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<br /> �� I�u��driodtiss(60.04)feei;�ence IJ�9°49'49' E for Fc��ua�wrsdred �, �"7,'�F�`
<br /> ' 'I�iYty 'hv�aud Eigt►ty Six I��endtedths (43Z.86) fe�: ei�ze S • ••
<br /> .1
<br />_:,� Ol°19'26' B fcr 'I�ro I�un� ZliiitY Nin� ana! Id'ar��y Tw� ; ;--- .
<br /> s� Hu�red�(?39.9Z)f�et;tiqeacx N 89°45`30° B for'Nrc�Hur�d� ,;.� .
<br /> `'� Tweaty Seven and T6srty'YYir-a�un�resl3hs 422T.33)fi�t;th�c� �''��.::�.�
<br /> ` ;����r_`
<br /> � 5 Ol°23'87' E for Six Hwtdred Siacy One aaed Fiw:�I�ndlsa�tlas 'i .'�'�:� :..
<br /> �..�.: °:
<br /> . (t�61.�feet to a pnint an a li�►e suaveyed by L.R. Ru�S aa Iuly '�:::,,,�j���
<br /> � 13, 1937 and ce�d in�Il County Surveyo�r's Ba�k�1 oa Pag� .+-;. •-:`�-
<br /> � d8b;theac�N S�°55'19"S on a�oaesaid line far Os�e'Th�asmt�'�`wro .���
<br /> , H�dr���aa�d Faghty Six Hun�edths(121?.8�fe�to th� �;��{,.:
<br /> � Northe�st wraer of said hact st�rveyed by Y..R. Rud�; thaace S ' '
<br /> � � PI9°04`24' E�n th�east Iine of said Uact survey�by I..R. Rudd ,:,��.�
<br /> ' �y 2.5 f�W u g�nt on th� ``�.�.;.�.
<br /> fi�� 'Two aBd F" Sax I�undre�Ehs( � �;;,•y.
<br /> � soiaffi liv�c,�said Nartheast Qua�tea of d�e Southwest Qua.�"t�p(NE�k � �-_: -
<br /> ' .,�M�`:;
<br /> . = g'1i/'!�), t�eaoe �n a�a assumed beazing of N 90°�0�' E on the �;�r.;.�_,
<br /> �' sauth line of said I�ti�st�of dte Southwest�(N�'� � -- -�
<br /> � 'I�ven F'nre ar�l Sncty'It�I�tia�edd44� `s._``
<br /> S W�.b)f o p�a e�w�red ty S'�ry �,:,,.�
<br /> ;—_� (725.63) fee� theance N 00°5718' W �n the east li� of saitl ��. '.�:='�'�
<br /> �St�ua�t+er of the SauthwesY Quarter(NE'k SW'b}for On� 4,.:,:,_�.:
<br /> ,
<br /> 'Ihou�and�ree Aundied 1wr�ty One and T6iyty N'u��I�u¢��tlh$ ` .,.:�'`
<br /> .� # 1321.39 feet w the northeast comer of�L�ir.nih�ase Q�flg :
<br /> ` d�e 54uth�rest�arter(NS'k SW'ti)(the Ce�►t�o�S��n); t he8tce �
<br /> Ii S 89°4��7' E on ttcs soutb line of said Lot�rro(2�T Lst�d, far ,
<br /> ` 'i�vo Hundre� Sev� Nine and Fifly Siu Hunclred3i��79.56�
<br /> ;� feet; thence N OOa�Z.'�° W for Eigiat H�n�red Elghtee� �r.r�
<br />' � Nu��Inn�aedths C�I8.19)fae�td�ce S 61°Z(��2tlp W far IJ'in.°. -
<br /> �• Hund�d 5iacy Nine and Qn� �enth (969.10) fe� the�v� S ���
<br /> ' d�9°Z4'l�22' W foi Eight I���red Ei�hty S�n an� Seve� ��°-°
<br /> , L�v�nadt�s(867.Orlj feet;the�oe 5 Ol°Z6`t?Z"'Gi for S�ves�F€undsed ���.,,�I•'-.
<br /> �� `Thirty �fx±�and Ninety Eight�I�ndredY3is(?'�1.98)fer�;th�s,�S °`;`�''
<br />:i�' S o m i �F, �!I'�` :.r�,:-
<br />- _ 89 55't�J W for Seven �.mrlr� Twenty ancl �1�c�' �.,.w,,-.
<br /> Hundredths(7?O.�i)fee�thence N Ol°24'SOp E for Faw�L��ndre� -, . .
<br /> ' •:=:��:
<br /> % Seventy Su and Fa�o Seven Hundredtbs(436.4'1�fe:�;thea►s�A' _
<br /> 69°58'00' E f0I TYIICC HU11dIEd �ifty �i(��.�) fe�8� �t�Ttx: �Ti '•,'�'�•'.'
<br /> 47°2T08' W for 77�ree Hun�ted Sixt�� '7l9�ro ara9 Sixty @� -,-"�-`
<br /> ° I�undnaclt�s(3b2.61y fee�lhence S 89°49'4��W for��r�H�unflred �{ -�`T`.
<br /> r �even and �renty Four Hundredths (S�'�.24} fe"�; t�ce�ncae 5 ��:�j_¢;:-
<br /> � (��°23'10° E for One Hund�d Sevent�A� ]N�n� an� Fif�y Fi��� �..':_�__
<br /> Hundc�ttis(1T9SS"�feet;thence S�9°45'3u°' W for'I'v�io Hundre� ��:�•;::-
<br /> . Tar�:C�}�oven and Twenty Five Iiundredti�s(227.2� feett the�cce � :y---
<br /> N Ol°19'27' W for Two Hwtdred Thitty Nin9 and Pighty Fiv� ��.
<br /> � Hundne�ths(239.SS�fe�th�ce S 89°49'�9" W for Four Hundr� �%�`�
<br /> , � Ninety 'I'wo and N'mety Th�e L3��i�s (492.93) feet w the �_.--�-
<br /> t �_
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