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<br /> t � coademo�tio�oc adKC�of�ny prt flf drc Qropeny�.a fa cotiveyaoce co lieu of catdatw�don.ue her�ry�8'�d� .
<br /> '�,ll!fe p.�a w L.eaaor.. . � ,�,� �1 6e�ppliea Zo the sums seruRa by cnis`sxwicy,
<br /> In the�ererq of a�ta1�1 tiking of�e P�opettx. p�s �.
<br /> ' i�n1.whetlur�r�twt d�en due,with atry exass"paid ta Baruwer [n the eveat of a p�tial tai;ing of t6�PraQe�ty�i�
<br /> � whicQ the fa'u emtet vaiue of the P�opetty'irtunediatety befae the tafcing is oqua!to or goeater th�n the amount o�.the surtts
<br /> secuit!ed by tltis�rit�r Insttumeot immediatefy ixfae the t�tcit�g.un�ess Bortawer and Lendec otherwisc agne in writing.
<br /> :�the wms socured by this Secavity tnswment s6a11 be trducaf by the amaint of ti�e prdcoeds maltiptiad by the foilawmg - .
<br /> . ft�Ction: (a?the Wqt amount of the snms secuced immediatelY Defae the taking,divided by(b?tix fair market valut of the .
<br /> � p�7�_����Y befae the taking. My b�lai�oe shaU be paid to Basowet.�`In the•evom of a partial taking of the
<br /> �-- . �t�uqerty ia w`liiab 1he�sit m�cicet vatue of ihe Pcopeny immediateiy before dte taki;sg is�css ttr�a ttte amo�nt flf the sums .�
<br /> � securcd immediately befae tt�e taking.unkss Borrawer and Lended athawise agrte in writing or�mless applicai�ta law ,
<br /> � odurwise provides:ths peoceeds shall be applied to tir sums s�eurod by this Socuriry Insuvment whetlser or not the sums a�e_ '
<br /> then due.
<br /> If the Ptoperty is ab�udo�kd bY Barorver,ar if.after ratice by�endes to Barower that the condemnor offeis to make
<br /> art s�ar settk a cWm for d�maSes.Barower faiLs to respond ta Lendee within 30 days afler the date the r+o�ice is�ivea.
<br /> Lender is wthoriud to colkct and apply the proceeds.at its aptian.eniter w restocation or tepair of t6e Ptoperry ot to ehe
<br /> ' � sums seew�ed!ry this Sa:ariry[nssuccumenti wlutl�eror not tben�ue: . `
<br /> Unkss.Lender and Barrower dheewise agiee in writing.any�lieatt3n of procoeds to principat st�all aot e�ctend or .
<br /> postpone t6e due date of the monfhly PaYments cefemd to in paragaphs 1 and 2 ar change the�mount of sucb payments.
<br /> II. Bor�er lVat Rde�td: Far6eacaace By Ltedtr Nat s Watrec Extension of the timc for payment ar
<br /> �iiodification nf amonizatian of t6e sums secured by this Security lnstrumept 8ranted by Lender to any soccessor in interest
<br /> of B+arower shall nat operatc to tekase the liabi(ity of the priginal Borrowcr or Banower's'successors in intcrest Lender
<br /> ��ot�nqWC�ed m commence praceodings against any successor in interest or refuse to eatend time fc�r,payment or
<br /> od�eivvise mo�fy amoriizapon of the smns secured by th�s Sawrity Inst:vment by reawn of any dernand macie b}±d�e arigulal .
<br /> Bo�uwer ar Basower's successors in inuc�st. Any forbearance by 1-ender i»eaec�ising any right or remedy shaU�.be a -
<br /> wsdver of or prectude the eat�ise of any right or rematy. ' u of this''_
<br /> 1Z. SO�s���Ilds�nt llld SEYlf�I UAII�I�ty's Ca"�' �I�IIt COYCrs..."1LS Md ag�Illt�1..
