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<br /> � I�s,�ei�ei�l aiw��rM�t Ire aMe.at fiic liwr�t�ie ieedraliM��d�it.a�i re�i�bte ati�e7s'fEes ar le�k� .,
<br /> � , : M�;iH f..�,w.�ae�±ei�h eMi see�tt_�.�id:.�+(�qv aa�r a ti��.er�s�..l�plb esUtle� :
<br /> ' ' - �. ��l� UP�P�Y��of all weas sacw�ed by this Sa�urity ins�ument.Lendea th�U.request.7ivstee w .
<br /> ' `r000ere�vie Propatg.sod ahill�da�th�Se�votY las�vmau and aIl aaoe.s evidencing deUt sccured by tlus Sec�city ,
<br /> Imtrunteat io'Hv� 'd�tsoee slull:�aonr�y t!��'ropaty w�idjaut w�r�otY and without ch�rEe w khe petsoa or persats
<br /> �.kpfly enFtied io i1. Sach pemoa a pasoas eiWl py any ioca�d�da�ooets.
<br /> . _ ?.�. �'I�r1ea lrendea.�t its optiaa,msY fcom rime w mne mnove'�usaoe�d appaint a sueoessor trusue co
<br /> - j -- -� -
<br /> . m'dtwc+e appoin�ed iwwoda by�n idst�neat��ecaded in dre ooa�nty'in RrTuch tiris Sa�aity InstrumeAt is recordcd. -
<br /> � •=Yf�;�oi�t oonveyaoce of d�e�oQaty.the suooas�uusta�li suoaed'to�li the titiw powa and�uties rnofa�o� upon
<br /> 'ltmtee liaein#nd b�F�pp�'�sbk 4w- � :
<br /> ZI► �egrat 1br 1Wticea Harru�rer t+equests th�t copies of tlie notices of def�ult and sak 6e arnc w Ban+nwer'k add�ess
<br /> , wl�ib6 is die Plopacy AddKSS. � . _ — -
<br /> �. �. Ridees M tlas Seauilf Tm�liqsea�. If oae or mae riders�re exavted by Barm�res aod tecorded u�getbe�with ' _
<br /> dsi�$ecarity L�struo�aM.du cavdarw aad ap�eanaKs of eacb sucli rider shsU ba incu�porated into a�w#s6�U'Bnor�d�nd
<br /> ` wppie�aea�t d�e o�avea�ots aod�of tbu Secwlty L�saiunrnt ss if tbe rideiis)wrn a p�rt of this Sec�uitg I�ttumea� ,
<br /> �e�eck�pptiablabaxtes)I � , . �
<br /> , . . .a Ad�c�k Rate gider �Co�o�nium Ride► �1-4 Fanu7x Rider , � _
<br /> aCradualod paynrent Rider �Plannod Unit Develupnxnt Rider �Biwakly P�yment Ricler
<br /> �g��R� �Rate Imp�rivert�ent Rider, �SecoiM Hanc Bidet .
<br /> -- -- - 1��3'�-- - ._ _ _ ------ - -
<br /> � BY SIGNIrT(3 BElA�1V,Bai¢wer�ccePts and aBKes to the terms and cover�ants contained in tdis Security insaument
<br /> gad in sny ridMs)execvted hy Be�riiwer and cecor+ded_with it , , ` .
<br /> � � (Sea1)
<br /> RRY D J ' '�0101"°'
<br /> . . Social rity Num 06-34- 345
<br /> i� . .. .
<br /> � � (Seal)
<br /> BARBARA A JONES � •9ortowa
<br /> � � Social Security Namber 50?-�0-1404
<br /> STATE OF I�EBRASKA, HqlL County ss:
<br /> ���s 23trd �Y pf June. 1992 - .before me.the undersigned.a Notary Pubtic
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified fv�said county.personaUy caaie JERRY 0 JONES AND BARBARA A JONES .
<br /> �t)''�BAt� AND {i1FE . .to me ktavm to ba the
<br /> idaiHcal persan.s(s�R�ose name(sy are subscribed to.the foregoing ir�stnrment and aclrnowtedged the eaecution thereof to
<br /> �_ their voluntaryac��.zddeed.
<br /> Witness my ha��d and tiotariaE�xa1 at � D 1 SI.AND , in snid wunty.the
<br /> • date afo�esaid.
<br /> �������rf*I Nutuy Public
<br /> „N �.11�D R TA L REEO
<br /> � --- --- �l�I1r30.1lSI REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> '1Tie undersigaed is the hold�r of the nate or notes secured by this Oeed of 7ivst. Sald note ot notes.togeiher with all
<br /> other indebttdness secured by tfis Deed oP 71vst,have been p�,i ia full. You are hereby ditected to cancel said note or notes
<br /> a'nd this Deed of�,which are delivered hereby.and to reconvey,without wamanty,all the estate naw held by you under
<br /> ttils Deed of 7tust to c�e petson ar persons legalty entitled thereto.
<br /> Duo:
<br /> farw312s �lf� (pnRebaJbpaRal
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