t` � ���. . , � ' . `(. ; ' . � . -t,' ' .}--<I:` . . . . r-ixb�r - '�� `S __
<br /> . .. . • . . `c• ,L._._--- :.,_-<_r..�_ _
<br /> . , V _..���_�_. -.." ' �. :• ' .` � ..
<br /> —._+,-�� —.�"�� �_ .a...:..rn `� �_�_ t r�t. _-.
<br /> _ .__ V� � T4 . __. _
<br />� h 18. b causmg�A�l��L�taceedmg to be , _` �;..y ::
<br /> � 8orrower may ane such a d2tautl and re+nstate. as prorded in paragrap Y , � � �x�r.ry
<br /> �• S P'..
<br /> •• disaussed vrdh a ruting thaL in Lenders gaod tailh detertn:na�on.prec►udes torteiture ot the Boiro�t$ tBartov�er�shail a�o be v� � . , _
<br /> � otner materizl unRa'ument of tAe lien ae�ted by ths Sewniy tnsuument or Lender's secunty ,° , . ,
<br />• �c detauh if @orrower.dunng the loan eyplcatior► proc2ss. 9a+e materin4y ta►se or inacevrate intorma@an or statements to Lendar(cr -�' �.j,�,�,.` `` _ ``'�4,.`_.
<br /> F •°� tai:ed to pro•rtde Lender with enY ►nat�nal t�►tortnatian) in cannection �vith tho laan evialenead by the Note. �ndudin9• �ut.not __
<br /> "- ��;'�._.
<br /> � ,._ _°.-:�.._.�_.--
<br /> limited ta. �p�sentatECns concemng Boaovrcrs occupaneY of the Preperiy as a pdeeipai rasidence. �t th�s Seeuri[y . T
<br /> Irt^trument is on a leaseho'.d. Ba�wer sh°11 com.ply r�:th a[i the prevtsions at thrt l2ase. II Boero�ar acyulres tee title to the _
<br /> ' Rroperry.the teaseho!d and tRe te�titte shzil nct merge untess Lender agrees to the merc�ar in variting. j�' ;. �� y
<br /> ' 7. ProtBCtlon of Lettder'8 6�tQhts in the Rro�etdy.tt BcROVeer tai's ta qc�rWrm tt�e co��vncatv and ag*eements .
<br /> cantzned in tnis Secur+tY k►strum✓:ni. ar tAere is a legal proceeding tt+at rtay signi�canUy affect Lenders rR�nss �a the PrcpeRy • .f ..^ -. -_
<br />' (such as a proceedm9 a�ban�wfltcy►. Prob�e.for condemnatian or torteitu and Lertder's�rt htssin tfieg'�re��/• tLardersaG'�ns . -
<br /> - do and pay tw whatever is necessary to proted ihe vaUle of the ProPerty 9 ' `" -
<br /> ' may indude Paying asiY sums secured by a �en whieh has Pdoriiy aver this Sscurtty Instr�cment a��nurrm� �n caqrt. pay�n9
<br /> �l� reason2b:e attomeys'rees end entering on the Praperty to make repavs•Attfiaugh Lender may take aUSan unrler tiii:+Pnmt["1'�Ph ' �,
<br /> 7. Lender dues not have to do so. :
<br />' Any amoants diseursed by lend2r under pardgraph 7 shatl become additional de62 ot Barrc��et sea:rn4 dy Ft�1s 9ar�+�1Y : ~�,
<br /> � Instrument Unless Borso•rt� artQ Lender agree to other terms of paym:e�t these amaunts shall hPar intarest frc�n the date ot � - � .
