:'t!:"' !�� �rk< . . . . . . . • �
<br /> � . . . . ;� � '�t�: �s� . :r . , � . ,. .. ,. . -,�s
<br /> � . ,� ',- .. ,-,. . . t{t,`':, 'tr ' . . _ . . . ' .` . � i: < ' _ • .. ,v -
<br /> � . . �.
<br /> --�..__ ._-_.—� '-' - - -- �- - - _ •- _. - - - -- - - - -- --
<br /> _.
<br /> . . - _ . . . � ' . --' ; - . - .- ' --' ' ---- � - - �t-' -- . - . - • ..- ' - . ..`. .�-.. �.�_..�,�.. -
<br /> �
<br /> ,� .. .. .. � . . � . - • � ,
<br /> ,
<br /> ; . � , . .. -' __ � . • ' . � _—'_-'- "'- < < ' --
<br /> . •
<br /> . .- . . ., .� . � .
<br /> .
<br /> . . . . , .. , . ' : .__..-'-"-- "
<br /> _, . .-.. : � , ..- . . . . ., .-• . � . .
<br /> .._�...�...� ._..__,�.-1 �—__�._._._.��'-� -°--'---'..�_ �. "��
<br /> . g� 10'78g5 f ;,. � ,��- .��.
<br /> i6.Borro�egr'fl C�py. Bo�rower shall 6e veA o�arr�ttm�d�Y of tha Norc and of this S�uriiy Instrumeat •_ • �;` , .:' -:
<br />� 17.Tean�cr a?ti�e Proa�ty oa a B2ae��InSare��0m�rer. If aU or any part of the Prapaty or any intes�,st in it is , _.•f
<br /> sold or tasnsferred(ar i€a beae�icial intaest in Basocvee is aold or uaa�sfesred and Borrower is not a nawral�so n)wiittom , . . . . _
<br /> Lender's prior vmtt�n consen�LeadQr may,at its op�an,ceQ�ire imm e d i a t e paym e a t i n f u ll a f a ll s u m s s E C V r e d by t h i s S�c a u i n+ � , .
<br /> Insuument However.this epdon shn91 not�e ex�erc�sod by Lertder if accrci�e is prQ!dbited by fed�ral law as of t3r,s date of this ` . .. ,. .
<br />�, Socurity Instrumena. ! ` .� , �
<br /> If l.c�dcx cACa�cises�tss option.Lcnder shall giv6 @umowea nagoe of acceteautIun.7t►e nodoe shnll psovide ape�od of nat less f ,. . . . . .
<br /> thrn 30 days fsosn she at th3 noLS�is deGvaed or msilad�vitLin wt�cti�oiroaer must pay all sums secured by this Sesurity �_ . °_:T_ , .: ' '
<br /> h�n
<br /> . Instrument If Barrowra Cails to psy thesc sum9 priar w the eapiistinn of this paiod.Lender may�nvoke eny rr�nedies permiUed . . .
<br /> by thiv 3sxuriry Insuumcnt w' t fiut�c�t[:otloe or deanund on BaamwrJ.
<br /> 18.6orrower's[ti�61 to �i�ts�ie.r� t8-8p�arc'�.�ss, cvtain oonditions. B4rrowcr shall have the right tn have , . �„ . ,
<br /> �foiceineai of thLq Socurity Inssttument Bast�Z�t'�. , Y P�or t� th�eaalisa af (a) 5 days (ar such ot�Cr periad as . . . . .
<br /> tum �p u�y
<br /> appf�bic law m�y s�cif y f reii�ta�n��.befata.�of:t t�pesty pursuant m eny poweJ of sale con�r2d In this S� 'Y��.;�--_—_-
<br /> m
<br /> in�umcm:a�r(b?enuY o f a j �t'd�fatsmg 4h'sa-Sac�ritv eA7.'n wss caa d i tions�se�h a t Bmrower:(a)pay s Leader all - - -
<br />` suma wblch lhen�ould Dn due uta�ilils Sc�uriry In�vme�i and lPte Nnte a4 if no acceF�taiiun 6ad aocimed: @D��Y .
