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<br />. ------� BOfl�FOtil� �&]llon v Hoffer. S�aeband a�ad Wife � • '" -
<br /> . `s, �Liada Ho££er. Suabtsud arad Wife s' ��`�-�<<•;;.; _�--
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<br /> , �� t' 10�3 Waet Diviaion � _
<br /> ,, ° ��83 �Peat Divisioa ;Q��d =eiaa8, p�g 68801 �
<br /> � Gzaad Ia�ad. NS 68801 �p��� � R, „ , .
<br /> . I �� ra�rstiou��. I s�to�ea »....:,,-� , ..._.�.
<br /> (30f3) 30Z�8941 50778871� (308) 38i-8942 507788712 :=�.�-._..
<br /> titu�rE�DYni.oa Bank Aad Truet Coa�paay t3rand Ialsact IIraneh ""�:•�'�'�:'E F-,.•�
<br /> . w � � .
<br /> Z008 �tortb ltebb RoaB. c3raad Zalmad Idl3 68�01 � � . ,
<br /> tn conslderatton of the loar�a a`Ju�r credit axammodaUon heretnafter s9eeified and arry tu4ure edvances or tuture Obiigattari^�,s3 do�nsd ker�dc+, -:,��. . .. ,,, 'f =--
<br /> a�'i.,, which may huniratiar be a�varxd or incum�d and the trust hereinafter marttioned and othor good srtd vatuabte con�ideratiars.sfis reasfpS�r�1 � .�tr ;---
<br />.:.r i`�'v�.: sufftaiency of vrhich are hereby as'.maw(e3dg G.�tor Itare�by irtevocabtf!b n�selts,transfers.�rant9.�ah- 2008�s w T�h1� '� �„, �ss.
<br />;ifi�� iH sa�rsandass ns intrust�tor IIatan� Aad Tsust Cc+� ciraad I&lsa Sraa �zt8 W 1���, ,
<br /> ,� (°Lenosc'},ucs .'�3���,.:;;'�;
<br />•,'����i� � .^. 6r d�elaad NS 68 d'� �•.
<br /> � ' tr�seficiary undor th[s Deed of Tnwt.w►th pzrr�``�+:�21Td�ffht°t e�Y��p��ton ali of prantoPs present and firtuco asi�right,titie end ' �-F .._`.
<br />�'*;•.;`.. ` "}►
<br />�h��� ` with al!pm;c�nt detuturo mprr��rx�nts end r�rr�.� �t tar.��'�a personatdproperty inciuding w(thout I m�o�l m earfiir ery.�A+1ATe bu Id g
<br /> fC.,.. "� ' �;� '
<br />;_e�,�;:,,_�. mateflals,and gaoda of every nature(axclud�n,�acr�sumer goads)nov+or heres'=ssr located on or used in connecUon�vitl�th�resi(xope�t�e.whe7her -
<br /> or not effixad to the(and:P�leges,heresl(t�ttcr.is.and aPPurtenan�es irtd.r3fr�aU developmant rights assoeiated witA Ute PtopeRy.��er � ;: �,
<br /> , prevtousty ot suD.squerrity transferrod to ths P�°PenY TM°m mhat real pmperty cr now or hereaftor susceptibte ot trensfar trom thia Praperiy t�aiJter
<br /> real pcppwtyP teases,licanses and othor agr�ements;rents,issues and profits;nffrer,vrall,dixh,reservotr and mineral dghts and stachs p:r�i�sirsgrca ,( ,?.`.�-
<br /> . • �r�propaRy(wmutaU,rely'property�;to have ana to Aotd the PropertY nnd fie rtghts haraby grantad for the use ar�d benetit a!TrusLC+�.his + t. ' ',:i�_.L_";
<br /> suoc�gepr9 and acatQns,urnll paymeM in tuli of ail Obiigattenaseeured hareUy. _:� �r,�rr�;.----:--
<br /> � Moncver,in tuRher considaraUon,t#rantot doea,for Qtantor ansf(irantaPa heira,represer�tives and asaigns,hereby oxprassly warraM,covenartt, �"� , �� ._=__-_
<br /> and agte�wH�lander and Trust�s and trtltr euecessorsartd assigns as tottawa _ ... . -�=�;y�
<br /> � �� � 1.OBLIOATIOtaS. This Desd ot Trurt s�all sacuro tha paymer�t end pertormanoe of at�presont and tuturo Indabtadneas,IiabtUtte9,obligetlons am! h`}`;:_ , ,.
