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<br /> .. : •_ ' _'�_ _.—_'_ �__'_ _"�=_�'___ ---..-_�— _` � �_--r — - '_'�—.� _ - .-.-.�- -.
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<br />- . . � � �, .. -. .., . � . , ,. �,� . . ...: . �....------ •. c.._..__-_-___ ,��:.. . . .--
<br /> . . . .,. � .._.. .�_._ _ ....... ......._. : ... ,
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<br /> � 96- �O'�9 '` �� - � �• � ��.�'
<br /> art of the Pro e or an interest in it � ' �" !`"�
<br /> . 17.'Pransfer o�the Yropei4y or a�enet3ct�1 Interest(n�n'ower.If all or any p P nY Y
<br /> is sold or uaasferred{or if 3 beneScial interest in Borrower is sold or uansferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without � ` ` f d�
<br />� I.eader's prior writtea canseat, L.endes may, at its option, require immediate p�rment in full of all soms secured by �his . _ • __
<br /> tte `
<br /> Sec�uiry Instrument. Hor�ever,this option shall not be exercised by Lender�f exercise u prohibited by federal laa as of the date , . � �
<br /> of tbis Sesurity In.,Ftcument. : ..'`
<br /> If I.ender exercises this option,Lender shall give Bornower na6ce of acceleration.'I'he notice shall pmvide a period of not
<br /> (ess thas►30 days from the date the notice is delivered or maited within wtuch Boaoaer must pay aU sums s�by this , ..
<br />_. Security Insmnment. If Borrower fails to pay these soms prior to the expiration of this period, i,ender may invoke any remsdIes --,--: -�— - - ...;
<br /> ' permitted by this Security Insuument without fimher nonce or demand on Bonower. ` ��
<br /> 18. Barrawer's Rigtst to ReiB�iate. If Sorrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have . ` : ,`-.
<br /> enforcemeat of this 8ecurity Instrument dissonrinued at any time grit►r w the earlier of: (n) 5 days (or such other geriod ac .:;�_.� _ _ . . ,,c�
<br /> applieuble law maY SPecifY far reins�nt) before sale of ehe PropertY pursuant to any povrer of sale contained in this , ,.. - .. . " "
<br /> �CUrity Insnvmenc' or N)enuY of a.lndgment enforcin this��rity Insuua.e�.'�i gnase coadstions are thai Borrower:(a)pays ,_.�����:;.. �� • .
<br /> ` g r„�_.�:�aaii the Note as if no acceler2tion had ar.ciuzed: N) e.�.:�` ,. .�
<br /> • L�eader all sum5 which thea►would be duz timder this SECUritp _ :�Y�'�,.. ' � `
<br /> 's s all e.�incnurced in eaforciag t�is SQCanity Iastrument, . '„- ..> -
<br /> ;... . ,.--:.� '►:
<br /> cnres any defanit of any o2�r cov�aants ar agreements; (c)Pa3+ � . y `
<br /> � including,but noi limited to,reasanablz atLorneys' fees;and(d)ta�s suc�acrian as Ixader m�ay reasonably require to asmue . __`�'"`"'.` �"
<br /> that the liea of this�ecariry Insuo�n'4'�uder's rights in the�:apzny amm�t 8aaatvzr's obli�ation to pay the sums secured by "�
<br /> ::�;ew;,3.,�.-=—.
<br /> thls SCAITity �menL Sh811 COIILiIItIE [tTt��]2IIg2d. LJj3on ie3�sCdL�leI1L by B�iSUW2S. this SeCUtlty TIIStEUIIiCIIi 8IId Ihe ;''., . '',},'."„�'_
<br />' ' obligarions secared hcreby shall remain fully effecrive as if no accele�tion had oc�urred. However,this right w reinstate sha11 ,. �j_ '
<br /> re
<br /> aot apply in the case of 2c�.�leration under para.�ph 19. ` :�.'.�'
<br /> 19. �aie of Nate; Cbange of Loa� �v3tRa: �e Nose or a gartial inter�st m t�Note (wgether with this SeQUity , ��ew�#_�-'
<br /> ITnr„r�,�•�a�ay be sold one or mo�as�s cc��ont priar n�+iirx ta 8��.A���5`=���a ehange ia the endty(�owwn � r;�:��:--
<br /> �: 1 as the"Lc�a Servieer')that eoltects mcrnhly�aS�nt�dne unct�zhe Ivote and tbis Seaizi'�Iz�sa�ment.There also may be one ,�• .,
<br /> or more ci:�ges af the Loan Servicer u�Telatad to a sals of the Note.If there is a change of the l,oan Senricer,Horrower w�11 be , ��r.r� �'
<br /> given written nodoe of the change in aax�rdan�wi�h g+asagraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and _
<br /> Th
<br /> a_b_ _.a.s 1. �.m ta cfi�t �µ��-�
<br /> -- address oi the new Loan�crviw.�u-r.-���;s t���:..�,-�-- ---,td he made.The notioe will also contaia any other
<br /> infotmaation required bY aPPlirable law. », �i• .
<br /> ; m `
<br /> • Zp.g�rdous�abstantes. Ba�wer shall not cause or pe�snit the pmseace,use, disposal, storage. or retease of aay .
<br />_;�',,• Hazardous S�bstances on or in the Pmg�ctY• Bomnwer shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affcedng the :�_,y y : ��
<br />, - �roperty thai is in vio lation of any Earvisaniuental law. 'I�e preceding taro sentences shall not agply w 4he presence.use.or .. .,; r-�•-
<br /> storage on tiae Progerty c�small quantities of Hazardous Substances tbat are generally�cognized to be apptopriate w normal :~,�,�, ..r=�
<br /> rESidential�ses and w�a�tenaace o f the P r o gercy. 4 �`�. -.
