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<br /> ` .. � . . . • ' _ ` ' . . � ,i , ` . . . . . �..__......�..._...�............,,.:.�d'f'�C'�•'.'7^_S'�',�S�J�A'.:.1_... .- _
<br /> . . � . '._�.. �._.....�_'"�.�._�..,...��—.._...__._._._..__�._._.,._,_.._. " __.�...�.�.-�._-._.�...._._._-.�......"'_._ _� .._. �`ia:. . . . . _'_
<br /> _._ �0"r810 °� ' . � .._ .t . . _
<br /> �- � -
<br /> • � S.lii�rd oe Psro ff�ty It�uea�ce. Boasuwer shaD ke�thc improveme,nB now euisting o�hc3eafter erect�d an ths Pru�tem/ ;� . �•-� ;
<br /> insnred againsl toss hy�e.haa�rds incl�deti arithia�t�e tam "exteuded oove�a�e"aad any ot6er daz�rds,inciudin� E�o�ds Qr • ' •�
<br /> �
<br /> flnodind,for wPtiet�Lender recl�ins�ance.'[his ins�aansx sball be mamEained in the amovnts and far the pe�iods that I.�nd�s � < , � ,: �.�: . ' r'`�
<br /> requIIes.The insuiaace c�nai�et pmviding t�e insirraace shall be cho�by Hormwes sublect to Le�sd.�r's appmval whish siinll nat � . ,. . _
<br />- be nnreasanahly 4ii�thheld. If BQrzoWer fa�7s ro mauitam covaage d.e�cd ahove, Iand�ec may.az Lend�'s amuun,abmin �`•• : , .
<br /> ` e W prt�U�t E.Pa-�'s rigl�in tPc�Fea�erly in�dance wi►h pa�e�b 7. �: , : .T•--.;,,-:,, _---
<br />--~ Covr�BB k� .' .--
<br /> • AIl asur�nce Policies and ae�ewcls shalg be�cePtable to I.end�and shall iaciade a ssaadard moitgage ctaiue. I.e.�EZ sbull �"� . :. s: <,
<br /> �A hs►ve the rig�t u�ha!d t�e galicies and reaea�aJs.If L�a raymnres,�ouowt�r shall F�P�Y&�ve tn I.eaeder all ceceipts af pui� ��' `',.- -
<br /> b ici , - - --
<br /> prem.iu�s and reaear8l aa�ices.La tL+e event off lusg.Emtower sbaU give prompt notice to tlte inc��.smcc�ces'�ier�nd Leitdes.Lend�r Fr� ` ... . ,��.-_:..�
<br /> s .
<br /> - may malce pro�f of lnss if mat raade gmmptly by Bo�mwer. • . :� _ ��` ,_ •. ,= '
<br /> shaU be lied to resroiariun os regair af tho 'y`:
<br /> Un�ess Leade�and Bflrtower o�e:wis�a�in writing,�s�nce Pmc�ds �P ,. .._.:' -
<br /> �7F°�7a
<br /> �P�Y����the resmaa�n aa�aa is eoonomically feas�b2e and Leader's securiry is aot Iesseued.Ig the resturav.an ar � �;i%�-::��_;,:
<br /> ' ze.pair is aoi ecaaa�icaIIY feas�2e o�I�end�a's seauiry wout�be lesscned,the ins�uaace paoceeds shail he applied to the snms `,;�;=`�_`
<br /> ' sec�ed by this Seca�ity 1nst�ment,�+ ttcr.r or not thea das.with any excess Paid tn B4aowei.lf�or�wer abandans the r� r� --_
<br />�;`•� P�opertY,�daes na�aaav+er vmth�n 3�days a na3ioe fmm Leader tLaI the ittsumnce cazri�das offeaed w settle a claim.tu� . ,�,�`. �:
<br />.. LeAdsr mal►ca�ect t$e i�ttznoe pmceeds.Lend�r maY nse the p�ceec�w rep2ia or teswre the Praperry or tm pay sums� . . .�;,� �:':..:
<br /> ` •:-•�_•,�..:
<br />,-.�.� by this S�aiiY�t,wketker�nat t�en dne.'Ihe 30-day peaiotl wll begin when the noticce is givea • '��;.,7-,�-._
<br /> � UuIess ieaider and B�wer alhh�+ise ag�ia wcitmg,az►Y ag�ali�ation of proceeds m p3incipal s�ari nai ext�n�or ga�paas . ' :;.�'�;�f�'�-
<br /> , ' the due date of t�e raaat141Y PaYments refared to in pa�ag�agl�s 1 a�2 ar ch.auge th�s�ount of die pay�e�s ff under�apb ' .- �'. '"'��'
<br /> . 21 the Pmpe�ty is acq�d by Lender,Boimwea's right to any msmance policics and prooeecLs re�ting fsom damage tm tha --:"�.�.�:—.-` ..
