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<br />..�<t_ p3,��s m�Y no langer be req�d.at the option oi Leader.if mortgage insurance coverage(in thc amoant and for the period ;. ;t`. :..�`, � �;" �=�>
<br /> th�t Le�c�r res�aire�)gz�vide�d by an insurer approved by l.ender agaum becomes av�7able and is obmine�.Bonowes s6a11 p�y tae , , _
<br /> giemiums resiu�ed w mainmm mor�age u�s�ttance in effect,or r9 provide a loss�eseave.�ntil tke requicement for rnaatgage _:.,,``,:`� , r_.
<br /> �< insutaa,�e ends m acoosdaaoe with anY wc�en agreemEnt heiweea Homowa and Leadea or applic�bla law. ,i''�' " ,� *:
<br /> � -
<br /> maYe reasonablz eutries up4n aa�insgectioas of the Pcoperty.I.et�der sLall give `'``
<br /> �f:, 9.Inspection. I.endet arr sfs agent way ' . .
<br /> • BoaovyPa noti�at the time af ar priar to sn inspectinn specifyin8 r�o�a b�c�use€or t he m s p e c n o n. . . •., , • • ---
<br />• � ID.Caadem�at�n. 'i�e p�:e�s of any award or claim far dam�ges,di�ect ar consequeutisl, in connectian wid�any �. � `: � . L_
<br /> demBa
<br />`.� c,aad�r�nslio�or other taldng of 2tay part of the Fmpetty.or for oonveyance in liw of costdemnation,ate heaeby assigaed and ' -,;:; :',`:'� ,, - . . `� ---
<br /> ,
<br /> shall t�paid to i�endea_ _- . -�--- __�-
<br /> - in the evant of a c�ml taking of the Pcopeny.tI�Proceeds s�ll be�P�'ed to the sums secured by this Sacuriry Insa�ument, . �., '�
<br />- whether ar aat then due.a�th any e�coess paid to Bo�orrer.In th�event of a�artial tak�n8 of�he Pa�paty in which the fa.s maricet °, . . : . _
<br /> . �: vaIue of the Pmperty imm2dialelY beiflte the talring is eqnal to or greatea al�:n the amoimt of ute sums secvred by this SecuritiY _.. , - - ,��;�.:-_
<br /> In,�umeat iu�mediately before the taidng. uniess �oreower and L�aedQ��3tawLse a�ae In wrtting.the�secure�i by ihis . •_
<br /> geauiry Iastrument shrsU be reducc,d by the amount of tde ptaceeds multiptirA 8y Ih�e fo!lowing fracGan:(�41 the mtal nmount of •.':. . ` . ;
<br /> the sums secu�ed imracdist�tY before the taking,divided by(U)thc ialr madcct v�i�te of tlre Praperty imm�dlatety before the ..,���',��,�
<br /> . taldng.My 6alaneo aball be paid w Bormwrr.Ia�the eveut of a yxnial mfun8 of thc Pro�csty in which the fau martei v81uc af the :�. .
<br /> property ima�cdia�ely Detore the taicing is tess than �ee amount ef ilttc+ svms sccurc� immcdiutrly befocc ihh° tahing� unPess :,;�V.}.� *+:.. ..�,�� .
<br /> th� +
<br /> Bormwrr end Lender ott►�wise�ce in wsiti�g ar unless applic�bte Iaw mhcrwise�toi+ids�.�he procceds sha11 be appltcd tn th2 . �,:-
<br /> ' ��., ,.- ' �;� . �-
<br /> ,..,�-;
<br /> sums s�ued by tAis Scx�tiiy�auut whethc�or noi the ssuas are tben dua , . ��.`.
<br /> di the Pmpesty is abandnaed by Bacrowe.ar if.afitc�nouse by Lendez to Barrowep thai the cos�i offeas tn maYe en . ' '�•,�_-..-�—
<br /> � ��_
<br /> .. am�xsl�r seule a claim far dama8es.Houower fails w cesp��d to Lendes wi�hin 30 days aStes tir�date t3�a��e is givea.I.euder , , -��.._;�.-°
<br /> •"' n or of tl� az to t2�s�^ns secured ...`_-_. �'"a
<br /> is z+��,o�ize�to collect and a�ppiy th�pmceeds.at its aF�,eir�r.r to restniatio re�L �P�' ..-.4
<br /> by this Sec�ity Ir�n�eat.whether or not then due. �„��`�-
<br />- Unless Leades an�Basrower oth�adse ag�ee in wri�a�,a�a��aa of pmoeed9s eo p:mcipal shall not exteud arr pastpane :�ie.=_;s-�=-19i=
<br /> _ dte dae date of the monthly PaYmeats refared to in pa�agc�lr�i nnd 2 or change tAe amo�ant of such FaYmeuts. ,.-����
<br /> of the t�for ent or m����!? -°`"'
<br /> fl8.Borrower Na4 Rele�ed;Forbearaace By Lead�Pic�a 6Paiver. Extension � '. � "'.e E.�,,�-:
<br /> Le �� • '"
<br /> af�nn of the smns se�ured by this Seauity t�,�em:,rc�:x g�ted by E.eader w any su�I m iaterest of Boasavrc�r s1r� �;�;°"�°r�� . -
<br /> e ._ .
<br />� nss��to r�tease the li�b�7ity�Phe originat Baaa�-�r aa�aaowds sa�rs in intaest.I.cndes s6all n�t�tequ�ed to . �:,._,.:� _ �._
<br /> �' � �'.ce Fmree�ing�againsK���a i��er�vs�w ext�ad time far payro��ar at�i+vise modify ammm�oa of ` ' • �-•.
