. .. ' � . . . . , . . . .. . 'M .. ... . . . �.
<br /> . .-.� �_.�..�..�_ ...��� ��.��_ _'.__.��..�._���_.�._...+.....���r� • �""'�"�'ti- - ' �- __ _ .
<br /> E
<br /> �, ��� d: .. ;-�.��_-_
<br /> (d) Cital�2or ha.n the r�g��u�a�i4�orized to execute and paAorm ib Obl�gaticns undet 4h�s Qoed U!Trust aatl tt�rtss$etions do not and `� t � ' �_
<br /> C rat -
<br /> shall nat eonftict xritt�the provisians of any statufo,regutation,ordinanCa.rulo of iaw.ccmtact or othnr�gr�omerrt which m�y ba binding on . . . . _
<br /> ' Grarrtot at nny @mo: . , .
<br /> (e►No actlan or proeeeding i�or shall Qa pending or threatoned whict�might rt�teriali�ai�ttr.4tt+e ProP�nY a"d . ' '``"'
<br />�. �f) (;rantor has not vtotated and sh211 nst vio!nte any�iatute.rega!ation.ard�nartr,o..�ln c1 saw,ooMract or othor agro�mont(inGudi!�g.but nat -�;'�* '. � `' ;:
<br /> iL�nita�to,thoso gm�sming HazaMoua I't[atarit+JS)vrhich might mat2d3!►y at4act U+rt Pfr!lor�`i or Lendor's aghts or intarost In the PropaRy pursuent • �,-_
<br /> h s ' '.
<br /> tothls Oeed of Trust. • �. . �'
<br /> 3. PAICrR OEE05 OF TRUSY. Qrantor representa and warmnb is�at thure arv ro�,io�Cseds ot vust af?�3cting any part of U:e Propertr axcept as set . , `• '< .,
<br /> � toith on Sd�edute B aitached to thts Oaad a4 Trust,�fiict�Grentor agrees ia p�y and�rtarm in a tirr�nty rn4r•nr�r• B d►ero are any pdor dcads d trust t'; �,;_t, �• - ^
<br /> •" then Qrantor egreas to pay alt amounts owed.8nd perform e!I oblig3tlorts r�qwr2d.urz+isr��ch dec3d9 m!ss:at and the indoDt.^.dnoss setured theroGy , . ,`.. • .�.-�
<br /> ��• artd turther egreas that o deiautt unc4er any prior desd o!trust shalt be e defwSt undsr N1s►D�ed at tnnt arrr!sh�11 ont+ia Lertdar to ali dghts and �" " ��� _
<br /> rnmediss eoMafnee!herein or in the O�liga�ons to whtCh tander would be entitted in tho emnt o!anyChur dRfautt - , �. :`,i`
<br /> 0. TEiAr7S�AS C�YFIE PROPHRRTY 06i 6gtiEFIC1A11PbTERfS4S IYJ GRAtJTQR�OA 80R►lOYYcR;'w N Y�r►svertt of a sata.corney2na�,lea�. . �-
<br /> - " eorttract for dettl or trtu►ater to any persan ot el!or any part o!the rey ProPen1►dss�ribQ�in SchGdulo A�any irrterest tRerein.or ot sIi or any . �;-
<br /> `��� benaficfal intsrGSt in Bortowar or Grantor('rt 8orravicer or Grantor is not a natr2r21 p9rTOn or persons h.r:�8 Caiprsration.limited fiahiG4Jr company. -f, ,•-- -- - ----- _
<br /> p3rtnership,trust,or other legal ertGty�.LeRder may.et iis apticn dedare tf�e outstanding prinaR31 b�lanco a4?�n 03sligations plus accrued iMerest . 4�.
<br /> U�ereon immediatety due and payablo. At LenQar's requast.Grantor or Eorrower.as tP��pse may tr.a.shali furrtish a complete statement setting toRh
<br /> all of its atocld�olders,memCars.ar paAnera as appropdate.snd thy extent of th&Ir respactiv¢vunRr:n�p iMerests. • � � .,-,�:.
