�s�E,�� • • �.. . • • , .� .
<br /> � va ' w° e . ' ' . • . � _e- ' ... - � � � � . ' . . _ a =
<br /> � -- - -- ='�r.:�- --- --- -- - - - -- ;i�- -T-=r<—..i�- - ' , %_
<br /> e . . ,_ ._�.. _
<br /> z _ __ _ -- ' —�-�—f_ , ''" ' -- __ -
<br /> , a _ . _,_t _ .' ` •-._-_—- -- . ' . ' , .. .. ' . . - , � <. �� . < . � '.�r��^ry4. �4".�"
<br /> - ..�..�.,_... �.,c........���:_..5._..._.....�.��...�_..___...=5:+.. —�_.- 4_.c:_:..�.r' . . _r_�_�_...�,._.-__ _'...��`._�.,, , c ' � .
<br /> • r�, ,'���`` ' � �
<br /> r ��- `� , • r c •�`
<br />. . : � , ��. •� 9s_ �. �
<br /> �: -�
<br /> paymeats may nfl longer be required,at t�e opdoa of Lender,if mortgage�n��nce cove:age('m the amount and for the periad . ' � �
<br /> 4hat Lender reyuires)pravided by an insurer approv�d by Leader agai.n becomes available and is oMained.Borrower shall pay . � • :
<br /> thepremiumsreqieiredto maintainmorigageinsuranaein effe,cx„or to proYide a iass rese�lve,until the requireffienifoa mor4gage � `" • � • �-�
<br /> . inst�rance ends in accwrdance with auy written ageement betw�ta Bo:raFrer aud l.eu�les or applirabfe lativ ' ` � •
<br /> • 9. Insp�[c�I.snder or its agent may make reasanabte eatries apon aad inspe�Ydas�s of the Property.l.ender shall�jve • , . •�,
<br /> �oaovrer notice at t�e time of or prior to an insp�ction specifying reasoaabte cause for the inspection. �.. ,.f . '•' � "
<br /> �..
<br /> �� !0 Conc�emuae�aa, Ths pro�:eds of any awar�f or claim for damages.d'ired or co�eqnsniiai,in conne�tion with any - . . . ._ � � :��,,
<br /> candemua�no:ot�er tal�g of any part af the Fro�terty,or for canveyance in tieu of coademnatian,are herei�y assig�ed and �- ��•� - `• ' ,
<br /> shall be paid to bender. �.." . ' .--
<br /> I�the event of a total tai�ng of the Property,t�e p�oceedss�all be ap�slied w th.su�s secvredby this Security Insocument, : .
<br /> � whcther or aot then due,with any excess paid to Borrowsr.In the eveai of a parti2i ta�ng of the Property in ahicb the fair � � - -� - -
<br /> exc�s
<br /> marketvaluc of thc Property im�ediatelybefore the taking is equal tc,oz Bre-atesthaa th�amount of the snYns secured[ry this '� ,; � _
<br /> Sec¢Yi3y Instrumeatimmediat.Iybefine the tal�ag,un2ess Bosrower and Le�deroth�vise agree in an�itiag, the sums securedby �' . .: ;,'��'.�-=-�-�'-
<br /> cia Lt Sa , �';,�i.�_-_.
<br /> t6is Sscurity Izutruffieat sLall be reduced by the amount of the groc�eds multipl�d by the foIlowiag 6rac�on:(a)th�total ' ;�,,,;-;��:
<br /> amouniof tl�sums securedimffied�ateiybefore the taldag, divided bY(b)the fair�ketvatue of the Progertyimmediately � ` :: , .," , `-"�`
<br /> . befare the ta3�eg Any 6alauoe sflall be paid to Borrawer.Ta the event of a paY[ia]ta�ng af the I'roperty ia which the fair ,-` � . _-.,�-y..�-� ��y --
<br /> ._, `{-m.i�.�Nif"y.n-.���.:
<br /> � � �arketvalue of th,s Propeetyunmedan2elyi�foze the talcing ss tes�tban th:amouniof th�snms secared�mediatety before the ;�;;.;";*,..j.:.:--�.
<br /> �:''. talt��tmless�axcovrer and I.eader otfieiartsc agree m writmg or unless applirahie 1aw otherarise provides,tlze ptoceeds shall � .
