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<br /> _ ' Rayments may no longer be required,at the option af[xader,if mart��nsuruace coverage(in the amount and for the period k ;'
<br /> that Lender require.$)provided by an insurer appmved by Lendea again becomes availab te an d is obtain�. Boirower shall pay .
<br /> the pre�iums require�to maintvn mortgage insurance in effect,or to pmvide a ioss reserve,antil the requirement for mortgage � `�•'•
<br /> ' insurarece ends in acrnrdance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or apalicable law. .
<br /> 9.dnsp�ctlon. Lender or its agent may�nake reasonabi�errtries upon and inspections uf the Property. L.eader shall give 'ti�
<br /> ' �Qrrower aotice az the time of or prior to an insgecrion specifying reasonable cavse for the inspPCtion. ��,°..�
<br /> �� 10. Cortde�natIon. The praceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection �vith any - _
<br /> -� condemnation or other taking of any pan of the Property, ar for conveyance in lieu af condemnation, are hereby assigned and . ��
<br /> -'`- shall b.:paid to I.endcr. �:�.`
<br /> In the evem of a tota!taking of the Property.the pmceecls shall be applied to the snms se�cured by this Security Instrument. �;;i;F
<br /> whether or not then due, vrith an exces.s aid to BocraKer. In the event of a al takin of th�Pro m�vluch tha fair � �`��
<br /> .. Y P P� g D�T4' � �•;;:..
<br /> . . market value of the Fr�perty immediately 6efore the taking is equal to or greater than the au�ount of the sums secured by this
<br /> u�
<br /> : ` Seruriry Instrument immediately before the taking,unless Borrower and Lender othemise agree in wridna,the sums seaired by '�'�'
<br /> •. .` • this Security �nstiument shall be reduced by the amouat of the proceeds mulriplied by the following fraction: (a) the total �_
<br /> ` amovnt of the sums secured immediately before the taldng, divided by(b)the fair market value of the Property ia�adiately �„ ,
<br /> � , Isefore the taking. Airy baiance shall bz paid to Sorro�ver. In the eveat of a partial talcing of the Property in wtuch the fair :d:>4:`;:
<br /> market valae of the Pmperty immediately befoze tb._talring is less than the amount of the sums secured'amc�.ediately before the .#F^°�`
<br /> ,; '. taking, nnless Barrav.�eF and Lender otherwise 3gree in wriring or unless applicabte law atherwise provi��,the prooeeds shall —
<br />' `!•' ` be applied to the sums se�vred by tlais Security I.�.�+�n+Pnt�v��*or not the suras are thea due.
<br /> �•�- If the Property is aPrandoned by Sorrower, or if,after t�oz by Lender to Borrower tbnt tfte co�demnor offers to e�aYke an =_
<br />�`' � award or seule a ctaac�for damages. Boaower E-�i3s 4o respe-s' ;n Lend��»ithiu 30 days after tf�e �� the notice is given, -
<br /> ' Lender is authorized ta t�olle�and apply the proo�s.at its c�w.-.s,either to mstaration or repair of tbe��erty or to t�.smns ;�.,rt:,.
<br />';3£%:,.�_..• secured hy this Security Insuument,whether or ncY:�..�du°._ �-
<br />"'` Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree c:u7i+�ng, �any application of proceods to priacip..� shaU aat ex*.end or
<br /> .�-r- Pos[pone We due ciate uf ii►e monuily paymenis re:�--..i iu�s rorc�grapiu i euhi Z or titdngc t�`�',.�'.:.�i.^,�:�y�.J.�.f. —
<br /> : R• '�•: 11.Sorrawer Not Released;Forhearanae�y��ender Not a Waivee.Extensian of the tiaae for pu�r.�nt or modificarion
<br /> of amorti7arion of the swns secured by this Secuz�r�-xament granted by Lender to any successor ict irma.�-t of Barcower shall '�'���
<br /> aot operate to release the liability of the original Borrawer ar Bornower's successors in imerest. Lender�'�il not be re�uired to ���"
<br /> comtneace proceedings against any successor in interest or n�tu�s to extend time for payriceui or otherwise modify amortiTation f•�•
<br /> • . of the sums securzd by this Security Instrumgnt by reasou u�E any demand made by d�e�;iginal Borrower ar Borrower's
<br />- . suecessors in intaros�.Any forbearance by Ixader in exercisirsg any right or semedy sha11 not be a waiver of or preclude the �rv��
<br /> , �_
<br /> _ eaercise of any right nr remedy. • , �T�
<br /> . i2. Succc�sa�x stm£:Atslgns Bound; doi�t rma,� 5eve�al Liubility; Co-sigaeis. The covenants ��3 agreer.�enu of this '—. .