<br /> 3. ASS1Q31MEHT OF iiEli75. in consideration ot ths Obiigatians.�vhich are secured b1r U'ta Deed ot 7rust.Granur absotutety assigns to Lender all ! '` � f �� . . ,I,';j�_.
<br /> GrantoYs estate.right,titta.irtaresK,daim and demand now ownsd of horeaf�st acquirr-.d�rt all existirr�ar�d tuture teases of tha Proparty CnWud;n9 . . . _ i._ -.
<br />' : �. e�cCansions.tsnewats and subleasa9).all 8gre9mertts tar�se and aeCU¢3r�j o'r*�t�s Property(ail sueh leases artd agreemeMS vJheiher rrtit�n o�oral. '�',:_.�.�. ��:.
<br /> ara hsrealLSr reterted W as 11t9'Leasas�.and ali guaranties o!lossees'por4�xmarxe ur.dar t3�a Leases.to¢�isU'„r with tha immediato and ca^;nuing �.��'�: ±���� -
<br /> . right to col�ect and receive ell of the rerna,incame.recefpts.revenues,issi.os.Profrts ar�d o�i3r ineoms of an f rtature now or hereafter d�rs;indeding •' �;�-,;;,;�:i�`,'.':.�s•t.
<br /> ' •< an income of an nature eomirt due durin an redemp�on pe6od)under tt:e laases or fmm ar zrisir. ait:of the Proparry ineludin minimum r_; . , t:.•.__�..
<br /> Y Y 9 9 Y 4 9 t �,`�`,•�;'�*"�'',,'
<br /> certs.astditonrJ reats.6serce►na9e rerAS.Parking or common area maintenance co��ce�s.tax ru:d insur2nce cotri���tians.dofic[ortcy rerns, � . . � - �: "qr
<br /> � liquideted daas�qe9 follawirtg defsult in any Lease,all prooeeds payabie urtder tttry pa'ir.y o1 insusa.rato covarit:� tCGS of teMS resulting irom � '.;�±"•`:�`•'.��`_-`
<br /> u
<br /> uMansnta6ility caused Dy destruction or damage to ths ProRerty.a!i prncaeds payabts es a rasu!t af a tessee's e�cercise o'an nptlon to pucchase tfia �:�s .�`•,�°a' _,�
<br /> Property,ail proceeds dertved tcom tl:e tem.vn�tion or�ejectlan of arry Lease in a bankrup�/or oth9r ir^ot�m,�r1/p:ax3eding,and ai!pracasds from `: `' �.�-
<br /> • a n y ri g h t s a n d c t a i m s o f a n y k(n d w hi a A Q s 2 r r�or m a y have a galnst a r ry lessee uader ttui leases or any oca�arrs of tno Proper4y(ati of tt�e abova are ;�°f<` ��� .
<br /> heteafter caileetivety roferred to a�tAe'F��vs7. Th(s assignment is sub;eet to the dg►rt.Pawer and au7�.ori.y g'suon to the Lendsr to eoitect and appry . �`��'�,
<br /> • tRt Rents. This assignmertt is reeocdad in axo[dance w�tr apPr�!e�ffi lavr,tha L'en aeated by this assignmBM is inLended to be '��`--"'-
<br /> specifie. ,��:�:f,��,;--_
<br /> perfected.and choate upon tha recording of this Deed o!TtLat,all as prarided by ap,�ECa�.`a stato tavr aa amsnded trom tima m tfine. As long as
<br /> thera is no detautt under the Obtigations or this Deed of Tr►�t,Lertdar grar�Qr2n;w a rovomb:e Iicensa to catlect all Rents Trom tha Leases when ' ��"`" �, .,•.c,__��._.