<br /> � defautt of any otarr coveaants or agraaneat� c)PaY9 uU sxP�incureed in eafaicing t�s SeauIry Ins�wnen�including,but ;.: ------=---
<br /> : m .::.. ;.:
<br /> ,;��, nnt lurtited ta.�easonabte asmraays'fce�aad(�takes suc6 a�fan�s Leader anu�reasonably reqnire w a�svre that the l�ea of dils .,, -------
<br /> asmr �
<br />,,,�;�.; S�uritY Insnva�en� L�'s rlgLt� in t�e Pr6prny and Batrawrtr's abliganon to pay the sums s�cured by this Ser�uiry .'i ��4���-
<br /> Instrnmeat shaU coktinue ancbnnged Upan n�s�ratcmmt by Barrow�r,this S Ins+sum$nt and dte obli seciued �. ,:''j'-::.-_
<br />.y,,.� ''r;�;�'Gj,''�'^'
<br /> h�eby sha11 remain folIy eff��tivo as if na as,celeaarion t�xd o�aa�eed.Hotvever,this�t to�ans3ate shall not app ia the case of '�� �-°
<br /> .� ��. '., •. ,
<br /> aoac�ae�ation�aander paragiaph a7. .'`�`�'�:�:';
<br /> der ..
<br /> 39.Saie o!Note;Change a?Loan Servker. 'Ihe Norc ar a paitial mterest 6i ti�e Na� (tagether w� this Se�auiry . �''""'�'.". .
<br /> ,:�;'t;::';
<br /> Insaumtn�maY Ds sold one ar more times with�ut priar aotice tn E�rocva.Aa s�muy r�vh ia a c�ange m the eatity(fCUOwn r, � .... . ..��„ :`
<br /> � r.r �. --�e--.rx,'_. , .
<br /> as the°Loaa�eJVic�")that cal2eGS ffiant�ty eats due unde�the Nots an�dns S�runty In.��s.'ihra�e aLso may 1te ane or .. �:•. •t:;:.� ..�.-'".-
<br />� �s uwre cbaeges of d�e Loau Savicer w a sale of t3�e Na�.If t3�ae is a c,han8e af the Ha��� B�rower w�l be ;""` '°��
<br /> 14�ltave aa��p lir�le?aw.R4e�t�oe wU s�e the na�aud '`�'1�-:�_�•"��:��_>,.
<br /> givea writteu nntice of the c6a�ge ia�.^�oe with p�a� _ ._,. �,..�-,.. .
<br /> addr�ss of ttte rtew L.oan Scivicer aad t� address to wtuch paym�ts shoutd be made.The II�e srU also contam any� '�.,.
<br /> ' iaforma8on reqtund by applicable 1aw. . � ;-�`_��=-=-
<br /> `;` . ZO.Har�rdousSabstances. Bcs�row� shsII nai c�se a� Petmit the preseuce. asa, A'��x- scnrage..as release of�my =.:_:•—
<br /> ' Har�doas Sabsmuoe,s on ar in the Pcv{�+,�.Banowa shaU aot da.nor allow anyone else oo do.�ahmg aff�ng the Property ;:s �_
<br /> °,.� : << ,,.
<br />::-�::; ttrat is u�viQtatioa of an�Env'aonmentaY&�w.The preceding two seuteuces sltall not appty to tS��°.se.nce,ase.ar starage on the ;.�,, � ,
<br />:,;..• PtopFSly of�3ll quBIIUltes of H�¢dAaSS Sub^teIICes Th2I S�C gE�II?t'd1ly rec•o$niZed W 6e SpptIl¢it�iZ to ummt3l sCSid�Ii311tses -:. •.y r
<br /> dild i0*^�*•`r_.*�mne Of thB�ge[[y. I� '.�`•,:<i�<.
