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<br /> `� CCC"�EI�'.N�CIrEt���YI[OF�WblJ COYq1�fLS Ot�$[Otl�1G015:(C}�lyS i�C�SGS llf�litiCd 1!i�QfClD$if115 SCCNfl1�1`, ,J a
<br /> �� r�a;�,�r.�n�.aa na r�eea�a�.rr��'r«s:�a ta�,e.�������►�y < .
<br /> . r�equ�e a anure w.c u�lien�th;s sawciqr rnsa�ent:L.a�&r'��igi�s in d,e A�opeccy aa�Bonower'�oeliguioa w p�y tLe, .
<br /> � a� ucd�ed by tbis 5ocu�ity Instrmneat sl�ll caotia� uochaoged. Ul�oa ni�is�°�°t Dy Bamwer. tdis Se�w'itY .
<br /> � Imam�ari md tbe oblig,�tlo�secured ha�eby ah�lf zemain fully effaxive as if no acceleruion t�ad occu�ed.-However.t6is
<br /> ---- '---�rigLt�bcc►�ea�llmtappl�►inthesa�eof�woeteruimuoder�_iZ
<br /> � lf. S�le d 1V,ele;(.'iui��e o�1.wE Ser�Ioa: 7be No`e or a prtid intenest in tIu Note(toBctT�a with t6is 5ecurity
<br /> � Iastru�omt)rwy 6e sold are or mate t�;wi�hwt pr3ar i�oate to Bormwer. A saie may t�e.wlt in s cl�ge in�e eotiry .
<br /> (IQwMa as tbe"Lo�a�Said�tbu odlects monthlY WY�due m�der the Note and t6is Securiry�nsuumem. There:iso
<br /> msy 6e aae ac mare-cA��es of d��.o�n Srlvicer mmelated to a s�Ie of the Nata. If the�e is a change of the Looa SetYker.
<br /> Haro+Ner w�ill be givea wriuea notice of the ch�n$e in acco�d�rce arith p�ragr�pb 14 ahave aod applicabk law�. The noEice
<br /> �vill�tate tbe n�ma�nd add�e:s of the aiw Lu�t Secvioer aod the add�+ess to afiic6 paymeats should be m�de. 'f'Ae notia will
<br /> also ooqtain any aTher Jufa�tian tequued bY�PP���I�w.
<br /> � H�arari�s Sri�eea. Honuwa siali not cwse br pamit the peseaue,user disposa�,st�a8a.or nkase of any -
<br /> Ha�acdous Subaaoces m or ia the P�ops�ty. Bomowa shall nat do,nar allow myaae else w do,anythen8 affec�n8 the . .
<br /> Ptopttty thwt is in violuion af a�r Eaviromxotsl Law. 1be pnecoding two seatences sball aot�pply to tl�e piesence.�se.or
<br /> stoege an t6e Aopecty of sripll qu�tities af Har�dous 5ubst�noes dat are generalIy t�ecognizod w be appmpriate to nonnal
<br /> nsidetMiat uses aed tnmainten�nce of the�topeny. - . _
<br /> Barower sdaU pnmpt�y 8ive.Lender wriuen notia of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit ar other action by any — •
<br /> , SaY��'��Y�B�Y a P�vate party imolving the Fcopetty and aay Ha�ardous Substance or Faviroameatal .
<br /> Law of which Bamwer 6a4 actuai Yaowlaige. If Hamwer larcra,Qr is notif'�od.61'�Y 5��� or�vegul�taY
<br /> .�tothocity,thst�uy n�ao�vd ar oFl�er�a�ian of aay H�zudous Substanc�e atfoc6ng t6e Rope�ty is necessacy,Barrower
<br /> ahsU promp3Y pke sll neoesa�y r�tiKdial adioas ia xcotdance with Envitunnxntal l.aw. •. � .