<br /> � due and to uso sueh procseds in f3rantor's Gusiness oparrxa:q. However. Lendet may at any tirr�requ9re QraMOr to deposit ali ReMS irtto an �:.,•::.�;l�,�„ ._��r;
<br /> . eccowst maitnaIned by Grantar or Lender at L�ndar's ir�stitr�tion. Upon�8fauft in tho paymoM of,or fn tho paAOrmanee of.an5►o�tM C�'Q�Ians, ,=- � ..
<br /> - Lender may a.i�apt��s��an at th„^,°rop..°:ty sr.Q h�e.�?�!c�.r.+?n?�a,le2se a�d onerate ttla Pro�srty on terms arwl ta a pwir.r3.rs►tirrte .:..��T� _rr.
<br /> '� that Lender deems pmper. Lender may praesd to coyect end reoeiv�ell Rartts irom tha proyaRy,ar4 Lertd2r shall have tull ry.rg�.a►irr make .. �
<br /> af�ratlons,renovations,repaUs or reptacaments to the Pra�riy as Lender may deom propar. lnnCar may ep,�Sy�11 f�nts in I.Frtd�r§sate cllr.c�tion , '. °�°";3r"
<br /> ta paymem of tha Obiigations or to the payment of the oost of st�oh atte�FtfoRO�ronavations,repairs and repiacemartts artd an'!wcpenses inddertt to �►J'<-,�."
<br />... taking and retaining possessian of the Proyarty period:cafry and tna mn_nagem:nt and oRaration of thv Pro�rty. lertdu mu/kesp the Property .,�`r_ .'�.��r,.�s«!:
<br /> ,�'`' 1-
<br /> . propedy insumd and may diseharge any taxes.charges.etaims.EissescmertLS and oUter tiana whic�anay acetu3. TId3 ex�r.se and cost of these ',� `..-_...._� _ �&'�;�'�ic
<br /> actions may be praid trom tho Rents rescetvad.and any unpa�d amamis st�U be addstd to tho p5ndpat ot Vn QbiigaJon3. 7hese amourtts�to9athar 1 ..�ai.t' F,;..;,;;�a�����y �
<br /> with othar cosb.shall hecoma part at th9 Qbligatons sea,red by thls U�cd a Tru�t. - •�"i;,; '� i<�r r�5,.•F�•
<br /> 6. LE�1.SE8 AND OTHER AGREEMElJTfi. firarttor shail not take or faii bo teke any action vrhich may cuuce or permft the tartnina5on or the •�, tc=�" i`�::;.
<br /> `s=nax •� ���. ...• ;• .�.
<br /> ' xrithhalding of any paymem tn conrt�on wilR nny lesse or omer agreemart4('Agr�ement7 psRaiNng to ti�s Property- [n addRton,GrartWr,without ?• ••�:,,f �;^•
<br /> ��v� z3�.l�--
<br /> �reeme k(c)ess[gn o�r�allow a lien,secu�intere�st or�othor epni m�brance 40�p aood upornnorQ��'s cights.title�and�res�in d t�o anY •°;���� YzM1 y,
<br /> . Ag �Y ;��'y`.�.:.�.
<br /> Agceemertt or the amouMS payablo thereunder,or(�terminate os eanaei any Agreemont oxcopt tor ttre nonpayment o!arry sum or other materfal ,,. {�f�.__,�
<br /> . breach by the other paRy thoreto. H C�►antor recehres at arry timo am/writ�n communlcatIen a3sert�a defauR by(irar►tor under en ABreemeM or �_e�1;
<br /> purporting to terminate or eancel any Rc.�eement, Carar►tor sh311 p�nm(rJy fonrrard a copy ot :>ueh communication (and any wtrssquent � . .. �'�����;�
<br /> eommum�WJJnnu mlating therefo)to ltnd�r. al such Agreeme�s and tRa a�r�vunt3 duo to�rnt�r tYAreur.der are hero b y a�tgned ta ln�rdrar as ��'►.5�4".w:c �: {,., �r,'.