<br /> '`•� be appfied to tt�s�ums secured by this Sesa�j Ins�ent whctbe�or aat the sums are thea due. ,'"� �"",.::.,---.n "'-
<br /> . :s'."#` • {.q.;�.
<br />• If the Property is abaadonedby Borrctver,or i� after no�se by Lender to Boirovrer that ths condemnoroffers to maIse aa ��-����,,,� '':' ,t,
<br /> _� atvard or seut;,a claim far da�ages,Borrc+iver fa�7s to respoadto Lea�x.rwithin 30 days after the date We no6ce is giveu, 5�"
<br />— �st4erss a��_*�?e.�im c;ollect andapaIy 1heY�roceeds.at its oDiion,eitherio restmamiasmr renairof the Proaertyor to the su� + � '_�_-__-�_'-`___
<br /> secured by t6is Sec�rity Instruffient,wb�th�r or not then due. � ..� �"`"`"'
<br /> �.��,:��_
<br /> . ' Ua2ess L�nder and Hoaa�rrer othe:er�rc agree ia writing, aay applir,�tiaa of pmceeds tu principal shall not e�¢end ar � � =-
<br /> • '�; gosigoae tl�d�e date of the montWy pay�tantn seferred to in paragRagtrs 2 aad 2 oz d�ange the amount of such payments. �` ���
<br /> �
<br /> 1L Bac��Aio2 FteEeas�'d;L+ar�rsnox 6y E.eade�Not o W2i�.: Exie�a o�the time for payment or�udification
<br /> •,�� of a�nortiz�donof ehe sttms secaaedtay t6is Seauity Iastrnmeat�rantedby Lenslesto a�►saccessor in inYerest of�acr¢weasball �;�. . �.
<br /> n �
<br /> aaec�ena3etoreleasetheliab��yafiheorigFaelBorrowerQrL3osrower'ssaccessoraminterest.Leadershallao2beDequiredto ,:: ��,��s i=�'
<br />' . .'. coameaceprasee��aiastanysuoceasoria�inierestorrefiisewc�te-�timafarpaymeniorath�s.7irsemodifyamortizafiat �:,;,�`: , '��
<br /> �r.�; of t�sums srce�:T�y this Security�n�c�ment by reason of any d��ed m�by the orignaL Borro�ver or Borro�ve.�s . ,� . ;v.r..:,;�:-'+x� � �;.;
<br /> .�..,r.,,:::�� .�; J
<br /> sac�ssors in ine�:�Any fox�earanoeby b.under in exerasing a+�r:g�or rem�y shaII not be a;raiver of or preclude tis�e .;'� „ ��
<br /> e�as�of aay rig�t ox re�e+i.y.. �:'> ±�..
<br /> , �A�,
<br /> JJ..
<br /> • � TE�. Sac.�rssocs ancl As��auudi �alat�d Se�.a�ria�tty; Caot�.7[fr.�cmrenants aad�ec-m�.�df 't:� �; y�.. • :;%�. �-�.
<br /> Seansity InsWmeatshall b;ed and benefit md�E�eeessora��ASG�o€Le�de�r a�3 l�;�re.y�':�eet to t6�pravisions of :z� ,-�:�`
<br /> Paza�{aph 17. Bazmv�s caventwts and agreements shall be joint and seveaal.E4ny Barrav�a�o co-signs this Serudtgr --
<br /> Instramentbut aioes no4 execute tha Note:(a}is co�signing this Seanrity Iastrummionly to mortgage,�rant and coavey that ;: '•.:.•n, .• �•,�!�
<br /> ' y, • ' . , _•�'• aor,
<br /> - Boriovrei's interestia the Property under thm t�erms af Wis Secauity Instrurnen3;(b)is not peisonally obtigated to p2,y the sums � „ ,��s�.,
<br /> 1t
<br /> - �`� securedbytlriu3ec�rityrn �+�+P^�and(cj.;greesthai�.enderandanyoiherBarro�rermayagreetoe�Read,modif�� t+'�rbearor ��`�i �V '.;"� •.
<br /> �y � ;t•;.
