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<br /> . . � . . - � :� . � ; � - .- , - �r:��� ���.
<br /> � - ' .co�damaticn or aher takin�of an�r prt of the i�4o�e�ty.a fa conveyance in t'ieu otcondemi�ation:irc Aereby asai�ned and
<br /> � • `�da�ll be piid k�Lcn�icr. `. :- '
<br /> . .� ta Me_eveat d a iobi,t�ina af d�e Pnopaty.die sipiil be app�iod ta the sums aocurcd by this Secwity 4
<br /> . ir�nent.whether ar nd,lttd�due,with any excess � ta pono�res. In Ihe event oi a partia!faking of the�Roperty in
<br /> � ' which tbe faiF�tket value o�the Froperty immediatety`beCa+e tAe taking is cqual m or gncatu than tde amouat bf the sums
<br /> - �etuned'by t�i+SeCUqty Tt�ttuinent iminedately t�efarr ti�e taking unk�s.s 8arower a�xl Lrpdcr athcrvrisc agrce in writing,
<br /> ' the wn�s aewred by this SecJriry instnunent ahal!6e reducod by the�nwunt of the procceds multiplied by Ux fol(owing �
<br /> f�ction: f�)tbe Wta!amourtt of the sums secured imaxdimly Dcfnr`e the t�lcing,divided by(b)the fair martcet value of the• �
<br /> -- -Prtipe�tg�twr�dia�eljrbefarr�sc takistg. -My 6at�ncc slwl!6c paid to 8o�v�ru. la ehe eveaE of a pattial taking n€-ihe.- , -_ -
<br /> — .- � Piopecty ia w�ich.tl�-fau market'vahse of titie Pr�sFertyi�i�ociy ticfm�e t!x t�king is�less�n 1he�o�mt o€dic sau� - , � -- - -
<br /> socdned immediat�ly befone the ta8ing.unlass Bortawet and Leader otirerwise agree in wridng or unless applica6k Iaw
<br /> dhe�wi�pnwide.c.the pmcceds shall be appliaf to tl�e sunt4 sccured by Ihis Security Instrumeiu.whether ar not Ihe xums are _—
<br /> thm Eiue. _ ' -,;�..,.•. '� �: :::::,. ,
<br /> iF U�P[opa�ty is�daKloixd b�$i?�tiiiwe�-�cu if..atler aotice by Lender tu Bamwer�:�-�ademnor offers to make
<br /> :`�rt�twuda��tl.elt r�d�:�'r'�rR�es:��.1��r�,sia se.spond to Lender wit6in 3l►da�rs a�er�date tTie aotice is given,
<br /> . .. 'Y;rnder fis;a�[ionaed tarcv�t.�nd:a�t��e.pi�eoe�'s;ac ics opian,either(o restto�ation ar�s�r:uf the Pmperty or to the
<br /> _„� ::.�:
<br /> � , awnt sECUred�iq Ihis Sec�ani[}�i�'�;.s�l�etller or not tlien due. . -- :, -
<br /> - Unlass[:ender anct�a`suwer ot�v��se agree in wcitiag..aoy applicatian uf prpceeds ta pnacip�i-shtdl net euend or
<br /> � - postpa�e tbe due date af tbe monthtY paymeiNS.rcferred Io in�raphs!a�2 or change the amonnt of such psyments.
<br /> ' - ii. aorrower Nat Rekned; F�t �l I.e�der Not a Nrairer. Eatension of �he time�for payment.or_ �
<br /> - - modifiptidn af unortization af thc sams sernRd by this Suurity tnstroinea�gr.�ntEd by Lender to any successor in•iatercst � . __-
<br /> - of Bortower st�ll not oper�te to re{e�se the liability af the originrf Bnrrower or Borrower's sucres.uxg in interc�t.L.ender . __
<br /> � sh�lt not be tequi�ed ta commence pocoedings against any auccc.tcdr i�iaterest or refuse ta eatend ti�e for payment ar . ____—
<br /> -- — " dherwi�e nrndify amo�tizatian o[Ihe sumai sccuned by Ihis Sec�uity Instrumrnt by rca�n of any demand maQe by the originai - -
<br /> - — . 8ontwrer ix Bormwsr?�auccer�oas in intere�t. Aay f�e hy l:+eudes in exerclsing any right ar remedy shall.nol be u ' — __-
<br /> ° ' wsiver of�x�ludc�M:exereixs af tw►y rIgIN�x nnK�ly. , �°.
<br /> - - - - , . 13.-����;�e��N�y:G�si�er�'i't��ve�ntsand agaeements af i6i4 `__--
<br /> _ Security In�tnunernt stWil bind�nd 6eneGt thc�ucccs�as ond a�sigmt of Lende�and&xrower.su6ject 1a thc�ravisions of =���
<br />=`-.r pwyryih 17.Bormwer'a covetwnt�ond�gaement��fwll he joint and�several. Any Bortnwer wha co-signs this Security �-�--�==
<br /> tmtnmxnt but does na eaecuce the Nae: (a)is co-�i niog tbis Seru�it lnst�ument ont to mortgage.�+m arnf conve that ��`��'
<br /> S Y Y Y .-�--�.�=. :
<br /> Hamawtrb.inie�esl in Ihe PropeAy wider the'terms of lhi.v Securtt�r Instrume»t:(b)ts nat persunalty obligatedto pnythe sams .. .�.�;,..{;:-.
