.h p- ` # . . . k9 �.� . . � Jt/l j . . . ..:� ���
<br />< � ti� sy . . ' � � ., ?'�b �� -f . � - . , • . ' `k.��S ..�„� __
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<br /> — •:.� ,�____�. .. . .4-_�_r:. � _ _ ' '__ __{_� _ c
<br /> �q - �r.-,�----,— (; . _
<br /> - _ ,��. — :.t� . _ _ .��l�k .-�._,..�'^:"...�:"`.�-"_�?-x.r.ru,cru. ---�... .; .�
<br /> _. g4d° ���6.y ��•
<br /> �`
<br /> !7.'i'ransFer of tfre Ptog�erty or a��ar�'klul @tttr�r�t in�orrt�aes. if a!E ur rn!•p�ri��f the Progrrty ot atn,�irtiterest in it Y 4
<br /> is soid nr tran.�ferred(or if a tesneficial intere�Y in 3lurr�e���er ia 4utd��r tran.sfcrred Ki►�i&�m��c�r is not a natorz!{secson;w:ttuuss ��,+..r.
<br /> Lertder's prior �vriiten ronsernt, l.ender may, x t i t�up t io n. re�u i r� i m n u d i�t e ��n�snt in fu!! of al1 sums �ccured by this z �,_�.
<br /> ' Security(nstrument.Ho�cever.this c2ption si►u11 Euzt 1��a�arcised by Le�uies�f exe�ctia�is pra4�ibit:d by fed�a!law as of the date �.=?�
<br /> of this SecuriEy Inswm€nt. .
<br /> If L.endcr cAercises this option,Leader shul)�ive Burtuwc�noticc af asreirr�to�n.74�c notice shaU provide a period af not �,;,.�.:
<br /> less tha�► 30 days from the ciate the notice in de{f<<amd c�r n�uit�1 within �vhirti Ftnrro+��er must pay a!1 sums tc�sorcd by this
<br /> . Security Instsument.If Barm:arer fails to pay tht�so sums prior m the eapir.stiun af thii per�c►tt.L-ender may incoke any remedies ;:
<br />— permitteA by this Securi Instrvment�vithnut iunhcr n�tice or denwnd on Borraa�er• �`�`
<br /> j�, g���y�+� _ � : � g��ta, 1f ILurro�ver mcets certain rnr�itionx. Botrn��'er shall have the right to have s �'
<br /> enfarcement of this Security Instnunent dit�."antinued at any ame prior to t� chtlEer ai: lal 3 days ror snch ufher period as `=�F-,
<br /> � aQplicabie law �y sgecify for reinstateme►rt) N,.fo� sale of the Ftogesiy Ra�hu�nt to any pa«er of saie coritained in this � ��y-
<br /> Security Instrament:or�b)entry of a judgmee�t enfarcing this S�curiry Instrucet�nt.'�ems canditions ase that Borrrswer.(al pays �'°__��
<br /> Leeder all sums which then would be due under thls Serurity Iflstrumertt an,d ths Nmte as if no asceierarion dad occurred: lb) —
<br /> cures any default of any other covenants cn�ccecinents; (c) pays a!!ex�nces insumod in enfotring this Security.lnstnunent. �._,.,
<br /> � including, 6ut not limited to, reasanahlu entameys'fees:and(d)tatses sach a�tpQn as Lemder may►�asunablY re.q��re to assure �.
<br /> tnat the tien of this Secuciry bnstrumefu. 6.,�nder s REh�in the Progerty and Baamn��'�i s obligation to pay the sumu secured by �. -
<br /> this Security [asaument sh�ll cundnna uncttnnged. Upan rcinstate�ent b� ltoiroti��^r. this Securicy Insuwaent und the �:-_�:�-
<br /> obligations secwed hereby shasll cernain�ully offective as�f no acceleration h,.�3 cea�m�d• Hotir•ever, this right to reinstnte shall �,.,_�_
<br />' nat apply in dte c�se of aaeler�tioA uad�r pxrapaph 17. r�`�=�
<br /> 19. Sale df Not�Ct�ange af 3.x�nn �rvtcra'• The Note or a partia! inlcresi in the Noie (together �a�ith this Security
<br /> in.stntment)may[�e sold one vr more tim�.s withaut prior natice to Borro��er.�sale may result in a change irs dte eniity(lu►own �^.�.ti
<br /> ' as tfi�"Loan Ss�,-�s;�-")that enllects munthly payments due under the Noae an�this Sscurity Instrurnent.'ll�ere alsu may be ane �
<br /> or�ore chanaes vf the Loau Sen+icer anmltded to a sale of the I�Fote.If tBt�re is a ctsange of the Loan 3ecvioer.Bormwer will be
<br /> '.`, given written natite of tde c[s�ge in accurdance with pauap'aph 14 atrove and applicabfe law.'I7�e notice will st�te the name and
<br /> ua
<br /> address of the¢�+::I.oan Serti+icer and thu addt�ss to which payments shoutd b..«�de.'Ilte notice�vill also contain any other ��
<br /> infarmacion req�eeced by applirable la�v_ --:
<br /> Zp. ��ra,,�e.uvs Spbstance�. Hatru�cer studl nat cause or pennit tha pre�t�ix. use, dispasal, storage.or selease of any P —
<br />�'%!.�' Hazardous Substances on or ia [he Nn�rPrty. Borra�ver afw;i a:,: ;;,. r,;: s!2^ze �yo,u• rlce m do. anvtt�in� affecting the �-n�_R.
<br /> ,,=---
<br /> • praperty that is in violation of any I'ctn�imnment[+1 Law.The p�ing mo senicroor,s shall not apply to the presence,nse.oc _
<br /> ta be a ro riate to normnl �
<br />�;., storage on the Propercy of s�ll q,uuntitios af Ha�andmus Substances that ate generally�exognized PP P }_.,.
