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<br /> ' . e • , , ��• ����� � r ' ,.i±Z.
<br /> `r 19.1Y�a�sf¢r of thP Progaa#y or m�lea�cLeD�intere,vt in @�arawsr. lf all ar aay p�o�the Propertyor any interestin it <. `. Y�
<br />. i�sold or uansferred(or if a 6enefraal interest in Barroweris sold oz transferredand Borroweris noi a naturalperson)witho?at . ',, ' • ��
<br /> Leader's prior written oon�ent, Lender may, at its optinn, reqwre immediate gayment ia full of all sums secured bY�
<br /> e .
<br />� Security Ins�vmenLHowever,this option shall nat be eaercised by I.enderif exerase is prolu'bited by federal law as of the daLe : , r
<br /> of this Seciuity Instrument ` ' ' ``'
<br /> iu
<br /> if Leudsr exercises this option�Lenders6all�*ive Borrowernotice of aaxteration.'Y'he natice shall provide a perias�of aai , , •. 3
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the uaiice is del��ered or ma�ed within which Borrower mvst pay all sums secured by thgs
<br /> -- Se�uity Instrumen�If Boa�omr fa�s to gay ih�e sums priar to the eapiration of ti�is period,Lend�r may invoke any remedies -<- -- ----—•-
<br />. p�rmitted hy th+s Sec�ity instrument witho•�fwthQr notice or demand on Borrawer.
<br /> 18. Bar�Er's Rtgt�t to Ret�te. If Borrower meeYs ceztain conditions, Borrower shall 6ave the rig6t to 6ave
<br /> e�orcementof this Sec+uity Instrumentdisco�nuedai aay time prior to th$ear�ier of: (a)5 days (or such�.t�er period as �''�_.
<br /> applirable law may spcxiiy for reinnatemeat)before saPe of the Property pursuant to any�ower of sale wntain�d'm this _.; _ ,,.;.
<br /> Secunty Instrument;or(b)ent�Y of a jud�eni eafoYCing this Security Instcumen�Thoss oonditions are that Borrovrer:(a) a�s =�,�o�•;.-
<br /> thi
<br /> I.ender all sUms which then would be das under this Secnrity Inshvmsntaad the Note as if no acxeleratioahad occurre�(b)
<br /> aues an}+d�f�ult of any oiher caveaam2s or agreements:(c)Pa a1a expens�.s inaured ia enforciag this Security Iastrrime�t, , , ; >°?;
<br /> iaslu but not limited tq reasanab2eattoraeys'fee�and(d�takessuch adion as I�endermay reasonablyrequireto assuse - ._r,�-j-s:
<br /> • that th�en of tliis Seauity Instrament,Lead�s*�gt►ts m th�property and Borrower's obtigation to�ay the sums secaued by ;;`�.._,�,;,��
<br /> i
<br /> Wis Security �nstrument s6all conUan+e nnsh�g�. U�eoa reinstatementby Borrower, tbis Secunty Insmiffieat amd the ', :,y%..=-_
<br /> n — --�:�
<br /> tlus right w reinscateshall :- �+-: •-_
<br /> obligaYians seciuedhereby sball remain fiilly effedive as if no acoeleration6ad occuned Hawever, • , • :.�u;'
<br /> aot apply in the case of acselention�ee Farag�raPL 17. �;__,-_
<br /> 19. ��e of No3� C6u�e uf Y.Qr�n�ervFs¢ar The Note cr a�artiai interest in the Note(togetherwith this Searity r �
<br /> Inst�nss-u3�ay be sotd ane or moretimes wit0oat Lrfios nodce to�orrower.A sale may resnit in a change in the entity�ltnown -`'� �=T:
<br /> ._,y���_s
<br /> as tla�"b�an Servicer'�tbat colle�s monthty gap�c-uts dne anderW.s Note aad tbis Secunty InstrumenL T6ere also may be ane - - 4.
<br /> cs c�a�-e changes of ths Loan Setvicer anrelated¢o��e of the Nete.If thereis a�e of the Iaam Servicer,Borrower w�ll be ���;=.
<br /> �vvenwr,rt�naoticeofthachangeinatxordanoewiet�g�ra�raphL4aboveandapplicabelaw.Thenoticean7lstaiethenaffieand . -.---- ,�•-_�=:
<br /> adu�e�c�t'.�e new iwn Scrnixi�::�:,s-'..�'.�S^���:umr.+7?s�hould be made.7'he na6ce w�l a?so contain any othtr _ - -__ _
<br /> inform.�tii�a required by applicab2e law. ~' •E °M .:.�;;::
<br />, 20. 3�azardons Sn6s4s�ne�. Boaoiver sha11 t�t ca�se or Yermit the presence.usc. disposal, �torage,or release ot any „�.
<br /> Hazardaus Ssabstances on ar in the Praperty. �a�+�wer sha11 not do, nos :tL!ow anyone e4se to do. anyth�ng affesting i6e . -
<br /> Property that is m via�tinn of any Bm►ironmenta�I.aw. The preocding tav :�tencesshall not pl}r to the presence,use, or � _ _. ' �����.�;==
<br /> storageon the Prop�t��of small quantitiesof Ilar.srdousSubstancesthatase�s�nerallY reco�iz�to be appropnateto aormal ��t�-. :�;3;ji; : '4�
<br /> residenti2l c:ses an3 ta raaintenaace af the Pro�perty. <,%:.:r;���r,�r•• ;;,;r=,
<br /> Bor�a�r sh2I1 �mptly g�e iu4a�erwntten notice o f any env e s t i g a t ian.c l a i m, d e m a n d,l a w s u i t o r o f h e a adion.��aa y -�. . �};�t�..'.�'.��;: i,,.:;,.
