'i'11.-.;.°iLA_ . '. 'i('c. _ . ' . ____ _4 _ _ . . . . _ . . .. < . ._ -�__ - ._
<br /> �ii s __ {F�� ,F<(__._,_ � ' ' �( ,r1i��,P'v^�...wJ�.�- ,._ � — `� . } s 4 �� .
<br /> ...._.u�,.. �:._s._. �� —__ . —� '—'_" �� _ - ti'r�'�'°�.:qw.�.z�. 1�.• .
<br /> .� . �6m ��`�� , : ' ° `_ :`... _-
<br /> ��.> r,; '�;
<br /> . ��._
<br /> �� : interest.Lendex shsil rat►t txi requ�rcd to commence proxedmgs o�ainst such succe�or or refiue to actend dmv f�r payment or otherwise modify . � . _::' -
<br /> nmott�tian of the sums s�ciusG by Hils D�d of Twt by rcaYon of sury dc�r�sd mrsle by the ariglnat Bo�rower aad Boreower's suecessors in •, "� ;_.-'�:-`.�-
<br /> incerest.Any for5e�c�xnce by Lsuder in exeadsiag ar,y right or rcmedy hereunder.or othenvise nffardcd�Y apPlicable law.shnll not!se n waiver ,' • _
<br /> of or prectad�the exerdsa of aay such dght or remcdy. . ,
<br /> .. iL Sacceuon and Ar.�igna Qauadi�olot nnd Savcra)Lta�ility:Co-sige�ve.The covcnants and q�rccmeats hcrcin conu�incd shall `� �� �•,•,ri-.
<br /> � bind.and 8ie righis htreunder shall inum ta lhe ra�ective successars aad cusigis of Lender nnd Borrower,subject to the pnnvisions of • � . ' ' •r•v>
<br /> � pamgraph 16 hcrcot�'�ll cnvcnants nad o�emenis of Botroveet ehnll be joint und s=vemL Any Bo:rowe�wAn eo-si�ns this 17eed of T[us�but . ., . . �'
<br /> dacs not exccute�he Note.(�)is co-siIInlna this Qs�of Tnut only ta Aunt and canvcy tha3 Borrowera intercst in�he Property to Trustce undar , .' -
<br /> - the tertns of tUis Dctd of Tn�s1,(b)is not petson�lly liable on Ihe Nou ar under this Deed of Ttus4 nnd(c)ngrea that Lender and any otfier ' ' �� _-'
<br /> Bortawer hercundcr may t�rrc to extend,modify.forbefu,or mnka any other nccommodutioas with regavd to ths terms of this i3�d of Trw^t or `' ' '_��'�'� _
<br />�<. the Note with�ut thni Botm�►efs consent und�viifiout relessing that Borrowu or modifying this Deed of Trust as ro tliat Borrowet's intecest in . —, -' -
<br /> the P�operty. ' ' . , , , —
<br /> ' 1Z. Piotlae.fixc�ept for nny notise rcquimd uader upplicable law to be given in another manaer.(a)any notice to Batrower pmvided ,,. . � � ,
<br /> `!;:, far in this Deed of Trust shall bo given by delivering it or by maiWg such notice b�j certi8ed mail addnssed to Bocmnrer at the Property Addtwss '. . �--� , _
<br /> - ur et s�tch otiter eddras t�Botto�ver may desisnate by notice w L.ender as provided derein,and(b)aay notice to[.ender shall 6e given by . ' , .
<br /> '��'� certiSed mail to Lende�s ruldress smted herein or w such oth�addmss as Lmd�may desigaate by notice to Borrower�pmvided[ztrein My �_,s..r�;_.��,;�-!_:'_-._
<br /> y.;• - ,. - s.R�.�.f'_'-_.