<br /> on notice hom Lender ta Sura�wer requ�dnq Pa1l��- : �- ,G�_�-<:�_:.._,
<br /> disbursement at the Nn2a tate end shzU be payabte.wiffi inte�st up . , r-.�,•re• -
<br /> 8. �RQ�gagO litflqi�ilae. It Len�� �equQed moRgage insurarice as a conditlon n± mafdnq U":�3laair sEau+ed by this t.?.,, '„'.'^•'_'',�,.,.,,_"'_
<br /> Sewrity tnsW�rteM.Buam�rai slr�D pa/the prem.FUms required to maintain tha rc�art�age insurartce in �cL it.tct any ceason.the ���s���.���3.rxs��W;�i�=
<br /> mortg=ge insurence caveraga roGuied by Lender iaAses ar ceases to Ge�n eHed. Bcrrorocer s:�all�3ry Uct F��muma requued to :_ ,�,R �� __ _
<br /> . ,
<br /> obl2'u► coverage substan':alty epu's�a►ent to the mortgage insurance prEViausty u► eftect. a� a ectit sa6�ntlttity eq��i�r�iRal..ta the ?.� }s�) -
<br /> . cost to Bo:�ow�r ot the moRBaga insuranca P�riousiy in eftect. 1rom an zttemate maR;�:e i�rw $Ff%rc+ieC ty Len�:Nr. N ���_-�-`--_ ---
<br /> E7
<br /> substantiaQy equ:ialertt ma:tg�.:ga insurartce coverage is not ava�taDte. Bca�ncer shep paY to Ler�Crir eACh mr,nih 8 sum equaf to �R..,,,:.r.q=��__--
<br /> " ane-twalfth o!the yearly imrtgsg�insurance premium being paid by Borrower when tre insurance cn�rc�a,A Sapr.ed�r ceased to [.(+T�...' _°°°�'_
<br /> be in effxt. Letid2r wi0 aocept.use and retaT these paryments as a loss reserve� Geu ot m.artqi+*�¢innumnr:a. Lu3s*ese►�e '.�;����Y"
<br /> P31lmenis m3y no tatg2r be reQ'yr�ad. at the option ot Lender.it mortgage insurance coveragct(.n the amoant and'fel•t!tt3�Pmiod ;�`_•;=s:__________-
<br /> , that lend2r retpuYes) Pro�ded by an insurer approved by tender again becomes avtul�Cta ar.d�s oh�7med BoROwet st+ti8�3y „ .',y?`i..}."`'""`�'
<br /> the prem.�unss require�to�fni=`rt mnnEa9e insurence m eftect. ar to pravido a t�ss resenr� unbl tT�r r24uire�nent for ranrtgage ,��:�'���..��.L
<br /> �::.:?,���:�,�:�
<br /> insurance�do in aowsdanc+3 vritA any+vritt�agreement beriveen Bartc,v�end i.en�r or a�lic&Cle�a+n. Lender sha7 e rgt-��e''r��"`_-_=--_
<br />. � 9. {ntspea4tan.LenAer or its agmi ti.a�.:�k.^.•°°�^•'atstp vntrfc�s u�cx�ar.d�soedions ct�Y��f:f•�sf�f. � k�if-��dllirf�'��;�"'-_:.
<br /> �
<br /> reascnab��cause tar tha ii►spadfart. t� . `""'-�•;=
<br /> Boarower no�Str.e at tfia 15n=ot or priar to an Inspec6on speci:ying �
<br /> 10. Condomnatto�.'The pra�eds of any award ar d��tm tar damages. mred or cons�ur�MitU.�Li.connectlon rc�h any ��, j ���
<br /> � �>- ,..,
<br /> � condf�maBo;� ar oth�ta'.dng of eny part ot the ProperlY• or fzr comeyance in �ieu ot condgmnatlart. acc+herFby ess[gm3d and ��.. .�.
<br /> ;..`. . _ :�' �"�'—'
<br /> sh�D be paid to L�d�r. ._• '�`��: _.,,,;;
<br /> [n the evErtt of a to'a! taldng ot the ProPenY• me p�ceeds shafl 6o eFptied tc� t�rt suma �GUr�d DN thfs Secu►itY .. �i"�--.:;:�
<br /> 1
<br /> � lastrurr�ent.vrfif�her or not the�due.w1h arry mceess paid to Barrower. tn the evPnt ai 8 partiN��idnQ�4t tttu I�opt�tY U►whlCh `",s' �•.- f::%-'
<br /> :�� .'�.
<br /> ,:`"�:,tej,r;
<br /> the fatr rtksr6cet va!ue et tho Properiy immzd�at�y betore lhe taldng is e�sl ta ot ofeida�ltxrt.ttrR,amouM ¢f the surtts secvred . �.;;.;;.