<br /> , f�.," covenanmofBorcowuorQrsnto►(cumuladvely�'L2bligatlons�tolenderpursur�ntco: ,w ��. � ; � •
<br />.;;t���:��<! • (p)this Oesd of Trust and 4he foltowing pro:re�zry notss en�other aqree�res�t� S � � . ''.
<br /> kD 1 'iF� .
<br /> f��`�`��.�, � �u� a u�rr T t ��►:irr,i�� �r�►�re N�+ � � � =:
<br />:��-:'=�v% t7ARZ718L8 $21.33A.7� ; 09�Z�./�6 + Ld�01/03 :g(:a14� DB 106280 �������n._:
<br />»-y�(���,: � � � �u .;�:r . •.�ir
<br /> -�x ft� � I I �,�. '
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<br /> ti„����_' _..
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<br /> „•c.v•� - ��
<br />=-�;��;,;�; (b}all uth¢v t�.s3sent or futura,written ogreements wltP�lendar tt�at rofet��zcifically to th19 Oeed of Tru91��x�c'ttt�d tar tM sam�07 �+;�
<br />;ri:��r.;��•..;' dlHat�tR�Satip�s�s Wn 1M tor�oSng)c ��,;s.?�'ra�r..' —
<br /> �:;��'�:+ . t��eny QusuJ,q;y ot q'�OgaUOns ot other p�^tfae gi+ren to Landor now or ha7wu+�r executed that refars to thia Deed of Trusx
<br /> , (d)future�j+rors�whsther obligatory ax R.�raonat,to t►n�same extent ra.s°made contemporaneous►y witt�the�xer.utlon of ttds Qeed o1 Trust. _ =`-._�".��-_--_-
<br /> mads or sxta.��on buhdt af Orar►tor or 6caower. Giantor agroeslhZt A ane ot tha OhilgaUona is a Iine of crCdif,the lien of this Qeed o9 Trust —?�;;� '•• .�_
<br /> � � �•.:��. shail canUnue�~.�:i paym+�+t�n fu0 of all deCt due under ths Iine notwilh.tanding the tact thatirom tims to Ume(but before sfer;ninaUon of the line) ,�4aj_•� : ••__
<br /> no b�t�nce may be outstar,tlin At no Ume ehail the tlen of this Oeed of Trust,not Inctu6inD eums advanced to protect tho�..�rity of ti�i�Ooad of �^� �
<br /> Trust.exeee�� �7.437.�3�� — •ar�d ��, r�-w.
<br /> � � (e)all eme�imierrts.extanslons,rortewals,madiflcaUOns,rep'aoemonta or�,I.V2ttuUOrts to any o1 the toregofnr,�, �1#E�.`}.
<br /> lis used in this PLrugraph 1,tho tertns(irante�and Borrowershall include r�:s FJ���mean arry Orantor or Bnrro•xa+ R more ffian one. �t•�,
<br /> 2 REPAESElCtATtON9,VfIARRAHTiES ANO CO{I�HAft7T9.tirantor rcp!vrua�ts.•�urunband covonarm to L,a�r.��that .�'�F,�...
<br /> ' (a) Cuanior has tee eimp'e maf�cetabs tffta to tAe PropNty end ahall R�nr.ur.;he Properry tree of all lten�,�:fity IntBrwa�.�^-eum�.zrmm um;! ,,::�.tiFek�,;.T .,tr`
<br /> cialms sxcapt for thi�Qeb of Trust and those describtd in$�?�ed�to 3,which ie atttcE:eC to thf��eeJ et Ttust anQ M�'sai?�rated he�:�ir i�y �'. :_:_. ,..k.;:
<br /> referenee,whtch Gramor agrce9to ps71 end Mrfortn in atlmEhj maa:ner, �..� •� � �
<br /> (p) (iraM�r is in compliance in all rospeC.a with all appllcabb tedtrcJ.sa:ta and local laws and regulFScr.ra:�dudirtg.•sAtlt�a:*IimimHcn.�!ase .