<br />' Bomuwer shall pramgdy give Lender written natise of any investigation,c2a�m,d�maad,laws-ait or other aaion by any � 7.;� ,
<br /> gavera��'.al or regulatory ageacy or private party involving ttze Properry and aay Aazarda;rs Snbstance or Environmenial Law ,.;`..,�: ..: __
<br /> Y
<br /> of wInch Ho�nwer has actuallmowleflge.If Bo:mc�er 1�rn.�, oi is notffied by any�ove�or regulatory authoritY,that ��. •
<br /> -� any remQ�at ar other remediation of a�Haz�dor��ubsiance affecx.in8 the Property�s nec�ary,�oaowez shall pm m ptl y take _
<br />;`{�'�; ail necess�y r�med.ial aci��ns in accordance mith Envitonmental Law. `'t� -
<br /> _ �_: As used in this pa�e�aph 20, "Ha7ardons S`i'bstances° are those sabstances defined as taxic or hazzadous substances by �
<br /> lme, tcemseae. othar flammable or to�dc peuot�praducKS, toxlc ��_•, -
<br /> ,° gnvir8nmental Law aad the followmg substances: gaso: �
<br /> � pestIcides and herbicides,volatile solv�ts,materiala con�taming asi�esws or fomsaldehyde,aud radioacave materials.�3s used in _ _ ;�.
<br />�-_�.:3:'t. 1�
<br /> , th�y pam�ph Zp, •Eaviroamentat I�xv" means federal laws and laws of the jnrisdiction where the Property is located that . �`-. ..
<br /> relate so health.safery or environmental protection. �;:: . '_
<br /> ' ' NON-UIJIFORM COVENAIJTS.Bo,-cower and I.ender funher covenant and agx as follows: •
<br /> Zi.Acaxlerat[on;Itemed3e9.1.eadea's�a11 give notice to Botsower prlor to acceY�tton iollo�wing Borrower's bseach _ ���_
<br /> . ot an,y covemnt or agre�me� in tlils Sec�[t�' Iastr�eut (Dut uot grtor to acceleration under p�grap6 17 ualesv ::.�:q _'
<br /> � apDiisa6:�[arr provtd�offierwlse).'Y'tie notice aLaU apecifYc (a)the d�feai�(b)We adMn reqaired to carz the ddaWt; _ .
<br /> � (c)a datE,a�t tess t h a n 3 0 d a y s i r a m 4 t�e d a t e W e n o t i ce l s g i s w t o B o r r o w¢r+b 9 w t�I c E�t h e d e fanit mt�st be c�d;�1 v
<br /> (�tbat fdl�re to c�s the detaalt oa or before the date s�'�ed in the nottce may aa�t in acce2esatton of tbe s�s -.
<br /> sa�bq tbts SecusitY Iastr��t s�d sate oY the Propert�y.�e notice shall fart�er�Yjif'a'zn Borrower oi the d�ht to � ��s
<br /> a com�t adton to assert the noa-esisSense o!a�nIt or any oSh� �---�_�
<br /> retustate afier acceter-�tien aa�We r„�t to br`�mg "�-�::.',
<br /> . detcose ot Bormwer t�aax9eratfon and sala ET�hP defautt 1�Qot cm�on or betorE the d.9ix s���in the notice,
<br /> ttt . .
<br /> Lender.at ite optloa,may requIre d�sediate ppymeat ta taD ot aD sams securc�6y t�is Se�'�m9 ��trumeat w(Wout _ .�.T�°._
<br /> tmthes demand and may involte t�e��er of sate nnd any oth�er remedtcs perffiitted bq '�BA�r.d.ender sh.aD be ���� -
<br /> e�i t[e d to ca ll e d s U e u p e a s e s i n c a r ff a r]i n p u t s u t n g t h e r a n e d i e s p t�v t d P d In tLls p a i s g r.a�P ti�.��but not Um[!ed
<br /> t o�r e s�s o a a 6 t e a t t o rn e y s'f a s s m d c c�o f t t t l e e v b d e n c e. • .;.
<br /> U the power of sate Is invoked.'IYostee s�7]rawrd a nottce o!defaWt In each c�.m�'y a�w��any p a r t o i We � ;
<br /> � 1Pcoperiy 1s located and shaD mail coptes of scaa m�tIce in the manner�r�"bed by a��icabte law 4o Bosrower�to -�"'°'�°`�„�,�.-
<br /> � the ot�er pe�sona prescrtbed by appllcab2e law.Affter the time required by.^.;r��3cable f��.'i'rastee shall gtve pnbUc nflttce , �.t,. , .i,�.., _
<br /> of sale Cn�t,'de persone and in ttse¢aaaaer prescrtbed by oppllszbte 1aw.Tnutee.wi4he�!r�rmaud on Borrower,shaU se0 —���
<br /> 4he Prc�mt pnbtLs aadton to t�z U1Shffit 6tdder at the t�aE aud ptace and�mdes tbE Sc�ns de9ignated tn the�oY the �`'
<br /> s�le in oae�r mnre ps�cels an�l in amy order Trustee deter�n�.'I'nistee may pastpom�sra2�e oi all or any parce➢
<br /> �, ��---�-��;. -
<br /> Praperly bY DubYie s�onncement at the tlme a�d place of any psevic�ly sshet1r�32d sF1e. Len�aT or tts deslgnee may _
<br /> :� �nrc�se the Yra�et2y as any sale.
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