.. `�� �. .. . . - .. .Y:t�° . .� , c . \.: , � . "' , �. . . '� -� " :. '
<br /> ,. • .. ' ' � . - .. .. .1' . .� � -� `... � . . ' � .C . . � . . �.� 4:`.-
<br /> � .t� ` - i . •'i, . � . � .. ' �` �L. . �� 4 e r`_
<br /> , . . . . . , �, ..
<br /> -� � _.—. " . ' — _
<br /> -_ -,--�-r_���__,�.___—.--"'-._ . — _ i., ._• _'__ ' . �-. - --_ � __ . . .
<br /> ' ,, ' `� .. - .;-.. - _ ._j�� :i . < - . ` . . , , . , �-..------t^ ( ; ` •' , , ;° .�� _{'.� t.
<br />. . - � , ... ���. �. ,�, , - . . . . - . t .. � . - � . � �F
<br /> C , ` �. .5 '� . ,Syf. . . , � �ir �- ' . , .�� �- i . . � }"' �` . ...-
<br />. � . • . • ���ft',� • , ��t � � -'��� .a -_y_ _. • . , ._._S_ _�.�, i .,. `
<br /> ' . ? ---"`�._..__-- � �..��_..i..�_�..r._n. -"..._--' a.�_._:..__._._�.�- .•---'- ' '-'.. . . . `... .._ '$i�7.
<br /> ,i �fl����11��� , �_
<br /> at the tioa of L.ender.if mortgage iasurance coverage(in '.. , .:::.���
<br /> - payments may no longer be required, oP • .
<br /> � that Lender requires)4rovided by an insurer appmved by Lender again becomes available and�'u to�b��wer shall pay . ,...�
<br /> t for martgage
<br /> the premiums required to maintain mortgage insutance in effect.or to provide a loss reserve, . _ '�_�
<br /> insurance ends in aabrdance with any written agreemsnt betv�een Borrower and Lender or applicable law. Lxnder ahall give -`` . .. -}'::_�.`
<br /> a ' le enuiQS uPon ansi insPecaons of the PropertY•
<br />- 9.Insp�li�n.Lendar or its agent may make ras�aah reasonable cause for the inspection. —�-- -� - -
<br /> Borrower nouce at the time of or prior to an insp����g ' . . �'"
<br /> 10. Cande�n�Elon. 'Ihe ptace�ds of any award or claim for damages,dir�or cansequential, in connection with�y ,
<br /> or for cflnv ance in liw of con�emnation. are hereby assigned and ,� � `,:• �
<br /> � condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, EY - .. J.^�..� ,.-•.: -
<br /> shall be paid ta I.ender. t;�,-�.r-r+i;:• �s�r;
<br /> oeeds shall be applied to the sams secnred by this SecnritY Insuume�. � �, -� �' '°�
<br /> .�.'.�•..--�.wi'.;- J'FT_f ..
<br /> In tl�event of a!:�::.i:�ng of the PrapsrtY,the pro of the Property in w3rich the fair :�"'�"-` ;., ,, _
<br /> , ��sa. u Y t h a ny e x c e s s p a i d tr.,Borrower. Ia the event af a partial takinS ._� . '�-�,� -�.-
<br /> whaher or not tha to or than the amount of the sams s e c u r e 3 by t h i s : _ .� ..��,,�, .._
<br /> mar�et 4�lt�of the Property immediatelY before the taking�.s eqnal � ����the sums seru�d t►Y w:�--� .' '_-., �
<br /> ' S¢�,��-if�uum�nt immediatelY befare the takinB,unless Borm�ver and E.ender oiherwise agree � ,�..���'��� .
<br /> �yy g�y Ynctmmeat sH211 be tedutxd by the ataount of the ptot�eds multiplied bY the following ftactton: (a) the totul {• 'a �` �� �
<br /> befoze�s 4aking,divided by(�)�� fair market value of the Propertll��ely =�,�„��,. , �-,.
<br /> amount of the sums secured��Y � of the Progert3+ ia whi�tha fcazr . . E;. _`:
<br /> An balance sha11 be paid;.�Borrower. In tha event o_a�artial taldag 1 before the ... „� � .. :
<br /> befare the ta�ng. y is less than��i of t+.�sums s�immedia4e Y �,�,..:,'. •c `�
<br /> mark�:alue of the Prapeiiy immed��1Y�ef�'e t�takinS � .,:';'• :: . ,�� °`:' �..
<br /> Leuder �ee m ar un2�ss�+pli�.'�e���ch:savise pmvides,the praceeds �
<br /> ,:�l�s Bomowei and otherwise w�g � �:�' F,•' .,�'���F.;`:�.
<br /> � � •
<br /> t��ecuz'ss'1���s�ment R'�:r or uot�.e s�s���n dnE. ..,��'�,, � �:::"
<br /> -� be��1 w the sums secured bY �r norice L�Yr�a Ba�uer 2'hat the coadem�or offets vz�ake aa � -�.