<br /> ._; �
<br /> by th:s Searr.!Y Instrurr.ent tmm�ds3teSy bdore the tafdng, cNesa Bcrtarser and Len�:er o+.hm+rr�ne ac,�me M wrfUng. �e sums ': :,:;_
<br /> .Y• „ secured 6y th;s Securiy Instrume�t shaif be reduced by tte amaunt o!thct prcceeds mu(t(pfied�.l.4t13 fo�owing fracUon: (a)the �l,,} :'� .
<br /> total arr.o�.1t ot tha sums seared immediatety Oeforo the taldng. d�vidad G�l(d?�''n t�h m�rGe1 vnlun�o!.the Prope�iy immediat2ty .'�t .
<br /> • beture tha tnktng.Any 6alance sh�9 be paid to Bortawer. fn the evens o7 a partial taldng af ths•fl'�nf�,Y��'fiich tAe tair rt�rk6t f y��ti,�
<br /> �� va{ue ot tha WaRety irr.mod'ate.y bd°re the taldng is less thun thr�amarmt ot the sums secured +mmadiafe!'f belore the ta:<ing. +
<br />—'�';-i` 9�, �,,.,..
<br /> mrovrFr an� lender othemise agree in wdting or untecs anpfcah{e lar+ otherwise pnxi'-de�. tR� proceeds shatl bo • ;����,,.;
<br /> - unle3s B , v;,.
<br /> agpIIed to the sums secured by thts Security mtiLumerrt wheth�r cr rtot the sums are then due. f
<br /> . N the Ptopaty is abandoned by Borrotiver. or if. after notice by lenCs�t�Berto�ver that_thr� cendunrtor otters to rrake an ' :'�.f�.:';
<br /> arrard o►seitte a ctalm im damages. BoROwer fails to r�pan�" to Lenddt tivitCin 3d:�duf�i' afte� th�t dats the noUce is �en. �t.�. '.,:_
<br /> Lertdzr is auihadsed to coled end aDP1Y 1he prcceeds,at ita ap6on, eithnr ta• re3tcartlnn or r�ralr at U:e Prcp�ly or to the �¢. �.
<br /> �:�ly;,«<_
<br /> sums se�vred by this Security tnstrument,whether or not tt�nn dua. —
<br /> • Un'�s L2nde� and Barrower othew�fse ar,gee fn w�itla4• eny eGP�iapGan of proceeds to pdndpal shal! not extend or _�,
<br /> � postpulo the due date ot tho monthry paymenta reteRed�tc���taqtaPfrs 1 and 2 or change the amount ot such paymerits. �.��y-_-
<br /> 11.Bor�rewer Not Re1Q3sed: Fot�o�s�st�.ro �}�Lendflr f�lat a Waiver. Extension ot the ume tor paymer�t or .,�:�.;��;,- •
<br /> modllcntio:l ai emoR�atlon o�the sums seaued by 4hla Security inotn:ment yanted Dy lender to any saecessor in interest ot ,�!'�S�(r r:�__..u,r..
<br /> Borrov�er shytl not operate to release the ba6iliSy at ih9 origfn� BcRCm�.ar•8orrower's suecessars in int�est. Lender shap not __ ti;.•.;.: _.
<br /> �' '•.;,..
<br />" be reQutrtrd to eortvnQnce pracEe�in� a48Mrsi �ny snccessor !n intereat,+x•retuse to extend Ume tor payment or athem(se �r�-;.-::_,
<br /> H a��s su�oce�ssors in I teresK. Any tattoiur ncp t 'Lende fit exetclsfig eny tigMeor�emedY shal not bena wai+ter 1 or `., „
<br /> � s o1 an rl ht or remedy. ��{•~��:�.
<br /> �,aGude the exerci e Y 9 _
<br /> � 12. Suocessoro and Asstc�n� Bovnd: .�s�iaii,e.v+d•Snveral L1abllity; Co-stgnors.7he covenants ana B__���—•-
<br /> c
<br /> • a�eements ot this Sacurity Insbument shali 41nd and��3noft tRn suaaorserc and assl�s of Lender end BoROVier,sub;ecl to the �_.� ______
<br /> • �' pro�islans of rysrngraph 17. BoTroweia eflvenotrts 2nd 9precmenta shaU bo jointand�everel. My Ba��w�Igns tA1° --„� .
