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<br /> � 17. Transter of the Pno or u Beaefdcial interest in I6orro1�•er.(f all or �� ����� �
<br /> ��; g�'ty ar�y part of the pcny or any m erest in it .;„ .
<br /> i5 sold or tnu�sferred(or Rf a benefccial interest in Borrower is sald or t�ansferr�d and Borrn��er is not a natura! penonl�vit�out -�;�,;�;�:
<br /> Lender's prior �vritten consent. Lender may, at its opuon, requine unmeaiiate payment in f'ult of a!! sumw .ecured by this
<br /> . Security instrument.Hawever, this aption shall not be eaercised by Lender if ex�rcise is prohibited by federal law as of[he date �
<br /> _ of this Security Inserument. ����,::�-;
<br /> - If Lender exercises this upuon, Lender shall give Borro�ver netice of acceleration. The noiice shall provide a per�od of not
<br /> `''� less than 30 days finm the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bnrrower mu�t pap aIi ,ums secured by this . �
<br />'�:; ��-_t�;,
<br /> �ecurity Instrument.If Bore��cer fails to pay these sums prior to the expirauon of thi�periad, l.ender may invoke any rem:,.�ies - .
<br /> -mitted by this Security InsYrument without further notice or dem�-u�d on Borrower.
<br /> ���4:= 18. @orrotc�'s Hti�ht to Pteiasttite. If Bormwer meets certain conditians. Borrower shall have the righ[ to huve w�Y' ��
<br /> .t��
<br /> s-?�,��• enforcement of this Security [nswment discontinued a► any t;�, pn'or to the earlier of� (a1 S dnys lor such other perioei as s•-?y,..�
<br /> applicable law may specify far re:n;tate�ca�i) before sale of the Property pursuant to any pciwer of sale contained in this ,s-,,;,.-:_,-�
<br /> • Securiry Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secwity [nstrument.Those rnndiuons are that Borrower_(a)pays '-`s`�`='-'`
<br /> :�,;< Lender all sums which then would be due ander tnis Security Instrument and the Note as if no acoeleration had occurred; (b) �'"'=�;
<br /> cures any defuult of any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incurrd in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> including, but nai limited to, reasonable attomeys' fees;and(d)tatces such action as Lender may�easonably require to assure
<br /> . that the lien of this Secvri U�strument. Lender's ri ts in the Piu "� �� �
<br /> ty gh perty and Harrower's obligation to pay die sums secured 6y ��
<br /> this Security Insuument shall continue uncfianged. Upan reinsuuemeat by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the ��=��=-'r=
<br />=' ;� obGgations secured hereby s6a11 riemain fuUy effective as if no acceleration had occurred. Nowever, this right to minstate shall
<br /> not apply in the caseof acceleration under paragraph 17. �'
<br /> 19. Sale otY No4e; �hange of Loan Servtcer.The I�Iote or a panial interest in the Note (together wiib this Security
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to$Urro�ver. A sale may iesult in a change in tfie enuty(knoHn �Y
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")tlti.t collects monthly paymrnu due under the N,ote and this Security Insuument.Thes�aso may be one
<br />-±, ,=r more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to a salr u�the A`o�e.If thcre is a change of the Loan Servicer.�orrower will be � -��:��-:
<br /> - - gir:st��r:tter r.o:ice of ihe cha�ge ia a�x.vnl-amz witir}sit.��-,ld���.ur��.c a�i�i a�,�li:atte iaw.T�z��irz wi{i sia�e L'�r�asree iu-ht ��
<br />'•.�...• :
<br /> j,��,•g� address ef ds�,^.ew Loan Servicer and the address w �aa:;�.;.��,��-a-:s sftould be made. The notice wili also contain any other
<br /> .;.'�Y�r. inforn�ici r.•a;;.ured bY aPPlicable law. �°�x-
<br /> Z0. G�'�usErd�us 5�65:ances. Hom,ua-sh�I �:1 cf:�se or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or �elease of any L',��.. :
<br />' '"�•" Hazardoua "S.bsiances cn cvr in the P�;�*y. B.:rn;�z- shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affeeting the '°"'j—:=T�•
<br /> �'�.`."_....
<br /> � Property t3*w::is in violau�,n af any Em'.�:�pental II,an_ The preeeding two sentences shall not apply to the pt�esence, use, or ,_:
<br /> rt41r:.. �-�.'-.`!
<br /> ��-; storage an dx-�1'roperty of sma}l qoar.r.�5e>of Hazardas Substanc����ai are generally recogni:�!to be appropriate to normal
<br />_'�"�"�� residentia#c,�s and to maintenance of c�,e�perty. -
<br />'��'3�:�r. Borrower sha!!prompUy o ve Len�.r written notice of any� irn.astigation,claim, demand, `ter.�s.tit or qiher aMion{r• tG�s. _ '_•
<br /> �;'����`° govemmental or regulatory agency or private pa�y involving the Pr.�perty and any Ha7ardous Suos,�ce er�'ir�:=�onmentaf�.a� �,S r:,��'��
<br /> � ��` ��f which Boaower has aqual I<nowledge. If Borrou�er G�ms, or is notified by any govemmental ar regui:,_ur: authority, that
<br /> •... i; ,
<br /> ' •�y remuval or other rem�sation of any Hazardous S;a`:r�s�ce afferting the Property is necessary,Borrower sf�all prompdy take ',,,.I;
<br /> - ;�'~' a11 necessary remedial actions in accordance witb Env;,rr,.=;�nta1 I.azv. .