<br /> aW �rl
<br />,-;, •. addi�ional mc�utty tor the Obiiga4lans. ' ,
<br /> �' 11��'��:r�.
<br /> 7. CQLLC-GLC�ii OF IHDEBTEDNESS FROM TMIHO PA9iV. Lend9r shal{tn�ntitlod to na'.ify v.requiro Qtantor to natity arry thi[d partj(asctudin�. `:� :; t_.,
<br /> ` - but not limfted to,lessees,lioensees,povemmer�!suthorttles end insumrc�cmnnanias�to pay Lerrdar any indebtadnasa or obligaUort ovdng to � � ��
<br /> `� Grantor with res ect to the PropeRy(amutatively'Indebtetlnessl wheUtor or not a dafauk v:cists undar tA'o Oeed of Trust Grantor st�all ditlgently •'t�r�: ��'';
<br /> •l.,i �
<br /> coiteet the indebtedness awing to Grantar trom tnesa third pardes until Uu��}'v3ng ot sucA na5ficotio�- tn tt.o eve:�►.that(itaMOr possesses or racehres s ,��t�':
<br /> ' � possessfan cf sny ina�uments or othar remitCsnces wtth respect to tho�rtdnt�ir3dness ZcOauinp tho g'.ving of s�sch notificaUon or H t�o in:,trumerns or - 1 '� �
<br /> , ather ramiUs►�cas constituta the prepayrrtartt o!arry Indabtedness or tf:a Emyrrzont a1 am�tnsurance ar caadvmnatlon pmceeds,(irantor shall hoid
<br /> , sueh ins�ru.^r:errts and other remitf�nses(n trua!for Lender apart trom�ctfmr pro�otry,endor�a tRO instrr.�cnerns and other remfttances to Lendet, ':-:F.�
<br />: � arcd Immediately provide Lendar wlth possession af the insVumoMa and a'ltur remitmncos. Lendor slfalt b3 entitted.Dut not requirod,to coilect(Dyr - �� ,a�
<br /> � � legal proceedings or otherwise),oxtend the Ume fof payment,comproml5o,exchangti or c�fease anyr oellgOr ot coltateral,or otfienxlse settte anyr of , �
<br /> the Indabtedness whether or not en event of detautt exists undor thia A�reemerit landar sANi not bs liable to tirantor tor a►ryr action,ercor,mistalce, .'�,_�� ,� -'-°= _
<br /> • omisston or detaypertatning to the acuns des�xibed in thio para�ph or any Qamages rewifing thorefrom. Notxrithsmndinp the toregoing,notFiing �.���::�
<br /> � � herolnshallcaussLendertobadeamedarttvrtQagoaln-pnsse�lon. --'?`'' --
<br /> ;, � d. USE AND MAlNTEtW.NCE OF PRO�: Granmr shall teku el( sdUSrnrt.and rtwke arry repalrtt noeded to maimain the Propart/in good �y;��t��±.._
<br /> �) condi8on. Qrantor shall not commit or p�if�rry vraste tm bo wmmtttmd.vitt�respect to tho Prc�oRy. Grantor shall usa ths Property notely in -__
<br /> . } compIianoe with applicabie law end insurar�,:s�aiiaias. prrritcr shali nM rmria any attnrations.addrtfons or improvsment�to the Property without �_- _
<br /> Lendei's pdor vttttten consent. Wrthout limfitlng the fo:a�tng,tJ!alterations,FiddiUOnn and tmpra�amenta mada to the Property shall be subject to
<br />, � the beneflclai interest batonging to Lender,shali not bo remavw!without LenGSr's p�lar+w+tfnn cansertt,ane shall be mado at Grantor'e sole e3ryanse. . _
<br /> � 9. LOSS OA QAh9A(iE (irantor shail bear the enUre risk af�r�r soss,thoft.destn:otian ar darrnga(cumutativety'Loss or Oam�geh to tha Property or �
<br />� ;::t anY portfon theroof trom any cause whatsa3ver. li H�n av�nt�f any Loss or Wmago,arantur shall,at the apUon of Lender,mpalr tho aHected T-
<br /> PsopeRy t�i:s prevtous conditlon o�pay ar aauet�to he prd�tn i�x.der tho docrouse in tho tait markcst vffiue o1 ths affected Ptopetty. �� ������
<br /> : ..._,., �_.