<br /> � Security 1av�trument�s:,;l[€�ind and benefit the saa�ssors�a.-:r�:�signs of Lender ans1 Hoaower, subject to t�c�tr,��risions of
<br />. paza�� ti7. Borrower's covenants and agree:,.nts shall 5e;,Qint and several. Any Sorrower who co-signs tiuu Secudty � '
<br /> Insuurra���but dces not execute the Note: (a) s,s�aa-signing this Se�urity Instrumeut only to mortgage.grant aau+convey tl�at ['`
<br /> � Borrower's interest i�rite Property under the te~�of this Security Inrtrumeni:(b)is noi personally abligr�trd Lo pay We sums �
<br /> . • sewred tiy tius Se�ur*s:�s Castnim..°nt;and(c)ag�that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.�odify.forbear or '�
<br /> •� make ania;r�couunodatfens witi�r:.�.,u��to the terms of this Security instrument or the Note without that Boaower's consent.
<br /> 13.Laan C6a�,es.If the:o+�n���ured 6y this Security Instrument is sub}ect to a law which sets maximnm laan charges, — _
<br /> . and ttiat law is finatty interpreted�rs c.hat the interest or other laan charges collectezl ar to be collected in caneection with the "'
<br /> . toan exceed the pec�it�s�.t Ilmits, then: (a)any sact�loan char�e shall be re,iiu-.�d by ths amount necessary to reduce the charge � -
<br /> ' to the permitted litra4;a�d(b)any sums already colle�xed from Borrower ath"sch exceeded permiued limits wiiIl L•e tefunded to
<br /> Borroorer. Ler�der may choose to malce this refund by rodusing the principal owed under the Note or by matciug a d'uect
<br /> paymenr�to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the reducti�n will be heaied as a partial prepaymeat without arry =-.
<br /> pnopayr�t charge under the Note. �.
<br /> �`;.:. • ' 14.NoUces.Any notice to Borrower prod:3�,i for in this Security Insmumeat shall be given by deliverin�it or by mailing _ -
<br /> � . it by 8rst class mail unless appficable law reqw:�.r.��se of another method. The nosice shall be directe�t�the Property Address
<br />_ .. or any other address Bonower designates by norice to Lender. Any natice to Lender shal! be given by first cinss mail to
<br /> �� Lender's address stated herein or an;s other address Lender designates by notice to Borr.u�er. A�ry notice pnovidad�for in thjs �==
<br /> Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when giti�rar.w provided in this psuagYaph.
<br /> .� 15.Govec�fpg �aw; Severabi�ity. This Security Instrumeni shal! 1�: gover�,� by federal law and the law of tlie � ��--
<br /> . � .> jurisdietion in w�tiah the Property is tocated.In the event tiwt any provisi+.rn�ae clause of this Secarity Iastrament or the Note '
<br /> . contiicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect ot�rer provisions c�zhis Security Instrument or the IVa[e wh3ch cua Se
<br /> . . given cfi`ect without the conflicting provision.To this end tEee�Srr.eisIons of this Secwity Instrument and the nlnte atr•�;eclared �.
<br /> to Ue.°r.v+,�rable. —
<br /> ' '• 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shaU tre�i����one oonformed copy a�tisr.Note and of this Security Instrument. i
<br /> �___�
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