<br /> governme�3or r�uryagency ca:�rivaie p2rt.•t involving tt�eProper,ty and�s}r Ha7ardousSubstanceor Envi�ong►tiaslyd:L�:� �.,"�`;,;:�',_,.:`.�„'�r``_'
<br /> . of which�orraw�a ha�s asival knowle�e.If�amnacwr tearns,or is not�edt.i,��any�ovemmental or regulatory auth �t� ' •'�3+�•:,_
<br /> any re�:"�!or otherremedia6onof any Hazz�+�us..t'u�siancea�ecting the gr�'w'tY�s ae�s�ary��oaowershall gro�jc�e
<br /> aIt nec..�:my*emed'+a1 adions in accordance Fi�E��flnme:�1�.aw. ;'. .�,, -
<br />'`�� t�s as,z3 in tLis paragaph?A, °Hazarc�a�.:�S��i'bstances�a+�<<r�se subst��defined�s toxic or hazardous sub��s:��sy ��.�..r ,.,
<br />' Enviromurntal Law and the followu� subst�� �asoline, L:..��:�sene,othe:flamffiable or toxic petroteum�rodad���.,�c •.`•;,:�
<br />. . pesticidesandherbicides.volat�esolvents,ma�alsconta_ i�inoasbestosorfc*�W:aldeh�rde,andradioacbvematenals.As�.:in ., i'r.?�
<br /> _. this paragraph?A, "Environmental La�/' mea��e6us1 laws and laws of t�4re��isdichon arhere the Properiy is lorated that `s ..r��,.
<br /> reiate to heaIth,safety or environmental protestian. .. "�',�-;::
<br /> NON-UNIFORMCOVENANTS.�orrowesraadLenderfurthercovenautandagceeasfouows: ,�?i;;_
<br /> Zi.Accelee�tlon; Remtdles.Itnda sLaD givt eo4ice to Bors+ar�er prtor to accrlernSon toflowlag Borsawds breacb =� ;:'°'•`__-
<br /> ,!" o!any wveaant or agre�scni in this Secarlty Insdvment (but not prior to aooelesation ander pua�upb i7 u�iess -
<br /> aPPlicsbk tsw pmvtd�v o�herwise).'I�e aottoe ahaU apec�y: (a)the defanl� (D)�he acdon reqtitred to wre the ddauYt� �=.��;,
<br /> gEt � �- ,
<br />,�,` (e)a date.ao2 Iess�n 30 daya trom We da4�We nottce is giv�to Bora�ower, by w6tch tLe drtanit mnst 6e ciued;and . ,_. ;
<br /> r;i; t�t6at faitare to wre the defadt on or Dzecr�:the date spe�iSled in�r:ma4lse�a,y resalt in ac�leratioa o4 th�su�s �^,�.. - _ �
<br /> Dz —
<br /> �.;;, semred by thts Stt�tY Ins�rumeat an�sa9s�11�rbe Ye+operty. Z L e�u t�a e d h a U f a s t L e r i a fo r� B o r r a v r e s ot We r i g�t to - _
<br /> eeinstz.�e;atleP aoce2eration an�the rig6t 3o b�a cow�t mat��an t��t tLe non�stence ot a def�Wt or any otIIstr _
<br /> ;`.:'ti defem�e�?Borm�er to acceIera4ism and s�Ce. �S the dsf$a!��x�ut cm.�d roa or beforre rue date specif[ed in t�e noticc, '
<br />. �._.� Iender, at tts optton,may �q�!r�immed�a� �x2meat In LmII�ril si�e�s¢cue+ed lir,�r�i9 Secarfty Insismmsat v�ithoat r .-_ ,�
<br /> fArther demand and�ay invo�te tDs Po�r��rfi:�nlJ any m�er rsm�tpermt�by appf�cabk 18w Leadetr st�11 be �' °
<br /> � eat(tted to�ollec3 ai�: tnsn�sd In�.:s�il�g the remedlea pmvfided!(1D�is parap,TaPh 21,inclBding,6n!not Umtied ��r--�;�
<br /> -.�,.�,,....
<br /> •., to,Raso�a64e attos�r��ad casLs of tISe evtdent� � .,'
<br /> ' >> If the pm�er o3 c.�Lv taval�ecil, Trastee abaU record a notice of defaalt ln eac[�r�vanty [n which any yart of the , �,,:,
<br />,;:;{�.. PropPrty ts lora t e d��''a w l l�l i;cvpD ies o!sa c 6 no tice i n t 6 e m a n n e r�p n s c r l b e d b y�ll c a 6 l e l a w t o B c s r r a w e r �n d t o ��;�,,;-��_i�YY,
<br /> t6e ot6er pasons pn..�iIIxd b3+a�ble larn Aiter tEnx tlme requ[red D�raFD�e 1aw.-�ste��hafl giv+e pnbi3�oo�loe = za,�. .
<br />' - ''i o!aaie to tha ptraou3�sad ia tSie man�eer prascz°;�ed by appL��le lan!.'T�nttratec,•w1Ww1 iWs±�t�Botravrer, s�ll seU ; ".
<br /> r
<br /> • . the Property at pnblie sustton to ths bIgi�es¢6iY�r at tht dmx aad p�itte�amd under t�rterms , te81n the aoUoe o! r;Y°=���^°=-
<br />� ' sale in one or more parcels�i9 any order��bmstee determines.'t�mstY�,�s►Y IeostWa2 sai,a o7 or pny p�n�el ot We •'""'�"�"'°��--
<br /> peoperiy by Pa6llc annonnoeQrr��at Wa time aad plaoe o!any prevlonsiy schedWe�saT�.'t�dtr or Its dest��2 may -=4�,�;�:;i.�"'
<br /> pnrc�se the Proprrty at any sa:e. "7•
<br /> �����',
<br /> �,�.,._..
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