<br /> . . � As usod in this p�urngraph 20."Hazatdous Substances"ue tiase subst�xs defined u toaic or 6a�cdoas substances by
<br /> `':•:' Enri�vnnKntsl Law and the foltowing sabst�nves: gasoliae.kerosene,dhet l7ammable or toaic pedokpm Products,toxic_
<br /> ..:i. •
<br /> pesncides and l�efiicjdes,volan'le solvents.materiats c�ing asbestos or farmaldehyde;and radioactive mataials. As
<br />— used in this panSraPh 20."Environmentallaw"means federal taws and taws of the jarisdiction where tUe Propecry is.[ocated
<br /> that retate w Ar�1tA.safetp oreavlram�ntal prota�tiun- ` - : : . - - . �
<br /> � NON-IJIV�OItM COVENAN7'S. Borrower aud Lender further coveaant and ag�e as follows: � ��
<br /> 2l. Aoakrntiaet Remedies. Lender e6�11 Sire notke to Banv�va�prlor to accek�tion tdbwto�Borro�ver's . .
<br /> 6raci ot ssy ooveasat or agr�ement ia tbis Secarity lasaumenS(bat aot prbr to accekration uadee paesgiip617
<br /> unles4 applka6ls law provides Mberwtse). The aotice sb�ll sNecify: (a)the det�al�(b)tLe acttoo reqaired to cume tbe
<br /> dEfank;(c)s dst�aat kss ti�o 30 days traa fre date the aottce is givea to Horrower,by whicb the defauit�RSt de
<br /> cWred;asd.(d)tiat tailrre to care tbe ddwk on or 6efare tbe da�e specifled ta the adke msy resuri ia soedvatloo o�
<br /> tbe sums searred by this Secarity Iashvment and ssk d tbe Property. T6e notioe alu�ll fnrtier i�for�n Sd�roxee ot
<br /> - . 1re r�Yt to r�eii.,tste ater,�ocdenNoo a.�the r�tit w brtng s ooun action to s�ert the na��o�slesa ot�ada�tt or
<br /> _ �otber dekn�e d Borrmrer to aocekrat3on and sal� It the detault ts eat cured oa or befar�e t6e dstt sre�i8ed in
<br /> -� ti�eaotice,l.ender st ks optFom m�p requirc immed�te.pnyment In tull otAII sams sccured by tU�a Security I�stramenE
<br /> --; �vit�out turt6er dem�ad and may invoke the paR�er d snk and s�ny other�emalies permiKed by applicabk law
<br />�'� I,ender a6�U be eatitkd to coltect All expenses incurred in pursaiog the remedks provWed in this paragraph Zl,
<br />-'.�� iecluding,bat not Iin�tM tay reasona6k attorneys'tees aad costs at titk evide�ce.
<br />`"°t I!the poRer o�sale is invoked,'Irnstee shaU record a noNce o�default b eACh caanty in abich any part o/the
<br /> �': Pnopeety i�IocntM and shall mail copies of such notice in the maaner prescrlbed by applicabk la�to Borrawer and to
<br />_ = tiieot6er persons prescrfbed by applkabk 1aw. After the time required by spplicaDk law,7lrusta shall gtve publk
<br />-= ' �Mke ot ssk to the persons 1�nd in the manner prescribed by s�pplkable law 7�asta,without�lem�nd an Borrower,
<br />-:;�t s6�U aell the Property at public auction to the higfiest bldder at the time and place and under the terms destgnatM in
<br />="' the aaNce o�swk in one oe more parcNs And in any orAer 7lydsta determlaes 7irusta may yastpo�e saie of all or any
<br /> "^` psral of the Property by pablk announcemeat at the time and pMce of Any previously sched�ks�k Lender or its
<br />"_=;Y de�nee nwy purc6ase the Property at any sak.
<br /> '--� Upon receipt o�paymeM ot the price btd,7lrustee shall deUver to the purchaser'liastee's deeA conveying the
<br /> T�• I'roperty. TAe recitals 1n the 7lrustce's deed shalt 6e prima tacie evidence of the tt�th of the sqtca�ents made thereie.
<br />_•_�.`�, 7irusta sNall s�rpty the proceeds ot the sate in the toltowing order: (a)to all casts and expenses a�exercising the powee
<br />-`::�.
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