<br /> retaticg to'Hasardous Materlals,' �s deilned hereln.and other env.ror.r.�erttat mattera (the 'Env,rcr.r*isnt:� lawe').rxrt reither me irr.sral •,,,�.�;��:�;X�;.. - -
<br /> gow�mm�nt nor any othergovernmsrrt!or�aui govemmer�tal ar�tity f.�rc�ted a lien on the FrapertX.r:r rt��n�i;ere any govammar�l,jwCSr�ut or , �<<} • . �
<br /> adminisbmliva a c Uons w i t h r e s p e c i t o osc U o�m o�l rn a t t e r apa n din g,ar to thA best ot the(irrantot a Fr,.WrzC o,threatCnBd,vfitch Irtr,ivm�e ''�E���f;� . :
<br /> � prpperry. Noitker(�raMor nor,m the bast of Grantor's Mawle d ge,eny other party has used,generated,rgu:��dischargad,stored,or disFvsed .w•}•, _ �. -"--
<br /> • pt qny Hazar9flu9 Qlaterlals a3 defined nereln,in conneMtan w(th the Property or Vansported eny Ha�udous Materiala to or from tAe Pro�erry. �� �,�.••
<br /> Grantor st�ali not commit or permit such acUons to he taken in tho future. fi�term'Hazardous Materlats shail mean any substan�,mater al,m °'�f�"�"'''
<br /> waste vrhtch ia or b¢comes regulated by nny gavemrteantal authori4y ineluding,but nat 1lmited to,O petroteum;(t)f�iabla or nonfrlable asbestos; �'!;• � :
<br /> . [li)potycPitarinuted DlpRenyis:(v)thoso substsncos,matarials or wastsa destgnated as a'ha�udous subs�tance'pursuarn to Scction 311 ot the •.L r.. � �
<br /> � qean W�r Act or Ilsted pursusint w Ssctlon 307 of ffie Clean Water Aat or any artwndments or reptacements to�hese statntes: (v)those ������:,;,.:`-,- =
<br /> s;�bstencas,maiedals or wastes deflned as a'hazardous waste'pursuam to Seetion 7004 of tAe P�ourea Con�ervatlan and Recwery Aot or any _�i:r:-�:�,�,:.:s•.';: .:, _
<br /> r'�: ,
<br /> amendmeM9 a repia�ements W 9hat sffitute:and(vi)those substtrtees,materiats or wastes definnd as a'hazetdaus substance'pursuartt to �-•'•''.=.: �
<br /> � Secdan 101 of the Comprehonslvo Emironmarml Res�onsn,Campanst►tion and UaDility Act.or any amendmer►ts or ropfacements to that staMo . • --_-
<br /> ar arry other similar state or federal stntuto.rute,roputation or crdinance now or hereafter in eltect. Grantor sh�tl n�t lease or permit tho subieaso . . . � •.�-; ;
<br /> of the Property to a tensM or subtonturt vrhoso opetadons may resuft fn cor�mination of ths Ptoperty with Hazardous MaUerisls ot toxic _,._
<br /> � substertees; . � � �'..
<br /> _. :_, (c) NI opplicab(o Iflws cmd regulationa inclu6ing:without umitation,V!e Amerieans with Disabitities Act.42 U.S.G S�ction 12101 et saq.(and NI .•
<br /> regutations promutgates�merourtdm►and aii aoeimg ar�d G�i�dtag'ro:.s ar,s!:�:!�r��°!�it•g to ine vra�rty t�y virtua of any tcdara�.sUite ot �
<br /> municipal authodty witA jurisd?ction ovor tho Property,pros�nUy are and shall b3 observcd and complied with in ail material rospaets.and ail . _ _
<br /> • • Nghb,liwnsos.psrmits.and cert;licates of oceuP��1/Gnciuding but not limited to zaNng variuncea speetai oxcoptions tor nonco�orming usos. , .• __
<br /> ttnd ftnal insp6cUon approrals�.�vhet�er temporery or permanent,vfiich are matarial to tha uso and occupancy of the Proporty,pre>orrtry are and � :•�
<br /> m
<br /> • shall bo obtainnd,pros�rvcd rsnd.vfiere nucessary,rone�va�d: •
<br /> � � Wt�LSi�SGOr*nA�.onTttr.n�'c4o�.i�(9�2ii/831 ;EG0I937378� 7�etd3 . . .'____--__ . _ _ ' _--
<br /> � . . . � .-._.. .
<br /> m�`-,
<br /> -.,.—.. . . .. .. .., . . ._ , .. . . .
<br /> .. r'4A'Wln� . . . -. _ ;r ' .. . .. . . _ . ' . +,
<br /> '��� �-.."+'. �_. � .. . _ , ' , . .-
<br /> . . .�`�iirc:::+.:.��a -' ` .• -+ . .. '"' "' ,. . .�t•.'. � .. • ' ' y. ._ ':�� .. .4 � .� . � � . .
<br />