<br />�:r,,;- aatice psovided for in�his Dted of Tnist st►all be dee�ed tn have boen give�w Borrower or Lender when givm is�the ma�mer designated he�ein. �.,..,�n;,+,,�-_
<br />..f:'ti' 13. GovPratng[rir�Severability.'fhs sffite aad local[aws appGcable w this Reed of T�ust shal!be the laws of We jurisdiction in `�'��;��?�°�
<br /> ;�•_���: _
<br /> whic6 the Pra�ry is lorated.The foregoing seatence s�all not limit the applicability of Fedetal law to this Doed of T�nst.In the event�hai eny -
<br /> •�`a provision or cisuse of tbis Deed af Tnut or the Tiote conIIicts witb upplicable lav�.sucd conflid shall noi affed otha provisioas of this DeeA of �� -�.-^�_�'��'�f?--�
<br /> Trust or thc Nou which c�n b�giveo effet.t without the confilctfng pmvision,and w this ead the pmvisions of t.his Deed of Tntst and the Note .�?�••.�a.+ ,"`'``'`"- - _
<br /> " ' are declfued to be srretabla As used he�in,°costs'.'�se.s"and"uuomeys'fas"inclade all sums w the ext�t noi piahib(ted bY aPPlicabte ��.�, � ;�„�-�-=_�=• ,
<br />.�j,� ue , ,__
<br /> lawarlimitedherein. _ r` ��____--�
<br />� ..,,.. 14. Borrocver'a Copy.Bormwer s6a11 be fumished a conformed wpy of the Nate and of this Desd of Tnist at the time of exeartion ' _�`,�h-�-;:t�':;_
<br /> ' ar after recardation heaonf. � "`'�' `;--
<br />�: :;` I5. I2eLabllltutlon Loaa A�r+eememt Boarowea s6all fulfill aII of Borrowa's otligx?iaas uaider zny kome iehab�IIatioa, ��' '�, '4n��`
<br /> � °'j improvem4ns,repsir,ar othar laan a�a►t wluc6 Borrower enters into with Lender.Lender,at I.eaFdets o�xtian.�aY recluire�Faa*�cver to '=."--
<br /> -4. e..�1 t ta�tn oe+Ax an aecrasssss�t nf anv ri�ht �� �
<br /> ,; : �earte_...dettx:r.a Leuder,ia e form escr�M�--•-L--•---�o S claims or defenses winic6 He�tcet may h.^se against _•���ti.s,�..e..�`
<br /> pazties who supply labnt.matrxifils or services in connectiun witb impmvements made w the Pcoperty.
<br /> ils
<br />-;.;f�!=� 16. Tnn�fer a!the Property or n Iieae8d�1 Interett In tiorrov�r.If all or any part of the PropeRy or.�a.g i�ierest in it is sold or �f r — �:-.:
<br />'??.�;� transferred(o�if a bzneticlal interest in Boimwer is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a naUUal�eisna) eitLrr.:Lende�s prior written ; ,,
<br /> .��`;,; corsent,Lender msy.at its opdon.re4uine immediate paymeat in fa11 of all sivas sec�ed by this Deod¢FTnut. However.t4is option shall noi .., � ".
<br /> ''"'"i be exercised by l.ender if cxerclse is pro�siied by fedaal law as of the date of this Deed of Ttnst. ?.t„.
<br /> `"'``" Tf Lenda excrciaes this option,Lendea shaU�-+�e Borrower notice of acceleration.'Ftte noflce shall p�vide a periad of nnt less than 30
<br />_ .,, ..� , ;.
<br /> �� days from the dau the aotioe is deliveced or mailed K'r�vaicd Borrower must pay ell siuns secured by thts Deed of Trust If Borrower fafils to �_`.�r _
<br /> � ;:{ pay th�se s�s prinr w the expuatian of this petiod L�raa'c�y invoke any cemedies pennitted by tDis Deed of Tn�st without�u�tha aatice or ; ,r �
<br /> , .,_ti( ..
<br /> , ,' dcmandon$osrower.
<br /> .;i�, nON-UMF02tMCOVENANF�.BorrowerandLenderfcud^.�o���enantandagreeasfollows: �� .:• -
<br /> •;'��y f7. Aueisrntion:Remedles L's.cepi as pto�-idefJ in p .,nTM L5 heceo�upon Borrowefs breac6 of say sovenant or ageement of =-1" ' � s` °
<br /> i c, Baaower in this Deed of 7Yust,including the covenxn�tn pay when due arry sums secured by Wis Deed of Trust,Lendu prior w aoceferation � I 5_ "�`�
<br /> ..'•f shaU give notice to Bwrmver as provlded in paragaph 12 hereof speclfying:(1)the breacb;(2)We action cequiced to cure sud►breach;(3)a .�;���'�;,;)•'
<br />,'�.�-4'- __,.�s...