<br /> residential usQS and to maimenanes af th�Prnperty. f`�
<br /> ,,-.• e
<br /> ��'° Bornower shafl promptYy givsl Len�Yer written notice of any irnestigation.daim.demand,lawsuit or other uction by anyr �
<br /> '�:��X govemmental ag cegulatory agency ar p�naute party involvin�the Property an�d any Hazardous Substance or Enviranmental Iaw �:-
<br /> ;':�'�,
<br /> ,„ of which Borrozcer has act�l kno�vled�ts.tII�orno�yer leams, or is notified by an��governmEntal os regulasory suthority,
<br /> �removal or other remedi�iamof an)�Hu�tdous Substance affecting the Pnopzrty is necessary.Boerower shai!promptly take �,Y:y
<br /> � :aC;�necessary remedial aetio�a in.accordunce with Enve�ror,mental Law. �
<br /> � � As used in this paragr��h�7A: "I�II7ATdpUS SllbSt'dt'�YS"are those substant�.s defined as toxic oa ha�ardn���ibstances by
<br /> s`rr� .`:.
<br />,,,,,�� Enviromnental Law and the follu�ving�substuaces: gusoline. kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroteumproducis. toxic j
<br /> pesricides and herbicides.volarilts sal��ants,rtu�tercals contsiining asl�esros or fom�aldehyde,artd radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> ti t t 1 ::
<br />"t<;:t;;- this.paragraph 2p. "Environmental�LatY"m�ans federal laws and laws of thh°jwisdiction�vhen die Pro�erty is located Wat ' .s�,
<br /> retate to health.safety or end-imnment�l�pnnecuan• ''"''
<br /> NON-UNffOIiM CO��tr#I+fTS..Borrower and I.ender funher covenant and agru::s t'otlaus: ��
<br /> 21.�cc�eieratton;RenarGtns.Y.atti�r&hnll give notEce to Borrocve�psior ta�erntion foS3owiag Borrawer's 6reacb 1�."
<br /> . e�deratton ander Pasa�DS Y? unlesg �5��'
<br />���s�,� oi any covenant or agree�menU 6u tttib.�erurIty Iusitvment (E�ut aot pntor to � — ;
<br /> .,1`�„ apPltrabte la.c�{�vvidcs o3mera-i�e)��m��tfets shpll spec�Piy: (a)th�default;N)t6e uciinm ctequized to cm�e the defpnit;
<br /> (c)a date,�>11�than 3�duy�•Yl+om utn�dfate the nottce is given to Borro�er,by whtch t�deta�t mvs#be cored;and �� ._
<br /> (d�shat f�itm+e to cure tt�cioi'ault on�or�ei'ora thc date s�pecifted in tha nuids�may rasvii in acceteration of the svms -:,
<br /> .. sc�wsre�by thLs Secarity Ltas�ument and spie of t�ta:Qt�operty. The aafice sLa91 further tnform Borecr�cS t6e rtg6t W �,(,�F
<br /> ' tns3rsstate after aoaElesah�w wtd thn rl$ht to b�dng a court actfon Lo asQit the nn.a-eldstenoe of a d�nlfl:�r any oider
<br /> . �w
<br />,'';��.y'�' 'defease of Borrower tu a�rc(tw.�ticin•��t�le. Ii'tho def'ault is ant cured on or before ttm��1a�sped�tlnsa mw�t�i�t6 ut _ �%i;
<br /> r'�"��' Lender, at its opt�oa,may req�tlr�utr�r':�e�iiate puyment in full of a11 snms srowred by tius� ---
<br /> .:x,r-•�� �.rf,bYe Iaw.I.cnder s6a11 be �•�•;
<br />::;sxr�!r inriher demand anrl may anrokd thQ�a�aser of'sale and anyr otQ�er remeGte§p�niite�l6Y�i�
<br /> eatitled to colfed ail expe�cs iticx�r,z�t7 in putsu[ng the rEmedtcs provided in ihls Pnragrapt��Y.inciadlm�,but not limited ,y:1;�,
<br /> � to,reasonabte attorneYs'Eee�und�cat��s as dtlo avtdence. ;�,,.`.
<br /> ` IB the power of sale is Itn�✓�jiml� �'twate�s shnll �cord a notice of d�tault in�ac�oounty in whl�h any part of Rhe ,��.�,�
<br /> i��operty is fo.r�ted and s�ai mtiilicr�pies oi'such aattce in the marucer�►res�bsd by appllrabie law to Bosrower and to
<br /> T give public noSce `...'
<br /> . eirt�other p�K�n�s prescribed b�•,e►ppfi�U�lu�v.Ai'tcr the t6me rnqrc�sed by npplicable lacv, rmst�s1�a90 •��
<br /> � ��i'sale tfl t;4e persons and in thu�nnnn�r p�bed by applicab!�t��v.Trus9o��'itl�ovt deman�on Borrower,suali'�!'] �':
<br /> l�ite Property at public nuetion to:U�es hfghcst hiddcr at the time and p�ace and undes the ter�ms d�sig,aate�l in the not�ce af ,�
<br /> rs�in one or more parceFs and•iu�bay o�vlrr'�r.,��determines.Trastee mo}pastpone sale of al�vr nai�+parcel of the �: .
<br /> �I'opErty bY Paf►lic announcemptU AU tito tUne�f:(tdace of any previousl��st�ednted sale. Lender oc lia�designee may �, ,_.
<br /> purchase t he P rop�r ty a t:u►y s a l w
<br /> F*„'•':
<br /> �:
<br /> Fortn 3028 8190 �
<br /> .4 Fr 7aye 5 of B ��tt'..-
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