' ., � • ' . . . . ' ' , ;Zc�` • . . _ ` .. . .r'^ ^$_:M
<br />. . ' . . ' ,< . ' ` ' . , ' •``` f � '�ir �i . ., . . .. - 4 -_ f _ " /1- _ _ S
<br /> i. . - ,�
<br /> . . �7 . . - � .. .— .- \. •. ' C' .. ". . . — --
<br /> .. �. • � , t __
<br /> � ` —••----•
<br /> _._+.._—. . _ _ � r �"— � -. � � .
<br /> • ,-�..
<br /> .--.. -_."'" . . �. - -_._.:�__3��� . .. .• F�. v .. �-.-
<br /> ` � . � , f�.: � —.
<br />' � . ��� ������ ' , . . . < ,—
<br /> �'� gaYtaen�s may ns tongr�be reqused.at the option of Lead�,if mo3tga,ge inSarznae oave�age Cm the amaunt and f�the pesia� � . � ' .: � .--
<br />. :j that Leatdea requires)Pmvided by an ins�uer spproved by Leuder aga�beonm2s avr�b!a and is abtaiaed.Bo�ower st�atl pay the ';� �_-;
<br /> � '� i P���4�d to main�mortgage In�u�uce in eff'ect. ar tn �ovi�a Yass resFrve,unn7 tke�equiremea�t foz moxtgage ° � ' , . ° •
<br /> insurance euds ia accardance vv�th any wrirten a�t beiwaea Boimwer a�L.rnfl�uT applicab2e 1aw. � , r�:' � -.
<br /> . i 9.Iasp�n. LenQer or its agcnt may mzlce�nable eani�s upan aa�in.�ections of the Pro�eerty.Lender shall give .. , � � .. 1� -- -
<br /> . � Bonower notioe at the time of cr piior Lo sa inspactian specify:ag reasonab2e c2nsz tor sh$inspeciion. " . . -_
<br /> 10.Coadem�tto�a. 'I�e piooeEds of any awarQ or ciaim far damP,ges. �act or conseqnea�ial. in wn�tion with any � .
<br />- �.,� candr.mnation or other taldtsa of any part of tke Pru�ty,or for conveyaace in litu of conde�u�atinn,are hereby assigned and � • �
<br />. , shaU be paid W Lender. -=.��— - � .;`,�,�-�
<br /> „ In the eveat of a oc�a}ta�ug of the Property,the proc�eds s6aB be ag�lied tn the sams sec�ed by this Secu�ity lnsuumeait, ' '.-
<br /> whedter cfr not Ehe�t dnG csiids any exoess gai�to Bo:rocvez In the evc�t of a gartial�ng of tIse Pmpesty in�vhis�the fair marlcet ' ' ... �' �`-
<br /> _ v�lue of the Pjv�erty�iatety befoie rhe ta1�g is eqoal eo or�eater tban�e affiavnt of trn sam4 sc,cused by this Seaaity � �;`-�'��� �
<br /> %�sFromrnt imm� ;ar sy 6efaze ttse t�g, �m�s Boaowra a�d Le�uder othe�ri.�e agree in weieing,th�e sums sec+ued by this f�.. ,.� � . ': • �?' `� °
<br /> .• a e
<br /> ' SeaBiry Ins�a¢�ent shalt be a�xd by the amount of t�e pmceeds mui�lied by ths fnl�via3 fr�tio�:(aj tt�tot�l ar�w�mt of ; . <`'' �, •.
<br /> , a �..
<br /> ��} the sutas seciu°.,d'uun'�ediaDely befa�e the ra�ng,divided hY (b)the fair r�tloz�v�stm af the Piap�ty immA,diat;,Iy befoie the + °.�*.-,�;,�c��:�•,
<br /> raking.Any balastca shaU be gaid W�mzow�.In the event of a partial qka�g of ths Prapeaty m whi.�9a t�fs�c�arket valne of tiae :f^'':-': .--�:°_...R
<br /> ��t .,L,, i �f�S'
<br /> Progeity immedia�y befare the taking is I�s than the ammmt of the suras �aed �une la1PTV UGIOIC 41:.�� � ���e1...;'.,:!�`�;�: �.• -
<br /> Earaower and Leuder ot�svise agtez in writmg or unless apg2icable taw athe:wisa pmvides,the pmceeds shall be applied to ihe '• � �;��,�?';' ' .