<br /> . 1 t�e s�as sQCated by this Secuiity Insor��.t L`��...sua�.�r��mand�s3de by ths o3ignual Hmtrov�er az Bmrowe3's successeis _ : ,,,; "., ?�;t ..1,�`
<br /> ., -;�, ia�,a}tes�Aay forbea�anoe by 1.eader�ea�ss�z�Y��.remedY sLall aot he a waiv�of ar pc�e t�arercise of any ;,$: _
<br /> : � ci�fs�.cs3rzmedy.
<br /> . 1f�-�auc�essure aad Assfgns Boundt Ju�.g�d Se�ul F:.Tsstc�ity;C�gne�.'Rte covetu�nts and agre�s of tWs �'.
<br /> ., vi�qas of ��� .. ff,,
<br /> ��u�Insuumeat st�all bind�d beuef�t�°. success��s 3nri.�s of Leades aad Boaower.subje�i tn t�� �
<br /> .•�,�1 ��qh 17. Banower's coven� and a,'-�emmeuts sLa� Fs�ycirc3�f scveral. Any Borrocva who co-sgas c�5gc�aies► n�.`. �:'�� . • —
<br /> T�c'�:tneai 6at d o e s not exe�uta tl�e Nota(a)is co-ag���Security instnuaent only W mongage�8t�t eud aa3vty thfli ;�� ..:�
<br /> _ �r�wa's inter�st in the Pcap�tY ewd�the t�tais of�S�a�ily Instsameut;@�is not per5onally obfigated w p�g�z sums �. ., , ���= ._.,
<br /> � �,,:.., • ,�...; �,°._,',;
<br /> saaa.��by this Seairi Ins�ty�nd(c)agrees t�at�a�d any other Bomnwra may ag,�ee to ea��td,modif5t,f.c�r�ear or ��;� :+�t �
<br /> r•j` 'G1 . ��..
<br /> :�:...} �any accommadations with ze�rd w the te�s oY'rSti��u�nY Insm�ment ar the Note without tLai Hormwer's o��aat. ,�.�+ ,�-
<br /> �B ��
<br /> 13.L�n Chuges. If the Iaan ses�Uy t�s�z�ril.;r Instmmwt is sabject w a law ahlch eets u�mcimnm E��¢s cl�cges. ,��``' �
<br /> .,, „, `�_:s�'� ,.
<br /> .:,� �d th211aw is fmnUy intespreted so ttuu the inlr•a�L ar��Zoan c�r$es wllocted or W be ooue�ed in o�ne�IIan witt►the loan .�.;-';.�;-,r'g'�tlr;:�:.�`':
<br /> ¢r,��rd the peimiur,�dimits,the�:ta)anY su�G�m c1m.^��311 be redufled by the amount necessary oo re�aoe r�r�e to the ,r.1,�j,,���r'�.�:
<br /> ��mmiued limit;end(b)Any s��aedy oallected fmm Sc�s�*.w whlch exc�R�p�mi�ed 1�ts���►��'�airower. :��� ' ��'•�;,,:{,f ��:
<br /> mmi '?'�..' ::y,.==,.
<br /> .' �� Lcnda cr�►choase w matc thls refimd by reducing aP�i�cipal awgd uader tLe Note ar by matdng a dirc+�ss�t w 4:�,�;�;',,:';�,:�T�,
<br /> ,'�r� Botmwer. If a refand reduces priadpal.the redaction will 6e ueated as a p2rtial prepaymeat withoat anY P����T6e ��'� '� _' ,:.. ,.'``•�
<br /> andrr the Nau. ;tj.;
<br /> �':,7, :,t.;..,'<<._.. ,. • ,r�:,,.
<br /> . 14.Notioea Any nottce to Bormwra provided for�this Sec�uity Insocume�t shall be gfivea by delive�ing it ar by maiting it � .�,• '. L-_ �
<br /> . ,. , ,,_
<br /> �y�st ctass mail isnless ap�llc�abSe law req�ires use of auoihe,r met�ad.'Ibe notice shal!�e di�ected w the Pmp�t,y��r��ss or .,.i�,��•v
<br /> : 8 IE,^ t,�,l�r.� .��.. . (.
<br /> A - x.11�'!�
<br /> �`:.;;� Sny othes address Botrower des�at2s by notiee cn I.eader.Any aotioe w I.e�der shali t,�given by�fust class t�l w Lender's �:<,, ,....,�._,
<br /> ;-;r �ddresa stated he�ein ar eny othea addrrss I.eader designates by notice tn Bormwer.Any natice proviQeti Eo�m�is Security =-�—�r
<br /> '��; PinsiYOmcat sffSll be deemed f�have beea���ven to Soa�wea ar I.ender ahen giveai a9 grovided'm this O�a- _ f:''.� ;,�.�:;'
<br /> 15.Governta�H.awi�everability. 77,is SSCVrity Insuvment s6all be gave�ned by fedesa] Lz� c::r3 +.� law of th$ - �.,,�����.;`;;-
<br /> a] � "'
<br /> . �oa in ahich the Proy�rcy is bxated.In the event that any provis3nn ar ciaase of this Seauiry Insmxm�ni�:.s the Ncte �-: .. ,_ �-��%,.
<br /> �''�� c a n fl i c l s a►ith a p pllcable 1aw,s�ch cos tltct shall,�ot affect other provisians of this Security lnstrument or the I�e�«i�ir.h can be 1����-'��°°.
<br /> -��� givea effect wi4iout the conflicting pruvisian.T�a this end the gmvisiaas of this Sec�uity Instrument and the Note are decl�ed w ... . ���.
<br /> � ';;;>;.
<br /> '..r,� �r:�,
<br /> . bESCY��C. °Y!�L`
<br /> f;yr;.,;
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