<br /> � �•"•� 10. INSii�At�4CE The Proparty wiil be Y.ept�nr,ured for�tE"utI incnrapte vtluo(mplacemeM coat)against all hartuds including loss o�damage • ' �� _-
<br />''�'� ��-'�� eausad by flood,eartl�quake,tomado and t�cn,theft or C,tsra rr:x.iuit��t+�frirf nzlartt required by Lendar. araMOr may obtain insuranoe on the Prope►ty r .,�• '
<br /> . •° trom such compantes a�are aaeptable to lsnder in ito srJe r�screevn. ti'ne Inournnoa policlos shall roquire tha insurEnos comparty to pravide • _ :.:.���;:_
<br /> � � Lender with at teast dayt3'written nauco L-rrl�ro such po'iafos tue afturod or canceltad in eny manner. Tta��rta.+:ranca poiicies shall :�,� , `�
<br /> � � - nams Isnder es a loss payee and provlde that no ac!at o:nission o!CimMar or arry ath�t person shall eftect the dgM cf I:t�rrrl��to be peld th� - �!"g�'�°:
<br /> insuranco proceeQa pertain(ng to the toss or damage ot the Property. ta tJ►a everR(�r�rttur fails to acqutre or maintain irsiw� 9.Ler+dor(after `�P:• -
<br />'� rovidin rtaUcs as ma be required b istw m in its discretlon roa�ro apprapriate inscmnoe coverago upon tho Ptoperty ar,C.. ,�naurarsos�st '"•- "
<br /> .. P 9 Y }� ) aY P ..-- � �'°,
<br /> ah�il be an advance payab'a and bearmg interost as descri6ed In Paraerath�and secured heraby. Q r a rttor shail tumish l�ende�v�ith a�idenca o1 �r,��,�ti'�;' •;
<br /> ' . insurancs indicating if�e tequirotl coverege. lsnder may act as attomo�n�trrci for Carantcr in making and settiing cl3lms under losurta;rsu policies, -�:':��-li�; � ��-�'-
<br />' canaliinp any pottcy or endarsing GraMOPS name on eny draft ar negofla".te�instrumeM dravm Dy any insurer. All suM insurance pottales ehall be ���
<br /> '` immediately assigned,pfedgad an�delivered to Lender a9 turther securlty tor the Od"gafiona In the event of loss.(irantor shail(mmsdIat�ly g'ivs ��t�� .c��•
<br /> • �?' Lender written noUce end Lendcr is authorl:e0 to make pcco!of loss. Each insurance co^npany is directed to make paymaMS directty to Lender • . . ;����
<br /> instead of to lnnder end Grantor. Lender shall have the right,at its so►e opLon,to apply such moniea taward the Obiigatlons or taaard tfle cost of ,•`;�,p�:,r.,�;{,=*�;y;i;S:�����!
<br /> rebuilding end�s3todng the Properry. My amounts may at Londer's opt'C�h,�s applied In the Invorso ordor of the duo dates theteof. ��1�,:;•!°--R?�jfY:�'
<br /> �' � ?• 11. ZONIi10 ANO PRIVATE Ca7ENAN1'�. Grantor shall not inWate or coru�rt!o an chan in the zonin provisions or rivafe covenartits ffit�cttn ' � "F��` 4-
<br />,�:i5` Y 9e 9 P s 9 '� =�i�±�;3'�=',��
<br />�!:4�:��!. the use o1 the Ptoperty wNhout lender'e pc�or wHtten consent B(�ranter's�ase o}tho Properry becamas a nonconfortning usa under any zoning ,; », F,�R;n,�,,,�, __ _
<br /> provtslon.6reMor shall not«xtuuse or permit such uso to bo discontinued or ebandoneq wNhout tha prior wdtten cansont ot Lender. (irentDr wiil ::;�7';,,'; ..
