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<br /> __ _ -�-•.-r�—.-�---1-���--�^�- G�J..a.�1.a � ----•--_ _��_ _ - ' _" — _.
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<br /> t�g payrr.ents may no tonger be reyuired,at the option of Lcnder, if mortgage insurance wYeraBc!in ttie amount and for ette geriod .�-_,.�-__'y
<br /> • that Lender c�uiresl provided by an insuree approved by Lender a�a�n be�tt:es available ar�d is obtained• �orrower sE�all pay
<br /> the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance ia►effcct•ar to provide a loss reservc,until the requircment for mortgage '
<br /> rdance with an wriuen agreemcot between Borrower arzcl Lender or applicabie lav�. �;';°-:_- :
<br /> insurance eads in aoco Y ti'':":•
<br />, �,, ry�....
<br /> g,InspFSiion.Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspc�ctions of thc Fropeny.Lender shall give ���..
<br /> m reasonable causc for the ins�teiKion• �''r'';°`
<br /> � Borrower notice at the time of ar priar to an inspection specify g ��.-_:
<br /> ' 10. Caademnatton. The proceeds of any award ot daim for damages. direct or rnnseqtiential. in connection with any .w,.,ti'.
<br /> �e� of the Pro ert or for conveyartce in lieu of condemnauon, are heteby ass►gned and ,;,,.._�-
<br /> condemnauon or other taking of any part P Y• ; h,,
<br /> shail be paid to Leader. lied to the sums secured by this Security fistnuneUi• � s.:
<br /> 1n thc event of a total taking of the Praperty.the proceeds shall be app
<br /> w}iether or not thea due, with any excess paid to Borrawer. In the event of a partial taking of the Progerty in which che�ir �,k�::�_
<br /> market value of the Progetry im�nediately befor�the calan8 is equal to or geater than the amount of the sums sesured by this �::
<br /> Security insuument�mmediately before the taking. wui��.•.wer and l..e�er othenvise agree in writu►8•the sums secured by �`
<br /> this gecurity Instrument shall be red¢oed Dy the amount of the proceeds multiptied by the following fraction: (a) the total �`'_
<br /> ancount of the sums secured immediately b�fore the takjng. divided by(b?�fair maricet value of the P�ope�t.y immediately ==
<br /> °. before the taking. Any balar.a shall be paid w Borret�er. Ia the event of a partial taking of the Property in v�hich t6e fair �,,_„�_
<br /> � market value of the Property immediately before the{�ddng is less than the amaunt of the sums secured immediatelY�be�fO Sh�al�
<br /> m
<br /> �ing,unless Barmwer anD Lender othenvise agree in writing or unless applicable law othervrise rovides,the p
<br /> ' be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. __
<br /> ' If the Property is abandoned by Bas'rower,or if,after aorice by I.ender to Borrower that the oondemnflr offers to make an __
<br /> awacd or se�tie a daim for damages, Borrawer fails to�nd to I.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is givea. ��_
<br /> I or to the sums
<br /> " Lender is aut�orixed to coltect and app1Y the proce�ds.at iis�ption,either to restoration or repair of the Property �:.-
<br />"�`;7�; Secured by this&�srity Instrument,whether or aot then ch;�.
<br /> Unless I�er and Bonower othervrise�in AT=�g• anY aPP�I�°n of proceeds co priimipal shail not eatend oa _
<br />' .,. posq�3e the due date of the mnnthly paymem�r�ame�l tn u:�Na�a�Phs!aad 2 or change the a.mnun�of s�uh payments. __
<br /> il.Borro�er Nioi Re1ez�'�t:E�o���Y��'Not a Wci3ver.Extension of the time for payment or mQdificatian �_
<br /> z
<br /> � of��rtiTadon of the sums s�d by t�v��S°�=�3'�'�ent granted by Lender to any successar in iaterest of Borrower shall ��
<br /> ��operate to rel�.."e the liaE:Gr;uf the ori�i�r�i Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. lxnder shall not be required to ��
<br /> .,: • ��e��p�gs ap,�in.�z:.-�y successc�r�n interest or refuse to extend time for payment oz otherwise modify am�rtiration �'-__
<br />. . of ti�e sums secured by thi� S�ar'ry InsiT°II'�°L �y �� of any demand made by the orignal Borrower or Borrower's '.� .-.