<br /> . �;i'� make any acco�odati�uns witb reg�ud to thu.t¢rms of tbis Security Iastrt�e�3 07 tha Note w3tlsout that�oaavver's consent �. .;• ,, • .• '`�: ,�'��_
<br /> S ��,�
<br /> � f3.Lo�n Ch�tc�s.If the loan seuu�edb�!.this Securiity Iastr�mentis sabjest to a 1aw which setv maximum loan chargzs, � ""''�` ::�?•:r
<br /> ` and t�t?�w is finaUy inie�pretedso t1�t tho iuterest or other loaa chargies col�eal or to bE cuRected'm conneciion w�Eh the ' �� . •'::.' `r,`�
<br /> � ; ges �•�' ` _ _ ,1�
<br /> Ioan.mrceed t�permitiedbmils,Wen:(a)a��sarl�loaa c�ge shall be reducedtry iLe amauntcecessary to re�,ra�she ebarge .�:� � ''�"'"'I`.`�v�
<br /> ,� ; <i . . ;.�: .
<br /> - ; ao cB�s Pcrmira�dli�:aad N)anY sums aln:iv.iy callecee�CTar,n Barrov�erwhis6 e�pErmiecedL'mits w�l fr�+�fssadedco �r:�' `�5%', y;�;_..:.. , .?_
<br /> � ..� �orrow�:Lcudcrm3y choose to mAke Yhis aefuad hy cexft►�iag the priaapal ovred�der the Note or by as.�ug`a d'aect ,� • , .. ' .�•� "'•:.;::<.
<br /> � pa}mtent to Ba:�onrer. Tf a refund �eduo�princaapal, t{c. c:adueiion ail! 1» t�ea8ed as a partial prepay�►em�u:A`hout �y . , ` .�;Y,.��*�{����•.,;"�;' �:
<br /> a rin �
<br /> prepaymeut charg�c nader the Note. �. ••.;•�.<����;. .,, '
<br /> . .�.i,—�..eF�Y`Lw.�:,'a:��.
<br /> i�NMle�An notice to Botra���Y vided fot in t�'�Sec�ai Instrtrmaa2sts�ll be ' en delive ' �t�u m .-�°`"':
<br /> Y PT� tY � bY �� �53+ aiDing . � ' "�4�
<br /> . it by rirst dasq�ail�n2ess appli�bla�w requires vse of aaothermothod.Ttr�a�'tice shall be direrted to the Pro�yAddress ,',..`:,�,n�nF��I H��'; `:��
<br /> � or aa �other stddress Barrawer toa nodce to Leader. eotice to Le�er sball be �� " "'��r`s:_
<br /> Y d�� �'Y �Y &�en by fnst cla�ma�tct '.. -::2.-...�',�:, � �;;•..
<br /> Lendet's address atated herein or any nthar��resg Lender desiga�te�ir} cu;tice to Borrower.Aa��s�atice pravided for in tLis� ' � _ ���'kf ���
<br /> �� Security Insfrument ohall be de�med ta 6ure ts�en given to Boraoarer oe iir�d.,�ari��agiven as prmriced in tbis paragrapL. ,�, *� " :; ��i�+,.,'•, --�...
<br /> � ..� ,� ��Nn 7q.•_;,�..
<br /> 15.Govcrntag I�vr Se�asa6W11. This Securiry Instra�ments�a:3 bs gcr.raae�by federal law and tbe law ofth� ., ' . . r� , >., �`
<br /> �.� j�dirtion in wtuch t6e Propext.y is 2oo�tr,d.In the event thnt riay prm�ion o3 clavac of this Security Inshvme�or the Note .`'�-":-,--'.��.:.,,��r
<br /> '� �� canfl:cts wit�applicuble law,suca oonIIic�slaall aot affect orlreY pr�+isiaa3 cf tb;s Seeurity Iastrumentor the Notewhich raa be �{ -_'---
<br /> ��';' ; p@ven effect wiit�out the conflicting pravFSion To tbis end the provigians�sfr t�Se�auity t�n,*-����t the Noie ara dec]area �:�.::.• A• __c:,�.;
<br /> to be severabie. �"` ''
<br /> _ ��. .
<br /> ` 16.BornmteWa Copq. Boncawershallbe ' oneca�urmedco oftii�Na2�andofthi�S ' �.�� �`--�'°:
<br /> �en T3Y ecuri�►Insuuaient � nnr�.. :,�•,:
<br /> � •'�,:�;;::
<br /> . Form S02s '� °�E:�'i
<br />� . ' ��(�t�1061 t�4ot0 � ;,�w�.+±���KA:h
<br /> trl -.� �e.;,•�*R i:..��-z"�_•-'_#'t:i'.
<br /> �Ft�.}:tz'l ��[1�i
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