<br /> i.}Sy�'iY(��'iij Fl;�•• �
<br /> '.:`, svms s e c m�e d 0 y t�i s Sec�it�►I�u u we,at w h e t h e t ar aoi t he sums aie t hea d ue. '`.��1.z};?.�,,�."!:}��.'_ . . .;�"'
<br /> If the Aopercy is abandoned by Barrower,or if,aflrr notice by Leader to Bmrawer that ths�n�emnor offecs w malce� ; !,�t°,';�;;�f? �' � ..
<br /> , nc�rd or seu2e a clahm fcx damages.Earrower fails Lo respond to Leafier wiilim 30 days af0er ds.�+d{�:the aatice is give�,Leader • • "•;s, r,'
<br /> �' tv autP�oa3zed ro ooUe,ct aad a}r�Iy t�e g�aoeeds,ai iLS optinn,e�ri tn restoiation ar mp►znr af a`r,��:y�tn the sums sec+ue�i �.':'�""�:`'� • _
<br /> �:=,ti'-
<br /> ,�.`. .• .,•._ —
<br />• ; by dnis S�y Inshm�cat,whetha or noI th�due. , -� _
<br /> '�Jea�'=.i+.:
<br /> Unl$ss I�tader aad Boao�rar otheca►ise agrce m wrIDnB,anY aPP�+on of p�oceeds t�principal shaD rcot eatead ar posqwne �..�f!..'.:_i ---
<br /> cAe due date of t�e raonabIy pa�ymeat�zefau�ed w in parag�aphs i and 2 or cbange the amoant of such payuue�►tq. . .:„_:_;°.. ` _-
<br /> . . � il.Ba�eavree Nc+t�;I�ar�eaiance By L�deY NoY a Waiver. fixteusian of the time for paymeui ar modifu�on ,;.�.:Y:. . '��_
<br /> .;' '; of amart�tian of the sums�by this Sepuity InsWmen2 granted by I,eudrr w any saece�soz in mtraest of Ba:mwea sbaII . ; >�`������
<br /> _ no3 ope�zte rn reteass tt�e lia�"stny of the origuaal B�owea or Boaower's saoo�s m ffit�es�I.endea shall not be req�aed tn - -
<br /> '•. E!E g a '. �
<br /> , '.1:
<br /> �,;-: ��P�mSs�'�any successor m u�t�est ar refase w e�tend time for p�ymG�a ar othervvisr m�yr ascarti�a�nn of . �;,.,�,.- ` �, _
<br /> •:; tf¢e sums seamad by thas Secaai:�r Ins�ument by reasmn of any demaad ma�e by the azi�l�oirower or Bosmwer's successors �" , , ,��:g;:;`i;=°
<br /> .•{,;.., in intere�.Any farbea�nce by Lender in eaercising any right or remQdy s1�nat����r���x psec�uude the exercise of any _ �::''"'�Y�.�
<br />�.S;��t`.,�. righ¢orreiu+edy. -: ;�•,. �� `. �'..
<br /> f lZ.S�sc.esss�ncdA�l�oand•doint�d S2veral Liabfli}p C/�.���eaa T9i�; �aa��euaats and ��}pp�eats of this 'S `. `.�' � ; �s'� :�r�
<br /> .. , 'rVVl� � 7! """6" "O`^� � l,�'. :','.. �. 4{,rl.lCl:'. •'i
<br /> . �iry Insuarn�t s1�all b�cP snd�ruefit the saccessors and assigns of I.eusJ�i Emcil ff�uowrr,subieci tn the grovesans of ; a w�; '- :t�,,. x?y' ,.