<br />: .. succe.ssois in interest. Any fcrl,-�rance bY �.ender in esr�ing any right or nmedy sf�ll not 6e a waiver of or preclude the .,f•,;:�
<br /> �-:. exercise of any right or remedy. ents af tius °'��
<br /> : �•� 1Z. Snasessors and AsslSng Boun�;,.Iaini and severa!Liablltty; Co-sIg�e�s. �e cav�ts and agreem
<br /> . ' �''�' gewrity Instrument shall bind and benefit sf.re successozs aad assigns af L.ender and Borrow�r.�u4ject to the provisions of ��y_
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and �xmen�s s:-a!1 be joisit and several. Any Borrower who co-sigis this Security �
<br /> : ._; ' Instrucuent�c1y to mongage.grant and wnvey that �'--
<br /> instrument but does not executa the Note:lat is ca-�.Ip�in�.�s�n�Y abli to a the sums �'--
<br /> ` Borrower's uitecest in the Property under ths:t�ns af tB�=ac�urity lnstrament:(b)is mi personallY gated P Y
<br /> �� �:•, secured�y this Security instrument:and(c�ag.st�s th:�[r�:Yr and any other Borrower may agree to extend,madify.forbe�u'or
<br /> � make any accominadations with regard to dze t;�-�s of dvs Security Insin�ment or the Note without that Borcower's con�ent. �_
<br /> . 13.Loan C6apSes.If the toan secu:v�.t'sg��is Security Instivmer�is su6ject to a!aw whit6 sets maaimum loan charges. �..R..
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or ather loan charges eoUec�id ar w be wl(e�ted in oonnection with the
<br /> loan exoad the pemrit�ed lunits,then: (u)aciy such loan d�arge shall be reduced Ir}��ount necessary to reduee the chnrgs �,__
<br /> � to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums zizc;��dy collected from Boaoa•er which exce�xied permitted limits will be refw�ded to �
<br /> ��'':` gurrower. L�ender may choose to mnke tftzs refund by redacing tha�rinciPal owed under tlie Note or by making a dira�c
<br /> :���; ment without
<br /> : payiner,� to &zaawer. If a refund reduces principal. the redactIon wiU be treated as a paccsal prePaY �
<br /> �rcc{p_y-ss�cct ciiarge under the�Iote. ��'�"''�
<br /> � �� 14.Nottccs.Any notice to Boaower provida�for in t#vs S�curity Instnamen*_slsal.i 6e given�y delivering it ot by roailing c�;�'?;
<br /> ' it by first dass mail unless applicable law reGuires us�st ti:nother metl►od.'i'he notiv�=i:a11 be dire^,�ted to the F��erty Address 1�� .
<br /> • • or any other address Borrower desi�nate�ln�notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall Ee �;r�en by fsr�class ri�ail W I*.._
<br /> � Lexider's addc�s stated herein or tu�y other.;s�iress 1.e�.der designates by notice to Boaovrer. Aa^�'r-.�tice provided for iti�tPai.� �
<br /> � 3eeuri Instrument shall be deeir.ed to 1ia�e t5een gisEn ta E�rrower or Lender aher��i L en as provided in this par.�,°raph• �1�ii�'
<br /> . (�I '��:QY~��-
<br /> 1S.Governing 1.�w; Severability. 'This Security !r•.sttument shall be govuxn:d by federal !aw and thc law of�sN . ���.� ;
<br /> • jurisdiction in which the Property is locac�.In the e►un:uiat any provision ot c1an::�of this Security Instrument or the NQ�: . .--.
<br />�. conflicts with a�,pliqble law.sach conflictc,h�l�o h��°�p�rv s`i2ns of this Secv 'nty inswmenttand the Nose arecdeelatu9: —_
<br /> ,.•• .:. given effect without the conflicUn�pr
<br /> to•be severable. °1
<br /> 16.Barrowea's Capy.I�oaower shali be given aac�r.unfom�ed wAY of the 1Vote and of this Security lnsttument. �i;;;_
<br /> Fortn 3Q2B 9190 �:,t�=�
<br /> Png�4 a18
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