<br /> ,:�:. ,
<br /> - u ihc°rog°mJ ts 3?ndonsal�ry ��raor•er,as if. �'�Y �"�< ,:Y:.,�. ;' °'��"
<br /> .._:t,.r .,�.�s:=
<br /> award or seule a c'�m for dama8es, Borrow��ils to respond to Le;,�c� wi°�ia 3C,3ay-s stier ths date the noo to the sums ""•� •.��.:,``°`
<br /> .. Lend�is authorizeti to colleat aasl ap,ply the proceeds,at ita option,either 3a restararion or repair of the PraPertl+ ,* � r?S��=';_��t;.:
<br /> whether or not then due. : `,,.~���t�r<T�;,.-�-
<br /> SCCd.`Le'd�1j1���inctn�mt�st_ t0 IIIICI 31 SII� IIOY S7RGIId Of ;f; . '. .. ° -"°'�'`�-
<br /> ,� Borro�ver otherwise agce� in arriting, anY �PP�c�on of pmce�s P F s, u:�,.�,.� •�..,_,�s - •
<br /> . lnless l.ende^ bs 1 a�2 or change the amount of such PaYments• `? . :",.
<br /> gostpone the du�v��e•of the montlily payments refeired to in paragap ��': •:..;, --s . „ . }��;
<br /> I.�der Not a Waivec.�E�nsion of the time for payment or modifiaalioa %,,.�.:•, --_.
<br /> ,` 11.Bnrra*rv�r tiat Reteased;F�rbearaace By �n�er to az►y successor in interest of Bonower sha11 .: .
<br /> .'�, of amorti7ation of We sums secureA bY tbis S�tY Insuument granned bY aot be '; �:.`�, �� t ` ;'°
<br /> ;�
<br />' to release the liability ef the ortginal Botrawer or Borcawer's successots in interesc.l.e�nd��m���otn , ,,'.,�:,r:«*.' ��''�I _:_..
<br /> not optrate .., �r. �-: . .
<br /> cummence ProceedwP,s a8��`�ecessor in interesc or refuse to extend tIme for ps,�r.ai ar ,,:. ..,: , :� . 'f:.
<br /> ,. f_ ,.. ,. .,., ,
<br /> � of ttie sums soru�by this Se�itS+ Uns�u�ent by reason af aay demand rmde b�? �iae original Borrower or�n�w�r's b,�;,�•.,. !,. .
<br /> sua:essots in inte�r Any forDearaua by I.ender in exenising aaY n8hs or remedy shall not be a aaiver of or pzrci�de t�:. ,:it.' -
<br /> exeicise of any right or remalY- �gnss. The covenants and agreements of tTnis � � ` �. :::___.
<br /> Bound:doi�and Stveaal LisbnItyt '��'� T=
<br /> 12. Successofs aud Asstgag r w.,.. �.�°`�' - --
<br /> S�curlty Instrum�t shall bind and henefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the�Sesurlty `�;' ,��-,
<br /> ,. �.. : , . •. ��
<br /> paragraph 17. Boxrower's cavenan t s a ad a g r e ements shall be ioint aad T ev�An�Bo mortgage, grant a n d convey t h a t :'.�;.;.' ;::,
<br /> gra
<br /> Instcument but da�s aat execute the Note: (a)is co-signfing this� L ro)�n��onnlly obli�ecl to paY the su� -� . ,�
<br />' . Borrower's iaterest ia the Pcoperty under the u�ms of this Security � to e�d.modll�+,forbear o� _ . �"��--_
<br /> ca•and(a)'w��s that Leader aud anY cad§a�.onower may agree - _ �+Y-.�:.:.,.
<br /> . secured by this Seauicy Instn�n � to t�..�s of this��1'T'��'T,_.-r�ar the Kaue�aithout thai Bairower's conse�t. :'r.•'�T''�.,: ':�
<br /> maYe anY acco�odations aith cr��rd P�..,�;,sab�ct tv a Us�a wLich sets maximum E�aa char8es+ " ;;_;�
<br /> th�i�rn seatn��sg e r,_
<br /> ... 13.Laan C1�u'Bes.If •�,,, •�, �S�'�t �f��.7���.�$;,ollectecl or to be eol2ecxed ia eonne�d�n with th :��i';`�• �"``�..
<br /> that law is finally inteiP�et or other loan� to redt.se�the charg ",; �. * 1r`_,"
<br /> � �..,t �S�Y16�{liv '� P. :;i��^i'� 'L•.•'_-
<br /> itt�L ��:�e)�Y��y 103n cfiarRC Sh811 ire ctsi.'xOCd bp tht emOtlat necxssaxY .,
<br /> . 108II E]CQttd t1fG pCIID1t3Cd�lID�iB. P�l '�%� =::
<br /> � collected from Borrow���'�icl�eacaded Peim�tted liunts will�e refunded to h3�;•:
<br /> . to the peimitted limit:and N)�Y��y al owed und�r the Note or by m�t8$ � .�':;°-_-
<br /> : . Boaower. Lender may choose to make this nfun�by reducing the p r l n c i P t �cvithout any �. ` �-�, �•";:�•
<br /> the reduction will be trrated as a partia] pn,Raymen ',� �
<br /> gayment to Borrower. If a nefua� reduces princiPal• ,;�3��' �, ' • -.,.-
<br /> ' prepayment chsuge r.�er ths Note. ,�'�,. , ' °�.,°'� ';.:;.