<br /> .;�?�; dsGe,not less than 10 days fmm t�e dnte�:norice is mss3leA to Bomower,by whlc6 such breach must bs cAred;and(4?t�ai f�ilnre to wre sucb �°���
<br /> si -
<br /> -_�;:,�_' brach on or before ths date spxified in�:r�ecace may result in acceteration of the sucns secured by this�exd of 7tusi and sale of the Propaty. ,� .�;�.' :,.A'��_
<br /> The notice shaU flirthsT 9�'orm Borrower cft3e rigAt w reinstaie after acceletation and the right to 6ring a caurt acdon w assert the uanxdste�ce � s' •'+�'�=--_
<br /> of o defmilt or say olher defense of Bo:ro�w accet�ion and sn2e.If the breach Is not aaed an or 6efore the�spe�fied'm tihecodce, •':'=;.,,��;;;.
<br /> I.eade,at Lenders apiian,may declare aU of the svm�scs�by this Deed of Twt m f�ammediately due anA pay�'�7t•�out flv�-r.Qa:...aad � ,��
<br /> J#��� and muy imoke the pnw�uf s�ate and any other reane c�.�+�-�+;ued 6Y aPPllcable law.:,�3er shail be entitled to coR:.�all reasona8'_:a��a� � � �;-r ;�
<br />�,:•,�,;;: e�cpenses tncurred in pmsuing Qie teme�ies pmvided in 'G�is paragtaph Y7 includiAg,but nat llmited to,t+�asonable attomeys'fees. ..�.. ����'..
<br /> �°a,', i�Faeader invokts the power o��:�Lenda shall execate ac ca�:Trusrr.e to execute a wri�m:�ce of ihe ocaraence of��r:at of ��'a,,.i,'�,.. - �;��;: �
<br /> I '``f� default�eh"Lendet's election to��issce Property to be sotd m�d fi�i csr�se sueD nodee to be rum3fcai:lin e�e�:::mry in whieh tJse Ptopeaty , I�.t�R�i,� . , ,;�
<br /> ` + or some part tttsreof is locsted.Le:tder or"�n�stee shall mail.00pies of sa:S notice in the mmmer prestn'b:i'bY�qi'sai5��l�w.Tnutee shaU giva. 4� ,t.
<br /> �� . �.�,:i:'-.�..
<br /> ��•��.;� publIc nodce oYsala to tbe p�sons and in the masmer prescn'bed by uppNcable Iaw.After ths lapse af such time as o��i�requlred by applicable �-�—�----
<br /> IIIWTmstce,wit6out demand on Borrower,shall seU the Property at public auction to the highest bldder at the t:�n..snd place ercd under IIia ���� '`���`��� �
<br /> . �..-�y.�..y'.�,,., `
<br /> �'��ic•�� teims desi�ated in the notioe of sale iu ene or more parcels and in such order as Trustee may determiae.Tnistee ma5 P�sKpone sale of alt or anY � E�+�'�.'r 3:'�.."�
<br /> ,`R,.:�� .
<br /> `� ,.; . Faiee{aff the Froperty by publlc ann��u-.csment as the Ume aad pl2ae of any previously seheduleS rs�s�.LenCer or l.ende�s deslgnce may , 1�.,. ` � °
<br />,�.%.,•�, ..�:�>;c:�•.
<br /> :;;,�„ . putsh;�c tSr�Propeaty at any sal�. . +l' . .� , . .
<br /> ',�,`::�`. 'fn9.ee sh�ill deliver to the p:�~dsaser Tnutee's dxd co�r r�i��the Proptrty so sold withc�^.acy cove�cas wnnaaty.expressed or ..��� � �;, y
<br /> � '•;'�' implIed.TtL,t+ecitels In i�a 7Yustce�s deed shall be yri:::��:facie eviG�c�of the truth c.°the sta*esne�made 3herais Trustce shall apP1Y�C '� Y`�;:s,";.
