��:P{T... . . . ` . .. . .., .. . .l _ . .. �... ^F __.
<br /> _ ' . " . `�`'' . ' ` ' . . . _ � , .. 1�.. ... n ^._ Ir S� ' ' ,.
<br /> i.f : ,�
<br /> t. . . ` �,1• . .,� � ��� ,
<br /> _ " _ ' '—" .�h�
<br />. ' '� . �N.��t.. .
<br /> • • �O ����� ",•C• Je•Cr••yy` .
<br /> UNIFORM COVEiVP+NCS.Borrovree aad l.ender coveaant and agree as foqows: •- �.., ',�.:'. .� ? �,`�•_:
<br /> 1. Payment oi Princiga!and Interrst Botrower s6a11 pmmpttY PaY whea�due the principal and interest indobtedness evidenced by . .: . �.:'.�`:;`-
<br /> ••. • -=,-a-
<br /> ' the Nate end tate eharges uc pmvided'm t�e Tiote. .. � � - :�•:':.°-
<br /> 2. Fands for Taaes aad Ynsnrnnce.Slibject to applic�!e law or a writtea�vaiver by Lander.8otro�vu shall pay to l.eader an the . � ..� �,. r .
<br /> ' day monthlY Payme�of principal und inic�est are payabie nnder the Nat��m81 the Note is paid in fu3b a sum(herein"Funds"D alual to ono- `' � -,.=
<br /> �:•�;..,�,-__..
<br /> twetfth of tfis yr.uly�ces mid assc�smsnts(ineluding condominium and planned nnit development nss�stnents. if my),whicL may attnin ,. . :'}y;�
<br /> prioriry over this Deed of Tmst,and ground cents on the Prapsccy,if any+•Plus onam•elRh of yearly pmmium instalimcnts for h�rard iasuran+x. . .': ; ' �
<br /> plus one-nvelRh of yearly premium installmentv for mortgage Insurance.if anY,nU ns reasons�l4ly est�ated initiaity and Eirrom time to tcme by __.,.,��. --
<br /> 0
<br />' Lender on the basis of assessments and bilts ortd reasonable estim3tes thereof.Borrowu shall not be eblignted to muke s�ch paymeats af Fuads t'i"'°s°''''""'t �
<br /> ,:`� to Lender to the extertt thai�omawer makes such payments to the holder of a prior mortguge or dced of wst if suct►holder is an institutfanal . - _ _ �. . .�%t,;;
<br />-� lendea ` � : `,
<br /> If Borrower pays Funds ro Lender,ttte Funds shall he hetd in an in.stitutlon the deposIts ar nccaunb of whieh utc insured or gua�a3ecd �, ��
<br /> ` :� by a Fcdxra!or smie ageacy(inclading Lender ii Lertder is such an institutian).Lender shall npply th$Funds to pay satd wx¢s,asscssrnent�. ,: •, ., . ,y `,,�,� :
<br /> � ,� insurnnce premIums and graund rents.Lendu mn�not charge for so holding and appiying the Funds,cianlyzing s�id account or verY,'ying und � .y r r,^,. ,t.L� .. ; _
<br /> . � comptiing sai�assr,ssma�ts nnd bitls,unless Lender pays Borrower in.�erest on the Funds nnd applItable taw perarits 4cnder to maYe such o .r. r -,�-
<br /> .1 ct�arga Borrowcr ond l.ender may ngee in writiag ai the ume of aceeution of this Deed of Tnut thai interast on the Funds shall bc pald ro --A4.h'P�`�.,.�,�''?���;-.
<br /> L •,[ Bormwer,ead unless such e�reement is made ar applicable law requires svch interest ta 6a p�Id,Lrad�sliail not be roquired to pay Bo:rower ' �,��:.r.
<br /> "• � any int�st or eamings on the Fwd�.Leudv shail gtve to Bmrotivc�withont cbargc,aa aunual e,ccountia3 of the Funds showing aedits su►d ''-��'.���" .� ;.
<br /> .�,-•,
<br /> " R debi�to th�e Fun�and the purposc for which each debit w the Fimds w2s mada 71�s Fun3t r�e p!�dg¢d�s ed4itiorea!security for ths sums . � .. ;: ...;`s."?�,►°�'
<br /> r,' ,
<br /> $P.QD'Ed�3}f Lh1$�CC{��f riUS1. w�''`p`���-�`�.-�-'i .
