secured nereby.This Instrumant shall be construed as a SecudtY A9reement under sald Ca�1�.��'td tha Lender ��� ;,�.
<br /> ' T.'j0 ...�.,�
<br /> .,;;Z�£f s h a11 h;�o,sfl the rf ghts end remedias ot a secured partY urtdar s�I9 Code in add[tton to the rtg�tsand remeci�s r�rated u�z�x J ``;t,.
<br /> �;��;� and aa�Rfi:d the Lender purauant to t h ls O e e d o 1 T r u s X p r o v t d�d s�f r•�s 1 L e n d e r s N g h i a a n d rerrt^:cl1e9 underthis p8regreph tltra0 .F�.. `� .
<br /> • be curnulattve with,and tn no way a IimltaUOn on,Lenders rlghts and remedies under any othsr secudty aqreement efpn�tl3y � + :_
<br /> � ' BOttQW@�Oi TNS�Oi. �;�`arr.
<br /> (i�LNns an6 Encumbrancy.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that tfiere is no detauit unGcr tha provtslan9 of any ,;;ti�;; :�
<br /> ` mortflage.d e e d ot trus��ease or purchase wntract describin�aH or any part p!the Properry.or ather contract inatrument or :.� ..�;-� :
<br /> �• agreement constttuttny a Ifen or encumb►ance a9ainat atl or any part of the Property(collectively."Llena"!.exl�tin�aa ot the �°-�.�-, •
<br /> data pf Mts peed of Trust and that any and al!existing Liena remain unmodifted except as 6isctosed to Lendar in TrustoPe -,�_;;�:w_
<br /> °�'• � wdtten disctosure of Itens and oncumbrances provSdeO for herein.Trustor shall Umeiy pertorm sIl of 7rustors obllgt[Uons. .,�:__,�,__
<br /> � ' covenantg.repre�entaUons and warran�es unQes any and aIl exlslUng end future Uens,shall promptty torward to Les�Qer coptes
<br /> of all noUces ol6eiault aent ln connecUon wlth any and all exisUng or future Uens,and shall nat wlthout Lender's prlo►wr(tten � _
<br /> �"'"`�- _
<br /> . }•�` conaer►t in any manner modity the provision�of or allow any tuture advances under any existinp or tuture Llens. •> _ •
<br /> :;•rd�.'��+r ��pppuypn W paym�nb.Untess otherwiss requtr�d by taw,sums patd to Lender hereunder.inciudtn�+�ithouf IlmltaUo�n �,�p-_—,-_
<br /> ,y.,{
<br /> •':,�i`� peya• ��. o f p Hnc lp a l a n d I n t e r e s t l n s u r a n c e p r o c e e Q s,c o n d fl m n a U o n proceeda and rents and proflt9,nhall be app e4 Y - _
<br /> '`<'� Lend��theamount9duean4owlnyfromTrustorandBoROwBrYhauchorderasLenderinitssolediscrevondeemsdot�ftaRlr�. , _ .._,-,._
<br /> �k)Sswra'bptty,If any proviston of thls Deed of Trust conQicts with agDlicabte law or Is declara6 tmalld or oiherx!�9
<br /> . ut onefiectw(thout�thecontllcttngprovl9ton,a'ndtothise dth provlsoVnsofthis0'eed�o?Tntst�andtheHoteareQac�are0tobe _ �'
<br /> : '--. .�.'r•.;,
<br /> .:,y;i, 86V8f$b�8. . . .�;e..,r��
<br /> � '"` (���rm�.The terms'?ruatof�r^'.��B°R°M►e�'Bhall Inctyda both singular and plural,and when fhe Trustor and Borrower �i,�14,. . ' � ,
<br /> . are the same person(s),those torms es used In thia Deed o1 Trust sha11 bo Interchan$�bie- .
<br /> ..._•�?y�"�?`,.,,� .��:...
<br /> (m)t�avemlmD 6ew.Th�a Qeed o1 Truat sha11 be govemed by the taws o?ths Stata of Nebraska . _
<br /> - �-M,�...:.�_��•° �:
<br /> Trustor has oxetute�tf.ro:a Deed of Truat as ot the date writcen abou . .
<br /> i+;�.i. F ^L . . `.. . .
<br /> .r�•.;` Su1Se Tr,:Stor ;,:�. ..; .•s..._
<br /> `�;;.�:ti;;;' � ` „ l� . . r ��,: �,+�:,.:
<br /> �' � e L. Hu:Z�E trustor ��,;� ,•: .;w
<br /> ,�,i�: �, , . ' �
<br /> :,•,S `.t, "t��"^�•;t.r�.�.:.`.,.
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