<br /> 14.Nottce�.e4asr notice to Bosawer provided 4'or in this SecuciiY 3`�-�tn�nt shall be givea by delivering it os by mailulS ` _�,�:..
<br /> ;�',:', � �':
<br /> . it by fitst class sz�:::tess appllcable law reqnires use of another ffieth,^,d.'fhe aotice shall be directed to the Property Addr� ;�,:.. ,
<br /> ven by firat class mail ta h+Y=��.:.:�..,��:.
<br /> ' or az►y othsr address Borm�cr�s desigaate9 bY noiice to Leader. Any notice to l.ender shall be gi •y+t,R�>.��b�-,'?��••.
<br /> i�•t ��r•.,,�. ...
<br /> Lender's address stated here'.�or any other address Leader desiguztes by notioe w Borrower. Any aoflce provide�for ln this h,�,�....,.,,4 ---
<br /> t !„+�,.r�,:� ,..
<br /> ' : Securtt5'Insaum:�t shall be deemed to have boen 8iven to Borrower cr E.ender when 8�ven av pmvided ia tbis pazagraph. ���,;. � ,�.
<br /> � 15.Gov�g I.�w; Sever�bflity. 't7�is Securlty InsuumQ� �ll be govemad isy fed�u3: law and the law oYt�.e , � . ----
<br /> uum
<br /> ' is located.In the event tha4�3'�:��es...�on or clause of this S�ry]nsuument or the I��te -
<br /> j�ulsdicflon ln w�ich the Praperty � Insuu���z the Note wbicdi cam L�e --:�_..� '�..�._�_�
<br /> .. ca�a with appllcabls law,auch conflict shaU not affax adLs��ra�,�i�e�s of this Secarity uu _ :_ �,
<br /> n rovision.To this e�r3:i�t�rt+i•�.`�.%of thje Secun�Y Iasw�e°t and the Nabt�re declared �����,�._�.;:�,__.,
<br /> �_ . F;e:r.r�e�:e ct without t�.e confTisti ,�P ��„�rt --
<br /> to be severable. � � � m-��--
<br /> Instru�e�t. , - ,•� ��.
<br /> 16.Borra�r,as�s Copy.Borrower shall 1s:given oae conform�i nl���f the Note and of thia 5ecusiry .�,:,;t:�;�.. w.�^' :. •
<br /> Fatm302 �1� &�E`,.�`�=�.�
<br /> s•:�.—
<br /> � Feqe�ol 6 INUe1 � r�rY�•��^�' --
<br /> - ���8VIH4 c��ai.o� ., _�, _.
<br /> Yn�'�t. _
<br /> � . � '�-w;tv-w�=t,Fr-rr:�� -—
<br /> �_
<br /> ' .� . . _"'""""'_'_'.�."� _ . .t. , , _ � .. . , ' - . . � -�. �. • .� � . ' � . . . � - � . .
<br /> .. . . . _. �. • ' _ � . _ . . . ... . . . '\. . ^ . . . , . . . . . . . . , .. .. ', � � -'"
<br /> • - . . - • .. . • _ . . . _ _ . � .. ' .. . . .. . . . . � ' ' ` . " ' . . ', . . � '
<br />. . • '• � • .L1''�1., . ' . _ , . , ' - � .. ' ,� . . � � . _ . . �. • .. • ' ��-�a. ...�-r'-.',-� _-__
<br /> " ' . ... ' .. ', . . .. . . . _ ' ' _� . . - � •. . - , •. � • - .' , � �.
<br /> . . .
<br /> �-_� _'.... __.._. _.._.. _'_' '_'" '. '-' ' � _ _' " _ _ - _ _ _
<br /> ' �. �. •�
<br /> � . . .. . . . �4:
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<br />. ._ . .-_ - -- _ .._. -. .,. __-- . - -. .__ , --_ _ ___ _- __ _____ ____ _ ___ ____ __ _- ---
<br /> �_�. _�
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<br /> . � . . ' - . . - - . . _ '
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<br /> , . _ . , � . . �� ..
<br /> . . ._ , . . - ' . . . � , .. . ,. . .' � • . , � �. i",P'^'
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<br /> '�> '.,._. .-_ -..�__ �- - . -�.. _ _ .. _._,...._ - , --••i. ...._... - � �. ._, - - . . . . 17, .
<br /> 'jy, _ - . .. . ' . . . . . . ,. . . . • �r '�'� . . ;f . .. - - � . . ...:.r�-tt. . .
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