--:�---fi - _ _
<br /> �.s i� .T _ •�' ' ' � ' - • --° 'C =
<br /> �. 't- . '• . --�
<br /> '� '.J'::S - -�-- T{i-�- 'a`- st'' . - ` . _ ; . ' .� �_E��'.'_ --
<br /> i` - - -- ' ="'' - - t�. . - ---�_ - - -
<br /> . :; -<-- -
<br /> -rvl�f��^�'�ri � • . `` ` � •. . ' �( _ � f y'. " (� Y `� � V r � r � c�` v `' . . . .,"
<br /> �_ - .- _ .- :__. _.° — - _"' _.. _ _. __.. _-__ . ._ _' --��. .� —��� — _ � _`__� .—.
<br /> ._ C-. � ... . . � . . �. . — _ , ���� �. . _ ` > �
<br /> _ ` . . � ..._ ' . . . .. � C .
<br /> ,+ � c ' liiiv m�Y�Y fo�rd�)6efae saie of N�e Prgperty.Pur�u!q�nY Po'Her o�s�fe connined ii�this . :
<br /> � Sec��y b�o�`ar(b)�ry of�3�a�f°n.'i°g das SeauicY-1as�u�m� '�l�os�ra�ditiaas ace.lpu Boaawer: ta) .
<br /> ` P�Ys l�alt sums whicu then would•be due under this Se�u�itY Insu�m�d�aed the Note as if ao accekr#tion had � � ,
<br /> occac�e$(b)a�a anY default of�ny ather ravanats or�ment�{c}pays aU expe�sa incuned in aifo�ing this SecuritY
<br /> � 't�nm�pst,iacloding,6ot not limited ta.trasao�bk aua�aeys`fee�wd(c�nTcts snch ac6an as Irende.�may reasonably
<br /> . re�ure w as�e ti�t dre li�qf this Secuciry Iasamnent,Lend�er�s rigtus in the Y�operty�nd Bomnwer�obligazioo to pay the
<br /> �,s��•� Sx�itS!Tnmum�t shail cantinue ancMmged- UPon
<br /> �ein�temen� bY.Bo�ur�r�r. this Saaai�Y
<br /> -_-- �?t�.t�bliEu'�otu seaued ha�bY sAaU rem�ia fullY effective as ff no acceTetarioa I�d oc�d. Howtvec,this - � _.
<br /> _ - � - :
<br /> � pardgtapL 17.
<br /> ��-.,��'s"lmll nat app1Y m the qse of aocelastion nnder - : ; -with ilus�..cucity - -
<br /> , �-_ .. .. ,. �i.or Senkei The Nau ar A�p�tia!-i�s.st in tI�e�Tuu tw8�
<br /> ,�- Il:;:Si��[N��
<br /> Iaunmi�ic)�a�i�;.bc soid aoe or more time.s wi�out pria natioe��ou and�uriry $Insau�ment. There�ls�o �
<br /> .. (known sg tTo�e�ac+ut.Sar�ca"2 that oollats moatbtY PaY��
<br /> mty be oae or muet c6aa�esd the I.wn Ssrrioa ua�related_to�sak of the Note. If thene is a cts�Se of tbe Loan Swices,
<br /> -Bermwtr w�1 be pvea�aotice of die c6ange in axoN�nce with para�rapb l�above and applicabt�taw. Tl�e notice �.-----
<br /> w�l ante the r�re and addcsss of d�e ne�v Loan Servicxr md die addcess to�wluct�payiiknts sUoWd bc made.1f�t iwtice w�1 _
<br /> ' alw�aaY dba intam�tiaa reqaired bY�PP�liw
<br /> _ 2�. Hs�rdo�s S�t�. Barower sh�ll not cause oi pr�mit the pcesencG,us�disponl:storsge.or nkase of any .
<br /> _ � H�zaNau Subst�nces a►or iA tbe P[openy: Hamwer shall not do.nor ailow�n�rane else to do.utythuig affecting tbe --
<br /> - � . �pmperty dat is in viovtioo of�ny Eavivadr�ental Law. T!�preceding two sentences sh:li rat appty to the presenc�.ust.ar
<br />- - -ston=e oe the PioQaty-of am�ll qusntities of Hazardous Substltices that ut gerkr�lty tecogniud to be�appropriue to nonnai �
<br /> residawal ttse:and to m�inta�nce of the RopertY. _=
<br /> _.3 Bocm�yet sh�U promptly give I.eiida vvsitta�notice of any uivestigation.c1alm,deman�l,lawsuit a ottKr acaon oy�ny ��,,
<br /> .�,�,p�p�ai a re�yWay s�uy a private p�ty invotving the Prapeny an8 aaty Huudous Substance or Envfronmental =�--
<br /> �= Uw of�vhich BomQwa has �ctual bwwkdge. If�omowa le�ms, a is notified b`y any govemmental or ngulatory ��_
<br />-��_ authaitY.twa�y nmoval a otl�er'nmediation of any Hazuda�s Subs�nce�ffec[ing the Propeny is naxssary.Bamwa �-: .
