. .'y�-., . . . . . ..._ . . • . ' ._ �h.✓ - ... _ -�
<br /> • - , . _. .i -. . " ?..L. _ _ ___—_._ _
<br /> ' . .. ,. ; _ .. . ' ,� . ' n � . ..r.�_.i��l"� � �f � .
<br /> _ _'_s - _ _ _ - _ - '_ —_. '_'_._" y= 'c ,
<br /> ,. .�, . .
<br /> . �. ` �..
<br /> -_ = ---,---- °` . -- - --
<br /> - - - -. _---•� �,�.___..__�.�.�--- -��_._ n.Y... _ �3��
<br /> _—_` :._.-�._ -'.�-�,..��.' --. � `- C Y . --_
<br /> _ � � � 't4
<br /> ,� tl .
<br /> the Pro o or a Berso�icial te�tarss3 tn �orrawo�. it au orgy�D�art�ot��P�operty or . - -- y _
<br /> ' 17. Transtsr of 1� �l/ .. ,
<br /> any intera;t in il i3 sotd er Vansterred jor if a beneUdaS mteresi in BaROw2r�s sold or VansfErred and 8otrower is not a n8tura1 . °� r-'` � ��:�
<br /> � p¢rson;without Lender's prfor wrtten consen� Lender may.at its oDGan• require immedEate paymerrt m fufl ot eU sums secured by �-. . . �--c� '_
<br /> � this SecurAy tnstrument Hawe+rer.this option sAaD not be exe�cised by Lenckr i1 exerese is prohibRed by fedQraf law as ot the �.• _,
<br /> daie of this 3acurity InsVUme� .. . '
<br /> If Leeider exeraises thts aption. Le�der snall give Bonower noUce o1 acceleration. The naUce shall provide a perlod of nat �-�• ,�; � .
<br /> !ess than 30 days fram the date tha notice is delivered ar maied vrithin which Bortov�er must RaY aU sums secured Dy this ` :..� �''�.,
<br /> y�. invoke an rertsedies ,. '<..,__
<br />. gecunty Instrumtnt It Borsower fails ta pay these sums p�ar to the exptratioo at this period, lender rnay Y
<br />�� permRted by this Securiry tnstrument wRhout fuRher not�ce or demand on Bortower. . , , � �� '�`
<br /> .. "" n 8ortower sha0 have the dght to have �'_ �
<br /> 18. Borrotver's Right to Reins4ate. !1 Borrower meets certarn condrGo s. � �';� _Q,f�:
<br /> e _
<br />�L. entorcement of this Security�nstrument dlscar�finued at any time prior to the earlier ct (a} 5 days (or such othe► periad as ,_
<br /> app6cable law may specify► tor reinstatemenA tiE�ore s a le o 1 t he Pro pe r t y pursuart to eny power o�sa-�e con��d���s Secu�ry s ' _. ._ _ �
<br /> Instrument or (b)entry of a�udgnent enforang this Securiry�nstrument Those condihana are that Borrower. (a)pays Lendar ai!
<br /> sums whith ihen wau:d be fise under this SearttY�nsUUment and ihe Note as rt no acceleration had naairred: (b)cures any _ y"r r. __ ,_
<br /> a al{�cpensr,s incurred in enforang this Securtry �nstrument. mduding. but � "-
<br /> defautt ot any ott�er covenant or agreements: (�) P YS
<br /> t JrJJ�
<br /> not fmited to,reascnabte attomeys'taes: and (d) takes such actian as Lender may reasona6ty require to assure that the Gen of �T,���F
<br /> . Pro e and Boaowers obfigatton to pay the sums secured by thi� Secunty �'-'-•>,-�u==-=� .L„4T "�
<br /> th:s Sewrity tnstrumen�. Lender's rights m the D rtY x=:��:�:.:�= ---._
<br /> • ins[rument sha0 cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borto�ver. this Securily Instrument and the abGgaticns securec� -:_�,�.__,�:�j,`
<br />.t','_ .�� -
<br /> hereby shali remain 1uQY e�tecWe as it no axeleration had occurted. However.this right to reinstate shaA not appty in the ease } ���._
<br /> o!acceleraUon und2r para�raDh 17. ,.• '"" -
<br />' .: - -
<br /> �:; 79. Sate ofi t�lo4a; Change of Loan Ssrvicer• sne ntase or a a partfel interest in the Note (tog�her with this �.� F., ;'i;
<br /> �' Security Inst�vment) may be sofd one ar more times without priar notice to BoROwer.A sate may resutt in a change i�the entitY `. `
<br /> .. � �.