<br /> � 3 immediately pravide lendor with written notice ot arty proaoaed chuages to the zoning prtv�siens or private covonanb aifcsscting the Property.
<br /> �.-.
<br /> • ' 12. CONDF6iNAT(OH. �rantor shatl Immadiatety pravtde Lender with written noUeo at ary actual or tfiroatenad eandemnoNon or eminerrt domain .--��-..•-
<br /> ' � pmoeeding pertaining to tho Property.All rnonlos payabta to(irantor irom such wndemmatian or taking are hereby assigned to Lender and ahall ba �.,,�=;,.:.:. :`- `
<br /> { appiied first to the payment ot 4er,COr's attomeys' tees, togal expanses and other eosts pnciudlng apprafsat tees) in aonnecUon with tho : r,,,,...•� , �
<br /> . � cendemnatlon or eminent domain p:aet�ings end then,at the opUan af Lortder,to the paymant of the 061igaUons or the rastoration or repalr of tt�o � -�• • •
<br /> . . ! Properry. • �''::•,:.:.; . .. .�
<br /> ' 13. LENDEFYS HtGIR TO COMAAENCH OR DEF�eHD LEQAL A�TIOHS. 6rerttor shall immedlately prwida LenQer with writton notice of any actua! '' •
<br /> ar threatened aztion,sui�or other proceed:ng aftecdng t�e Property. Grantar hereDy epFe��1s Lendar av its altornoy�n•fact to cornmence,Interverte � .
<br /> in,and detend such acttons,sutts,or otAer legal pmceedings and to oompromir.e ot Settio any olalm or contrweray pertalning thoreto. Landet shall .,,: , � - •
<br /> not be pabte to Grentor for any action.error,mistalce.omiaslon or dnlay pertalning to the actions descriEed in thto paragraph or any damagea � .
<br /> resutttng therohom. Nottfing cornalrted haretn will prevent lender from t�ilcing the actions described in this paragraph In its own name. , ' .• -
<br /> 10. INOEMNIF[CATION. Lsndor shatl not assume or po responsfblo tor tho psAOrmance of any of Graritor's obligations with respect to the Prop�rty . �
<br /> � under any ctreumsmn¢es. Grantor shall immedititety provido Lsndw with written notice of and indemnify and hol�Lender and da sharohalders, ;-.•fi
<br /> diroerors.officors, emptoyeas and zgsms harmlos�trom ell ctaims.damages.liabilitias(ncluding a2tomeys'tees end logal expensos),causes of ,--
<br /> action,actlons,suits and othor Isgnl proceadings(eumutativoly'Clalms')pertaining to the Properiy Gnduding,but not Iim�ted to,those invoNing � �
<br /> Ha:ardous Materials). t3rantor,upon the request of Leoder.shell hlre legal wurtsel to dotend Lendar nom sud�Cl�ims,and pay the attomeys'teas.
<br /> •� tegal expenses and other costs incurrEd in connec8on therewith. In the attemative.Lender shiill be entittod to employ its cun tegal counset to aetena ------ '-- - _
<br /> such C►aims at GraMOr's coat. Grantor's ohllgaUan to indemnityr Lendet under this parqgraph shall survivo tho termination.releaso or forectosure of �.
<br /> J11 �'�
<br /> this Daad of 7rust.
<br /> I �PhESt tH � Far'At�on TeMndDge9,�nC.(B/28i95) t8001907�3�69 �aye 2 of 9 ' - .
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