<br /> .�'f`%;;' As used in this paragraph 20, "Ha7andous Substa.z�es"ar���.rr•e substances defined as ta�i,:or hazardous substanoes �Sy ��+`
<br /> Environmental Law and the foUowing substances: �;_�.si;ne, i.F,mv�, other Aammable or ta:�ic petroleum products, toxic �'���"''�-� '
<br /> �_ � pesticides and herbicides,volatile soivents,mazeriais a�r�r;,i:�:sg as'����ss or forrruildehyde,and radiaactive materials.As used in ��•
<br /> z�:- ,
<br /> .:t� this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means t'ai�,l:I:a�a+s and laws af the jwri�dicaon where the Property is tocated that �r�:` ,
<br /> ' relate to health,safety or envimnmental protection. j_T,
<br />.,„;.1; NOI�i-LiNIFORM COV61�tANTS.Borrower an��L,��1a'er further covenant and bcee as fell��.rs: '' � '
<br /> AA y� 21.Ac�sferation;Reme�ies.Lender shsill give nntfce to Bur�sswer prlor to acceleratirnu�i:afllocving Barrower's br�a�ct� ;,�� �
<br /> .:�:,.,,..
<br /> of any covenant or agreement in tht� Security Instrurnent (6ut aot prior to acceleratE�nxtdrr paragcaph 17 un[es5 ��x-.,
<br />.;�;-;r;,� , appfYtable[aw provides othenvise).The aotice shafL�Ciiy: (a)t�he defauit; (b)t6e action�requ3red to caiae t6e defa�lt; ' • � �
<br /> ��!•; C�)a date.not less than 30 days d'rom the date the a�r�.ce Is given to Borco�s�r,by whic6 tha default must be cured;aad r'�f,;<..
<br /> �`� ° t��tGat taifare to cure ihr.defautt on or before t�r�ate spec3t3ed in the nr�¢fce may resalt in accele�rsu�iu.n oY tQie sums ��=1�
<br /> ''��'-�? 'secured by tlils Se�curtty Gnstrmneat and sade of!he Property. '�'Tt,�notice shall further inforc�Bon-+o.��of t6e rig6t to ���
<br />;;;;`�°�•', reinswte rfi�a�acceleration and the n t to b ,�
<br /> :,.;s:,, 'g6 ring a court adu�n f:.�acsert t6e aoa-eadstea�of a d2Y�a..t or any other �,.
<br /> , •Jxfense af l�usower to aoceleratioa aad sale. IP t6e defanit i��rae cared on or 6efom the��e speci��l in�he�ntrccc>., � �=r��.�
<br /> . ` l���der, a4►�opt�oa,may require immedimte ppyrsr.E�t in fi::!rs�snll sums secured by this Security �c�.��ent �-:�11�r•swt s `�'�'"`.';
<br /> ' ' �. ��ther demand aad r�ay invoke the po�rer of saPe mu£any ot�Qr remedies permdtted by applicable la�s..(ic�der sh::Y,I�e �� � '�
<br /> '�� `� entitfed to collect�ll o ` ' �
<br /> exgt�.s�incu r r e d tn parsu i n�du.�me d ies grovided in thts ParagraPh 21,iaclading.Qaat not li�t'tus3 � �F�'.�•�;-•':,:�;-
<br /> • to,reasonx�iP�attorneys'C�cs and c�asts of title evudcu�, �� .. �
<br /> _ �j If tite �s��er of sate is invotced, Tnutee sha11 recar�a�rc�ifc� of deYsult in eac#�caj�rUy in w6tcb any part of v�e `�'`-""''
<br /> Property f��'r�,eated and shall mail oopies of suc6 nottce in tEce�naj�tuvPr prescribed by appi9e:�.d�le law to BorroRer and to ;, � � � �
<br /> the other persons prescrE6ed by appltcseble law.Adter the ti6te cs��i�red by applIca6te ta�v,'�"�ustee shnll give pn6lic notice ,�, ��_�
<br /> a,;�::-- ;�-,=
<br /> • of sale to t6e peesoa9 ar«f t�the manner prescr[bcxl lsy�a��fi,�t�c:laµ.Tnis¢ee,without demand on Borrower,shaU sell ,.���-,- .
<br /> the Pmperty at pablic au�ion to the 6;p,hest bidd�r i�t IL�e ticie anr!place accd under the terms des3gnated in the noNce of rrx�-�-��
<br /> : '� sale in one or mor�parceQs and in any order Tr��les�etermi�n:g. �'rustee may postpone�te of all or any parcel of the
<br /> ;;;;;;;:;:'� Property by p�btic anaotutcement at�1rR Aime s�nd place of auy p�viously scheduled sa1�. I.ender or ft� dcsigttee may -
<br />.',�a�. • pnrcPu�.se ttt�l�mperiy at eny sa1e. -
<br /> �:�:�� •,
<br /> .��� , �`��.- �-�
<br /> • �,.'s .
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