<br /> �. .�:-��.;
<br /> pmperty priar tn the acq�n sdall pass to Len�r to the e�etent of the sums secuied by tbis Sec�iry In.�meat immedimety T_ ,;__
<br /> '�,�'<,
<br /> �����- ..,: �,�'�;r.-�.:
<br /> 6.OCCUp�Cy�Plrese�'vR4���M*" .- naeac2 8IId PmteC4[�n Of the F�opettyi BOrrower'S P�eoaD AppW�idAII's 1�e�s$a�dfl. -�- ; �..:,
<br /> � ••��
<br /> B�owa s,hall oauPY,establish,z�!�:�the pzop�ty as Borrowa's prmapal resideace wirlun si��ty daYs after the executiun af �'���.:�:.;.,�, :�st��;:=:
<br /> this Security Instrumeat and sham a�e w occapy ths Propeity as B�owe.r's priacipai resideuce for at least one ye�r aSer tha ".: ��,.., -
<br /> dats of aocu�ancy.�us.'.esv I�ad,�a'd�vrise agrees m �vtiting,wtiic6 con�aas�a31 uot be uareasonably wiihtteld. ar unlass ; . ,. .
<br /> ? extsaaaring caamas�nces eaisc w�t srs beYoad Bomnwa's oontroL BarowEr�aII not desoroy,dvna8e ar impair ths IRag�j, _;..'.�� . ;��� :
<br /> •F
<br /> ailaw �PcuperlY w deterio;ate,c�c cr�it waste on the PmpPrty.Hmrmwer shaII be in dsfanit if a�p fa�eibua sara�n ar '.;;�4s:��,' �� ,�"; `.,--
<br /> procea�ir{�,whedu�a civ�or crim�:�,.���.z�+m tb2i in Laid�s's g�faith judgment could rea�It in far�'�'rtr�af the P1mp�eCq ar •;,;;.,��%�ti�. •�;''� ;.-
<br /> • othetw9se matriially imyair the He�c�m�air�r3 by�2is Serasity F.u9t►trnent or l.ender's secttrity��aesL��rns�r�may c.�r.r:�ch a �!'� { Y . .�;�
<br /> x�-i'r,t�a=u l i a t D u u,m .'. , �:,;; t_.
<br /> defanit and remstate,as pmvided���a�-`�'s if#.is�causirag t he a�ction flr p r a c e e d i n g t o b e d i s m i s�l: 6 ��,�:�t� �, -•
<br /> I.ender's gaad faide dete�ma�auon,�:.des farf�r3nm af tdee Borrawea's inteaest m tlae Yropecty or ot6ec m:�rzrial ir�saummt af ,�7<>;, -
<br /> � the lieu�atcd by thas Sec�ity Insss�yuse�t or I.��ier's securiry iat�est.Bolmwer sha91�0 6e in defaaIa�'�arm�ver,d u r a ng t Ga , •'•:,,;��'�'� .�{•;`.`::=-"
<br /> ;. .y�Y.,.,. -
<br /> t��ion pmces�.8ave mz�.rs1l.�}�faLse or iaacauate mfarmation or statements w Lenda(ar fa�led w pmvids I.e�dsr witit � �r��,�'�==�t �r ,{�. :,:..',
<br /> .. n with the toan evidenced by the Note, including,bui aot limitei! w.n.�rasmtmioafl ' . ' ��, ,, � =t:�� l•',._-
<br /> aay material info�na�a�) u� oonna� ��'.�,,�,..,,�.:
<br /> r�ce.If diiss Seca�iry Ins�meat is mt a Ie�asetcald,Bunaa.wer � ;.:,;�;.'�;�` '�` ,, .