<br /> secured by this 5ecurity I�;ctrumea�and(c1 agrces th:it Lenckr and any c,tl�r Boirower may agree to extend.modify.fnrbear � t' ;;;�
<br /> nr malce any accammadalions with rcgard to�he tern�s af this Secuttty lnsuument or the Note withaut lhat Bomnwer's :'�,�-`---,��-:'�`
<br /> catsenG • ' ` � ..�., ___.
<br /> �,," ': - 13. I.o�n Cha�. If the laan secured by this Security ingtrument is�ubject'to 1 law wAicb set4 maaimam t�n '��;:r::
<br /> . chargea.and Ihat law is finully interp�etal w that the in�era��ur dtM�luan char�coQectal or to be collaKed in connc�tiex� �--�°'
<br /> with the loan eaceed�he permitted timils.lhen: (a)any such loan charge shall he reduced by the amaunt neces.suty ta oeduce ---
<br /> ' c the ciwrge to the pennitted limi�and(b)any sums alre.hdy collected from Bartawer which exceeded permitted limits will be ._�m_ ,:,a�c�-�-.:
<br /> •} retundeQ to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this�efund by reducing the{xincipal owed u�xtes the IVote ar by rnaking a =_--_-
<br /> .�� direct payment ta Boaower. lf a refund reduces principaf,the redaction wiil6e treated as a partia}Prcpayment without any �fi�,�
<br /> _ prcpayment char�e under the Nae. � '�'�""'a
<br /> �._�-��:
<br /> t�1. NM1ca Any noticc w Barrawer provided for in tbis Security [n.rtrumcnt shall be given by delivering it or by ��`-:�;°�;
<br /> " mailtng it by first class mail unl�.s applicable law requices use of unother method.The noticv shall be directed to the PropeAy :�,:�•.v.;=.,�,''
<br /> Address or any dher address Borrower designates by notice to l.ender: Any not6:e to Lender shall be given by first class � _ ;
<br /> � -�"' mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender design�tec by notice to Bairoaer. Any natice provided for ' ''' " '"
<br /> • ' in this Security Instrument shall be de..°med to have been siven to Barrower or Lender wl�e,-�given ag provided in this � • " �',>:_•'
<br />_ .rv �/���y . � .1.0.: r�:..l-.
<br />• � !'^'^O'^� ' ' '�' t.. '..7f-_..
<br /> _ .°" IS. Gaverning Lsw;SeveraB�lity. 'fhis Security Instrument shall be gavemed by federal taw artd thc law uf�he - �""="`"
<br /> ^Y' 'Y�� ..r-.
<br /> � �t'' judsdiction in which Ihe Pmpedy is luc��ted. In the evcnt Ih.�f nny provision or ctAUxe of thi�Security instn�men�or the Nuee ��```•'•'�
<br /> '•`` � conAieW wlth applicable�w.sucb canQict shuil nat affect ather pravlsians af tbis Security instrument or�he N�te which can - �, '-`=`��
<br /> be given effixc wtthaut tfte contTicting provision. 'tb this end the provlsivns vi this Security lnstrument aqd Ihc Notc are '� �: ;;
<br /> �'. declaralto be severable. � �� � ` :
<br />_ ' �� 16. Bortawer'a Copy. Horrower shAll be Siven one canformed copy of the Note and of th'sc Security Insirumen� � ��"``
<br /> r . 1,,•L
<br /> ' • J7. 71ran�hr of the Property or A 8enefkial Interest in Aorrower. If all or any pan of the pcopeny ar any interest in ;,1.; . . ;:
<br /> • �� it is wld or tronsferred(or if a beneficia!lnterest in Borrowcr is sold or transfcrred and Barrower is not a natural person) ��� ' '
<br /> � •;c without Ltnder's prior written con.sent.Lender may,ut its option,reyuire immediate paymcnt in Pull�f atl sumg cecured by �?`' ' '� ;!."-,
<br /> �'• ' this Securiry Instrument. However.this option shall not be exerciseJ by Lender if exercise is prohibited by feJeral luw as of � • �'°�
<br /> � the date of this Security tnstrument. � - .
<br />, If I.c�xlcr excrciu�Qiis:nptinn.l.cixkr xh�dl givc H�rruwcr nnticc�rf.�cccfcrs�tiuu. 'Ihc nnticc xtt:d)prttividc t�peri�xl of( �
<br /> , � not tess than 3U days frum�hc Qatc thc nuticc iK delivercd ur nmilul wilbin whirh F3urrawer inu�►p:ry all xuros sccured by thiti �
<br /> ��'�- �• •r• ' Slcurity Instrument. ii Borrawer iails to pny these suma prior to the.expir,itian of this perial. Lcnder may invoke any � '.
<br /> •�� '"''����'� � remedles permitted by tbss Securhy lastrument withaut funhcr notice or demand on 8orrower. �
<br /> ;,,....;:,, , . • • ;
<br /> + ,�'�.� : 1$. Borrowee's Rlght tu Neinslute. IP Hurrower mects cenuin canditic�ns. Borro�:er shull havc Uie �ight ta hnve L
<br /> -- ... _ _"?�`'°"".'.'=f` � cnforcemeat of thiz Sccurity lnsttument disrontinu�ct at:���y time prinr�n U�e cutEier af: tat S dayc(nr�uch athcr perial aw �_ _ _
<br /> � e-. - .
<br /> - � ;.;i :.� 5ingktnndfy�VannkM1lue/K�eddkM1f•rcUNIYIINM1fINS'1'kU�1F:�7'-•UnifurmCuvcnanlv 4p10I/N�g�4r+jh�x�ge.�) � � ' -
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