<br /> .�,�s if the amotmt of t6e Funds betd 6y Leuder,wgether wit6 the futune monffi►y mnallments of Fands psyable prtor to she dua drses af _;��.—_�__- _=
<br /> taxes,asessment4,msuzanoe premiums ead gound rents.shaU exceed the amount cequind ro pay said taxes.assessm�su.uuur�tce premiums :�+-'r.,
<br /> > and guund rents ns they fa�l du�,such excess sball 6�at Borrow«'s opdon,eiWer pmmptty rcpaid w BormKC�or aedited to Borrosver o� � -
<br /> . mcnth.�y iastaltmenis of Funds.If the amanmt of the Fuads held by Lender shall aoi be sufficieat to pay tmces,ess�sm�tr.insm"an�e Pnmiums �r �� ;
<br /> and grosmd rents as thcy fall du�Bamowu shall pay[o Lwder arry emount necessary to malce ap the deSctensy i�n nm or mos2 psymmts es '�„���„ �� �=
<br /> r ��'�
<br /> : I.etder may reqnire. "� —'
<br /> ' Upon payment in full of atl sauns sec.tsued by this Dad of�'nrsY.Lender sha11 pmmpdy t�c�d m Bortower any Funds h:tcfl�yr Lender. ,-'� r'—; `
<br /> se e
<br /> -- �m��pa��2ph 17 haeof the Pmpertq is sold or the Property is¢v��cvise ac.�uihd by Lender,d.eo33er s6sU aDP�Y•no laier th��.d:�lely � _:;; ' � Y —_'
<br />. prior to ihe sale of the Property or its acquisition by L�uder,any F�:�s hetd by Lcader at the tima oF application as a credit u�...x+'�s sums r,;,- ''� '_.
<br /> ; tim -'r�'
<br /> • serur;,d by this Beed of Tnut �'�.;=T�_
<br /> `: �'� 3. Applkation of Paymnntu Unless applicable law�iides othawi�se,a11 Payat�fs received by Lendet andes��L��s!e and •�.v:�_��___
<br /> „� parag�1 and Z heteof shall be applted by Leada first in payffieei af,amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under pazagiapb Z l���� _ 's•�-�,�-
<br /> to ie*e�s paya6le oa the Not�and tbfn m the princi8al of tha Nc�. . - � . `� �
<br /> n
<br /> 4. Prior Morttgnges aad LAe�iss af'�ras��ar��u�.�orrowu shall perform all of Borrowe�'s obli�atiaav�mder�•mortgage. :.. '.�• �
<br /> : �
<br /> deed of trnst oT other seeurity a�ent wifh a t:�ea�'r.;.da�.�7riority over this D�d of T�ust.iactuding Bormwe�'s covenants m malce -°--:.�'��'-�:�,.<_..__'::
<br /> ,:i�, ...i_,�r- .
<br /> PaY��+s�vhen due.Borrmver�all pay ar canse Oz l�e�re;f��:es.a�ents and o�er charges.ftr.cs and impositions aun"Cvtable to the ` ��i;i��'�'�,::
<br /> ' A'O�ver.?'tvh[C11 m1y SGa[n a ptioriiy uti� 'Lvu' Deed C:'1"-.:�7�ti.i!'�thold payments o��ImtRd cenis.tf aay. ' '�� �;1;;�
<br /> S. Auard Insarance.Sw�m�vcr sLall keep the imp���ats now e�cisttng or herea�er xroe3od on die PmPertY insured a$ains�toss ',�,�..
<br /> included within the rr�m"c�etended coveiage",��?s�other har�rds as[.eader ssrqy neqp'tta nnd in such amounts and for svch ,.,,� _ -,'�'• .
<br /> _. 8Y fe*a,±hn�rds ,�t,.f, . .: •�, .
<br /> . perioc�,scs���dermayrequtre. `.� ':
<br /> 3'�e iasaiance carrier pmviding tha inswance shall be chose�hy Borrower subject to appsaval by Lender;provided,thot such appsovat •'-; ;-
<br /> � ' sha11�.y�r.�tmreasonabty withhcld.All iu..rurance policies end�:.r.,��zls thereof shull be in a fosm accepteble to I.ender and shall inctude a �� �•�
<br /> n
<br /> ����. ;e;;:�...
<br /> � sta��tnrrE�raortg,age ctuuse in favor of and In a form acceptable to��r.Lender shnll have the ri�tt to hold We policles and reaewals the►eo� : w-
<br /> sulsj3dtrnu the tenns ofaay mort�tge,deed of tavst or ather secwitg.��nem with e tien whicb hzJ�dor[ty over this Deed of 7'r� �,•,,�;:.•.�', ,
<br /> ' In the event of loss,Srnmwcr shsili give pmmpt nodc���:9nsuiance carrier and Lrnd�.Lender may malce proof of 5�ss if not made �. •; •:::.;�'
<br /> . , promPtlY bY BoTrower. - -'�y������-
<br /> �1.�; if the Property is abandoned by Eortawer,or if Bortower fails to respond to Leader wlt6in 30 days from atie d�e notice is mailed Dy ���, .:�,t���__
<br /> 3,.;.�to Borrower thai the insurnnce c�rtiu offers to settle a c?aim for insvrance benefit9,Lender is aathotir,a�to cOL'eei and eppfy tAe . -,: _:.,�,:r,:;
<br /> ;��� . i^�arntcc�Qloceeds ai Lende�s op6on eittter to restorazion or rep��c!'r�e Property or to the svms secured by tAis Azed of'f'w2. ' •;.,,'.,x,q, :.� . .;,
<br /> '�':=; �e. Prrservattoa aad 11tarl�easnee of Property;l,ea�thc�xJs:Condominiama:Pi�nmsrlJ Quft Davefopmco�.Bc�wtT+�ar s�ill keep _•,��.,�.�::�.:�.,,;.�.