<br /> (Imown as the'Loan Service►")ihat callects morrthty paymerRs due under the Note and th(s Se�vrity Instrumer►� There also may ,�M�,V,. _c '
<br />``���� he o�e of more changes of the Loan Servicer unretated ta a sale o1 the Nata if there is a change of the Loan 3ervicer• , , ,.:,�� f �, -
<br /> �z:
<br /> • Bowowet v�ill be g�ven written notice ot the change in accordance with Raragraph 14 above and appitcable la�v. The notice will '-���������_.;V�'
<br /> state the name and address of ihe new L.oan Servieer and the address to vrhich payments shoutd tre made. l'he notice w11 atso ,�F�i� j
<br /> � < � �,t� �
<br /> cordam any other intartnatlon requUed bSl 8PP6cabie law. ; •,�t-='
<br /> - 2ii. i�iaZardous Su�s23�i.:e9. Bu,iur+er shait act�use or permit the presence.use.dlsDosal. storags, ar retease af �'~~��
<br /> .F=•� any Hatardaus Substances on or (n the Praperty. 8ortov+er shall not do.ncr ffllaw anyone else to do, anythfrt{�r�lir�ling�37r -; •`"`:s��'
<br />' ���� Property that is fn vioiation of any EmUonmental law. The p►eced3rrS 1wo��rtFn�s shail not apply to the ptc�TCn �.=e c+r �� ��" ,°-
<br /> j;�;•, recogn¢ed to be appropriaae to nart-ca[ `�P''L, _.�; ` � _
<br /> storaqe on tho Property ot sma0 quarttitles o1 Hazardous 3ubstancr�tit�:a°e generalty
<br /> '- residerNal uses and to mafntenance of the ProD�Y• �
<br /> ' 8ortower shaU protnptly 91ve Lender w�ten notice ot any fnvestlgatlon, cbJm. demand. Iawsuit or other acUon by any = � `
<br /> � govemmental or regulator�ugr-noY or private party imotving the Properry snd any H�rdaus Substence or Environmental Law ot
<br />� ,;i`!� �'�
<br /> �vhlch Bofrower has actuai loiowledg� +t Borrower t e a m s, o r l e rt o U S e d b y a n y g o v e m m e M a l o r r e g u l a t o ry autho ri ry. ttr3t arty
<br />:� C removal ar other remed'�ation ot any M:�rssdous Substance aitectfng Praperiy is necessary. Barrower sha0 prompUy take sll ��{....; `
<br />��:�. � .,�.:. .
<br /> .,;s necessary r�nedial adions i n aceo r d a n e e K:h E rn i ro n m e n m l L a w. �•�,, ,.�
<br /> As used'm thts paragraPh 20. "Hazardous Substances' are thasc s�:stances defined as toxic or hamrdous substances t�f :�.:: .,,
<br /> ' E nv(ronme r R a l Law end the following subsiances: !m�:oline, kemssm_ other flammabte or toxic petroleum p:odueGs. ta:�3e:• E`-
<br /> ,• Yf 'y,�':.i�:
<br /> :,;:; pestiddes end heMldd�,vetatile soNents.mate�Ials�+aining as6e=ms cr tortnaldehyde.and radioactive materi�L�. d'-s;:s e d�:�
<br /> ;,�r�;} para�aph 2p, •Envlronrttental Isiw' means federal laws and taws of the Nrisdiction where the Property is�ecateo t:�relate tn � � flv�.�
<br /> '���,,���
<br /> ��i�t f �,.. ..
<br />.•,,�jFS� heaRh.satery or envtronrr.ental pratecdon. �'° •�
<br /> } � ��.:;
<br /> �?``�'r NON�UNiFOHM COVENANTS•Borraner and Lender tuRher covenant and a�ee as tollows: • .
<br /> s � b�:.
<br /> , �'�� � 21. Accetera4tctr.; Remedies. Lender shaTil give no4ice ta �orrawer p�tor to acceteration �_
<br /> . �F.���.��''�,�_._
<br />,``�.ti fottowing Borr�nre�'s breach of any covenant or agroemen4 in titc8s Security tnstrccment (but not Y��,,��;__
<br /> ..t;U::� ,.c--
<br /> •�=;";{'� prior to acceteratton u�der paregroph 97 uNess appliaabte law provtrlos a'�e�rdse). The nottce
<br /> ;,it� .���;�::�::.��� ,:.`
<br /> i{c;t� shalt specity: {a)ti�e defaui� �b) the action requlrad to cure the detault; �z� a da4e, not less than } :
<br /> �0 days from the date the natice is given to 6o�rawer. by which the defaalt must be cured; r.tt� -�T�._
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the default on � betore the date spedflsd in tha notice m��a���Ce M ' �r � .•
<br /> acceleratlon o!the sums secured by thtr� �ortty In�trument and safe of 4t�e Property �.,..__.-f '
<br /> shal! t�tr2her inform Borrower af the rtgisY 4a reic�'.e after accelvratlon and the righ4�.� brin� �e }.Y
<br /> cauet �ction to asseR the non-exlstenae of a d+�9autt or any ather defense of Bonrower firx `ri-
<br /> � acceleratiom m�d �afe. ff the default is not cured vn or before the date specffted in the �ottct�, ��t�,l�.���,�
<br /> Lender at it� a�Ftixc� mAy require Immediate payment in fuil of all sums secured by thta Securbty 3��.:�'.;-•
<br /> Inatrument w:t[trsxutt�'�Rher demand and may invo8ce tho powr�,Y o4 sate and any other remedi�s ".:,� •.