<br /> swU ppnptly taice all naxssaiY remodiai actians in accocdsnce with F.�tvimnrt�ent�l I.aw. ��-T__ _
<br /> ,',`r ' As used m this psrigraPb ZO•"HaT�rdous Substances"sme those substat�ces def'med as toxic 6r ha�rdous substu�ces by �—
<br /> g.�v�mnsnpual Iaw and tbe following substurces: gasoline,kemsen�.other flamr�ble or toaic peaoleum products.toxic �=-
<br /> y pesiicides and Aerbicides.votaale soiveats,matuials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and radioactive materlals. As �_�
<br /> . used in Q�Is paragraph 20,"Envunnmenea!Law"means fe�etal laws and taws of the jurisdictiaa wbere the Ptoperty is lacated '_���`:-
<br /> th�t nlau w health.safety or em�isanmental protection. �`� `�
<br /> � _:._
<br /> � � NON-UlJIFORM COVENAN'PS• Bocrower and 1.ender futthet coveaant and agree as follows: . ' '� �ti�
<br /> ,. L e a d e r s6aU e ootice ta Borrawer pcior to accdesstion foitavving BorroWtr's �,�=�L.-�
<br /> ^'� Zl. Acaekntloa;R�edies. 8�' `-��°':�-
<br /> ��:. prqch ot anp covenaet ar apreemeet in Wis Security In�rament(but nat prior to accelemtion under paragrnpb 17
<br /> n qa the defanit;(6)tf,e Adioe reqo � �
<br /> • uolas applica6ie Isnr pro�ides Mheswtse). TLe aotice si�atl speci�,." ? ired to eure tbe ��rR'
<br /> ��;`:`
<br /> _ .';. def�dt:(c)���ot tess than 30 da's trom the d�te the aMioc r��sn to Borro�ver,.by w6icb tbe defautt must 6e �g�-
<br /> :,,. ..`� _ �, . in tbe sotice msy resalt in s�aleratlon ot -- _- -
<br /> cured;aed(d)�at taaoer tu cace the defaalt on or betore the date specj[ied n s a e
<br /> `.;: the sunm�ec�by tAis Se�vritS'I�ran�nt�nd sak o[t6e Property. The aotia shaU iartbar iaform Barrowa�ot �?�,-;�°°
<br /> � the*khe w�ate sRe�s acakratian snd the right to M�ing�t cairt sCtloo to asserE tbe nort�steace ot s default a - �
<br /> �--�.
<br /> - `� � any dher defeese ot Barower to accekratba and sala Nthe defaa{t is�at eured oa oc 6efore the date specified in : L`�,-.
<br /> ":��,�'� ''' � the n o t k e,Lend��at its option tnay reqaire immediate paymeet in fidi of sll sams secured by tiis Security Iastrameat �''�`'�'=��_
<br /> ♦ �.'��;•T��.
<br /> without fuRher dertwnd and may tnvoke the power o f s�1e an d any o t her re m e di e s p e r m i t t e d b Y a P P��b l e l a w . �3 -
<br /> ` Lender abpll be entitkd to colkd all expeases Incarred in parsaing tde remedies provided in this PangraPh 2l, t.:� '
<br /> �; .;., . '
<br /> ' ` incluAing,6at not Ihnited to,reasona6k Attorneys'fees and costs oi title tvldeac� ; ::•: _
<br /> ' ��- � If t6e pawer of sale is invoked,Trustee s6aq record a notice of detault in each county in which any past of t1�e ;;::��:. �
<br /> ;,.�, ,: = �"'��
<br /> . ,'. - property is tocated s�nnd s1w11 mAil copies utsuch notia in the manner psesc�ibed by xpplicabk law to Boerower and to �;.:-..• .-
<br /> `,; .._ �
<br /> t��p�ss�s prescribed by applkabk law Aiter the tlme reqaired by applicable law,Trustee shail give public � ��;� .: _
<br />. notioe ot s�fe to the ptrso�a and in the manner prescribed by appliqble law. Truste�without demand on Borrower. ;,, .
<br /> ' s1uiU seD tUt Yroperty at publk Aacttoo to tbe highest biddec s►t tt�e Hme and piace and under the terms desigeated in ,:.-�;,, ,'.._: .: ;
<br /> ne saie Of aU Or any s::;'_,r
<br />, •�:, • s• the nWice otsale in oneti�0 k pnnouncement at the time�and P ace of an previously schedp ul d sa1e. Lender or its '���;�:? �
<br /> � f'.'�. paral of tAe Bropertq Y P ' .
<br /> :',;. desi�ee mo9�urchase the Property at any sAk. , `� -
<br /> ' Upnu receipt ot payment ot the price bid,Trostee s6a11 deUver to the purchase�7�'u�ta s deed coeveying the
<br /> property. The recitals in the 7bustce's deed shall be prima facie evidence o/the teuth ot the statements made therei�. �..4 � •
<br /> , : �sh911 apply the praceeds at the sale ln the tollowing order. (a)to 911 costs and expenses ot extret�ieg tlie power �;�., �� �,,.�:
<br /> �:,, .
<br /> a' �r�:.;:' . ..
<br /> •;• .
<br /> :� �
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<br /> � � i �
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<br /> . .. ' ����;��Y Furm3028 9lYO (Pn�eSn)hpntesr � .
<br /> ����� -:y. •. ' � I .
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