<br /> B�awa shaD pi+amg,. �va II.�der written notice of any investigation,clam�,d+�aad, laasait�atha aaran bY�Y ,�,..:. `..A. .� �
<br /> �'' � ��'�
<br /> � govemmeatal�ie8u3�aI+��Y�@��P�Y iAVOlvmg tha P�peity and aay Ha�ardons Sabstance�F�visonmeatal I$w . � �'''.':�•�' ' '..��
<br /> '�`, of ahich B�awer has a�na3 9�r�ge.If Ba�mw�ar leams,ar is�oti&ed by any govemma�tal ar regWa�ory autharity,tLst anq �� , . � <
<br /> �x�> removal or�remediation of aay�rsrdoac Substance affect�n�t5e Pmperty is necessafy,&urower shall pr�mPtty tr�e uII ^ .;��„�' �
<br /> .,.r�. , •�, .
<br />-__�.: n��aaroas m acc�da�x�h Fa�vironmental law. �, tr Y;�'.. .�_..
<br />��;;a;'� As ased 'm tlus pa�apD 20. °�x�'•foas Sub�n�s" are tt�:sabsr�nces defined av�or l�as sab���y ' ` •''t',., :�. : .
<br />.,-��°,. Bnvironmeutal Law �d the faltoa�g subsdnow� �asoline, k�eae. otLer fiamnoab� or toxic petacIea� �aaduots, tflxic �,`a .:_
<br /> as •
<br /> :r,.;: �aad kerbicides.volai�le solvr,..�,materisls cuatmning a�esios or fami9ldel�yde.aad radinactive�a]s.As nsed in ,-. `.: =�;i
<br /> :�;'���
<br /> Y�- this parag��ph?A."�vuonmwtal La�v°r�aens fedaal iaws and G�,of the jurisdir�on whete the Propeaty is lacated d�at relat,e �'��ar �t.�. •;r;�i'y
<br /> ;f; to healtL,safety or eavironme�tal prat�.ti.,'�. • °�,,�`y�.`.
<br /> - ��� %;' ' %,,;`
<br />- NON-UNIPDRM COVENANI'�.�Urrower and LeAder f�her�aavea�nt and agtee as foliu',cs: .�",����.. � �.��
<br /> � ��. '�_�'ie y.•',,;�":°�y+Y�[.
<br /> • Z�.Acaltration;Remedies.l.ende�r s�D give notke to Qorrower praor t��xieraibn faIlawing Borrower's br�2ac6 of }�-' -
<br /> a� wvenant or agreemeat in tI� Secarity Instrument (6aR not prior os mrs,das5ion andv para�apb 17 anles,v � ':��'"``,'r;..,�.
<br />�'`,�'� ADP��e�w pmvtdes offierwtse?.'�re natlee st�aq spedf�(a)t�e deYsuIt,N)t�e���qusred to wre the defa�(c) �'t�f"'�'.=:;,y•,��.;
<br /> .saf;.� ','�(,;�,.. ...•�:'.�'.
<br /> '�����: p date,nad�ti�n 30 daya tlro�t��r:ate t�e notioe i�givea U��orrower,by wbic6 t�c�3.'sWt most be c�arPd:sma'l 4d) � `"`
<br />_.•:t,,:, �
<br />�. •� tUat t�re ta c�e the dtfanl4 on or b�°�re tl►e date specUied i��be notioe m�y result in ara¢�ltratiun ot the a�s�eeured • �.�`�.�;�,'�:♦_
<br /> Dy tlds Sec�itgr Inst�eat and sale of the P�upcstq.The not�Oe shaD tarWes infotm Horro��tr of t�re ••�°`"`�:�:",
<br /> '� ' �t�r��. '.+ :1�7T`�"r-,
<br /> �,��•I��� aiter aeeeler�tbn and the r1�6t to brfng a onm4 acBan to�.�sert the noa�ce a!A detaott or ea��ther detease of •����
<br />