� ,, .. . �,.� _ � . . ,
<br />- ' �L„ .. . . . .��r �Y. . � . . . . . . � �.C` �l�� . _ ' .
<br /> _Q— — _ ' � 4. _ " r * JC ` ' •Y � � • . �.m.s�la.v' ...-s�"C.r.
<br /> -_ _ � - � _�...� --_._
<br /> —— . . g�o g0�"/�� T s..
<br /> ��
<br /> . 17.Traasfer of tQte Pto�e�'�r or a Ben�c[al I83erest in Barro�ser.If all ar any part of the Praperty or any interest in it �;�,
<br /> is sold or taansferred(or if a beneficial intetest in Borrower is soid or tiansferre�and Bormwer is not a natural petson)without �;-,;
<br /> � - Lender's prior wcitten oansent. Lender may, at iu option, require immediate payment in full of aill sums secured by this �s
<br /> � Securiry Inswment.Ho�vever,this option shall not be eaercised 6y Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal la�v as of the date �� .
<br /> of this Security Insm�cnt.
<br /> ' � If Lender e�centises this option,L.snder shall give Borrower natice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period of aot �4;:
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the norice is deGvered or mailed within whici� Borrower must pay ait sums secured by this �_.�
<br /> 5ecurity Inscmment.If Borrawer fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any remedies
<br />' , � pemutted by this Security Inshument witliout further notioe or demand on�orrower. ��v�_
<br /> "` 18. �orrower's RI�t to Rein..^leYe. If Borrawer meets o:ercain conditions. �orrower shall have the right ta have
<br />-�= enforce�t af ihis Sewrity Instsumcnt disoontinued at anY time Prior to the earlier of: (a}S days (ar such other period as ���r
<br /> applirable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Propercy pursuant co anY patver of sale wntained in this r�:_: �
<br /> Sccurity Insvumeut�or(b)emry of a judgment enforcing this Securiry Inswment.Those conditions are that Borrower. (a)pays �,;,__
<br /> ` Lender all stams which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acczleration�ad aaurned:(b)
<br /> cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c>pays sU expenses incvrred in rufvrcing t1�is SeruritY Instniment. __
<br /> including,but not limited to.reasonable�attoraeys' fees;and(d)takes such action as Lend�r oay rmson2�1Y requim to�sure "-
<br /> ` `' that the lien of this Secwity Instrumen� Lender's rights in the Property and Bornower's o6li�ofl to pay tUe sums sec�red by __
<br /> this Security Inswment shall oo�e unchanged. Upon „R�- •�ment by Borrower. tf� Se�urity instrwaent �d t�e _,.
<br /> obligatians secured hereby sha11 reu�is��nllY effective as if no�eiation had occurred.K��aever.this right to reins2a�'te shall _
<br /> . not applyr in the case of�lezaticu iva�er ParagraPh 17. =—
<br /> 19. �ste of Aioir,;.f3�e eL�3.oan Send�. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (tagether with tius S..�ity --
<br /> �j�. Insbmment)may be saict r.�ae oc more titcES withaat;pitur notive ta Borrawer.A sale may resuit in a c6angs in the entity(knarvn --..=,=_
<br /> as the'Ia�Servicer')�at colleqs monthly paym�due under the Nate and this Secu:iry Instcument.'l�ere also may be one �''`'
<br /> '!�,:�� or more Ghanges of tdie Loan Servicer e�related to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of t�.e Loan Servicer.Bormwet�vill be �.
<br /> - ' given writran notice af the change ia acsordance with pacagraPh 14 above and apptirable lar.�.�e notice wi11 state ths name and �,.
<br /> address of the new L.flan Servicer a�3 tLe address eo ahich payments should t�made. 'IEne r�etice wiIl also comain any other � ,
<br /> informarion required!�applicable law. �
<br /> ."' 1A. ��tts�ctrstances.Borrower shau'c�ct raus�or permit the�:�ce> use, disPosal. sto�e.or release of suy �,-_;t
<br /> _ ;Ia�-,aous Su�stanre• im �r in the Property. B�-:�ower shall not do, nor allow anyane else to do, anything affening the �i.,e1`.
