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<br /> � �3�° �i�°l � �� 11 �- S _ �i_� —-_
<br /> .— . v�� a9.lD��� � < �:�--
<br /> < �eiau
<br /> � � 7. Emtnant Camaln.Lender i8 hareby asolgrt�d ati com�nsatlon,a��ards,damages and other paymentQ or reliel tYcereina9fer ` 1�' �_'
<br /> �
<br /> � � "�Proceeds'�in connecrion v►fth condemnatlon or other taking oi the RroReRy or paR thereof,or tor convsyance in Ileu o1 condomna• ' �' -
<br /> `. �. tton.Lender ahall Ae enUtled at its optfan ta commance,appear In and prosecute in ifs own name any acUon or procee�ings,�nd '� `� � �.
<br /> �` r , sha0 alao b9 errdtled to make any cvmpromtse or settlemeM tn conn�cUon with s�ch ffiking or damage.In fhe ev�nt any portlon o} . '� ��
<br /> the Pro�sRy ia so ffiken or damaged,Lender ahall havo the optlan,in fta eofe and absdJute discre2ton,to appfy e!I such Proceeds, � . r =--
<br /> efter daduei�n�thsrefrom aq costs and expensas incurre6 by it in cannection v�ith such ProcQads,upon eny indabiodne�s�curo0 ° �� . • ��"�;
<br /> . hereby and in sueh order as L.ender may determirte,or to appfy eil euch Proceads,aftar such deducfions,to 4he rest�rsUon o}the • � , - -
<br />;;;'+,,i r Properiy upon auch condtUons as lender may deiermtna Any appllcaUon of Proc�dato indsbtadnosasheli aot extflnd or po�tpano . ` F�: _.
<br /> the due date o!any payments under tAe PlQte,c�r cure any default tttereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied funde aha0 be patd to • �, •
<br /> , ' • ,. Truator. ; ` : ��
<br /> 8. Ps�totrttane*by��ndtr.Upon the accurrence o1 an Event of Defautt hereundsr,ar if any ect ts taken or tegai p►oaeedinp • , � .
<br />-- commenced which mateHaHy attecta Lendara intere9t in the PropeRy,Lender may in its own discreUon,but without obllgaUon t0 do � �
<br /> =_-- �so,and witrhout nottc�to or demand upon Truatar and w(thout relaasing Y�.�stor bom any obiiga�o�,do any act+vhich Ti rusYar haa --t `' �
<br /> �,_. � � agreed but tails to do and may also do eny other act it d�6ms necessary�profact the Bacurlry hereot Tru3tor shall,immsdiatety � � . • �` _-
<br /> • u�aon demand therefar by Lender,pay to Lender aU ccst9 and expenses incurr�d and sums expended by�ender tn connecUon wiU� _ •.. , �. , "�"
<br />. the exerc�se by Lender ot the toregoing righta,tagether with interest theraon atth9 deisult rate provtded ln tho iVOte,whi�h shell D9 �.
<br /> added to 4he indebtadness secured hereby.Lendar�halt not tncur any Iiabiiity becausa of anything it may do or omit to do � .` '''�'��.`�:
<br /> :. hereurtd¢r. .� , °:�...;�.:-��; -r`-�'
<br /> .. �,..� 9. H1�ur�ua P��tariata Trustor shall Icssp thv Pro�3rey tn eompifsnce w0h all apptic�bte lawa,ordinancea and rogu(rlUane ` ` .Y � . . "`
<br /> ����
<br /> :'..,r::;' reiaUrtg tn indus;trial hygtena or enuironmonffiI protectton(col[ecUvely r6ferred to hergln as"Ew►vtronmentai LuwD'�.Tru3tGr sf�ti _ :,���"��� ,__
<br /> keeptho Pra�eriyiroe irom sU subamrtces deemQd to bs hezardoua ortoxic under arty Environmentel Lawa(ceilacYively re.*erred to �-•_=�;, �`'
<br /> r x�±�=;-; _
<br /> � '� harel�as"HeYardcais Matertals'�.Trustor hereby wamv►ts and�epressntrs to L�r;�er t4�at thero aro no Ffezaid9ua Matrsrtata an or -- _ • -
<br />� �i.�,�;,;,'..� undar the Progeriy.Yrustor hercby a�rees to indemn(fy and hold hamleua Lertdrs;.i�directors.oNtcers,emptoyees find tigenbs,and __
<br />