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<br /> ��D � �� �
<br /> �}` payments may no lon�er be required,at the vption of Lender, if mortgage insurance covernge(in t rfie a�-aount a�nd�for the�pe�od ��_;,
<br /> that l.sn�der requires)provided by an iasurer approve�d by Lender again becomes ar•ailable and is obtain�d.8orrower shall pay .
<br /> the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to pmvide a loss reserve, until the requirement for mortgage ��
<br /> • insur.uice ends in xcordance�iith any written agree�nent beriveen Borrower and Lender or appficablc law. `'�
<br /> 4. I�pectIon. L�nder or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender slizll give _
<br /> Borrowe�notic�at the ti�ne oi or prior to an inspection specifying reasonabl�cause(ur the inspPCtion. �
<br /> - ' 10. Condemnut�an. The procceds of any award or daim for damages, direct ar carr�,equential, in connxtion tvith any �,.
<br /> �s cond:mnarion or other takiag of any pan of the Property,ar far conveyance in Geu of cundemnation,are hereby assign�and �'°-�:•
<br /> � shall b�paid ta Leader. 6�
<br /> In t6e event of a total taking of the Property,the proceeds shall be applied to the swns secured by this Securiry Iastrument. _
<br /> • whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Property immediately before the taking is ec{ual to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this - --
<br />� . Seairiry Insdumeut immediately before the taking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing.the sums sewred by �`�
<br /> . . �„°.:
<br /> this Secwity Instniment shall be reduoed by che amount of the proc�eds multiplied by tice following fiaction: (a} t3re wtal �
<br /> amount af the sums secvred imm�liately bafore the taking,divided by(b)the fair market valae of the Propecty i�ediately �{'`"
<br /> .' before the midng. Any balance shall be paid to Borro�cer. In the event of a partiai taldng of the P.R�rty in which the fair �
<br />� . maricet valae of the Property immediately before the taking is tess than the amount of We sums secun�!irrsnediately before the ���
<br /> taking.�uiless Borrower and Lender otherarise agr�in writing or unless applicable 1aw othernise proeides,the proceeds shall ��`�'`
<br /> '4` � be applied to the sums secured by[his Security Insuument whether or not the sums ate then due. ��':
<br /> If 4tte Praperty is abandoned by Borrowes,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to maEce an {�
<br /> � award or settle a ciaim for damages.Borroaer fails to respond to Lender within 3Q days after ths date the notice is given. t'�-�-
<br /> � - I.ender is authorized to coUect and apply the procee�s,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. �':-
<br /> _ Unless Lender and Borrower ntherwise agree in writing, any applicution of psoceeds to principal shall not extend ar �u-:`.
<br /> • postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymsnts. "L"=-�
<br /> � -� 11.Borro�es Nai Released;Forbea�ance By Leuder Not a Waiver.Extension of the tims for payment or modifccatian : ���"
<br />. of amorti7adon of the sums secured by this Securiry Instnunent granted by l.ender to any successor in intere�st of Borrov�er shaEl
<br /> nat aperate to release the liability of the original Borrawer or.Borrower's sucaESSO�s in interest.Lender sl�Il not be required to ��-_�'
<br /> • ,� commer�s�prQOeedings against any successur in interest ar crfaz�e to extend dme for payment or otherwise madify un�flization —
<br /> of du:.sacros secured by this Security Insirument by re�:�-uz r,f any demand made by the original Boaow�r ar B,umower's �;�
<br /> gi
<br /> . ,:
<br /> � successors in interest. Any fotbearance by Lender in eaercii�g any right or remedy sLall Qot be a waiver of or preclude the r'``
<br /> �• ' excrcise of any right or remedy. --.
<br /> ;; 12. Suocetwzs and Assigas Bound; Joint end�ev�...! IdaP���..'Fty;.C�signers. Tl�e cavenanu and agreemea�ts of this —.
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors arn3��a°ns af Y,.ender and fl�_rower, subject to ths provisions of �
<br /> '"`.--
<br /> • paragraph 17. Borm�ver's oavenants and agreemcnts shall Le jvint arni several. Any S�rrower who oo-signc this Security --
<br /> ' Inswm.nt but does nat execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Serurity Tr:scrument only to mnrtgage, grant aad oonvey tht.2
<br /> �. ' Borro�vee's interest in the Property under the terms of this Securiry Instn.:r.ent: (b)is not personally o6ligated to pay the sums ��
<br /> • secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees thzt Lend�F,:nd any other Borrower may agne to extgnd,modify.forbear or
<br /> � . � make any accommoda6ons with regard[o the terms of this�y Instrumenl or the Natx�sithout that Borrower's consent.
<br /> � �€ E�.I.OAD Chal'$CS. If the toan secured by this Secu�ir;L+�aument is subject tn a�-^u which sets maaimum toan charges, �,.
<br /> ,� ',;,i, aad tfs,zrt�aw�s finally interpreted so that the iar�erest or other loan char��s�ollected or t,o be collecte� in oonnecxion with the � �
<br /> ' •`���' IeEU��'.�ed the pe�ritted limits.then:(a)a�ca�a'�loan charge shall be rt�,irr.�d by the amount nemssasy to zcdace the charge
<br /> ,��� m ti�re.rmitted I��r�it;and(b)any sums alr�iy wlle�ed from Borrowe���r�.uh exceeded permit2ed limits will be refunded to -
<br /> ���:s - ; �.
<br /> .._:�:��� �=_
<br /> Bornsw�sr. Le,nder may choose to make th:s .�tuad by reducing the principal owed urxaer the Note or by making a direct —
<br /> , '�.R: _
<br /> • pWF�r;r:�it to Borrower. If a refund reduces priacipal. the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment witho;it any ��
<br /> �� �•• •%; pre�ayment charge under the Note. �__
<br /> � :��; 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower pnv,Yu,'•ed for in this Security In:�ar_ment shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> , it by first class mail unless applicable law reu�ur.�y nse of another meihad.'Lhe notice shall be directed to tha Property Address .�.
<br /> � ' or at;r. other address Borrower desigiaees by r.atice to Lc�w'�r. Any notice to Lenster shaU be given by f�ist cl�s mail to � =
<br /> Lendra'�address stated herein or any othes adb.-ess Leccdr.r�i��ignates by cotice to Bortu�ver.Any notice providr�c4 for in this -- "
<br /> � �� Sec�u�iry Instrument shall be deemed to have ba�.��iven to Borrower or Lem�x whem�:::en as provided in tlus para�apb. f �
<br /> -;:;i 1S.Governing La�v; 5evera6iliry. Thi::� Security Insmtment s1Ls1J lus �ovemeA by federaf law and the law of the
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is locate3.l�c tiie event that any provisuyn ur etaeisa of this Seruriry Instnunent or ihe Note _
<br /> � � contIi�s with applirable law.sach conflict shall not affect other provisions of this�c�urity Insmiment or the Note which can be �
<br /> - � �iv�c`feet without the cont7ictir,�provisflon.To this ead dte�rovisions of this Seevrfly[nstrument and the Note are deelared
<br />