<br /> , ranceming Boarowet's�aruPan�Y of the Pr�aty av a p�mrapal ia =;-
<br /> � � shaIl camDtS►witb al!the pmvisious of the 2ea�e.If Bomnwea aoquir�s fee 6tle to tke PaopeJty,�he leaseY�o�lcfl s�d tt�fee t�la shuU _ �'>�
<br /> � not mr�te mt?ess I.ender ag�ees w iha mesger in writing. , .ra��..^�•_`-
<br /> 9.Y'�otection ot LsndtT's Rights in t�ee Praperty. If B��cc�tails to arm the cdveaants andl a�e�2me,n�caausi.ned in
<br /> �ty �affet�I.ende,r's ts in t�e (sach as s► `'�'���'�:;
<br /> : this Insuru�e,ut,ur there is a Isp�l praceeding th,at m��;s�3nificantlS+ � �B�Y _ :_� '::_',`..`
<br /> ��� ', D�8�6e�D�Y.D��far cnn�munation or foifeinue ar to e�fo:oe laws os regularians).t�at I.eacler mnY dt��d pay �'—``•�•�•,7 i�f,;
<br /> ra
<br /> for what�wer is ne�ry►to Protect the value of the Prapeity and Lende�'s rights in the Prapeity.Lead'e�'��cGan�muy�clude ` �<��-
<br /> ' Da}►ia8 a�►Y smms sa�ued by a lie� wbic6 has priordry aver this Seasicy InsWm�t,�ppeari�8� � DaYmB reasonnblr . . .�"•'�m���-�,
<br /> � aitnmeya'foes and wtcriag an the Property w make r�paiis.l�tflough Lender may take s�asi�.a�tf�.s patagrapb 7.L�der 'A`�:,,:�•:� �..' . '__
<br /> doesnoshavemdoso. . ,�`.�;�.�;:;•�.�
<br /> . Any amoanrs disbarsed by Leader undea�puagwph 7 shall bocame addirional detc:��c F�.-��c��cau�ed by ihis Ss�r� .. . � ,�•.
<br /> Inst�uwm�ent Unk�s�wer amQ Leader agree tn oth�t�r�as of payme:c�.�fnsse amounts s'aall t��r ii�st from t�e duta of : .� ,�•�►E.w�'�!#'�;7�'!!.
<br /> . g ; .• �r;,;.,---_-
<br /> ' �,, disburseateAt at tlse t+1o.��te�d stu�U be payable.witb u�tecest,upon natice fiTma Lender to Bairower rr�?�B!'►�3'[soes�t • � �'�� i`,�"§%:.
<br /> . .� ....�_.,,�y�s�,.,. .
<br /> Q i�fir:rdg�ge Insmanee. If Lender requued mortgage im�u:�ce av a caafition of mnking the loaa�urafl b�+tt�iv�erNriry °�,�v,.. . . , .—_:
<br /> In�s:t�trasr�.Bormwer shnU pIIy the paemiums required to rcu�t�n the mottgage� in effecL I� far aay c�..�a,the �is.: ..�.,:,:,..' .�' -
<br /> m�r��insor�ce oovrsage re�ed by Lendef tapses or ceases to be in effea,Barmwer shall pay ths premiums requued to � "�� . _'" ':`
<br /> ' oixait�covaage substamtiaUy equivalent w the mortgege insucm�ce pceviously in e ffect,at a oost su b�n t i a l iy equiv a l e u t w t he '� _ _ , . "��'�.::
<br /> �� ,•..,•..
<br /> ' i, cxis2 to Boimwer of the m e insuiance ovsl m effect, from aa altemate mortgnp,e�a�m ed by Lendea. 1f . :--,.,-c'"",.
<br /> Y �..1��,��„-
<br /> �888 F� Y . .. .,,� •_
<br /> suQ.�vr�:a�y equivffi�t mort�ge insur2rtce cav�age is not availabte.Barrovrea shall pay.to E.eader each munth a sum equal w � '.�1,7;�,-..4=,� t;
<br /> ane�t+�tef.fth of thc�yearly mortgage inaa.�a ptemium beiag pa?d by Borrower when the in�a�ance coverage lapsed or ceased to ;�;:,��`.... :
<br /> th _
<br /> 6e�a effect Lender will accept,use and retain 4hese pay�u 2s a toss resenre in lies cS�ort�ge insurar►ce.Loss rese�ve : . 't��'"�:'�.
<br /> _'s..; J•"�.�;�.�;•i.;;'„
<br /> .:.u.n�
<br /> 'y���� �.':IiV...�-.-__,.
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<br /> � �-457 N� �u2�2).0� r„��r�aa muiais:.------ � ���__
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