<br /> ;;�;:; � 1ae��,�sy in gocd rspa[r and�t1 not commit aaste or pe�a�pairment or detedoratian a3 the Property end shall�:.�fy witb tae ��-= ---- -
<br /> -. �----
<br />, �.'_"4".. Drovisi�s:S�ay:1�r�this Deed of Trust is on a lcauhold if this Deod of Trust is on a anit in a condominium or a pIanned uait dereloptne�t, �- �._�`»,.,
<br /> ' ' Borr-c*.�•�nall pef.,.�a11 of Bnmuwsfs obllg�tions under the declers►tion or covenfmts creating or goveming the condomlrilum or planned unit
<br /> ,��: deve��cnt,the bylaws and r�e@utafionrs of the conGominium os pi�^.ned unit development,and coastitumt documents. ::t'° ' ��
<br /> • . j 7. Protectlon of Leador's&cartty.ff Boaawa fails tc�I,�rform the covenanb and agreements cnntt►ined in this D�t�sYTcust.or if •�:�.�,,� •. . ...
<br /> �� a�y act�an ar proceeding is wmmmced whtch msterially affects Lmsir.fs interat in Uie Property,t4�en l.ender.a.t Lendets a�tfc�.:qyon notice to ;. ;�,::
<br /> � Becr�wu,may make such apprainnces,disbutse such sums.�:r�g aeasonable sttomeys'fers.and take such actton as is ^x;�ry to proted `
<br /> � r.a nn _
<br /> : ; Lendc�s interest.If Lender requlred moAguge ins�,�r�oe as a x+ai�on of making the loaa secaused by thLs Dced c�f"slrust,Bonawer shall pay the
<br /> Fratd:�ms requined to malntnin svch ins.vmnce 1n e�e��:.�'=�=►c�Wne as the requirement for such iasumnc�tarminates i�accardnncc with .��
<br /> - :_. . ���.
<br /> ' � klar,aaetsandLeadefawtittanegcisemmtorapplicablel�iw. _-.
<br /> . My emounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to C:s y�tcc�r�aph 7�Wltll llltClCS�tI1E?E6A,SL t�1G NOL°T2:P�Sj18S��CRn6 BAdILj8i18I •+"��`"�"'.a:,•�`_>
<br /> ..:� iECr3d��.'ness of Boirower secuied by this Deed of Trust Un1�mimower and Lender egc+ee to other terms of g�.��b s'.�nh umnuntv sha11 be ---- ---_.�_'--
<br /> �. ;�.,�; �s��:u;�upan aotlas&am Lendet to Botmwer reguesdng paya�s�t z}.lxeof.Nottring conta3nsd in Ws par�?sha11 teQuira Lmder to inau Y====.,�;,
<br /> s:ryxr�}pen.�or taice any ectian he.-eunder. _ �
<br /> x ei
<br /> 8. Impecttoa.Lcnda mny maka or cause to be made cracrr,3bto aitries upon and Inspectia:s of tAx Prop:rtY+pmv�cltd tl��t Lender aa��
<br /> � sE�D'i�,;,-roe 8oaower aoGce priar w any sucb inspection specifyiag«a�:aabJe caose th:re`or relatzr3 2o Y�de�s inta$st in th�Pra�e�ty. _ =_�-__ -__ -
<br /> _;-�;-.a._ - :.:.�:
<br /> 9. Coademutioa.Tlie pracads of any award or ctaim.x damages,direct or coaseqi.�tla1,in carmxdx+witb any o�ndemnstian or �.d+...��-.-.��r!_
<br /> other tziking of the Pmperty,or paR thawf,or for conveyance in lieu of condeamatloo.are hereby ossigned and shall be paid to Lender.subject l
<br /> � to the tums of an}+mortgage.dad ofUust or other saurity agrament with a lien whlch has priority over this ISsed af T�ust . -
<br /> • 10. Eorrower Not Refeued; Forbanna By Lender Not o Watver. Extension of the time for puyment or modiflcaHon of % �' • •'�.._
<br /> amortiration of the sums secured by thls Deed of Tcust gante0 by Lender to any successor in inter�est of Borrower shall not operate to release,in "?' '+��*
<br /> ' . any m�nner.the llabitity of the adginal Bortuwer tmd Boaower's suocesson in _ ��� , � ��M�
<br /> . ,a;;�;��ti;•��
<br /> t` .':�4�::�_+;ti3+", .
<br /> � =�.f,:- y....�:r.�..
<br />. . , yv':�;•.`r.e:.-,
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<br /> . . NE1gItASK�!-SECOND MORTGAGE-1/�0 FNMA/FHLMC IJIVII�ORM INSTRUNib Page 2 of 4 Form 38Z8 � .. . .".
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