<br /> �:•t �rs^adry Instru-:�nt but doos not executa thn Nota (a!;n e�-cign!ng th[u�r"„�rity InstrumetA only to mort attd convay .'.::. �'^•�,
<br /> t7s;n: 9o�rovrer's in4zrest in the Propettj undor t1+n lamm ot tfils Secacr;y tnEtrument: (b) fs not personaRy o6ltgatc-0 to�,+thQ ;, .
<br /> s�;rrs secureQ b;� thls Secudty InutntmonZ and (c► agrecs that Lender and arry othar Bortower may acyea to extertrdt:r.�rw3f:�. �'�r'",'pr.�•�
<br /> � .r'1�*`a?�r'?.""�� .
<br /> " �;''r; torbear m m:�:.�m'y accommodations v�Mh ruQ�tr�to the 4ertns of thls Security InsWment or the t1o2e without that Ba�'nw ����.—i �
<br /> ., consent. _ - -
<br /> 13. LOittt ChafgBS. li the loon yecuntd by lhls Sacurity Insbvmsi�& is subject to a lav� v�hi�a sets maxlmum toan __
<br /> �'�argea, and that taw is finafly Intn�preted ao tfiat the mtarest or other laan Charges eo'lected a�to Ee �Ilected in connectlon ____
<br /> . untin the loan exceed tho pe:n:i:tad :Irnitu, tAan: (a)�3n1�•�uoh loan chargo shall be reducEd by tha amount necessary to reduee
<br /> ;:hc� charg9 to tho pertnitted L•rniS; and (4► zny sumn arready coflected irom Borrower wttch exceeded pertnitted timita wf11 be �.
<br /> � '� �`r�p rirs�GT a Bo ower87 (t a etund$reclucnseprindpal, the eductlo,ngwf 1 be treataed es a Pdartal �@eDaSrtRenibwiihoutnany -���_
<br />: ' �y'��zyreC.6 rJ':u'3e undet the Noto. _m ` '
<br /> � ' 14. t�T�tiC89.My rtoG�o ta Comswer Nrooided 1or in lhis Secudty InsWment shall be glvan by dr�vedng H or by malling ii =�___,__�_
<br /> � . '� �J� first dass mail unless appllcablo taw reqaires use o!another method. The noUce shall be direeted to the Property Adsfress _._----___.___
<br /> .� x any other add►ess Bortmvr� dask���ntna by no�tce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shatl be glvcn by ilrst clas� mail to r�� �
<br /> Lend2rs addroas stated hereh ar any olhnr icddress Lender deslgnates by noUce to Bortovier. Any noUce provided for in thls �.�rt.
<br /> ..h:.
<br /> ' Seouriry Instrument shall be dosmad to k:nr��t�een given to Bortower or Lender when glven as provlded in lhls pam�apfi. ���, ,
<br /> • 15. Governing La�n; S�;'�1�s8�0�iNty Thls Secudry Instrument shall be govemed by tedertil lavi and the Iaw ot the . _
<br /> jurisd;ction in which the Propnrh,� � Iocated. In the eveM that any provlsion or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note ,�,�?�'?"' �...,_�
<br /> q��,���
<br /> � confActs with apptieablo law, suuh�:onflicc shall not aflect other provisioas o} thls Securily InsVument or the Note which can be _
<br /> ' given eNect without tho cannet'c.tp�rcviston.To this end the provislons o1 this Securiry Instrument and the Note are deetared to _ ,_ �;,
<br /> . bv severat(e,
<br /> • • 16. Ba('1'C�rJOIr'S Cfltryt�urm��'Kr shall be given one contom:ed copy o1 the Note and o4 thls Security Inswment. ���.���-'
<br /> . . .� �e�.:�
<br /> � ... •.
<br /> . .�•.• _:� __ Paav3o�5 � �_� ' �" ' �_
<br />-.__.-_--:_-_- htl10.LMU IJf�1 ..._._._'...__..
<br /> i91(�) . • .
<br /> ., .. . . ,. . . .. . . ° � . - . .. - , '" - n.` . -_
<br /> ... . . . . ' •. 1i(�..'.-; :_ , � - : . . ,. . � _• . . ' . : .
<br /> ' •. .'1�� . .. .. . _ ... Sa�r�l•:S 't .. � . . . . . . . - . . ' , _. . .. ::1 .+ •
<br />