<br /> ; h 17. Boa�wer's ,ar.cnanss aud ents shaD be mt and sev�3. �fi �bnower who co-si this 5 •;. .,�;'.:'s'��'�� ,. �}�:
<br /> D�P � lo � Sns ec�i13► ,.. 'r s,�y,i;r• �„;:
<br /> . I�sprcmeat b�rt d�es not eacecute the Not� (a)is co-�g this Se�uiry Tn�t�rt amty to mmtgage,Srant and convey that
<br /> ' Bormwer a interest m . . ' r::. ,�..
<br /> - ' d�e Aopeny ander the tam.s of�his Sxariay Insaam�n� @)is�r�t personally oblip�teai to paq the sams �.�' ����r.}°':,z,.
<br /> ! securWd b t�is S Ins�mrn�and(c)ag�ees that Laidci�d an oiht:r Boaowec�raa r l:••. .
<br /> � �� . Y �3► Y Y��W ext�d,modify,farbzar at
<br /> ' �aYe aay eccam�uoda�sans wi�regard w tha tamv of tlus Sec�ity Ins�ameut ur tbe Kat��ethont tbat Hoaawei's oonseat ----.
<br /> ' �� L�.Lo�n C�rges. If�he laau secured by tbis Seauity Iasuumeat is sub�ct to a�w cvhic�sers ma�um losa cb�ges. � '�
<br /> � ��.;.��.
<br /> '.`,�,;,�: ", and that law is fmally mterpreted so ti�at ttte intemst at othei luan charges collocted oz to be coliec�i<iu coanecdon witb dse loan �:.-.::
<br /> `;��;`�':��,:s exceed tlse peaa�imed 1�its.the�:(a)�y such laan cl�arge sball be rednced by the amount aecessaty to reduoe the cbarge m the '":�-�_ --
<br /> .e+> .
<br /> �. ,
<br /> Pe�mimed 1imi�and(D)aay sums elresdy wllected fmm Bouower which exceeded permits$d limits wiD be refunded W Baimwer. ���� ''
<br /> . I.ender ma choose w maY� �:3s refi�ad b red�c,in the ��r- -
<br /> Y Y 8 P�D� oweA �mdsr @�e Note ar by IItstm�g a direct pa3rment w -
<br /> � r� Bosmwer.If a re�Oad red��umcipal,the redaaion will lss t�ested as a partial�r.ayment without any prepayme�t c5arge - �T�-
<br /> ; umdrt8ieN0�. � . �';�`��/ �.r.�,:
<br /> .,.�."`? , 14 NotPs� Any notice a,u Baaowea pmvided for In tbLg Sscanri2y Iu�1zv.�emishFill be givea by deliveiing itor by ma�3ng is 1.��*"•��: : _
<br /> . � by frr�t clasg roail unIess a�-.�:,r,able 1aw requires use of anothea methad.lbe n��e shall be d'uected to the Aopaty Address ar -
<br /> . } an�r other adQrtss Barrouec c�usit3nates by notice tn I.�der.Any nntice tu LeJxi�r shrJl be givea by first class ma�w Lx�der's _:,p���•..
<br /> :..1 � �tt�ss srrced herein or z�p� c�dic�a address I.ender de�nates by aotice to Bmro�r� Any natice pruvided for m this Securityr �'�..�_�
<br /> � Insdvment shal!be deemed c�43�uve h�en givea�to Bortower or I.ender wdea�givea�a�p�vIded in this para�aph. .��;,;
<br /> �;�i�?,ti �:....? , .
<br /> _�,� ; 15.Goverurf'ug Lawi Sev�rabItity. 'ITsis Saauity Instrumeat shall be g�v�nod by fed�.il law and the law of the �4...
<br /> . Ntisdictian in r'.'�ch ttoe A�esty is tacateli.la the event that any provisian ar clsuse of tLis Security Insmuneut or the Note �" r:,'=�
<br /> conflicm aith applicable l��a,.;��rrb conflict shall not affect other pmvisions of t�s�ccnsy�i ur the Note wdich can be •
<br /> � . ' given effxt wIthaut the a�rrL�'utts�g provision.To this end the provl�ons of this Sea�m�.q��nstrummt and the NoJe are declared to "°.i�,.
<br /> • `' be severabte.
<br /> ►i•-
<br /> � �y:�:,u�.�.::,
<br /> For�aas�afla �=°_�°=
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