<br /> Securiry lnstmrtunt st�aU bind and benefit the successars and assigns of Lender and Barrowe�_'sabject to the prov�s�ons of
<br /> pacagraph 17.BorrowSr's covenants and agreemrnts sha116e joint and severa!_Aqy Borrawer.w'1►o ca-siS�s d►is Securicy —
<br /> . �ns�ument bu�does uot execute the Note: (a)is co-s►gning this Securiry lnsuumea�c only to mortgage,grant and canvey that , -_
<br /> - • Borrower's inknst in the Pro{�C�ty under the tecias of tfiis Security Instrumen� (b!'s nut persoaaUy ubligated to PaY the sums =
<br />_ - secured hy�his Secarity lnsuument:and(c)agrees that Lender aad aay other Bomnwer may agrec to eaten�modify,foz6e�r- G;._-
<br /> -- o^Mr m�.Mal�te any acxomtnqdations with reSard to the tertns of this Security Instrusnent or the Note without that Bocrower's �—
<br />� v-4 � N/1F�V1•h . _
<br />';3 ' 13. l.oae Charges. If the toan secured.by this Secnrity Inswment is subject to a law whicb seu maximum loan _-
<br /> - ¢harges,and that law is finalfy interpreted so that!.he interest or otI�er toan charges coltecte.d or to be collected in connection _�
<br /> - - witb thc loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such laan charge shalt be reduce�f by the amauM necessary to reduce =
<br /> the chargc to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums plready wltected from Borrower which exceeded pemiitted limits wtll bc_,
<br />-- refiu�Aed to Barrower. Lender may cboose to make this refund by�educing the principal owedi..^u�ter the Note or by making a _
<br /> ,�� direct paynxat to Bperower. If a rtfund reduces principal.the tedaction wili be treated as a pa�tial pcepaymertt withont any
<br /> r. prapayment charge and�r the Note. —
<br /> ��-° 14. NMices. Any notice to Botrower provided for in this Security iastrrunent shall be given by detivering it or by m _
<br /> � mailfng it by first class mail unless applicable!aw requires use of another methai.The notice shaA be directed Yo the Property �_
<br /> Acldress or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by,first class _
<br /> • mail to l.ender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for �
<br /> � in this Security lnstrument shall be deemed to have been given w Bolrower or l.ender when given as provided in this
<br /> = P�B��• �±f�
<br />_- - 13. Governing Law;Severability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law af the �__:_-
<br /> t'�' jurisdictio�in which the Property is tacated. tn the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nate .,,,,:
<br /> = = canfticts witA appiipbte iaw,quch canfliet shall not affect other pro�isions of thic Security Instrument or the Note which can
<br /> .� be given effect without the canflicting provision. To this end tE�e�ravisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are _
<br /> dcclared to be severable.
<br /> - = 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrawer shall be given one conformed copy of th:tiote anA of thi.s Security Instrumenl.
<br /> ° - ,1Z 7Ya�ster o�the PropeMy or a Benetitlallnte�est in Barruwer. lf afE or any part of the Property or any interest in __
<br /> :+,I` � it is sold or trancfeaed(ar if a bencficial interest in Borrawer is satd or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)
<br /> ••` s � without Lender's prlor written cantien�Lender may.at i�s optian.reqoire immediate paymem in full of all sums secureA hy _�
<br /> •,, .� v
<br /> . .. . .
<br /> •-�:• ' ----� - this Security ln.r•trument. However.this option shull not be excrcised by Lender if exercise�s prahibited by fedcral law ag of
<br /> �i_� the date af thi�Security lnstniment. ,�:�
<br /> • If Lender exercises this option.Lender shal!give Barrower nntice of acceleratian. The notice shall pravide a period af
<br /> ��'' not less than 30 dayy frorn the date the notice is delivered or maifed w ithin which Borrower�nust pay all sums secured by thi�
<br /> - Securiry lnstrument, If Borrower failv to pay thcse sums priar tn the exptrs+tion of this period, Lender may invake any
<br /> � ';� remedies pemtitted by this Security lnstrument without•funher notice or demand on Barrower.
<br />- ��• • 18. $orrowe�s Rip,ht tn Reinstate. (f Borrawer meets certain conditinns, Borrawer shall have the right to have ,
<br /> s enforcement of this Security in�trumem discontinued at any time prior to the earlier af: (s)S days lor such other periad as
<br /> ' - :'_ . _ _
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