<br /> �,;;��'��'. praceedv of the sale in ihe fnliowtng order.(u)to a11�-n�hlc wsts�,i expenses of::a ssilG includin�Eut not limi:;d to,reasonable Tnutee's ,._., �',�";i�z:
<br />;r�:;F y;.� and azt�ry�fas ead oosts of title eviG�c�(D)to a1l sums srcured ir_.��•Is Deed of Trust;aa�(c)dv.e;ccess, if any,to the person or peisons -,. �.�._
<br /> ,.. �. , ���:,—ar�-:;:_:.:
<br /> :' •;�P lep,�liy entitkd theteto. �,+�tl.;^y°�'""L
<br /> � 18. BorroRes'i Itlght to Iicinsbtte.T�otwit�standing Lenders acceleration of the s�s se�rtd bq tAis Deed of Trust duo W L, '2.t`yh`h�,�,;;t;l;;
<br /> _,,.,,�:
<br />";;;n�4� Bortawds breac6,Barro�ver ahall have the dghs m�.:.�s�e any procecdinga begun by Lender w enfor�ti:is Q�!af Trr;st disoontinued et eny --- -.� � �n.-
<br />'r. . time prior to the earlier to aorur of(i)thc tiRD day befom sale ofihe Properiy pwsunnt W the power of s�a oc�..�.irai in.this D�d of Tratt or(i7 ���?`.�:,-��;:
<br /> • •�'• cntry of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Tnist if:(a)Borrower pays l.ender all sums which would I�ri:r.�d�a cs.��'er this Deed of Trust aad ,•�"'`�',";�'"•
<br /> , tho Naie liad no accelerNion oowrred;(b)Borrowu cures e1l breaches of any other covenants or agr�ee�r�rs of Bortower contained in thLs Dced � ����W��������
<br /> :o:�.�'�.
<br /> � of Tnis�(c)Borrowcr pays nll reasonubl�acpenses incurred by I.ender and Trustee in enforcing the eoven�tv and a�ramentv of Bomower ��_-- _
<br /> :. . canWned in tD�is Deed of'tYust,and ln enfot�cing l,endets and Trustee's remedies ns pmvided in para�h 17 hercof,including,but not timited — ---
<br /> .' c to,ccasonable attom�y�lers;and(d)Boaower mkes such actian as Lender may reazonably rcquirc to assur�e that Ihe 13en of this Deed of?rust, --_-- �
<br /> • L.i:ndes's intcrest In the Property and Borro�vets obli�ption to pay thc sums securcd hy thls Deed of Tnut shall continue unimp�ired.Upon such ����`}.,
<br /> � a ent and cun [3omotir•c�,this Deed of Tnist and the obli tlons secured hareb shall remain in full force and effect ag if no acceleration � . .
<br /> • P Ym tiY Bo Y •�o=-:-.-
<br /> had occurred. :�r-�,
<br /> +?:'p�-'.i�tu..'Y .
<br /> i:--?4�T�tlltj.. . .Y. .
<br />' ��.._
<br />. '�' 'ti".. —.
<br /> •....�M.,.��.�..k '
<br /> . .t .
<br /> . � ..._
<br /> ___..
<br />'—.._. � _��.C��l'it. ' �
<br /> 1_.. . _-----
<br />- .. t� ''{:li;�l. � � ---
<br /> !��iS�.• .
<br /> �B�tASECA•SECOND MORTGAGE-1l�30 FA1MA/FHLlirffC UIdIFORM fN5TRQIR/dEh e;$e 3 of 4 Form 3i328 � • ��� ;� '•' ;, �
<br /> � •�. .,.���..�,s.,..
<br /> ..K. • _-_-_..
<br /> . . .11� / '(;�!i . .. �: . . . . .
<br />., �' . ._ _. • a� .r . .�..� . �;Tlt�jy.� . . . .... ,� . ' . ' .. ... .. , . �1 . . . . .. - . . ` . . . . .. .. ' . • . . . , . _ .._ .�. - . .
<br />