<br /> `• Property that is in violarion of any Environmental Iaw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to tne presence. ase, ur �-- -
<br /> � storage on t6e Property of small qcantities of Ha7ardous Substances that are generally recognized w be ap�mpriate to normal �,�,,�
<br /> resid�nrial uses aad to maintenance of the Property. E'�i�
<br /> • • Borrower shall prompdy give Lender wriuen natice of auy inve�tigauon, claim, demand, lawsuit or ather action by any �'
<br /> . goyemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law �'•"
<br /> .". of whic�Borrowet has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is nohfied by acry govemmental ur tegulator5+authority.that _
<br /> -- � any removal or ather remediation oS:,�ny Hazardaus Substance.affeaing the Property is necessary.Borrower shall pro�tly take �„-�;
<br /> _��•:.;:-'- all n�.sary nenaedial actionc in ax�ance with Environmerr:F�"zaw.
<br />- ps used in t➢vs patagraph 20,•"Hara�dous Su�*stances"Erz thase substances defined�.�eoxic or hazardous substances by �:
<br /> � Enviranmentat Laa t,..�*�i the following substanc�c: gasoline, kerosene. other flammable o: toxic petroleum products. toaic ���
<br /> pesticides and herbici�l:s.volatile solvents,materiFas cantaining asbe.stos or#c�-.�aldehyde,and rsdioactive materials.As used in �-
<br /> . this paragraph 2fl. "Environmental law" means federal laws and laws of r�ss;jurisdiction where the Property is located that �"' •
<br /> relate to health, safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ' NiQN-UNIFORMl CUV'ENANTS. Borrower and Lender furiher covenaat and agree as follows:
<br /> ... • 21.Acr�leration;R�edFca I.end�sQiall gtve natice to&3flrro�es prIor to ac�cderution foUov�ing Borro� 17 � °— .
<br /> of aay covenant or agFeement in tfi�s Sec�uity Ltstrument (btrt not ps�n�to arcelerution uader pm�agrapli
<br /> . aPP��te law pmvtdes oWerwLse). The nottse s'hail s�tf�: (a)the detan�l:;(b)ttte actlnn reqc�ca�;Ao wne th�defanit;
<br /> � •� (c�a date,aot tess t6an 30 d�ya from the date C�Se QoEice is given to Borrewer,by wt�cb the defadl:rnust be cur2d,aad
<br /> (�that f,atlme to cure the default on or befare the.date sgPrifted in the not�ce may aesWt in mcceleratlon of the sauis �
<br /> . • . secareci by thLs Sewrity In�ent and salx oi t6e 1'roperty.The notioe sbaU fms�ir.�cnform Boisower of tLe cIght to
<br /> rdnsiate atter scceQera4ion sind the rtght to 6sing a ooart adion to asseri the naa�t.fiEtenoe of a defadt or�.i��y oL�er �
<br /> � defense of Bor�xs�to aooefesallon and sate. U We detaalt is not cw-�mn or�'wne the date spesit�ed in t�ke i�ri4�e, �,,�
<br /> � Lender.at iis o�s23:�n,may require immedi3te payuneat in fiddn of�Il smar secu�►'.����t�ts$ecurity instemaeat�,'i*;� �.;.x
<br />- fnrther demand a�c��may invoke the power of saie and nny other mm�s permi�u�jDY aPPUcaWe Iaw.L+eaBer��'� �
<br /> ' entitl�eo oottect all expeuses incurred tn gnrsning the r��ies pzovided in thLs p�r,��21;incladtng>6u2 cats i�',�.�:� —
<br /> to,e�onnble attorneys'fees and oosts of title evideaoe.
<br /> . It tbe power of sale Ls i�okerl.Trastee sha11 record a notice of default in ear�ca�ty in w�ch any������tHe . __
<br /> Yroperty is locsied und shall matl copics of sac6 motice in thQ manner pr�scribed Dy appUcable law to Borrowgr an�!o �
<br /> SC
<br /> -� � the other pelsons prescrlbed by app9is�bfe�aw.Aftes the time�+equllred b,*/applicab4e taw,Trustee shall give public aotice
<br /> +equ
<br /> oi sate to the pe�sons and in the mnnner prescr�l�➢by applicaUie t�w.Trostee,without demand on Bonower,sLall sel{
<br /> � the property�t pualit auctton to the Wghest bldder at the dime and piaoe and undgr�e�te�ms dcsignated in the notice o!
<br /> '. sale in one or mone parcels urscl in any order Trastee dc:e�mines.Tr�stee may pov�atr+�sale o!all ar airy parcd of t6e =-
<br /> Fi�opetty bY paDIIc announcement at tl�e ttme and piace of any prevlously sched�cd Uale. Lender ar its desi�uee may ---
<br /> ' . � p�rc9�ase the Property at any sate.
<br /> .
<br /> • Fam 302D 9/90
<br /> , � Pago 5 ot 8
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