<br /> ,.• r3x t "�� .
<br />.ti��;.'±. permt2tcd by Fr,z���oablo 1��•. A.snder sha11 bo enttttesf to coftae�ail expenses inaurrsd tn pursuireg � , �. _
<br /> '""` the rc�r�ae�ies provided tn tt��s p�agraph 21� Includ�ti�, but not limfted �b� reasonabfe attorrtoyF�' ;g u�k��;.
<br /> �,''t}� asis o! tltle evtdenco. `� ���:� ,' ..
<br /> tess�.�i c: _.�_'�� ,;,�., .
<br /> � If t'e povtar �f sale Is invoked, T�us4ee sh� cocord a notice of defautt in each caunty in ���,�.�_.
<br /> �'•�.�a-,-�-. -
<br /> whtch any part �ti the Prope�ty is locr3ias� as�� �tTwt1 mail captes of such notice in tho er�anner ����.__._
<br /> c ,. :
<br /> prascr�ad 6�y �,�•pflcabio I�►w to Borra���� ���s� other persons prescribed by appUcabte law. . ,, : ,
<br /> �' Aftar iis�iirreo required by applieable �a�,touste�s� r:i�a�� 9�yo Publio natic� of sale to the pe�sone . i `5�f���� �
<br /> ,;::';"}��' and Itz t�'eo cn�tt�r presarlbed By appl3ctl.�?o fW+�. 1rru��tee. without domatnc��n 8orrow+rer, shall sell _ _��;�.w_
<br /> . ,....s._
<br />,,,�^'�� the 6�ea��rCy at �ut�9ic auction to the Iifgitus: 1�fr�cluw at the time and at� and unde� the termo =�,�;;•., .
<br />'�;1,;:: � dosigres�ad in iitc� r�otice of saim in oaa mr mar� �arcefs andt in any order Tru�tee ttetermines. ..5. ,.� •. t�,.: - •;; _
<br /> `z.,,.� Trusia� may po•2pone sate of all or ar.-g� parcel ot�dhe Pro�rl.k� iby �aLz�l.'ic announaement at tho �Y�S� , ,�����b•`_
<br /> °.'�''�� timo fv,zd ptace of any prevlousty schedulod satd. Lvnder or its dasL�.aeo may purcha�e tho -' y i''�i��';i.. �
<br /> ���"��. Property �t any sate. .�.',.��"`;,����':
<br /> ��., .,j�.,
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of tiee prlco 6td. Trustev shall deUver to the purchaser Trustee'a ;..•:;;�;�i��.f�,;:_,.
<br /> •• • deed conveying the Property.Tho roci4al�In the Trustee's deed shatt be p�ima faaio evidonce o9 ,n.t,, �
<br /> �� the truth of the statemonts made tharein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds ot i1s� salo in 4he -;4��;��- . ..
<br /> t o l l o w i n g o r d e r: (a j t o a l l c o s t s a n d e x p e r s es of exorcisin g the power o! sale. and the sale, -�• .�, �.;. , .
<br /> `��,.:.Y� .
<br /> including the paymeM o4 the Trvstee's feea actualty incur►ed. not to excoed thres .,�=,�,,��;..,•i, .•,:
<br /> --, % orf the principal amount of the ':'�•'�...•. .
<br /> nota at the timo of 4he declaration of detaufb and reasonablv attorney's tees as purmiited by law; . '',':.•:»�' � ..
<br /> � (b)to all sums secured by 4his Secu�i4y Instcument; �nm (a) an�/ excess 4o tho person or �ers�ons • � •• ,
<br /> . :�� • . .
<br /> le�}aliy entitlad 4o it. • . .
<br /> --- - / °�(,I 1 --,-_-�° .
<br /> PJq�4 ;1 S `������ , ..
<br /> ' =,3,e.una ���se, .
<br /> 9aix, � �
<br /> ,_,
<br /> --- � - .
<br /> .
<br /> . .. . , - . , - . ,,,:. . � .,
<br /> , ._ .. . , , . . . ' . �. � � � .
<br />